I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would shape us into better intercessors. Help us to be fully reliant on You as we pray for our nation and the people around us.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In an interview with Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes, IFA President Dave Kubal explained what an intercessor is and how to intercede well.

From The Western Journal. Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes, hosted a candid conversation with Dave Kubal, president ofĀ Intercessors for America, about the power of prayer and the acceleration of people gathering together to pray and act on behalf of our nation in the last few years….

Watch the full conversationĀ here.

At My Faith Votes, we believe weā€™ve got nothing to stand on if we are not seeking God in prayer. Intercessors for America operates by the same principle. What does it mean to be an intercessor?

Throughout history, mankind has reached out to God in prayer, regardless of location, gender or age. A recent GallupĀ poll showed that over 70 percent of Americans pray regularly….

Prayer and intercession are both excellent ways to communicate with God. Prayer, in part, is when you come before God with your needs. Intercession is when you come before God on behalf of someone else or a group of people….

What are your strategies for effective intercession?

We need to pray in community. We find that of the hundreds of thousands of intercessors we work with, many feel lonely and discouraged. Praying in community alleviates that pain. My Faith Votes understands this, and thatā€™s why you host prayer calls….

Effective intercession also requires relying on the promises of God. God placed promises for nations inĀ Scripture, so we donā€™t have to wonder about whether or not God wants godly leadership.

The older I get, the fewer words I use in prayer. I spend more time in silence before the Lord, listening. I donā€™t hear the audible voice of God, but I feel his Holy Spirit touch my spirit and lead and guide me….

Tell us about your work in Ukraine and how people can partner with you.

A couple of years ago, God connected us with some leaders withinĀ Ukraine. They came to us with the desire to start Intercessors for Ukraine. They believe that the current conflict is in large part a spiritual battle. They pray for awakening and revival regardless of the warā€™s outcome, even amid this unprovoked aggression from President Putin.

To support the church there, we are partnering with organizations here in the U.S. to send 1 million meals to the Ukrainian people….

As Christians, we must unite in our faith. We can have disagreements about the secondary issues, but we must elevate and stand firm on the primary issues.

What did you think about this interview? How are you praying for our nation? Share your thoughts and prayers in the comments.

(Excerpt from The Western Journal. Photo Credit: My Faith Votes)

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May 1, 2022

Tried to send a message to the state officials of New Jersey in election integrity. Would not be sent stating the message was too long.
We need honest elections!!

Joan Lemoine
April 30, 2022

I thank God that prayer is being brought back into our schools. Satan and the satanic temples are under my feet. In the name of Jesus they are defeated in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen

Elizabeth Lehr
April 30, 2022

Yes, Lord give us hearts that seek you in everything and obedient to Your Will. Change our hearts, search our hearts and to have hearts after you. Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit!

April 30, 2022

I firmly agree for the need for intercession in today’s tumultuous world. Right is wrong, and wrong is right. Crying out to almighty God is both the greatest privilige and biggest responsibility that we have . It is also the greatest weapon that we have against the Ungodly, depraved state of morality in today’s world. As children of God, we need to cry out in unity, fervently, and often. Lord, please wake us up to the necessity to pray in community . In Jesus’ name.

Toni Kushner
April 30, 2022

I have been an intercessor for many years and there was a time when I did feel alone, but the Holy Spirit has given me the wisdom to keep my ear and focus upon Jesus. As I became connected with IFA it has been an encouragement, blessing and confirmation of what God is doing. This is important that an intercessor is encouraged to know there are many doing what I do and have a heart for prayer, serving the Body of Christ as Gap Standers. Thank you IFA for all you do to keep us prepared and assist us in our prayers. God Bless you all

Kim Dillon
April 30, 2022

Thank you Daddy God and Jesus for Your Mighty Man Dave Kabul.

Ruth L
April 30, 2022

Thank you and praise God for the blessings and opportunity to be a part of this God ordained ministry in praying for local issues, interstate and overseas . Please keep Australia in your prayers, 3 weeks today we have our Federal election . It is heavy on my heart . With love & prayers Ruth

    April 30, 2022

    Will keep Australia and your election in my prayers, Ruth; God bless!

      Ruth L
      May 1, 2022

      Thank you Julie & Susan, and others who are praying for Australia, I value your prayers , as we seek the Lord. Psalm 91
      We need to support each other in prayer , Ruth
      I value the input Dave puts in , seeking the Lord for guidance, and hearing the Holy Spirit for direction.

    Susan CC
    April 30, 2022

    Dear Ruth, I believe you have been entrusted to Jesus by our Father in Heaven. Jesus says, ā€œCome to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.ā€ā€¦ I am praying with you and all the faithful of Australia. May God honor your heart’s desire.

April 30, 2022

Thank you for the work you are doing & for leading us out in prayer. Blessings !

Susan CC
April 30, 2022

“The older I get, the fewer words I use in prayer. I spend more time in silence before the Lord, listening.”

Dear Abba Father, thank You for the life of Dave Kubal. He is Your man, living to do You will, and encouraging others to do likewise You are nurturing his spirit, You are building him up from the inside out and we who join him in prayer, are being nurtured in the same Spirit of Truth. I pray today we are united in Your Spirit. I pray tomorrow we are united in You Spirit. I pray in all of our days You unite us in our spirit. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us. I thank You Father. I thank You Jesus. I thank You Holy Spirit. Amen

Nancy Rife
April 30, 2022

Lord, You said Your people would be willing volunteers in the day of battle! We called them forth now, to raise their voices in prayer and worship to You, praying with all prayer and supplication in Your Holy Spirit! You have promised that if we will humble ourselves and pray, You will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land! Thank You, Father, for Your promises – all of them are yes and amen in Jesus!

Bob Huseby
April 30, 2022

Father thank you for all the evil Kings you have allowed to be in power around our world today . Like Daniel this has driven us to our knees to seek your intervention. And indeed you are !!! I see United intercession exploding exponentially all th way around our globe . The battles are raging and th victory is ours !!!! In Jesus name Hallelujah

Paula Acker
April 30, 2022

I wholeheartedly agree with Dave’s comment about less speaking and more listening in prayer. The time has come for all Believers to press into Jesus’ example and “only do what we see our Father doing.”


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Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible.

Dave Kubal
IFA President
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