I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help the GOP and America. Keep pro-life politicians strong, and make us a nation that always chooses life.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Abortion is proving to be an exceptionally difficult issue for Republicans, and many are choosing to distance themselves from the pro-life movement. How will this affect not just November, but the future of our nation? This article from Politico does a good job explaining what’s at stake.

From POLITICO. First came the Florida state Supreme Court decision allowing a six-week abortion ban to go forward. Then, it was Arizonaā€™s state Supreme Court bombshell decision restoring an 1864 law effectively banning all abortions, with exceptions only for the life of the mother.

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Not long after Donald Trump said the issue should be left to the states, the GOP was reeling Wednesday from the fallout …

Trump conceded Wednesday the two rulings posed problems for the party, telling reporters in Atlanta that the Arizona decision went too far.

ā€œFlorida is probably going to change,ā€ he said. ā€œArizona is definitely going to change, everybody wants that to happen.ā€ Later, at a Chick-fil-A, Trump would not take a definitive position when asked whether physicians should be punished for administering abortions.

ā€œLet that be to the states,ā€ he said. ā€œEverything weā€™re doing now is states, and statesā€™ rights.ā€

The one-two punch of both Sun Belt decisions will have seismic implications for campaigns up and down the ballot in the run-up to November, and Republicans were scrambling to contain the fallout by distancing themselves from an issue that still animates whole swaths of the GOP. …

The issue shows no signs of fading ā€” and not just in Arizona. In Florida, voters will have a chance to overturn a six-week banĀ this fall with a ballot initiative. In Nevada and Montana, home to other competitive Senate seats, activists are actively trying to get similar measures in front of voters for November, driving turnout that could help Democrats at the top of the ticket.

That all is putting abortion rights ā€” a winning issue for Democrats in the 2022 midterms ā€” front-and-center in a handful of battleground states that are poised to have initiatives protecting access to the procedure on the ballot. That includes Arizona, where organizers said they have collected well above the necessary signatures to qualify for the ballot, giving voters the opportunity to override the ban. …

In Florida, the court also triggered a six-week abortion ban that will become law on May 1, just six months before the general election. …

Republican leaders, for their part, know there isnā€™t much of an advantage in avoiding the topic, and are urging candidates to lean into talking about abortion. Last month, the National Republican Campaign CommitteeĀ issued guidanceĀ urging candidates not to shy away from talking about their position. And Montana Sen.Ā Steve Daines, who leads the National Republican Senatorial Committee,Ā praised Trumpā€™s positionĀ of leaving it up to the states.

But if Republicans are talking about abortion, they are also moving swiftly to distance themselves from the hardest-line positions on the issue, with those running for Senate in political battlegrounds, including Dave McCormick of Pennsylvania and Sam Brown of Nevada, aligning themselves with Trumpā€™s message that abortion will be left up to the states. …

… Arizona has emerged as a new battleground. Itā€™s a major prize for the party and one that they are desperate to retain after it went for President Joe Biden in 2020. Democrats have also captured Senate seats there in 2022 and 2018. And some Republican strategists in the state saw the court decision there as a major setback. …

Within minutes of the abortion ruling, Arizona GOP Senate hopeful Kari Lake reaffirmed her opposition to a federal abortion ban and swing-seat Republican Rep. Juan Ciscomani, who has also said the decision should be left to the states, called the law ā€œarchaic.ā€ …

Democrats were quick to note that Lakeā€™s position is a reversal of her earlier stance on the 1864 territorial era law, calling it ā€œĀ a great law.ā€ …

No matter how politicians feel about abortion, we know that God will never abandon the unborn and neither will IFA.

(Excerpt from POLITICO. Photo Credit: Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash)

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Angela Nicholas
April 20, 2024

In the last days, men will call evil good and good evil, including the murder of the innocent, unfortunately adrenic chrome, which is the blood of screaming children is more valuable than gold, and the biggest drug to the demonic entities save the children from the God, who is just a human crafting organization that makes kids disappear into God knows what God expose every evil lying demonic strategy against our children and protect them put a conviction that shown murder in the heart of your people give them a zeal for life again, and for the lives of others may be a nation that uphold the unborn and protect the unborn rights as God would have us to . Those who have had an abortion repent and return to the Lord. May abortion clinics close in Jesus name may people quit having unwanted unmerited, unprotected sex, producing life, and then killing it as a firm form of birth control because they don’t wanna deal with convict to choose something other than abortion even adoption over murder As many cannot even have children of their own
I asked that you break down the demonic strategies of the adoption process that you would make it a quick easy smooth process for good God-fearing people that cannot have children to adopt these children, swiftly and quickly, and bring them into God-fearing loving homes. Break our heart for what breaks yours God . Convict this evil to stop in Jesus name . The Lord made every image in his image. May we look to see the Lourdes image and every person he created and gave life to and realize the preciousness and beauty of it.

April 14, 2024

Father, praying that You will work in the hearts of people to know that life begins at conception! May they be awakened to their own gift of life that You gave to them! Bring a spirit of conviction, repentance and forgiveness in this nation, to desire the life in the womb to live and not be killed by the hands of the Dr. or an abortion pill. May more states be like Arizona and promote the lives of babies. I pray that MI law will be reversed, our proposal 3 was filled with lies, and the enemy won this, yet we will not stand for the injustice in this state! In Jesus name.

Tom Muldoon
April 13, 2024

In the Book of Revelation Jesus says, “Let the one who does wrong still do wrong; and let the one who is filthy still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous still practice righteousness; and let the one who is holy still keep himself holy.,,, Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done….”
— Revelation 22: 11-12
I don’t know that we can prevent every abortion, but (and I preach to myself here) if we truly believe Jesus, we will live with an eye to eternity and be salt and light in a dark and stinking world.

April 13, 2024

I’m officially done with Trump and his wishy-washy non-commitment on abortion.. and the same with his cowardice around confessing his big mistake with the poison Jab.

It’s only going to take a very short amount of time Hereafter and America is going to bury herself in the Sin of murdering innocent babies.. and all the women that are crowing on here about women’s health and other mistaken Concepts are going to have to answer to their maker. As Pastor Jack Hibbs said- the number one issue with God Almighty is the preservation of life.

    April 14, 2024

    Congratulations on leaving the cult; learn not to judge now

    Truth Telling Men
    April 14, 2024

    Go advocate against the death penalty too, it is just as immoral.

Virginia Fericy
April 13, 2024

There will always be abortion but now many women will die because they will not be able to receive medical treatment

    April 13, 2024

    Your 100% correct! This will also push women out of the church.

      April 13, 2024

      Then those women were never IN the church

        Truth Telling Men
        April 14, 2024

        Our church is pro-life!
        We believe in protecting our wives & daughters! We love them & trust THEY & THEIR PHYSICIANS AND GOD, know what is best for them!

          April 14, 2024

          If a woman is truly having a “life threatening” emergency involving her pregnancy, then she should either see her physician or go the emergency room NOT an abortion clinic where they are ill equipped to handle a life threatening emergency! Lord, please open the eyes of the multitude of people who believe, falsely, that an abortion, in an abortion clinic, will save the life of a mother. At that point it is being used as birth control and the only thing they are being saved from is embarrassment of the pregnancy. Lord, I repent for myself and this nation that we are not stopping the slaughter of the most innocent of lives. Please give us the courage to stand against this. In Jesus most holy name. Amen.

        Sara S.
        April 14, 2024

        Educated Christians, understand in 2024, the importance of science, medicine/maternal care etc. Most folks in our church are mortified that old people want to strip rights from younger generations & put their lives at risk! That is SINFUL!
        NOBODY IS FALLING FOR IT! We can be CHRISTIAN and PRO CHOICE! Besides we have yet to see so called Christians/Republicans do anything constructive to help women!
        God let’s women choose!

          Mary McNeath
          April 17, 2024

          If a woman does not the want the baby that is fine but you don’t have to kill the baby. There are a lot of women who are not able to have a baby. They would be willing to adopt a baby .

Marianne Allen
April 13, 2024

Father, In Your Book, Abortion is sin. Give your people strength to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Help them be like Jesus, full of grace n truth to draw all people to the saving power of walking the road of the cross.

    No more lies
    April 14, 2024

    The bible makes no indication of that.

      Pamela C
      April 14, 2024

      God has said, ā€œYou shall not killā€ and ā€œBefore I formed you I knew youā€ and ā€œI knit you together in your motherā€™s womb.ā€ The Bible indeed speaks to this matter of abortion which is killing a baby in a motherā€™s womb. God has indeed said. When you stand before Him some day you are free to argue the matter with Him.

Mari Williams
April 13, 2024

As for the pro-abortion supporters:
The old adage: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
Or More importantly:
The Holy Bible tells us: “A man reaps what he sows.”
You reap what you sow. More than you sow. Later than you sow:
The torturous agonizing pain you are inflicting on that innocent little baby being formed in its mother’s womb may well be your agonizing death pains one day.
Think on these things.

April 13, 2024

Thank GOD for the teenage girl who chose life for her little tiny baby instead of abortion! There is no way to express the joy that was mine when that sweet little baby became my newest grandchild. I absolutely adore him! He he now in school and doing so well. He is so intelligent! He is going to be a fine man, that’s for sure, and only GOD knows what he will accomplish in his life. Wherever you are young lady, may GOD richly bless you. You endured nine difficult months I am sure, but you have given a whole lifetime of happiness to your baby boy and the family who love him so much.

Grant Windholz
April 13, 2024

Yes, pro-life politicians are everything! Do not murder! It’s written in stone with the Ten Commandments! The fear of the Lord God Almighty is everything šŸ™! Our country has obviously gone insane. Keep your eyes on Christ, because He is our only answer to problems and chaos we personally experience!

April 13, 2024

In ’20 and ’22 those who stood firm against abortion won. Those who didn’t lost. The GOP is afraid of its own shadow. They don’t want to stand on principle. A bay is a baby no matter how small.

Zoe Ella
April 13, 2024

One problem is that we have only two political parties, one which seems to be in favor of killing most unborn babies at any time, promoting unlimited sex (conception) without responsibility, and tacitly approving violence to enforce this position. We have another party afraid of not being elected because they oppose the first party’s position.
What about third parties – independent candidates? There are one major contender and several lesser contenders in the process of getting on the ballot (in the process because the first two parties don’t want them there.) Perhaps we need to assist independents in getting onto the ballot (mostly petition signing) and then working with independent candidates to find positions that are more pro-life and supportable.
Or, do we just stand back and let an abortion tsunami consume us?

    April 13, 2024

    Looks like it’s going to be RFKjr..do not know of any other choices

Iris Butler
April 13, 2024

Jesus, HELPā£ļø we ask for wisdom & discernment, & praise You that You are the same yesterday, today & forever. Change hearts & lives to You, because THAT’S what is going to change & remove the abortion arguments, protect babies & bring a Great Greater Awakeningā£ļø Only YOU Holy Spirit have that power. You can do in seconds what we couldn’t do in a lifetimeā¤ļøā¤ļø

    April 13, 2024

    Just before I read your prayer response, Iris, I was prayerfully considering this situation. I noticed when the law was changed by the Supreme Court, the whole land of Bible believing Christians were Rejoicing & Praising God for what certainly seemed to be a Victory; but our whole land of unbelievers were in huge hatefulness and extreme rebellion over this. Yes, we know that comes from the enemy. Even so called Christians that I know were furious with me because I spoke to someone asking what I thought about it all. I said we can’t be murdering our babies. That is an abomination to God. One elderly lady went ballistic on me, attacking me for saying such a thing. I was stunned. She is my neighbor and claims to be a Christian. It is apparent that we can’t legislate Righteousness and Holiness; and put them in the hearts of people by legislation. People who are bent on this evil will find crazy ways to accomplish their goal. This is heart rending. People began to go to great lengths to get abortions, in spite of the new ruling. I was astonished and prayerful; shaking my head in Wonder over this. Your prayer is perfect up above this reply. Only YOU, LORD can do the Perfect work in people’s hearts and lives, and cause them to see the Truth about abortion. I don’t think I have ever seen such tangled thinking over any issue. We need to keep praying for the younger generation in particular, and keep on teaching and teaching the Truth. We break the lies of the enemy over the hearts and minds of the people, by the Power of God’s Holy Spirit. We loose the people to the TRUTH of God’s Word. We loose them to conviction of sin, of judgment and Righteous. Open their eyes LORD. May they SEE JESUS. We cry out for a Returning to God’s Word in our Land, and a returning to the True JESUS and our Savior. Thank YOU, LORD, for hearing our cry over the attitudes in hearts and minds of people.

    I have also been praying for Israel in this same regard to abortion as well. It is very acceptable in Israel to get an abortion….far worse than in America. I was stunned to learn this information. Tree of Life Ministries to Israel and in Israel is doing Gospel ministry in many ways in Israel; including teaching the truth there about abortion, and supporting those who are pregnant is one of their missions. Lord, I pray for both countries to come into alignment with YOUR Holy Spirit. In JESUS’ NAME. AMEN.

Brian Lynch
April 13, 2024

lLord Jesus, we come boldly to your throne of grace. We cry out to you. Please, by Your great love, make a way for all of our elected officials, and all people who work in the abortion industry to see what You would have them do. Please bring their desires in line with Your desires regarding abortion. Thank You, Jesus.

Neil J Sogge
April 13, 2024

Lord, slavery was the issue at hand a century and a half ago. Now, we are dealing with abortion and so-called abortion rights. Help us to have conviction, confidence, and forthrightness about our position, to be willing to take the issue against the abortionists. It is more than a state-rights issue; it involves the dignity of life itself. Help pro-life politicians not to be reticent but to stand up hard against the leftists, just as Governor Ron DeSantis did in Florida. If we can make our case clearly that we are dealing with lives and show the evil extreme of the leftist position, we can have hope the populace will receive and digest it and vote for life. Lord, we be more determined warriors than the pro-abortionists. May hearts be changed, and lives be valued and saved. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Marianne Allen
    April 13, 2024

    Hurray! God, please raise up another Wilburforce!

Charlotte J. Kolzow
April 13, 2024

God HATES murder (the taking of human life for any reason except if a person kills another human being). When we legalize the killing of pre-born children THAT IS MURDER.
The definition is NOT ours to make!!

April 13, 2024

Dear Lord, abolish abortion in fifty states. Like the confusion of slavery, I trust that American people will turn around and come to the same conclusions that lives are sacred and abortion is like commiting manslaughter towards most vulnerable people though unseen! In Jesus name I pray

April 13, 2024

Before I say what Iā€™m going to say about President Trump, my position is that I am completely pro-life. I stand with the Arizona law. I used to think abortion was OK for rape and incest, but if itā€™s a human life at conception then itā€™s a human life, and even early on in a womanā€™s pregnancy she knows if she can have a child or not so late term abortion is not right-and if you do find out later on in a pregnancy that you canā€™t carry it to term, then you can have a cesarean and let the child LIVE! You donā€™t kill it just because the child needs to be removed for the life of the mother!! It must be allowed to live and thrive!! Cā€™mon, people know this and it doesnā€™t even need said-itā€™s just plain evil!
I could even go on about IVF here where yes itā€™s fine to want to try to conceive and have a family, but whatā€™s wrong for one thing has to be wrong for another and what some are not acknowledging is the fact that Life at conception goes for the IVF embryos in limbo too. Before this became a front issue, I always stood with the Catholic Church (even though Iā€™m not Catholic) on this issue. You canā€™t say life begins at conception and then turn around and act like itā€™s not wrong (or ignore the fact) that embryos just stay in limbo forever. I assume many eggs are fertilized for gaining more chances to have a child to be conceived but it isnā€™t right for the rest that stay in limbo. If it could be that you could just do it with one or two or even three eggs and then go on to have twins and triplets (or however many-Iā€™m not saying everybody needs to be having multiple kids at once but my point is is that you would have to be willing to try to have however many you conceived and even that at a certain point isnā€™t right either as their development could be adversely affected and numerous other adverse effects) but if it could be only like that with parents willing to have the children SAFELY then I guess I wouldnā€™t have a problem with it. I may not understand enough about it but I know that the embryos being in limbo forever is not right. You canā€™t have it both ways.

The problem is we as people want what we want and thatā€™s that and we then pick and choose (all of us do this to one degree or another at times) and you just canā€™t do it and be on the right side of things. Thatā€™s the harsh reality.

All of this being said, Iā€™m not happy with President Trumpā€™s recent comments about Arizona. He just got done saying earlier in the week how itā€™s up to the States. You canā€™t then turn around and say somethingā€™s going to be done about Arizona-thatā€™s wrong! If you say itā€™s up to the States then itā€™s up to the States.
However, I get the problem that the Republicans have here: some super hardline Republicans like Doug Mastriano in my state of Pennsylvania have the position that all abortion is off the table-all of it even life of the mother. Iā€™m not even for that (I already explained my position above on how that is to be handled).
If you get others who go that hardline then Republicans will lose and then weā€™ll lose ALL the ground weā€™ve gained in the pro life movement-which was mostly from Trump being in office to his great credit-and ultimately Godā€™s credit for putting him in office as such a time as this. So I get why theyā€™re (those taking the ā€œup to the Statesā€ position) talking the way theyā€™re talking. I guess legally that is the way the constitution would have it as I understand it although I donā€™t think itā€™s right. If itā€™s wrong, itā€™s wrong, no matter what state it happens in-but even though I may not agree with it, if we lose, then we will lose all our ground that we HAVE gained and thatā€™s what Republicans are thinking Iā€™m sure and hence the party line on this.
But if there is a party line on this, then stick to it and not come against a state for wanting to be strict. They should be congratulated, but obviously the best thing right now would be not to so we donā€™t get a firestorm going. Just be matter of fact for now. President Trump when asked about Arizona just shouldā€™ve said it is up to the states-period. But of course, he doesnā€™t want Kari Lake to lose so he commented. But that was going too far saying what he said about it getting straightened out or words to that effect. And if heā€™s going to start getting too weak on it, then thatā€™s not good, so I hope he doesnā€™t and if anyone has his ear thatā€™s reading this, I hope this gets conveyed to him. Iā€™m not taking the view of Mike Pence either because I certainly donā€™t agree with him and the way he has been towards Trump-I wonā€™t get into all that. My point in all of this is that I understand the other things being said as this does need handled very carefully where we donā€™t look like weā€™re backing down, but at the same time donā€™t end up looking like the hard liners like mentioned before because thatā€™s not going to go down with people-itā€™ll end up turning, and then weā€™re going to end up with Biden and all of his hideous cronies and the country will be cooked. Thatā€™s all there is to it.

Look, today Israel is under threat from Iran. Anything could be happening. We need Trump in office if the Lord is going to tarry, because this could be turning to a big war fast.

In agreement with prayers here on IFA

Allena Jordan
April 13, 2024

Father, it is my request from You that this battle is fought on a different platform: a platform of Life, honoring life at every stage and age. Work on the hearts and minds of every citizen of this country. Cause each citizen to value life in the womb, life as an infant, toddler, child, teen, young adult, middle-aged adult, older adult, the aged, the infirm, the mentally and physically challenged. Every life has worth, including the pre-born. Father, only You can bring about this change. Do it for the sake and glory of Your Son, Jesus the Christ, our Messiah and Redeemer. Oh save us, Lord. Amen.


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