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Father, restore common sense and a love for truth in our leaders. Do not allow them to continue this embrace of deception and lies. We need a revival of courage and truth on the issue of sexuality Lord!
Reading Time: < 1 minute

This story continues a troubling trend of top leaders bowing to the LGBT lies about sexuality and gender. We need courage and conviction to stand up to these radical lies. No wonder these ideas are infiltrating our schools if leaders can’t even denounce them. 

From Daily Caller. Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert asked [Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier] Becerra to define the term “man,” to which the secretary replied she was “looking at one.” His answer then prompted the Colorado representative to ask the HHS secretary on whether men can get pregnant.

“Unless you know something I don’t, I think the answer’s pretty obvious,” Becerra said.

“What is that answer, sir?” she pressed….

“I’m not aware of it,” Becerra answered.

Boebert then asked about Becerra previously calling mothers “birthing persons” in his department’s materials.

“Are mothers not persons?” he answered.

“Mothers are persons but it seems to be more inclusive, like you’re trying to include another gender in that,” she said, to which Becerra replied he is “all about inclusion….”

Traditional gendered terms have come under dispute in recent years with the rise of gender ideology….

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(Excerpt from Daily Caller. Photo Credit: freestocks on Unsplash)

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Darlene Estlow
April 10, 2022

Father, turn this evil around to embrace your truth. I pray that you would bring leaders to our country that would acknowledge your rule and the truth about gender and sexuality.


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