I Prayed have prayed
God, thank You that You are the God of all comfort and that You enable us to comfort us with the comfort we have received from You.
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Yesterday we heard from the spouse of an intercessor that she had passed away from COVID-19. We are so deeply sorry for his loss and we are praying for him, as we know you will be too.

Have you been infected with COVID-19? We want to hear your story and pray for you too.

Please leave a comment and share with us.

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Gail Cutting
April 10, 2020

My heart goes out to all who suffer with the effects of this virus. Let us please please please take care of ourselves….stop smoking, eat live foods, cleanse our internal organs with detox herbal regime. Our immune health is of utmost important for combating ALL disease. We may need high doses of Vits A, C and D to bring up our health, along with healing herbs. Please, people, follow God’s food and hygene laws: wash hands before eating, don’t eat swine flesh, don’t eat shell fish, stay away from people who have infectious disease. This too shall pass.

April 10, 2020

My sister in law lost her father in PA due to the virus. My Supervisor at work has tested positive. I know people who have lost peers in their workplace and who have extended family currently in the hospital with it. I live in Michigan. The impact to families- not being able to be with their sick loved ones in the hospital and not being able to gather for a funeral when they die- It’s very painful. It is also hard on a coworker’s husband who is an EMT because the way he is allowed to offer help in emergencies is severely impacted. It is making him tearful before he even goes to work because he feels that he can’t save lives and offer hope in situations that he normally would. Pray for our emergency workers.

April 9, 2020

My niece, 62 years old, passed away this Tuesday from the virus. She was very sick for two weeks and the doctor advised her to stay home and quarantine herself, drink plenty of fluids. She did have other health issues, e.g., diabetes and high blood pressure. She lived with her mother, my sister in law in Bergen County, North Jersey. My niece was so sick that she was not able to stand in the long line at the testing site. Now my sister in law and two other daughters will need to be tested. I still kept in contact with my former in laws and they still considered me part of their family. Myy sister in law had just called me a few days before her daughter died. We even talked about the last days mentioned in Revelation. I thank God for my church family praying for my former in laws and family. THen my niece passed away a few days later. I thank God for the opportunity to be able to encourage them in the Lord in the days ahead.

April 9, 2020

Many in my family and others here in California have experienced symptoms similar to the Corona virus months ago. Very agressive symptoms and overcame them and I am 71 years old (good immune system). I read that last year hundreds if not thousands of people from China came to California. It is postulated that many of our citizens got the virus and survived and that is why our numbers aren’t as bad as New York because we have the antibodies.

April 9, 2020

We grieve with this spouse and pray God will comfort this family.

Bill Patterson
April 9, 2020

Both my wife and I are Covid 19 survivors. After battling through 12-14 days of fever (and cough for me) – we came out victorious. It was definitely a difficult time – but we thankfully weren’t sick at the same time, so we were caregivers – serving and PRAYING when the other was sick. Praise God for a church family that took care of our needs. And praise God that our 21 year old daughter didn’t get the virus (or show any signs if she did). Great story: When my doctor called to tell me I had tested positive – he asked if he could pray for me. Through tears, I said “of course”. It was the most wonderful prayer for both me and my wife. I later thanked him and told him he will never know the impact he has made on this side of Heaven. I’ve told many people (who have told many others) – and it has opened up the door for additional spiritual conversations. Praise God for all that has happened. Romans 8:28!

    April 9, 2020

    Thatā€™s an incredible story. Thank you for sharing. Praise God for this good outcome for you and your wife.

    April 9, 2020

    Praise Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for this healing and the truth of him making all things working together for good!! Thank you for sharing your testimony of overcoming! The hope and healing that overtook the plans of the enemy, will influence far greater numbers of people, invading the camp of the enemy and bringing a harvest of souls. Your prayers are uniquely powerful for everyone you know and everyone in the entire world to overcome everything the enemy is bringing. Praise his holy namešŸ˜‡

    Carmen Gonzalez
    April 13, 2020

    Admire your courage and testimony of Faith and giving God all the Glory.
    Now God will use you both to describe and prepare others who are new to the virus. and teach them how to pray for Gods will to be done in he world and in their bodies. Amen and Amen.

Emma Van Iwaarden
April 9, 2020

No, I live in Utah and know no one who has been infected. My husband and I have been involved in several Prayer/intercession times for the nation and for families


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