Has Prayer Failed Us?
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Has Prayer Failed Us?
I once read a quote by Rees Howell that I found mysterious: “Prayer has failed us; intercession alone will bring us through.”
“Prayer has failed us.” Isn’t that an interesting statement? Some days it does appear that the prayers for our nation are going unanswered, even with hundreds of thousands praying daily. Since 2016, there has been a growing passion to pray for America, and IFA now has prayer groups in every state and also in some territories of the United States. And yet, we still see a rapidly increasing LGBTQ population among America’s youth; decreasing numbers of church attenders; a rise in drug use and addiction; throngs illegally crossing our border; lawfare being waged against political candidates, and more. Could it be that we need to move from a place of prayer to a deep place of intercession?
Do you realize there is a profound difference between prayer and intercession? It’s true.
The Old Testament talks about both prayer and intercession. Prayer is presented as a means for the common man to bring requests before God. But intercession in the Old Testament was completely different. Intercession was a means of interacting with God, one reserved for a select few entrusted with the critical task of standing between God and His divine purposes for a person or nation. These intercessors knew God’s heart and man’s need.
Let’s look at one of the most treasured verses in the Bible with a view to understanding the difference between prayer and intercession:
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26).
This verse explains that the Holy Spirit provides the opportunity for us to be involved in intercession. Intercession is now for the common man. This was a mind-blowing concept to the religious class of Paul’s day. The religious leaders of that day were supposed to be the only ones who could stand between God and the people. This fact gave them job security, authority, and a sense of worth. But in Romans, Paul’s theological treatise, he blows away this exclusivity when he says that the Spirit makes intercession with us as we “groan.” The root word for intercession literally means to “hit the mark.”
Putting all this together helps us understand intercession as a consultation process in order to hit the mark of what God desires for a person, a situation, a nation.
To correctly understand the Greek word for intercession — entugchano — is to understand it as a consultation process, a process in which two parties cooperate with each other. In intercession, one party comes looking for advice, and the other party gives it. We don’t so much intercede as enter into an intercession process.
There are specific differences between prayer and intercession.
- Prayer relates to God’s permissive will. Intercession relates to God’s perfect will.
- Prayer deals with circumstances. Intercession deals with divine purposes.
- Prayer involves a list. Intercession involves listening.
As president of Intercessors for America, I’m often told by praying Christians: “I am not an intercessor.” There seems to be some sense of mystery or of special calling associated with the term — but actually, anyone can be an intercessor! Here’s what it means to be an intercessor:
- Seek first to understand the heart of God in a matter.
- Prioritize listening to the Holy Spirit before speaking.
- See yourself as a vital instrument cooperating with God to release His perfect will.
- Humbly come before God desiring to “hit the mark” by cooperating with Him.
- Ask the Lord this question: “What are Your divine purposes for this person, for this nation?”
- Sit at the intersection between God’s divine will and the needs of men, crying out for His will to be done.
Now we can understand why Rees Howell would say: “Prayer has failed us; intercession alone will bring us through.”
Does God have a good future for our nation? Yes, absolutely!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
God has a plan for our nation — a future that is good. That plan includes our intercession. Our part is to seek God, lay hold of His plan, and then intercede until we see that plan unfold and come to fruition. Prayer is good and needful, but there are times when intercession is required. This is such a time. May God lead us into a place of deep intercession, a place of travail, where we lay hold of His plan and His purpose for our nation.
Holy Spirit, lead us to that place, we pray. Amen.
As you ask the Lord about His purposes for America, what is He revealing? Share with us below.
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Allow me to point out some weaknesses in your article.
FIRST, you fail to support with Scripture the alleged distinctions you make between prayer and intercession. Why? Because there is no supporting Scripture.. In actuality, intercession is not different from prayer; it’s rather one aspect of prayer.
ANOTHER THING — you quote Jeremiah 29:11 as if it applies to you, us, America. it was addressed to OT Jews. What right do you (or anyone else) have to take it out of context this way?
THIRDLY, it is true that “god has a plan for our nation.” HOWEVER, the same could be said for ANY and EVERY nation now and throughout history. Also, to expect God to reveal His plan for America to you is expecting revelation in addition to Scripture. That, among Bible believers, is usually characteristic of cults — such as Mormonism (The Book of Mormon) and Christian Science (Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures). That’s dangerous ground!!
May I suggest you consider thoroughly revising or simply deleting the article. I’d be glad to discuss this further — if you wish.
Prayer has NOT failed us! God HAS moved in our nation- in HIS way, and in HIS time. We, as intercessors, simply need to cry out to Him, and allow God to be God. Thank You, Jesus , for hearing ALL of our prayers! We trust You to answer them in Your way, and in Your time.
AMEN! Thank you Jesus for Dave and this truth filled article!
Thank you Lord for Your patience with us…forgive Rees and all of us for thinking it is us, or our prayers that fail…we grieve You, way too often, with our pride, but You awe me Lord, every time You show me the precious way You soOo LOVE us, no wonder You call us children, we so often get confused in our ignorance…when we say prayer failed, we are really showing our ignorance or lack of faith…we trust You Lord, Your Word is true, sound, faithful, so help our unbelief…
Poppa G-d You have shown me You want our hearts, our trust, You do the heavy lifting (yoke) and we, Your children, Your royal priests are the ones who GET to come to Your throne now, the why we are still on the planet after being saved…and we must remember WHOSE we are, for sure! And also that each person, saved or not, has a precious role to play in seeing G-D’s will manifested here on the planet.
No doubt we have a rocky road ahead, but our G-d has gone before us and goes with us, IN us. Let us be a generation that ‘goes to work with Poppa G-d and His Son, Whose name is Jesus❣️
As I contemplate America I see we are ripe for judgment rather than blessing. I pray for healing of our country. I know only God can bring health and wholeness to our leaders. Father please help our leaders to repent of the evil that is all around. God your are mighty and holy. I pray for your power to be unleashed and may we bend on our knees before and repent of our sins and the sins of this nation. I fear America will not be willing to bend her knees in humble repentance and admiration for you. Father take away my fear as you always give us strength for the trials that come our way. Gracious Lord I praise you for your great power. Amen
Yes, Gloria, I believe America is suffering judgment right now. Confirming this is Jonathan Cahn’s books The Harbinger I and II. Derek Prince was very concerned about America way back in the 1990’s and believed America’s only chance was through the Church repenting. He held the Church responsible for the nation’s condition as the Church is God’s government on Earth. How appalled he would be to see America today! We must return to the old ways of repentance, separation, prayer and fasting. “Prayer is the most important of all activities on earth. Everything else must be restrained, retired, to give it primacy. Defeat, not victory, lies in making prayer secondary.” E.M. Bounds on Prayer. “There are too many preachers now and too few pray-ers.” J. Hudson Taylor.
And so the old cry comes to us with insistent voice: “Pray, brethren, pray.”
Thank you, IFA & followers ’thirsty for more of Him’, Jesus didn’t come to condemn the lost, his coming was to bring “conflict and division”, not peace. Matt 10:34 Jesus also said to his apostles “…Don’t be afraid. You know who I am” Jn 6:20b Passion
“Do not grow weary in doing good” Gal 6:9
So wonderfully written! Thank you for your insights and encouragement. This is one to share!
“Lord, I pray you will take us deeper, raise us higher, and really help us to LISTEN to your Holy Spirit in this hour as we pray. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!” Amen.
We have been given the command to “occupy”. As parents we know that if we do not teach our children correct behavior, we will be partly blamed for their actions. In the same manner, the church MUST rise up to speak against wickedness in our government and society.
The pulpits are largely silent. Sheep are followers, they need to be led. Pastors have more fear of the IRS and of man then they have fear of the Lord. Despite our Constitution, most pastors bowed to the government and agreed that Sunday services were non-essential while Home Depot and liquor stores remained open. It is the Church that needs to be revived. May it start in the pulpits.
Dave this is excellent. The funny thing is our pastor/apostle shared this EXACT subject the night before you sent this! Well done sir!
How do you come to the conclusion that God has a good plan for America? We are not mentioned in scripture. The sins and atrocities this country has committed is as bad as it gets. Just because we are America does not give us a pass. We are seeing the restraining grace of God lifted from this country. We should be praying to still have faith as His plan unfolds and we head toward a one world government and the antichrist . I pray and intercede for souls to be saved before it’s too late
America was dedicated to God to spread the gospel within its borders and the whole world in the 1600s.
This covenant is still active today.
IFA, please help to make this known to intercessors in a prominent place for all to see.
I believe God is all this chaos to get the church out of the pew and into culture, out of the spectator stands and onto the playing field. In reality, we are in this mess because the church for the most part has been complacent in its comfort zone for the last 60 years+. Prayer is one of seven force multiplying, sustainable offensive weapons we have as followers of Jesus that the other side doesn’t have, To not use them to the max is like being in a gunfight and leaving your sidearm in the holster. The outcome is never good. Time to go on offense and pray boldly aka Jehoshaphat so that God might confuse the enemy and have them turn on each other as He did in 2 Chronicles 20:22-24
God said, if MY people who are called by MY name will turn from their wicked ways and call on my name, I will hear from heaven and heal their land.
God is talking to Christians! When only 1 out of 3 Christians bother to vote we are truly standing in the need of prayer.
God’s people has the God given power to change the course of this nation and bring glory back to God if we would just vote!
I agree, Vaughn. Also, ask the Lord for tears. Tears move the Lord. Read a book by Watchman Nee, Practical Issues of this Life. All chapters are wonderful, but especially read “Precious Are the Tears.” Also, I have given away six copies of E.M. Bounds On Prayer which is priceless. Mark it up, write notes, and date where you know God has spoken to you. This book has amazed me with how little we know about prayer. As the disciples asked the Lord, “Teach us to pray.” We must trust Gods mercy and His Spirit to answer. God bless you, you have a heart for prayer. In our wonderful God the great giver, Cathy
Yes and amen!! Post this in you prayer closet! We will be desperate very soon.
I am constantly reminded of a little one-off cartoon I saw years ago. Two panels. Entitled “Coffee with Jesus” there was a classic version of Jesus sitting with a man in an office having coffee. First panel: “Jesus, I just don’t know what to do anymore. I am just at the end of my rope.” Second panel: Jesus puts his coffee down and is smiling, “Great, now we can start!”
I pray for desperation. Now more than ever. I pray for my heart to be burdened for what GOD wants, and not me. This is not easy. At all. I don’t even like it. At all.
So maybe, just maybe, I am doing the right thing.
Re: Has prayer failed us?
Is the Pope Catholic?
Prayer works when it is backed by ACTION.
You pray BEFORE the battle.
But once the battle starts, you KILL the enemy with WEAPONS.
You just keep praying. COME ON!
I have the weapons.
If you want to learn how to pray, read these books: E.M. Bounds on Prayer and Let Us Pray by Watchman Nee. You will read about principles, requirements, men of prayer, emotional faith and practical faith, tears, persistence, discernment, mercy, protection, preparation, separation, and much more you never considered. For example, E. M. Bounds says, “Praying and holiness go together, so the decline of one means the decline of the other.” And the Watchman, “Thus the first step in our doing God’s will is for us to utter His will in prayer. Prayer for personal need should be touched indirectly by first asking the Lord’s will to be done. This is the secret of prayer, the key to victory in prayer.”
Prayer hasn’t failed us the prayers of a righteous man avellis much we need to focus on the Kingdom not on our own agenda. prayer Lord help us to be willing where were not in your Holy name amen!
Ive been too discouraged to pray since we 2020
Beloved Paulene, can I suggest you shut yourself up alone with the Lord and just cry out to Him, share your heavy heart with the Good Shepherd who will hold you to His heart.
If pain afflict or wrongs oppress,
If cares distract or fears dismay;
If guilt deject or sin distress,
In every case, still watch and pray.
E.M. Bounds on Prayer
Prayer never fails, never!
Blessings to each of you as you seek His will and you prostrate yourself before His altar. America needs to be made little. As many have noted America has been great because she has been good. But as she has gotten fatter in wealth and knowledge, she relies little upon her goodness, her kindness, her faithfulness, HER GOD!
I work with the persecuted churches. Though the risk is increasing and many of our pastors are in harm’s way (daily), they run toward the risk because of their great love for new believers and their greater love for Jesus!
We need to abandon ourselves for the cause of Christ and rather take up the cross (the painful, heavy, branding us for suffering) one. The nations of believers are joining as weak and broken brothers but have become a strong and lovely Army. Let us join with them. Let us cause the nations to look upon a GREAT GOD!
O praising You Lord always praising You for ANSWERING ALL MY PRAYERS
Prayed According to John 15 from a Pure Heart and in Obedience
Essentially we must believe we have
FREE WILL because
God revealed Himself as a Covenant Making God
This requires FREE Will to repent to have a Pure Heart and choosing to Obey
O praising You Lord in all things praises
1 thess 5.16-21
I ask for Speaker Mike Johnson…..what are your plans for him? He is openly Christian but has gone back on his promises. So I am confused as to how you are using him. Yet, I want to intercede for him and pray other Christian Congress reps so you are honored and your truth is seen.
godhascompleted part of His purpose for America( lifting her up) he is in the process of completing g the next step( her destruction to prepare for the coming world ruler
The Lord wants this country to humble itself, repent and come back to HIM!
God knows everything and what will happen. I still pray for the healing of our nation. I don’t allow Satan to cause me fear.
Lord, teach us to go on from Jeremiah 29:11, to 12, and 13. You have promised that if we call and come and pray to you, you will listen to us. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.
Amen! Amen! and Amen! This is an excellent explanation of prayer that is a partnership with God to change nations and bring about God’s will and purposes on the earth. Jeremiah 1:10. Thank you for posting this!!!!
Intecession – which proceeds from listening to God first – helps us to avoid praying from our own minds and hearts.
When Jesus entered Jerusalem on the colt, Luke says the people were ready for Him to take over – politically. They thought He was the Messiah, but they had their own ideas of how that should play out, and when it didn’t they abandoned Him. He entered Jerusalem, cleansed the Temple from the money-changers, went into the Temple and taught the people. He never went near a throne!
I hear far too many Christians who are praying for God to restore our country to the way it was before, but how many of us are aware that this country has been corrupt for a century or more? Do we truly want that back? Or are we bold enough to allow God to have His way? The Kingdom of God is within us (believers), not in Washington, D.C.
I, for one, am focused on hearing what God’s agenda is, and one thing I DO know – His focus is on souls first, that no man should perish.
Thank you so very much for this clarification between prayer and intercession. This was so needed by all who will read this article. You are doing a work that is so needed in Texas and throughout America. My Prayers will continue, but true intercession has begun!!! God’s gracious Favor and Blessings on Intercessors for America Leadership Today and Always!!!
Lord God Almighty, prayer can never fail us! 🙏 Our Savior is always in control and patience with persistence is what it’s all about. AMEN!!!
Absolutely striking revelation of NOW intercession needed in the earth. Thank you so much for your labor in intercession and commitment in work and deed! My spirit leaped as I read this article!
Are you not hearing about great revivals among younger generations across the country. Prayers are being answered.🙏
For the ekklesia to target those people who have consented to work with the enemy through taking of bribes, being threatened or have been told the “truth” about something and signed a non-disclosure statement and are forbidden to speak (or even told to lie about what they know to be true). Their agreement with the enemy IS reversible! They can repent, nullify their agreement, remove their consent, plead the blood of Jesus, be saved and declare allegiance to the Kingdom of God! They are NOT trapped with no way out!! Jesus can make a way for them from continuing to serve the enemy and his destructive plans for our nation!
I always love to know that the Holy Spirit intercedes for all who pray, but as I have come to know –
Holy Spirit knows how we feel, what is eating at us, how we need to pray. Therefore, I pray in my prayer
languages and know that it is the prayer that needs to be prayed!
Blessings to each of you. One short soldier for the Lord who loves to pray. I pray for individuals, cities, counties, states and feds and federal gov., congress’ states and fed level. We are truly living in the times
the Lord told us we would see – good being called evil, evil being called good. In His Service- Terrie O’Neal
Thank you, Dave, for this excellent article. I agree that prayer and intercession differ, but have explained my thoughts in this way. Prayer is a conversation with God expressing my thoughts, needs, concerns, etc. – it is from me to God. I initiate prayer. Intercession, however, begins with God. He places within me a desire to intercede, then as I open my heart in response to that call He either prays through me in tongues (a supernatural prayer language) or He instructs me as to how to intercede effectively in my native language. That instruction is primarily through Scripture. Since when I initiate prayer I hopefully place myself in a position to hear Him – sometimes prayer can become intercession. That may depend on whether I hush long enough to listen. When He places within us His heart, His mind, His Word, His holiness, His pure motives, His wisdom, His burden . . . – actually Himself through Holy Spirit – then effective intercession can take place.
Totally agree, loved Rees Howells
A mighty man of God!
Jesus warned us times would get more difficult as the end comes closer. We must keep our hearts and eyes fixed on God and know He is in control. Spread the Gospel to as many as possible! Have faith over fear! Put the full armor of the Lord on daily! Be ready ready for Jesus Christ return! COME LORD JESUS COME! KEEP PRAYING!
The Red Zone: Warning to the Nation (originally written 7/6/2008)
I was inquiring in my heart to the Lord as to why, in spite of all the wickedness of our nation, He has not dealt with us as severely as our sins so justly deserve. Here is what He showed me:
1. Never has there been a nation on the earth (aside from Israel, which is a different subject) that was founded with such a fervent desire for godly righteousness and the Kingdom of God on earth. The U.S.A. was founded with a Christian foundation and heritage which, while certainly not perfect by any means, was so broad and deep that to see it in reality is breath-taking. (e.g., this quote from the famous historian Alexis de Tocqueville, “America is great because America is good. When America ceases to be good, it will cease to be great.”)
2. To the current informed mind, America has ceased to be good. But America remains great, at least for the time being.
3. I believe this is because, from Heaven’s perspective, there is a “bank account” if you will, of righteousness stored up from our forefathers (Arthur Burk calls them “generational blessings”) in Heaven, on behalf of this nation, that we have been able to draw from (or maybe better, that the Lord has been able to credit to us). All of the extreme righteous acts of this nation, from the aid we’ve given to other nations to the constant sending out of the Gospel by multiplied hundreds of missionary organizations, makes us a nation unlike any other.
4. We are suffering from a severe case of split personality as this point, because we are both a “wicked” nation and a “righteous” nation at the same time.
5. I believe that the “rate” of wickedness has increased and that the “rate” of righteousness (righteous acts) has slowed, thus bringing us to a very dangerous point. I believe that what the Lord has shown me as that we are on the threshold of “The Red Zone” or the danger zone. This is where the rate of wickedness will soon out-strip the righteous “account” and the current level of righteous acts. Once that occurs, we are doomed as a nation.
6. The simple solution is this: Increase the rate of righteousness. Get the account filled back up again. Extreme righteousness is still in our midst, it is still part of who we are. But it is becoming scarcer and “slower” if you will. Let the Church (the only true source of righteousness in our culture) engage the process of corporate repentance and intentional acts of righteousness (which is our true mission, anyway). Let us get back to the basics of the faith, the basic building blocks of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. We must let our righteous light so shine before men that they see our good works and then glorify our Father in Heaven.
7. “Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds.” I believe that this applies here. Instead of focusing on the sin, let’s focus on the grace, the righteousness of the Lord. Charles Finney said, “When the Church stops condemning the wicked and begins to pray for them, then we will see
revival.” That is because the problem is not the wickedness of the “world” or the lost, the outsiders, but the sin in the Church itself. This includes sins of the flesh (immorality, gluttony, sloth, etc.), but also — and primarily — sins of the heart (pride, arrogance, bitterness, gossiping, prayerlessness, self-will, independence, etc.).
8. We need to get our eyes off the wicked, repent, clean our own house, and begin to live out the righteous life, corporately, that we see taught in the Scriptures: walking in love, a heart for the poor, the widow, the orphan, and “to keep ourselves unstained from the world.” Our job is
holiness (refraining from sin) and righteousness (doing good in the land), not correcting the wicked. The problem is not “their” wickedness – it is our lack of righteousness.
“Let us do good to all, but especially to the household of faith.” (Gal. 6:10)
If America falls, the sole responsibility will rest with this generation of Christians who failed to truly repent and turn back to the Lord with a pure heart (2 Chron. 7:14).
“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17 KJV)
I wish I could have this printed off because I would like to share it with my loved ones and my prayer partners. It’s one of the best explanations I’ve ever seen. ❤️ Would you be willing to send a copy to my email?
Jackie G.
Hi Jackie,
You should be able to copy and paste Steve’s note into your email address.
Thank you so much Steve for taking the time to share such an informative message.
I appreciate how failings and faults are detailed
It is time for us all to take a look in the mirror of The Word of GOD and ask Him to show us where we are missing the mark and to grant us the grace of repentance and the power to change.
In Jesus Name,
I SO agree with this statement. It expresses so well exactly what I believe. Could I pls forward it somehow? Not sure how to do that here.
I see all the destruction in America & Israel, I will not allow either to be destroyed!
My perfect will, is coming forth, do not look at all the chaos, just call on me the Lord!
Do not be afraid of what you see, put your trust in me. Praise me for what I have promised, so why should you be afraid? What can mere mortal men do to you?
Keep Praying and interceding for the peace of Israel and America, this my children is
your purpose and My Wii. Amen
Father, thank you that we can intercede, that the Holy Spirit will lead us to pray according to God’s will. May we be faithful to pray and to intercede.
Is it just me, or do others sense that Jeremiah 29:11 is often mis-applied? Consider the original meaning and application. It is precious, meaningful, and powerful, but today it is often quoted carelessly, almost as a one-size-fits-all verse, in situations where it may not apply.
God has impressed upon me multiple times to Proclaim The Word of God, not the word of man. When our online prayer posts go out, there is always supporting Scripture with it. That applies to praise reports as well as prayer needs. Nothing goes out without Scripture. God has blessed us with answered prayer, but His Word is always spoken. We are only the vehicle.
Disciplinary action, as a parent, was always suppose to be for correction and training. I see God, our Father, doing this. To those who are called by His Name (Christians) and our loved ones. John 1:11 says, He came unto his own, and His own received Him not. What I am seeing is the crossroads for HIS OWN. Will we grow weary and loose faith, or press in for the long haul. I see and hear of revival throughout our land and it’s in colleges, boarder towns, and in the streets. I am reminded of Matthew 22:1-14 were Jesus explains the wedding feast. Are we to busy and making excuses and not getting ready? That’s what I am seeing.
So very important to keep short accounts with GOD if we want our prayers to be answered:
Psalm 66:18
If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear: But verily God hath heard; He hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, Who hath not turned away my prayer, Nor his loving kindness from me.
Rees Howells also said God told him to pray for the work rather than his own safety during the air raids of battle of Britain. I think most prayer is going up for the sake of our security and lifestyle maintenance rather than for the gospel. God’s priority is lost souls. Our safety is secondary.
YES! Our prayers need to be from Holy Spirit…… not by power nor by might but by the power of Holy Spirit! Only His fruit will remain.
Most times I pray only by Holy Spirit in tongues for I have no clue what to pray but help us! Mercy – please- mercy.
He is not interested in shows anymore.
He is seeking our heart to be towards Him alone. We need to be seeking His heart and when that is realized – he will reveal His heart… but are ready to accept His will versus what we want?
I think you have distorted the meaning of Rom 8.26 to conflict against the teachings of Jesus on prayer. Read it again. There is nothing there about “See yourself as a vital instrument cooperating with God to release His perfect will.” That is an inflated opinion of one’s self. As the verse read THE HOLY SPIRIT does the intercepting. Your viewpoint conflicts with many other verses on prayer.
We should never entertain any thought of prayer failing us. To do so puts one on a direction towards despair.
Reasons prayer would not be answered:
Faith issues.
Heart issues.
Love issues.
Unforgiveness issues.
Obedience issues.
These would impede prayers to be heard in the first place.
Wrong prayer is another.
If prayers of authority are the remedy, other prayers won’t have the right impact.
If people are praying to God to fix it, when the solution may be for us to use our delegated authority to bind , restrain or to speak, declare, decree a thing against Satan and his Kingdom then asking God to fix it when certain things are left for the Body of Christ to handle through delegated authority and power can be a reason why the Kingdom of darkness gains ground in an area.
Another matter is corporate prayer.
There is a division problem in the body of Christ, also immaturity (myself included here.)
Sanctification of the individual makes one more available to God to assist in edifying members of a congregation through ministry or prayer.
Other matter has to do with what God allows to happen for His purposes.
The goal as believers has to be to get closer to God and to progress in the sanctification process more and more. Doing so, one can have prayer answered for one, know what God made them to be – the specific plan for their life, etc.
Ridding ourselves of walking in the flesh to walk in the Spirit.
We have to be striving to get our hearts right and guarded and our lives in order.
We should NOT think “has prayer failed us”.
That opens doors to doubt and unbelief.
Unheard prayer (our fault)
Wrong type of prayer (our fault)
[Meaning thinking something is His responsibility when certain responsibilities are on us]
Operating in the flesh instead of operating in the spirit.
Intercession is a form of prayer.
Abraham knew God. He was a man of faith. We have to grow in our faith.
Without faith it is impossible to please God. He that comes to God must believe that He is a rewarded of those who diligently seeks Him. HEBREWS 11:6
They that are in the flesh cannot please God. ROMANS 8:8
There needs to be more information here at IFA concerning operating in the flesh because this opposes walking in the Spirit. Romans 8, Galatians 5 speaks on this.
One indicator is walking outside of love.
Strife is a major problem, It has been one issue for me personally that put me out of God’s Will for years.
We have to know God and make Him known. If we don’t know Him we won’t be representing Him as ambassadors.
He wants us to move forward and to mature in Christ.
Part of this also has to do with knowing our Identity in Christ.
Knowing Him as Father.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is Yahweh. The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.” (Ps 33:12)
I have to disagree that America’s future is assured. America’s Christian founders may have chosen Yahweh to be our nation’s God but God never chose America. (Although He has blessed it.)
According to the Scriptures, the only nation He has chosen is Israel. And He is only committed to preserving the nation He Himself has chosen. (When another nation chooses Him it is incumbent upon that nation – not God – to stay committed. And we have surely not.)
The truth is, all other nations, including America, are “as nothing before Him. They are regarded by Him as less than nothing and meaningless “ (Isa. 40:17)
By “the nation of Israel” is meant the chosen seed of Abraham “for they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel (Jacob), nor…Abraham.” (Rom. 9:6,7)
Only the chosen seed are regarded as His people. Which means all those in Messiah Yeshua (Gal. 3:29; 4:28)
America’s only hope is a national repentance along the lines of Nineva, and sadly I believe the corruption is too far gone for that to happen.
Salvation for the Israel of God is coming which will include a great awakening among the Jews. Pray all His chosen ones from every nation are ready for “the grace that will come to us” on that day of deliverance. (1 Peter 1:5,10)
As I have been listening to what the Holy Spirit is speaking, the message I truly believe is “It is TIME for the most critical Decisions to be made. Both Personally and Nationally. This Window of TIME to Turn back to the Lord will soon be Shut. Blessings or Judgment? It is our choice. The Lord is WAITING on us. The outcome is upon us.
Lord, Your Word is a lamp for my feet, continue to lead me into fuller understanding of how to pray daily. Our family, our neighbors, my workplace, our friends, our Church, Israel, our world are all on my heart to pray. Each day is a gift! May I share Jesus and his love and to those who do not know you, may I serve as a model and persevere knowing the rewards of the Christian life. You are the God who is, who was and is to come! amen
Watchmen on the Wall:
Lord, this old prayer sentry comes daily to my watch post. Like the watchman on the wall, I view the landscape of my home, my neighborhood, community, church, nation and world, through the lens of your Holy word and the coming Christ. Then I write, post, pray and intercede for what has been shown to me. May this aging voice continue to sound a clear note of readiness, warning, consolation and hope to all who will listen.
So beautiful, the visual your description paints for me. I fear I too often leave my place on the wall unattended while I attend to lesser things. And often because this sacred obedience of intercession seems too overwhelming (to me) considering the needs and the situations. BUT of course not overwhelming in the least to the One to whom I pray – the God of all creation, Sovereign over all things.
I love the last of the six statements about being an intercessor – that we “sit at the intersection between God’s divine will and the needs of men, crying out for His will to be done.” Seems like centuries ago, Someone else gave a similar instruction on prayer – “This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” That’s how Jesus instructed His disciples and we today have the same instruction. When we intercede, we are “calling down the kingdom,” God’s kingdom, here on earth one prayer at a time. Lord, thank You for all the faithful watchmen on the wall, make me one of them. May I listen more, sit at Your feet more – thank You that You entrust this sacred obedience to any who will answer Your call to come and pray in agreement with You. Thank You for this promise -“And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” (Romans 8:27) http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com
“May this aging voice continue to sound a clear note of readiness, warning, consolation and hope to all who will listen.”
Yes Lord, mine as well. Amen
Thank you. So good.
Father, show us what you see, what you feel. Enlarge our capacity to experience your love so we can carry your presence and Kingdom values.
Prayer isn’t “failing us” but rather a falling away from God, as he said would happen in the end times, has left less and less people praying at all. I think, especially young people now days, think prayer has to be some huge lofty words in order to be heard which is a total misconception. It truly is a conversation between God and the person. You can and should talk to him as if he were your friend. He longs to hear from us. Each conversation with him should be a stepping stone toward an even closer relationship with him. I rarely say Amen anymore because I want to keep the conversation going and lines open to speak with him ALL DAY.
Even becoming an intercessor does not require some lofty title, degrees, etc. It does require you to have a relationship with him. You KNOW him. You know what his word says, what his promises to you are and that he is faithful ALWAYS. You should have a desire to talk to your Father, have a heart that cares about others and the things that are going on around you, ears that listen and know you need to take everything to him in prayer. (Humble yourselves before the Almighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time. Casting all your cares upon him for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7)
Father, continue working in me and on me to step up in interceding for this world. Jesus was and still is the ULTIMATE interceder. Help me to be faithful as he was in praying YOUR WILL BE DONE . Help all of your followers, even those that are just beginning to know you, to desire to stand in the gap and intercede for those that are as yet unsaved. I worship you, Father and am grateful I can come to you with any and everything!
Prayer never fails. But sometimes when we are praying we are only praying for our own wants, which is ok.
But remember God knows the future. He’s told us in His word the things to come. We see it happening as He said. But He loves His Children we are to commune/ pray to Him and we should be seeking His will about the matter and trust that He will be answering with the best out come of our prayers. Sometimes He says no.
We as parents don’t give our children everything they ask for, because we know the time isn’t right or it might harm them.
When praying 👇
1. Seek first to understand the heart of God in a matter.
2. Prioritize listening to the Holy Spirit before speaking.
3. See yourself as a vital instrument cooperating with God to release His perfect will.
4. Humbly come before God desiring to “hit the mark” by cooperating with Him.
5. Ask the Lord this question: “What are Your divine purposes for this person, for this nation?”
6. Stand in the gap between God’s divine will and the needs of your family and friends, crying out for His will to be done.
Nehemiah 1 and his deep insight and rapid response and acknowledgement of his own sin began the chain of events that restored Jerusalem. It couldn’t get much worse for them then. It may get worse for us now but we too can rebuild and fight. For God’s glory and our posterity… We Must… NOW!
Father God, I have just been reminded that there is prayer and there is intercession. I ask you God to intercede in our countries problems. I pray that you will, and we will intercede with prayer to you help us to be constantly aware of the evil that surround us, and we know you are aware of it, help me to continue to pray an intercession prayer to you. God. direct your people so. that we can stand up strong and stand up for you in Jesus name amen
I am reminded of the parable of the persistent widow.
Lord, forgive me for my failure of being persistent. May You find me faithful and persistent just like the widow. May You find faith on earth.
I don’t imagine the word I have received is any different than other intercessors. But, to encourage and strengthen; the Lord has shown many times now the direct comparison to the reluctance of Israel to fully come out of slavery, (as we just studied during Pesach). The increase of discomfort and even suffering, as the gods of Egypt and Israel’s hearts are dethroned, accomplished obedience and faith in Israel. So it is happening in America. With grief and conviction I watch the increasing darkness, I am more convicted to drop ALL rocks of offense and distractions (leeks and garlic) to focus on the God of Heaven and earth. Thank you for your sweet and timely encouragement to go deeper.
Holy Spirit, lead us to that place, we pray. Amen.
I found it interesting that you mentioned Rees Howells. I have read his bio more than once r.
I recall His message of a prayer burden from the Father. He accepted and spent from 6 am to 6 pm every day for 18 months before the Breakthrough
I was awed. I recall a 14 Day vigil that I felt signi g icant.
Also the Bible school prayed the entire 5 years I g WWIi. Most giving up th r ir personal goals to determine the outcome r
As we face war on earth and in the heavenlies, I feel we are called to continue to build ourselves up with the Absolutes of prayer from the past and present.
We see victories every day w j ich accumulate into an outpouring of rain. Blessed Be His Name
Thank you, Father, for this article on the distinction between prayer and intercession. Raise up many intercessors, including me, that we may truly bring your will to pass.
Thank you, Susan CC, for your beautiful prayer. I am in agreement No way I could write a better prayer than this. Praise the Lord on this NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER!!!!
Thank you Gail but know that I am a plagiarizer. When I have mined His Word really well, the result blesses. “Blessings to those who have heard the word of God and keep it.” We who love Him are working to do just that!
When I asked the Lord and lingered in His presence to ask what we corporately should pray for right now for America, I was impressed with this: “More fire-power from Holy Spirit upon people.”
intercession-prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another
blessing-a prayer calling for divine care, protection, or favor
“Jesus Christ carries on intercession for us in Heaven; the Holy Ghost carries on intercession in us on earth; and we the saints have to carry on intercession for all men.” O. Chambers
Dear Heavenly Father, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He was delivered over to death for our trespasses and was raised to life for our justification. You did not spare Your own Son but gave Him up for us all and I believe You freely give us all things. I praise You because Your gifts and Your call are irrevocable. We come before You today and all days, to praise You and to ask for Your blessing of care, protection and favor. Thank You Lord for calling us to pray. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Amen
Romans 5:8 But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 4:25 He was delivered over to death for our trespasses and was raised to life for our justification.
Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things?
Romans 11:29 For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.
Father God, as we see our nation crumbling before our eyes- our country being invaded, our youth questioning Your very existence, giving in to the lies of the enemy, lead each of us to a place of intercession for our country and our world. We know you have good plans for us, to spread your Word and the Good News of Jesus Christ- redemption through His precious blood- that Your will be done in all the world and millions will come to know You and Your love. Forgive us for the gross sins of our nation, Precious Lord. Heal our land from these transgressions and mold us that we might be all You desire us to be. Give all of us hearts for You and ears to hear from You and accomplish Your purpose for us. To You be the glory, honor and praise forevermore.
Abba, Father, as we seek your face, let us come boldly before you to stand in the gap between evil and good in this nation. Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear your divine instruction. Father, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Thank you for your mercy and grace in this hour. Father, thank you for giving us our needs each day and protect us from the evil one. . All Glory, Honor, and Praise are yours alone. In the mighty name of your son, Jesus, we ask these things. HALLELUJAH AND !AMEN
This is a wonderful teaching, one I have never heard before. I am enlightened.
Father, help me to be a better intercessor: more astute hearing; lingering with You; hearing the heartbeat of the Father and His desire for our nation and the people of the world at this time in His story. Forgive me when I am in too much of a hurry to linger, to be with You. I lift up all who have a desire to intercede that they might hear Your desires for their communities, families, their nation at this time. Thank You, Father, for Your faithful love which endures forever. Thank You for pricking our hearts. Thank You that You involve us in the work at hand. All glory to Your Name. Amen.
Lord my God,
You are our refuge our mighty warrior our redeemer and Savior. We are gathered together in prayers interceding for your word and prayers to come active in USA as part of our commitment and devotion to you and for out families to be lifted and save those who need to be saved. Thank Lord Jesus because we know we can trust in your word
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we pray