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I Prayed have prayed
Father, in the name of Yeshua, Light of the World, help us serve one another, as Yeshua served us. Thank You for this miracle of the provision of oil and light, and of overcoming our enemies!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade (John 10:22–23 NIV).

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12 NIV).

Each year when I scramble into the attic for Christmas décor, I also bring out my Hanukkah menorah, a rather tacky, white, plastic affair with screw-in, blue flame lightbulbs. In the years since I bought it, I have often looked at much lovelier ones, but I have an absurd affection for this one that allows me to leave my Hanukkiah lit for hours without concerns about fire. It is also a poignant reminder of that year when Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart His desire that I honor and recognize Hanukkah.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


The Hebrew word Hanukkah means dedication and marks an eight-day winter celebration (this year from sundown Dec. 18 to sundown Dec. 26) commemorating the rededication of the second temple in Jerusalem, after a small group of Jewish believers defeated the forces of assimilation at work in their 165 B.C. world. It is also called the Festival of Lights, or the Feast of Dedication. Modern celebrations include family gatherings, dreidel games, gifts, and chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil. The Hanukkah story is a tale of the courage to act in obedience to God’s word, against a political aggressor and a culture that vilified God’s ways.

In 333 B.C., Alexander the Great conquered Syria, Egypt, and Babylonia, promoting Hellenistic culture through the Greek language, customs, dress, and polytheistic religion. The Torah-based ethics of the Jewish people put them on a collision course with these invaders. Over a century later, in 167 B.C., one of Alexander’s successors, Syrian King Antiochus IV Epiphanes, began openly persecuting the Jews. He appointed a Hellenistic “high priest” to the temple in Jerusalem, prohibited the study of Torah, and desecrated the altar by causing pigs to be sacrificed upon it — thus earning him the name Epimanes, meaning madman. In 165 B.C., the Hasmonaean family of Mattathias the high priest, under his youngest son, Judah Maccabee (meaning hammer), organized a revolt that eventually succeeded in ousting the Greeks from Israel. The temple was liberated, but had to be rededicated for Jewish worship. The large golden lampstand with the seven almond-shaped oil lamps was found and returned to its place.

According to tradition, when the priests went to light the lampstand, there was little oil left that had not already been desecrated by the Syrian-Greeks. Mosaic law decreed that the menorah must burn continually with pure olive oil (Exodus 27:20). They found oil sufficient for one day only, but, miraculously, that oil burned for eight days — the exact length of time they needed to prepare more sacred oil! The modern-day Hanukkah festival commemorates this miracle with the nightly lighting of candles on the Hanukkiah (a special menorah for this holiday), culminating in eight lit candles in total on the final night.

Hanukkah in 2022                                             

As followers of Yeshua (Who in 165 B.C. had not yet made His tender yet earth-shattering appearance), we may wonder if this event has relevance for us as Gentiles. In many ways, the modern celebration, with its gifts, decorations, and sweet treats, resembles our celebration of Jesus’ birth. But for Jewish people worldwide (Yeshua’s ethnic family, whose nation and lives are threatened daily through rising anti-Semitism), Hanukkah’s fierce and bright declaration of God’s miraculous power to sustain His own is an act of bold faith. God loves to work against overwhelming odds. And He loves the obedience of those who trust in Him and follow His word despite natural limitations.

John chapter 10 recounts that Jesus was standing in the temple courts, in an area called Solomon’s Colonnade, commemorating the victory of this righteous priestly deliverer during Hanukkah. He did this in the context of another occupation, this time by the Romans. The Jews in the Colonnade then surrounded Him and began demanding to know how long He would keep them in suspense regarding His messianic identity. These Jews were looking for deliverance from their earthly problems, but Jesus began talking to them instead about eternal life. He was the deliverer they were looking for — the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world — but they did not yet recognize Him. Out of the initial victory, Hanukkah became a season for rededication to God. What started as a revolt against political oppressors ended as a time of dedication to Torah and to the God of Israel.

We, too, are part of their story. We are His sheep from another pasture (John 10:16), who are grafted into His covenant with Israel, and we, too, can look to rededicate ourselves to God. We can ask Him to show us anything that entails compromise, especially anything tempting us to assimilate to this present evil age. In John chapter 1, we read that Jesus is the true light, and that the powers of darkness cannot comprehend or overcome that light. Moreover, He has taught us that we “are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:14–16 NKJV).

Historically, Hanukkah recalls the Maccabees’ resistance to the forced hellenization of the Jewish people. In our current world, the pressure to assimilate takes the form of political correctness, wokeness, “tolerance,” and the acceptance of official propaganda. Our culture screams out proof that men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil. But our choice to be light and to take time to honor this season of rededication speaks loudly that light overcomes darkness. Even as we light the Hanukkah candles, we remember the miracle of light and oil, and the divine light that cannot be overcome.

Hanukkah Blessings

Here are adapted forms of the traditional blessings that are recited as the candles are lit each night, starting with one candle on the first night, and ending with all eight being lit. A ninth candle (called the servant candle) is used to light the others. This is a powerful parallel to Jesus — the Light Who came not to lord it over us, but to serve us, and to fill us with His light. My Hanukkiah is prominently displayed in my bay window, allowing my Jewish neighbors to see it and to know that I, too, adore and honor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Let us follow Him into that servant place, worshiping with candlelight the God Who takes our obedience and dedication to Him and multiplies it as light to the nations.

Blessed are You, LORD, our God, king of the universe, Who have sanctified us by Your commandments and have given us Yeshua the Messiah, the light of the world.

Blessed are You, LORD, our God, king of the universe, Who performed miracles for our ancestors in those days, and Who do this for us also, at this time.

Blessed are You, LORD, our God, king of the universe, Who have kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season.

How are you praying about rededication to Christ Jesus and about being light? Please share below.

Author Lori Meed is an IFA intercessor who shares her wisdom and intercessory insight on Pray With Others LIVE. Join us Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. ET for a time of praying together for God’s purposes in our nation, covering the top issues and prayer needs from Headline Prayer. Photo Credit: Canva.

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James Greer
December 20, 2022

Oh sweet is this read and His Word and His Presence right now…Blessed be the name of OUR Lord and FATHER. Thank you FATHER SON and Holy Spirit..we love yall. Bless this season that light will never go ever again

Carolyn Thoensen
December 19, 2022

This is the first year that I purchased my Menorah and I’m glad you have the prayers in here for me to go by. Thank you. I feel that if we are grafted into the vine, we should be the light as He is. This should be a time of reflection of our life following our King

Shpend Shyti
December 18, 2022

Amen! Help and Guide me Lord to be Light, and humble servant for Your Glory.
In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen

December 18, 2022

My family and I are Messianic Jews. My husband just found out his Great Grandparents were Jews who immigrated from Germany to Sweden just as WWII started. Then they immigrated to America in the middle of the war. He never knew this and he always said that I was a Christian but My maternal Grandfather was a Jew who’s parents immigrated from Germany and my Paternal Grandparents were Jews who immigrated from Austria Hungry. We celebrated Both Hannukkah and Christmas since my maternal Grandmother was a Irish Catholic. I loved the idea that we celebrated not only Jesus Birth but his Jewish Identity.

Gary White
December 18, 2022

While leaning in and learning from this message about the Menorah, I was brought to tears in seeing God’s provision of light in its many forms, for both the Gentile and the Jew. One type of light for the following of divinely-given practices in the temple of their religion in keeping the lamp burning, and another form of religious practice for the following of the “Light of the World!” Praise God that His Word is both a Lamp to my feet and a Light to my path! Amen!

Gary White
December 18, 2022

Leaning in and learning about this message of lighting that lampstand/menorah, and seeing Almighty God’s Hand of Provision to keep it burning, brought tears of Joy to this Christ Follower’s eyes! What a blessing to be able to see any light in this ever-darkening world we live in today! Thank you Lord for your everlasting word, being a lamp to my feet and a light to my path! And all God’s People said…

Bridget Bonczyk
December 17, 2022

Dear God, What a privilege and an honor to worship you in Spirit and Truth, Thank you for being a God of Covenant, Your Word when you speak it, will come to pass. As Hanukkah is the dedication and celebration for the next 8 days, am believing you will bless my family & all the families here in Boca Raton, Florida. Especially those who are being persecuted. Father, protect them and all those around the world who are passionate during this season and who take part in the Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication. You are the Messiah, Jesus, the true light. Powers of darkness cannot comprehend or overcome that light. No weapon formed against your people will prosper. Bless my family members and let them find favor in their homes, jobs, and communities where they serve. Be glorified, Lord Jesus, the Messiah and God of Ekklesia. You are a Covenant keeping Abba! Your children cry out as we abide in you and serve in this darkness to be lights to those around us. ALL GLORY and HONOR GO TO YOU. NOW AND FOREVER MORE! Love you Jesus! Thank you Holy Spirit. Amen and amen.

Brenda Anne Mackay
December 17, 2022

Thank you for this article! I’m celebrating Chanukah here on Monday night inNew Zealand. It will help explain to Christians what is so special about The Festival of Lights as it’s now called.

December 17, 2022

by Eva

You were entrusted with
The imperishable “Light of the Law”,
The “Oracles of G-D”, the Torah.
Though on wilderness journeys you’ve traveled,
Exiled by G-D unto the nations hurled,
With you, my kinsmen, went the “Light of Glory”,
G-D’s message sent by you unto a dying world.
This was the expectation of your people,
To go forth in G-D’s glory and might.
You were entrusted to establish
G-D’s blessed kingdom
By immersing the world with
G-D’s Eternal Light.

    Lisa Foti
    December 19, 2022

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem by Eva. It is TRUTH!
    The Altar of Prayer is a 24/7 prayer website that you are invited to join, Chava, so that you can pray for the Jewish people day and night. https://www.altarofprayer.com


December 17, 2022

I have tried over the past couple of years to celebrate the Festivals and Feasts but this year, finally, I get it!! The old and new together. I don’t have to celebrate any on the Holidays strictly according to Jewish Tradition and memory. I’ve been stressing myself out over it. I am celebrating and looking and searching for Jesus in them now and am so overwhelmingly happy and at peace to celebrate them with inspiration from Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit! Now if I don’t get the Hebrew pronunciation correctly, who cares, God knows me and He is thrilled I’m spending time with HIM and digging into getting to know HIM!

December 17, 2022

Dear Lori,
Well isn’t this just a wonderful present that makes my soul SING, “HalleluYAH!” What a gift to the Body of Messiah that you have shared your insights into the glorious and highly prophetic Festival of Dedication and LIGHTS! Thank you, dear sister! In 2019, I threw myself on the floor and asked Jesus, “How can I serve You in thanksgiving for all You have DONE for me!? Am I serving You–the way “I only think You want me to? Or is there ANOTHER way that I was meant to serve You–and I just DON’T KNOW it yet!” He absolutely rocked my world and consecrated me to be an intercessor for the Incoming Harvest of Jewish Believers–both in Israel and in the Diaspora”. He said, “Love them as I do! Pray for them!”
Since 2019, I have experienced massive downloads and the lavish, drippy GRACE–revealing EXACTLY what you have shared in this article. Glory be to GOD ALMIGHTY!
(One of the intercessors mentioned being amazed by HOW MUCH THE MESSIAH is ALL OVER Passover! I experienced the same thing in 2019. I walked around stunned for the next 24 hours! Ha!) The ILLUMINATED WISDOM of the FEASTS of the LORD as HIS PROPHETIC TIMELINE for SALVATION, and then being called to also study The Feast of Dedication and LIGHTS and Purim–from a strategic Counsel of the LORD perspective for intercession has been a complete paradigm shift! It is like walking IN THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT! It has been like “walking on the Road to Emmaus” with Yeshua (Jesus)!
I love this Festival and as a Christian–every year the Holy Spirit provides -more and more illumination as time passes. How amazing–it is fresh and deeper each year! I press-in for EACH precious morsel of Wisdom. This is my favorite passage, which I just LOVE as an intercessor:
(1 Maccabees 3:18-22,44, 53-55, 58)
“Judas replied, “It is easy for many to be hemmed in by few, for in the sight of Heaven there is NO difference between saving by many or by few. It is NOT on the size of the army that victory in battle depends, but STRENGTH COMES FROM HEAVEN. They come against us in GREAT PRIDE and LAWLESSNESS to DESTORY us and our wives and our children, and to despoil us; but we fight for our lives and our laws. He HIMSELF WILL CRUSH THEM BEFORE US; as for you, do NOT be afraid of them!”
53“And the congregation assembled to be READY for battle, and to PRAY and ask for MERCY and COMPASSION.” 54 Then they SOUNDED the SHOFARS and gave a LOUD SHOUT. 55 After this Judas appointed leaders of the people, in charge of thousands and hundreds and fifties and tens. 58 And Judas said, “GIRD yourselves and BE VALIANT! Be READY early in the morning to fight!

This year, I am praying for a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit to pull more and more Christians to engage with the Festival of Dedication and LIGHTS to prepare for the months and years ahead…that we may RISE UP and SHINE, like Maccabees–stand with our brethren in Israel–for THE GLORY OF YAH HAS RISEN UPON US-YESHUA (Jesus) is the LIGHT of the WORLD! I am also praying for more Christians to BE BOLD and when they hear other Christians utter anything which smacks of either Anti-Semitism or Replacement Theology–to RISE UP and SHED LIGHT VIA THE SCRIPTURAL PROMISES HE WILL and ALREADY IS FULFILLING for them. He is GOING to have ONE FAMILY in the CULTIVATED OLIVE TREE–Grafted in Jews and Gentiles–praising HIM for all eternity (Romans 9-11, Ephesians, Rev 7 & 19). It’s going to be GLORIOUS!

“Kumi ori,ki va orech”- ARISE and SHINE YOUR LIGHT HAS COME!
U’chvod Adonai ala’ich zarach! THE GLORY of the LORD has RISEN UPON YOU!

This is an answer to my prayer that IFA posted your article!
Shalom and hugs from the Deep South!

Santos Garcia, Jr.
December 17, 2022

Father, Thank You for Your Divine Intervention and Holy Spirit Guidance during the most difficult times; especially now that we are living in. May Your Precious Holy Will be done in America, and throughout the nations. Glorify Your Son, our LORD & King during this Christmas Season… In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!


December 17, 2022

Keep praying in the name of Jesus: Gender Confusion- Protect our children; Spiritual warfare. PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER OUR CHILDREN EVERYWHERE. WE ARE IN HTE TIMES OF SODOM AND GOMMORAH. THE DOOR IS CLOSING!

Lori Meed
December 17, 2022

Merci Ella! On vous souhaite un joueux Noel at ‘Chag Semeach Chanukah’! Merci pour vos priers. J’etatis nee a Montreal.

Nancy J Osborne
December 17, 2022

Thank you, Lori! that was very informative and easy to understand and I so appreciated your relating it to non Jews. I recently was moved to learn more about Hannukah and your article came to me at just the right time. God is GOOD! Indeed! Hallelujah and Glory be to Him forever and ever! May God richly bless you and continue to use you to light our dreadfully dark and ungodly world.

Brian lynch
December 17, 2022

We live in a world, and times, where people desperately need Jesus. Come quickly, Lord!!

Mosh Kopelov
December 17, 2022

I try to be a light to others by serving them and showing them the love and the light of Yeshua.

December 17, 2022

Thank you. Love this.

December 17, 2022

Thank you for your explanation.

Lisa M Foti
December 17, 2022

Thank you, Lori, for shedding light on the celebration of Hanukkah! Where would we be without the LIGHT OF THE WORLD? In utter darkness! Father, we pray release from darkness all Your Jewish children who live in Israel and the nations who celebrate Hanukkah but haven’t invited the LIGHT OF THE WORLD to dwell in their hearts forever! As scripture is read over the next 8 days, we ask You to enlighten them of the reality of the Messiah, the Promised One of the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I also pray that Christians across the world will stand beside our Jewish brothers and sisters and declare, “Your God reigns!” HALLELUJAH!

Carla Sherman
December 17, 2022

Knowing history is SO powerful! I have been a follower of Jesus for 46 years and never knew this. I never took time to find out, so thank you for presenting it to me. Last fall I watched a presentation of a Sabbath Passover meal that blew me away with its detailed portrayal of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Now I will get a Hannukah menorah! Father, continue to reveal these truths to believers everywhere as we prepare to receive our Jewish brothers and sisters into your family in this end time harvest! Use us to reach them!

Glory Swiniarski
December 17, 2022

We started celebrating Hanukkah with the friends that we met about 20 years ago and I remember purchasing a menorah and lighting it to remember we are light of the world, following Jesus example.
I found out a few years ago I have Jewish ancestry on both sides of my family & I was excited to know even more about Jewish traditions.
I came to know Jesus at age 4 and I have followed him for my lifetime & His mercy & grace have kept me.
I know my grandparents and relatives have prayed for me too.
Because we moved, our menorah is in storage and I was reminded of it when we put our tree up. I trust we will be able to get it out of storage when God shows us where our home is located!

Dixie Morris
December 17, 2022

Thank you for this beautiful article. Ten years ago, I started celebrating the Lord’s appointed feasts, the Sabbath and Hanukkah because of His prompting and I’ve been so encouraged by the author’s obedience. May Yeshua’s light continue burning so brightly in us that the whole world must stop and see and want what we have. Amén

December 17, 2022

Thank you for sharing this article. I remember over 20 years when God led me into the Jewish roots of my faith. I had been walking with the Lord for over 20 year at the time and wanted to understand the Scriptures that I read daily better. It was the revelation that He gave, concerning the Jewish roots of my faith, that has helped me to have a love relationship with the Bible. I love reading it more now because I understand more of what I am reading. I love the story of Hanukkah and what it means for us to stand today. I pray for our nation and our world that Jesus who is the light of world will continue to shine throughout the darkness, and that we as light bearers, will allow our light to shine as well because we who are believers in Jesus are lights of the world also, I pray this in Jesus Name.

    Lisa Foti
    December 19, 2022

    The Altar of Prayer is a 24/7 prayer website that you are invited to join, Dorothy, so that you can pray for the Jewish people day and night. https://www.altarofprayer.com. I bless your relationship with God, His word, and your understanding of our Hebraic roots!
    In His Love,

Lucy Hines
December 17, 2022

I cried all the way through this Article. I will be going out and buying me a menorah to celebrate Hanukkah as well as Christmas. I have ask Jesus to help me be more like Him. Loving, forgiving and walking in the Holy Spirit. Please pray for me.

Judy Land
December 17, 2022

I love this explanation!

Tamara Lamb
December 17, 2022

Wonderful article! We celebrate Hanukkah and enjoy the blessings our Heaven Father releases into our lives as a result of entering in!! Sharing Jesus Christ as he is truly the lift of the world.

December 17, 2022

Oh Lord you are good! And Your mercy endures for all!

Ronda Lake
December 17, 2022

FatherwGod thank you for sending your son Jesus into the world to save us from our sin. As we look to the birth of Jesus this season fill us with you Holy Spirit, truth and peace let us be a light to all around us. Let us be his hands and feet to serve other and share the Gospel in Jesus mighty name Amen

December 17, 2022

Thank you for this post. I was born jewish and raised jewish and love the lord our God . Hannukah has always been special to me but i have struggled to make it a central focus. Thank you for this reminder and these blessings. . In the past 20 years my heart has been Yeshua’s , for He lit the/ my world up and gave us eternity for those of us who believe in Him . Lord I thank you for reminding us that you are our savior and that even in this darkened world where sin has become rampant, you save and you bring about your goodness. Help always comes from you. You have not forsaken us and you will not now in these dark hours where so many are lost and looking for a leader. But, i have hope because you father in heaven gave us your son who gives us hope and will light up our path. You father give us eternity through Jesus. Praise God. .

Ella Gbokede
December 17, 2022

Je me joins en prière pour supporter vos causes et projets. Que Dieu dans sa Grace vous accorde tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour le bien des populations. Amen !

    Lori Meed
    December 17, 2022

    Merci Ella! On vous souhaite un joueux Noel at ‘Chag Semeach Chanukah’! Merci pour vos priers. J’etatis nee a Montreal.

December 17, 2022

This has been such an exciting post for me this morning! It’s filling me with hope for America that God will deliver America from our evil government and bring revival here!


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