I Prayed have prayed
Father, forgive our nation for this continued evil and sin. Help our nations leaders to stand against abortion and give them a passion to stand against it.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last week, legal accountability group Judicial Watch dropped a bombshell: a nearly 600-page report proving the U.S. government has been buying and trafficking “fresh” aborted baby body parts. These body parts, purchased by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to “humanize” mice and test biologic drugs in scientific experiments, came from babies up to 24-weeks-old gestation, just weeks from being born.

While Americans may be used to hearing pro-lifers beat the warning drum on abortion groups harvesting baby bodies and selling them for research, (who hasn’t heard of the lawsuit against David Daleiden, who exposed Planned Parenthood haggling over baby lungs and livers at dinner parties?) this time, the U.S. government was the one trafficking baby parts.

Recent emails uncovered by Judicial Watch between FDA employees and the California-based Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) prove the agency spent tens of thousands of dollars buying aborted babies for unethical scientific experiments between 2012 and 2018. In 2018, the Trump administration terminated the contract, halting government fetal tissue research due to concerns the contracts were unlawful. . . .

Caught Red-Handed

This is not the first time ABR has been in the spotlight, as the company was under congressional investigation for its long-standing involvement in fetal tissue trafficking. One of the oldest fetal tissue procurement firms, the company makes millions every year by harvesting organs like lungs, livers, eyeballs, and brains from aborted babies and re-selling them at a profit.

Emails between FDA officials and ABR employees reveal disturbing conversations as they collaborate to buy and sell aborted fetuses. Records indicate ABR was paid $12,000 upfront per baby, some survivable out of the womb, between the gestational age of 16-24 weeks.  . . .

Even more appalling is an ABR employee complaining about the difficulty of identifying the sex of aborted babies. “We only check external genitalia and if it’s not there … we have no way of telling.” The fact techs are unable to identify the sex of aborted babies is no surprise to those familiar with the barbaric nature of abortion procedures, which require clinic staff to piece together mangled remains of babies after their limbs and organs are torn apart.

As if these casual orders weren’t horrific enough, more emails confirm that the FDA bought organs of babies who were aborted well after 20 weeks gestation, after the time a baby usually can survive outside the womb. . . .

When an ABR employee reassured the FDA they were working with doctors who performed late-term abortions, he admitted some tissue was unusable from a procedure that injects a poison called digoxin into the baby, destroying its cells and tissues. Once the chemical has done its work, an intact, dead baby is delivered. This method makes fetal tissue specimens unusable in experiments; with digoxin off the table, the likelihood partial-birth abortions were used is sickeningly high. . . .

Babies at this level of development possess all characteristics necessary for surviving life outside the womb and premature children born as young as 21 weeks go on to lead healthy, thriving lives.

An Atrocity Against Human Dignity

These gruesome excerpts are just a sample of records substantiating the 2019 lawsuit Judicial Watch filed against HHS, which houses the FDA. In March this year, a federal court ordered the agency to release records it withheld about purchasing organs of aborted babies, saying it found “reason to question” the transactions violated federal law.

The court’s decision found that the U.S. government bought second-trimester livers, thymuses, brains, eyes, and lungs for hundreds of dollars apiece from ABR, stating ABR could collect “over $2,000 on a single fetus it purchased … for $60” and “the federal government participated in this potentially illicit trade for years.” . . .

Until demanded otherwise, our society is complicit in the unchecked abuse and commodification of preborn children. Moral urgency is incumbent on us to condemn these atrocities sanctioned by the federal government’s lead medical researchers and fight to stop them. We may lose more battles before we win, but we cannot say we never knew. . . .

Share your prayers for life to be promoted in our nation!

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Article by  . Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Cole and Connie Nelson
April 24, 2021

Lord God Almighty – we ask that Your great mercy and forgiveness would fall over our nation. Forgive us for our callousness and for not doing everything we could have to protect the innocent unborn.
We ask that You would help those that care in this nation bring this to a stop. We ask Lord that those within our government or those associated in business with them be held accountable for this hideous evil. We ask that they would be served justice in this life Lord. Our hope is that they will find you Lord and your forgiveness. How or when we leave that in Your hands Father. Have mercy on us Lord. Amen.

Catherine Seybold
April 24, 2021

Father, You saw these precious ones before they were born. Every day of their life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:19 Their lives were cut short here in this earth, but they are with You now for eternity. Every day I BLESS You and praise Your name forever. Psalm 145:2

Susan CC
April 23, 2021

Oh my God, have mercy on these most precious ones. I can’t even read past the first few sentences because I can’t see through the tears. Oh Father of Heaven and earth, I pray a holy moratorium on the killing of the unborn. I pray a supernatural conviction on those contemplating this on their own flesh. And for those prospering on the death of the most innocent victims in our society…I pray Your wrath upon their lives until they repent and seek You. In the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen


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