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I Prayed have prayed
Father, please move on the hearts and minds of doctors and U.S. government agencies to approve all treatment options that are safe and effective. We ask for an end to medicine and treatment bias, and that doctors will have freedom to prescribe what they believe is best.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and 21 other Republicans are pressuring the Biden Administration to offer more early treatment options for COVID-19 to the American Public.

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, public health officials…at times seem[ed] to have participated in an aggressive campaign against the use of specific early treatment options,” the group’s letter to officials stated…

“Even though a basic tenet of medicine is: early detection allows for early treatment which produces better results; your agencies have…discouraged the use of cheap and widely-available early treatments…in favor of expensive new drugs like Remdesivir…,” the letter said…

“We…believe you should explain…why your agencies have failed to…examine and ensure access to a growing list of drugs being used by doctors who have had the courage to ignore NIH’s ongoing…guideline of doing virtually nothing until COVID-19 patients…require hospitalization,” the group wrote…

Do you know someone who has used one of the treatments spoken of above, like Ivermectin, and been helped by that? Share in the comments below! Add a prayer for inexpensive and effective treatments to be approved.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by Colton Salaz. Photo Credit: Buda Mendes/Getty Images).

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October 9, 2021

I visited American Frontline Doctors during the summer to start hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic. I didn’t begin taking it until early August because I had been praying as to whether I should take it or not. My husband & I take care of my mom. We took her to have some teeth extracted. That very same day I felt a witness in my spirit that I should start the medication which I did on the following day. During that same time, my mom started having cold like symptoms. We thought she had gotten too chilled during her appointment only to find out a week later that it was Covid. She & I both tested positive for Covid. I had one day of what I termed flulike symptoms & immediately refused them in my spirit. I cleared up quickly. My mom hadn’t received the shot or any of the protocol meds but I had started her on Vitamin C & Vitamin D. I also had purchased Sweet Gum tincture that is an antiviral & started her on it a few days in to the symptoms she was experiencing. We are all well. Mom is under home health care to help regain muscle strength & was on oxygen for about 2 weeks. I really believe it was God’s hands on our family during that time. I’m still taking the hydroxychloroquine as prescribed & will continue taking it until this plandemic is over along with my vitamins & zinc to keep a healthy immune system & above all prayer.

Father I pray that the powers that be who blocked the preventative & early treatment medications from the people because of their hidden agenda will begin to loose their grip as pressure is being placed on them to do what is right. I pray that everyone who has been deceived & bought into the lies about this virus & the shot will be awakened to truth & begin to reverse words that they have spoken that are against you & against your people. I pray that the woke church would wake up to truth & that the blinders & mind binding spirits that have been attached to their minds will loose their grips & be rendered powerless, inoperative & ineffective. I pray that as the church awakes to truth, that repentance will take place in their hearts & that there would be a massive return to our Father of love. I also pray that those leaders who have used their influence during this time to persuade people against their will to receive those shots would be dealt with & if they don’t repent that they will be removed from their positions of power & authority & replaced by men & women of God who fear you father & desire your truths to be priority in their lives in Jesus Name Amen. Expose & overturn all legislation that fights against your will to cause the agenda of this world to be spread. Overthrow all who oppose you & your righteous cause for our nation. Release the warfare angels to do warfare against the kingdom of darkness to push back the spirit of this world & cause your light to shine even more brightly than ever before according to Isaiah 60 in Jesus Name Amen.

October 8, 2021

Father God I praise You for how You have provided these inexpensive treatments that have been Your provision in India and to so many people. Father I pray that greed and lies would be exposed and I pray that treatments that work that doctors have discovered would be allowed to be used. Father I pray You would wake people up to the evil they are complicit with by being silent and blocking these effective treatments. Lord would You work on our behalf to do what only You can do, we appeal to You. In Jesus powerful name.


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