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Father, put an end to racial divisions in our nation, including woke anti-white politics. Help companies commit to neutrality.
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Google is facing trouble after its new AI platform was revealed to be anti-white by design. For some, this backlash is reminiscent of the vitriol a certain beer company suffered last year over its woke marketing. Is Google’s Gemini the next Bud Light situation?

From Fox Business. Google is facing heavy backlash over accusations that the company is “woke” following the revelation that its new artificial intelligence tool, Gemini, was developed with a bias against White people.

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The Alphabet-owned tech giant is scrambling to right ship after pulling the plug on Gemini’s image generation features last week, with CEO Sundar Pichai telling employees on Tuesday the company is working “around the clock” to fix the tool’s bias. …

However, “Public” founder Michael Shellenberger says the fallout over Gemini is Google’s “Bud Light moment.” …

“The problem for Google, as with Bud Light before it, is that its CEO and other senior executives are still in denial about the problem,” Shellenberger told FOX Business in an emailed statement. …

The journalist and author argues it will take more than fixing Gemini for Google to regain the public’s trust. …

“Google’s CEO must snap out of denial and commit to political neutrality … ” he added.

Jessica Melugin, director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Technology and Innovation, says she does not believe Google’s troubles rise to the same level as Bud Light’s.

“I think they’re different in that Bud Light was a marketing mistake, while Gemini was a product mistake,” Melugin told FOX Business. …

What do you think of Gemini and Google? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox Business. Photo Credit: Alex Dudar on Unsplash)

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March 6, 2024

In Jesus’ name, I decree a turnover at the top and new ownership for Google. Let righteous people overtake this giant and reform it to glorify God’s just purposes for the Land.

Paula Hammock
March 6, 2024

I declare that what the devil has meant for evil, God will turn for good. No weapon of race used against us prospers in the name of Jesus. Anoint the people’s eyes to see through the fog of this deception and cause truth to overwhelm the lie. Cause unity to bind all people together causing division to bow to Your presence. I declare that love, rather than hate, abounds between all races. I ask that you take AI and use it for Your glory – use it to destroy wickedness. I ask You to raise a standard against the evil intended through this technology. I declare that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses this technology of all unrighteousness making it useful to His Kingdom. Kingdom of God come, Kingdom of God prosper our “good” technology. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Wendy Kremer
March 6, 2024

I will quit using Google immediately and use DuckDuckGo instead. I’m praying for the underlying evil to be exposed!

March 6, 2024

A product mistake? Not! The first question that came to mind was, Who wrote the program mistake? Do I look gullible? Well, I’m not!

I can’t take rotten eggs and make a good omelet!!

James Lindsey, in a lecture titled, “The Truth About Critical Methods”, says of those who propound social justice that “the label on the box does not match the contents inside.” The label might say “social justice” -( in this case artificial aka -fake- intelligence-) but when you open the box , you find something different. You discover that it is about deconstructing everything in society and seeking to overthrow the existing order ; it is a grab for power.”

Father ELOHIM, EL ELYON- God Most High – Yours is THE Only Wisdom and the Only Wisdom I seek.

As You spoke in Job 38: 2 -3. “Who is this who darkens council by words without knowledge? Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you and you shall answer me.” … and read on for the questions …..

LORD in Heaven and Earth, For a time such as this, I Thank You for Your Wisdom, and the discernment of Your Holy Spirit to order my mind as well as my steps with this debacle of Google. Father, guide and direct me/us as You did Moses in the Exodus.

In Jesus, the Anointed One Name! Amen

If it was good enough for Bud Light – is it not good enough for Google? I will be searching out another search engine.

    March 6, 2024

    James Lindsey lecture quote reference from Erwin W. Lutzer, “We Will Not be Silenced.”

    Good read.


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