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God, we pray for Generation Z. Strengthen these young people as they enter into the world, Father, and draw them closer to you!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Although many believe that Generation Z is abandoning the faith, the data says otherwise.

From WORLD. This month, almost four million high-school students will walk down the aisle and graduate from high school in America. Among those will be my oldest daughter, Grace. …

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My daughter, like her Generation Z counterparts, is facing a world of challenges. …

And yet, there are hopeful signs that so much adversity has made Generation Z resilient. Consider the spontaneous outpouring of prayer, fasting, and worship among Christian college students, first witnessed at Asbury College in Kentucky and then spread around the nation. …

The Wall Street Journal reports a turning to faith among young people:

About one-third of 18-to-25-year-olds say they believe — more than doubt — the existence of a higher power, up from about one-quarter in 2021, according to a recent survey of young adults. …

There has been so much ink spilled on the supposedly inevitable decline of faith in the next generation of American evangelicals, but many of these narratives have been disputed by researchers such as Ryan Burge. Perhaps our young people are not forsaking the faith after all.

What we do know is that the world our graduates are walking into is a world different than the one we faced a generation ago. … To live out the faith will likely require more courage in a country where the demands of the gospel are not just considered strange, but dangerous. And yet, we can embed hope in the next generation of the church because we know that this mission field was not given to them by accident (Acts 17:26). …

Our kids can live with fearlessness and joy, knowing that Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). The difficult things the next generation of adults will face can be used by God to shape their character. And we can rest in this promise: Christ is still building his church, in America, and around the world, mostly through the quiet and ordinary acts of redeemed sinners. Keep this truth in mind as you congratulate your favorite graduate.

How are you praying for Gen Z? Share this article to encourage others to pray!

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: Simon Maage on Unsplash)

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Rita Soule
June 2, 2023

I see a very hopeful picture of this generation as the church my granddaughter is going to is drawing young people by the hundreds. I have great hope that they are changing the world through their commitment to Jesus. I pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives and the lives of their families and that our Lord Jesus be lifted up and glorified through their obedience.

Sheila Price
June 1, 2023

All anyone needs to do to be filled with hope and gratitude that God is working in the youth is go to websites like Jesus Image, Orlando FL, Upper Room, Texas, Lifestyle Christianity, TX, Bethel, Redding, CA, just to name a few, of churches and Bible Schools that are drawing the Gen Z’s and Gen Alpha, by the groves. God is giving them a hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Lord God, please make clear pathways for the younger generations to have a experiential relationships with You. Grant them repentance and courage to stand up and do what it takes to find their relationship with you and get so radical with it people sit up and take notice…something is different, good different, about each and every one of them. In Yeshua’s Holy name. Yes and Amen❣

    Cheryl Rees
    June 2, 2023

    Thank you Jesus for awakening our young people to hear Your voice and glorify Your name.

June 1, 2023

The Gen Z kids in our church started a movement called Unite. It is open for all churches to invite their youth and come together as one and worship Jesus. The first gathering saw least 200 people. We are expecting it to grow. God is moving among Gen Z. It brings me such encouragement to read this.

Wilna Sepulvado
June 1, 2023

God please show us the new leaders that you are training daily even in all of the craziness of this world. I know you have The Plan and I trust that your plan will be for your glory. Please continue to teach and train our Gen Z for how they will work for your glory in this world. Please help your leaders to stand up and that we know your truth and know that the wicked you will do your will and we will know the difference between the lies in this world and your truth.

Peter Johnston
June 1, 2023

Our church in Richmond, Texas recently began 70 days of prayer for Gen Z

June 1, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray You turn the hearts of those in Gen Z toward You. As they are in the midst of chaos and confusion, keep them protected from the enemy’s devices. Give them divine wisdom and discernment to navigate the world they live in. Send angels to minister to them, open doors for them to meet people who love and serve You, and who won’t be afraid to speak truth into their lives. Help them to know that their identity is in You and not in man. Give those that already know you a burden to bring in the harvest of their generation. Give them the boldness, courage and confidence to speak truth in love to their generation and bring their peers to Christ. Let them know you will not forsake them, You came to give them hope and a future! Your desire is to see them walk in the very purpose you created them for. I decree they will walk in Your ways and bring You glory! In the name of Jesus I pray.

Linda Collins
June 1, 2023

Lord raise up leaders in Generation Z, with unquestionable submission to You as their source and life! Make them a great generation of chosen, confident leaders walking in unquestionable submission, led by Your GLORY only. Give them a BOLD confidence to STAND on the foundation of THEIR TRUE IDENTIY- Children of the MOST HIGH GOD, MADE IN YOUR IMAGE!

Susan CC
June 1, 2023

Matthew 16:15,16 ,17
“But you,” He asked them, “who do you say that I am?”

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!”

And Jesus responded, “Simon son of Jonah, you are blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in heaven.

Luke 10:19 Look, I have given you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy; nothing will ever harm you.

Dear Abba Father, I pray You will reveal Your Son to this generation so they will KNOW He is their Savior and Messiah. I pray You will speak words over them to convict them of their power and authority over the enemy and as You send them out. Lord, please prepare each one to assume their responsibility today, tomorrow and in all the days to come. and give them the greatest hope in You as they move forward. I ask this for Your glory and our good. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    Susan CC
    June 1, 2023

    My heart and head are not in line this morning…..edited

    Dear Abba Father, I pray You will reveal Your Son to this generation so they will KNOW He is their Savior and Messiah. I pray You will speak words over them to convict them of their power and authority over the enemy. And as You send them out Lord, please prepare each one to assume their responsibility today, tomorrow and in all the days to come. Give them the greatest hope in You as they move forward. I ask this for Your glory and our good. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Victoria Lynn Pierson
June 1, 2023

Abba Father we pray for Gen Z and the millennials too. We pray they come to know YOU and believe in YOU and worship YOU like never before. We pray they are on the frontlines of a remarkable Jesus Revolution to break out any day now – truly break wide open!! In Jesus mighty name. Amen amen.

Christine Stott
June 1, 2023

God, we pray for Generation Z. Strengthen these young people as they enter into the world, Father, and draw them closer to you!

Jo-Ellen Doyle
June 1, 2023

I am praying that this generation will know their identity in Christ! That they would be fearless in love and power to change the hearts of people and nations. I declare their passion will be channelled for righteousness.

Michele Snow
June 1, 2023

Lord… I thank you for all the generations that have stood before You. Every one of them have encountered different adversities, but You have remained steadfast in Your love for them. Having said that, You know that the world is becoming darker and darker with each passing day, and the generations that lie ahead are facing challenges never before seen. Lord… in particular, we pray for Gen Z. We pray for the young people who will take up the current mantel, but pray that they do so in a way that honors and glorifies You. Give them the strength and courage to move forward in an increasingly fallen world, so that Your light may shine even brighter in the days ahead.
It’s in Your glorious and steadfast name we pray these things, Lord. Amen.

June 1, 2023

This week our prayer point is to pray for the next generation , that those who know the truth will stand strong and those who don’t will come to know the Truth that sets people free. So I’m very encouraged to read this article.


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