Debt Ceiling Deal Could Cost McCarthy His Speakership
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Debt Ceiling Deal Could Cost McCarthy His Speakership
Several Republicans are taking issue with the bipartisan debt ceiling deal, calling McCarthy’s speakership into question. What do you think? Share in the comments!
From Newsmax. The House could pass the debt-ceiling deal agreed to by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and President Joe Biden, but it might ultimately cost McCarthy his job if he has to have Democrat votes to do it, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., warned Tuesday on Newsmax.
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“The operative question there is whether or not the speaker can get to a majority of the majority,” Gaetz told Tuesday’s “The Chris Salcedo Show.” “If a majority of Republicans are against a piece of legislation, and you use Democrats to pass it, that would immediately be a black-letter violation of the deal we had with McCarthy to allow his ascent to the speakership, and it would likely trigger an immediate motion to vacate. …
Republicans control the House with a 222-213 majority, so, as Gaetz pointed out to host Chris Salcedo, McCarthy needs to whip up at least 112 Republican votes for the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.
“That’s a key number because according to the concessions that Speaker McCarthy made in January, he can only bring legislation to the floor if a majority of the majority is going to support it,” Gaetz told Salcedo. …
“We cannot pass bills with a majority of the Republicans in opposition, so if folks are against this, they should reach out to their member of Congress and have their voice heard.”
Gaetz is a hard no, but he was also a hard no on the previously GOP-passed House deal to raise the debt ceiling. …
Also, Gaetz concluded, a number of the features of the deal McCarthy agreed to with Biden can too easily be unwound by the president. …
It requires just one “motion to vacate” McCarthy as speaker. …
From The Hill. Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) on Tuesday became the first Republican to publicly support ousting Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) over the debt ceiling deal he struck with President Biden as conservative criticism of the agreement ramps up.
At a House Freedom Caucus press conference Tuesday, members vented their frustration with the agreement and urged their colleagues to vote against it, but Bishop was the sole Republican to raise his hand signifying he would support a motion to oust McCarthy over the bill. …
But Bishop did not commit to filing a motion to vacate the chair, which would trigger a vote on removing McCarthy as Speaker. …
[Members] of the House Freedom Caucus and beyond were infuriated the debt limit bill announced over the weekend did not do more to cut spending and complained other provisions Republican leadership touted had massive loopholes.
“I want to be very clear: Not one Republican should vote for this deal. Not one. If you’re out there watching this, every one of my colleagues, I’m gonna be very clear: Not one Republican should vote for this deal,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) said. …
Bishop was one of 20 House Republicans who withheld support for McCarthy for Speaker in January, resulting in a historic 15-ballot Speaker election. Those members secured commitments to pursue policies like cutting government spending — and restoring the threshold for a “motion to vacate the chair” to just one member, down from a standard of five put in place under former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
While Bishop is the first member to explicitly call for ousting McCarthy over the debt limit bill, other members have been signaling they could be willing to do so. …
“Let me put it this way. I think this bill indicates exactly why I have concerns about him being Speaker,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) said. …
McCarthy brushed off conservative criticism of the bill.
“I’m not sure what in the bill people are concerned about. It is the largest savings of $2.1 trillion we’ve ever had,” McCarthy told reporters Tuesday. …
How are you praying about the debt ceiling deal? Share this article to keep people informed.
(Excerpt from Newsmax. Photo Credit: Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
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McCarthy kept saying we needed to send money to help defeat the Democrats before they take this country, but turned around and gave in to Biden’s desire to put us into debt by the trillions. What is wrong with Republicans who always give in to Democrats who make bad decisions? I have a hard time believing anyone in the government wants to save America. He just proved it after acting like he was trying to save America and then handing over indebtedness to Biden. Trump didn’t exactly lower the debt ceiling either. They are all into spending out of their minds. It’s the citizens who pay for all this, not them. They don’t represent us anymore. There may be a couple of people left in government who care, but not enough if we don’t get rid of the ones who are in bed with the deep state.
Lord, help us to pray more diligently for Your will to be done in the lives of the deceived who want to keep printing money for their own agenda.
I am reading the article above once again and McCarthy says he saved 2.1 Trillion dollars in this deal with Biden. I was under the impression that he raised it 2.1 Billion. It is what I heard on the news or thought I heard. This is encouraging, but I’m not sure why Republicans are concerned that Biden can find loop holes in this deal. I am much more encouraged that there was a reduction in spending, so, why does everyone want to get rid of him.
We still need to pray much more diligently for our government. I hate to think it is hopeless.
Romans 13:8 is explicit, owe no debt to anyone. Those opposing McCarthy are in the wrong. They need to listen to the people whom they work for and do the right thing according to God’s word.
Republicans have become divided and too weak to lead our country. Without Donald Trump, our nation will be lost.
Without honest elections, we will be a dictatorship country with citizens as slaves.
McCarthy should be fired for adding to our already outrageous debt and then lets them have an
open to add more. Disgraceful, this debt needs to be pulled in, NOT added to. Dumb, dumb leaders.
I know McCarthy had a hard time getting this position and had to make many promises to make good decisions, yes, he needs to be replaced by someone who really care about our Country.
O LORD, ‘We The People’ have no utter knowledge of what they intensely disagree with. For the best outcomes for ‘We The People,’ please strengthen us to continue praying fervently.
I feel discouraged and overwhelmed every time (which is every day) things like this happen (or Target or now Chick -filet or with corrupt DAs and judges) – where it seems what is right or best for our country will prevail – and then it doesn’t. Evil seems to win – lies seem to prevail over truth – so public decisions are made based on false information, not reality/truth – when we think we have elected more honest people it doesn’t turn out to be the case (I have to wonder about the use of money/bribes, threats, coercion and intimidation – harm to individuals and their families behind the scenes that we don’t know about?) but today I am remembering and focusing on this –
” ‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ And Elisha prayed, ‘O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (2 Kings 6:16-17)
Lord open my eyes to see You at work in this world on behalf of those who love You and are called according to Your good purposes. May I trust You even when I don’t see the evidence I am looking for (“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”) and may I remember that it is “not by power, not by might, but by Your Spirit, as You have said”. Thank You Heavenly Father, that “those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Give me eyes to see, faith to believe, wisdom to discern Your will – what You are calling me to do and courage to obey and follow where You lead. The victory is Yours! May Your truth and righteousness defeat the lies and evil of the enemy.
I agree with your prayer! God bless you and May Je cause us to triumph and stand strong in Him. He ALONE IS GOD AND LORD YOU ARE IN CONTROL! We proclaim your victory and do not look at what we see with our eyes or hear with our ears.. but WE KEEP OUR EYES UPON YOU AND PRAY YOUR WILL INTO THIS WORLD!! In the Name of the Triumphant One.. ALPHA OMEGA BEGINNING ANS END!! Hallelujah! We do Your bidding each day and pray as You told us to do .. from now until You Come for Us! Enable us to bring in the souls to Jesus!!
Typing Error
No more compromise. The righteous have got to stop giving in to the unrighteous’ taunts. Who cares what the wicked say when we don’t give them what they want? The enemy of our souls is never happy unless he is causing destruction and death. Hasn’t the Lord been calling His sons and daughters to walk in the authority of Christ? I never read in my Bible where Jesus cared about the taunts of the unrighteous. Jesus stood His ground and the world was changed. When will we actually walk by faith? When will the Church actually practice what they sing about and preach about? “Having done all to stand, stand therefore.”
Everybody in the government needs Jesus and needs to get saved and then things can get done appropriately in the right way. There’s just so many people that are messed up totally in so many people that are crooked. Father God I pray that people in our government would have a burning desire in their heart for the truth so that the truth can set them free and they can all get saved in Jesus name amen
America voters are now reaping what they sowed in November 2018, 2020 and 2022. Blind hatred for America first leaders has led this nation to the ungodly like state it is in. Too many Reps and Senators have been fully corrupted by power. And we see the individuals that are unfit to serve in the white House and The Senate. May GOD have mercy on America, and may the overwhelming majority of this nations voters, pray and ask for GOD’s wisdom in selecting GOD fearing elected officials in 2024
God, we pray that Your will would be done in our nation. Give our representatives wisdom as they seek to avoid default.
Father, bring peace and give wisdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen
I wasn’t happy when McCarthy was named speaker, and I trust him even less now. He is a RINO. We have so few people in government now who are looking out for the people. Isn’t that what they get paid big bucks and benefits to do? I am ready to shut down Congress and most state governments and most government organizations. They are all destroying America, and led by big money like soros. I WANT MY AMERICA BACK- Land of the free and home of the brave- not illegal aliens, child molesters, drug suppliers and idiot governments only out for themselves.
Holy Spirit Expose Every Lie and Remove Those
Who are Being Led by satan