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I Prayed have prayed
God, rescue Ukraine from Russia so that everyone will know that you alone are God.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Yesterday Vladimir Putin addressed the Russian Federation for an hour, and at the end he said he was sending “peacekeeping” military forces into two “republics” that he claims are independent countries–Donetsk and Lugansk. Intercessors in Ukraine reached out to IFA during the broadcast:

“It was a surreal twisted set of lies . . . Basically this was a public declaration justifying the plans they made, blaming Ukraine and the west as a threat to Russia. . . . It is a very critical moment. I ask IFA to pray intensely for these unfolding events.

“We still stand firm that war is not God’s will and is not inevitable.”

We also want to share this from a Ukrainian Army chaplain named Laura. These were Facebook posts from yesterday.:

“Friends, military is asking for strong prayers, in the battle zone, VERY SPECIAL right now!!!!. Connect, dear believers friends of different religions and churches of God, colleagues – chaplains, need powerful prayer support !!!!” Thank you, with respect Laura, military chaplain “Sunshine”.

“Thank you so much for your prayers, dear friends, for your continuous support. Today, according to the data of the OOS, 54 shelling took place on the front, including heavy, forbidden by the Minsk agreements, weapons!!! Private houses, administrative buildings, infrastructure and utilities were affected (((((  There are reports of two heroes killed and 4 wounded fighters. Thanks to our defenders for the peaceful sky over our cities and villages.

May the Lord protect you in all ways.”

After the February First Friday prayer webcast/call for Ukraine, intercessor Vicky Vaught decided to share her wealth of experience with IFA, developed from years of intercession for Ukraine and Russia.

In 1980, Vicki and her husband, R. Randolph, planted a small church in Frankfurt, Kentucky where they faithfully served the Lord as pastors. Through indigenous missions, Randolph met Dan Johnson of Radio for Russia. Already an intercessor for Ukraine, the Lord also gave him a heart for Russia. Hejoined the board for Christian Radio for Russia (New Life Radio), which at that time was broadcast out of Moscow. It is broadcast globally from Ukraine.

Vicki shared with IFA an incredible story about her husband and a demonic figure that appeared to him, which he believes was connected to Russia.

Interceding for Russia Brings an Encounter with a Principality.

Vicki shared with IFA her husband’s own words about what happened when he and a pastor friend were traveling through Wisconsin to a conference:

 “On November 2,1987, south of Madison, Wisconsin, at approximately 2 a.m., we stopped to rest and eat at a small diner. After being seated, a man walked in, came straight toward us, and sat across from our table and immediately engaged us in conversation.  He was very intelligent-based on his vocabulary and his knowledge-and was neatly dressed all in black and exuded arrogance. I recall his mentioning Stalin and his daughter in the midst of our conversation, and he boasted of his connections to governmental officials throughout the world . He made threatening remarks and later threatening actions. My wife and three friends were awakened at that time to pray for us.  In the midst of the conversation he denied the deity of Christ, indicated that he was present at the cross, and when asked said he was an angel.“ 

It’s safe to say God had Randolph and his friend protected by His presence and the prayers of his wife and three friends who were awakened at the exact time he was confronted by this being. He always believed that this being threatened him because of his intercession for Russia and Ukraine.

Vicki and her husband R. Randolph Vaught were married for 43 years. They faithfully served the Lord as pastors and were faithful to the call of God to go and make disciples. Vicki is still praying and believing in the promises that God had shown her and her husband. Randolph Vaught entered into glory in 2018, but the legacy of his prayers and ministry to Ukraine continues to touch lives. At 71 years young, Vicki still prays faithfully for Ukraine, especially now. The Lord has given her revelation on how we can pray for the Russia/Ukraine conflict. 

God’s Battle Plan for Ukraine/Russia Prayer:

What is happening right now is nothing new. Since biblical times we read of principalities assigned to nations. (See Dan. 10) Vicki reminds us that it’s important to remember that we do not bind principalities; it’s the Lord who does it.

1) Pray that God would bind any and all principalities influencing Putin and affecting Russia.

But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 1:9)

Vicki shared a wonderful encouraging story straight from scripture that is similar to what is going on in Russia.

In 2 Kings 18, Hezekiah is afraid of the threats from the king of the Assyrian Army. Senaccherib threatened Jerusalem, purposely provoking and trying to instill fear in the people and the King. In 2 Kings 19, Hezekiah humbly responded through prayer, and in desperation, cried out to the Lord. He went into the Lord’s temple and spread the threat letter and prayed before the Lord. (2 Kgs 19:14-19)

IFA Contributing Author Remco Brommett also recently wrote a wonderful piece worth reading about Hezekiah and Sennacherib in his article, “Pray For A New Kind of Prayer Movement.” 

Here’s how the Lord responded to Hezekiah: Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘Because you have prayed to Me against Sennacherib king of Assyria, I have heard.’ (2 Kgs 19:20)

Isn’t that beautiful, intercessors? “Because you prayed, I have heard.”

Hezekiah didn’t have long fancy prayers or eloquent words. His heart was broken for his nation. He knew that they were no match for Sennacherib’s army. His prayer was simple, “God, rescue us from his power and everyone will know that you alone are God.”  Hezekiah couldn’t, but God could.

Vicki says, “If God could send away Sennacherib’s army, can’t he do the same with the Russians? God doesn’t change. He still is all powerful. He can send his warrior angels to protect the people. Couldn’t he deal with Putin since he holds the king’s heart in his hand? Nothing is impossible with God.”

Let’s take a moment to pray right now, using Hezekiah’s prayer as an example. 

Father, we come before you and pray for what is happening with Ukraine and Russia. We ask You Lord to push back the demonic forces that want to provoke a war, and fill lives with fear. 

Send Your angels to protect the people, the children and families, and the church. Bend down, O Lord, and listen. Open your eyes, Lord and see. Listen to the threats coming from Vladimir Putin and his council. Lord God, rescue the Ukrainians, and all people who are in danger from his power. Let all the kingdoms of the earth know you alone are God and there is none like you. In Jesus name, amen.

We are instructed by scripture to pray for our leaders–not just godly leaders, but all leaders. It is God who sets them up or removes them. according to Daniel 2:21. He always desires their salvation.

2) Pray for Vladimir Putin to hear the gospel message somehow, whether through the radio or media, or from some courageous person. There is power in the word of God.

The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. (Ps 119:130)

Ukrainians have suffered at the hands of Russians for many years, so there is much animosity and bitterness. 

3) Ask the Lord to remove any bitter roots the Ukrainians have towards Russia and that Russians may have toward other nations and peoples. Pray they would experience freedom from  bitterness. Pray for open eyes to see where they harbor unforgiveness and for a deeper love of God.

See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. (Heb 12:15)

Intercessors for Ukraine and IFA have consistently prayed that war is not inevitable. Please continue to pray for peace. Nothing is impossible with God.

4) Pray for peace between Ukraine and Russia.

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry. (Ps. 34:14,15)

How are you praying for the Ukraine/Russia situation? How has God been guiding your prayers? Please share below.

Christian Radio for Russia is now New Life Radio at www.NLRadio.net. It is broadcast out of Odessa, Ukraine and serves Russian-speaking people globally. They are “a voice of peace and hope in the gospel amidst nations in crisis.” Please pray for New Life Radio as well, and for the gospel message of peace and hope in Christ that is going out to Russia and all Russian-speaking nations. 

Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast Something To Share. Photo credit: Getty Images.

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Judith Trentham
March 8, 2022

Honestly I’m having trouble understanding how God is letting Putin carrying out the slaughter of his Christian children and followers these are good innocent people, please help me in my understanding and excepting this Atrocity!

Linda Buck
February 23, 2022

Praise God for those who are praying for Ukraine and Russia and for peace between those nations. I pray for God’s protection for the United States, for all the Christians who are praying for peace, for us not to fear and to rely upon our God and Savior, Jesus Christ! May our Lord and His army of angels turn the Russians away from the battlefront and supernaturally be stopped in their tracks. And may their hearts be miraculously turned to the Lord for salvation. In Jesus name.

February 23, 2022

Putin has no idea on how to attain peace. He thinks peace is whatever he calls it to be. He has and still takes what he wants. By now, his heart is hardened. He has been fed the lie that the earth belongs to him and he has plans to try and take it all. A lot of men before had the same dream. Where are they now? Someone should tell him, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.. For he hath founded it upon seas, and established it upon the floods.” (Psalm 24-25). God placed him in position to bring glory to himself and just like Pharaoh and all who followed him, God will show who is in charge. Leaders, beware! BLESS HIS HOLY NAME!

A sister
February 23, 2022

Lets also pray for the Russian people and churches. I have a huge burden for Russia. AND that all deception and provocation is resisted in Jesus’ mighty name. Pray for children and for divine protection. Let us pray for brave believers to protect children impacted by this conflict – in whatever form this takes- here and abroad. Russians and Ukrainians should be family- this demonic hatred blocks a common culture and history!! We resist every political spirit and agenda that causes favoritism, hatred, fear, murder, genocide, persecution and we proclaim the name of Jesus over Ukrainian, Russia, and all of the world. We preach a Gospel that is not American but higher and may we be wise as serpents and gentle as doves in this season. May the fires of revival spread through the impacted region and may hearts grow soft for Jesus Christ. Lord please reveal yourself- your heart- your Word-and your truth to the soldiers on both sides. We ask for a Psalm 91 protection over your people and for words of oil and fire to come from their mouths In Jesus’ mighty name.

Susan Nazarewicz
February 23, 2022

As s Rhema grad, I totally agree in the Believer’s Authority!

Susan Nazarewicz
February 23, 2022

I prayed for peace between Ukraine & Russia. I prayed for Putin to forgive the US and thd Ukraine and be content with the land that he has.

Judy Olson
February 22, 2022

I pray that the fear of God will enter Putin so much so that his loins would tremble. May the fear become so great that he will change his mind about his actions toward Ukraine and may his advisors and military leaders encourage him in this decision.

Rev. David Begany, SSJ
February 22, 2022

As an intercessor in the article said, it is not God’s (ordaining) will that Russia invade the Ukraine. Rather, it is the will of men and women blinded by arrogance and pride. If an invasion of Ukraine occurs many will perish both the innocent and the combatants. There will be much sorrow among Russian families and Ukrainian. Let us ask the Lord to inspire good and faithful Russians and Ukrainians to intercede with Him to prevent the evil of an invasion from occurring. May the Lord in his love and mercy hear and grant our humble and heartfelt prayers!

Glenn R. Freeman
February 22, 2022

Psalm 35

Linda Vaughan
February 22, 2022

I have also prayed for God to send Putin back from where he came like He did Sennacherib. I’m not asking for harm to the troops only that they would go back to Russia.

I know God is able to rescue His people!

Blessings to the people of Ukraine!

Chaplain Steven Robert Closs, B.S.B.S., M.S.B.S., N.C.C.A.
February 22, 2022

Heavenly Father, You would have Your children on earth live together in peace and quietness. Frustrate the plans of all evil men who would stir up violence and strife; spoil the weapons of those who delight in war and bloodshed, and; according to Your Divine will, end all wars in the world. Lead us to confess the truth of Your Word that from the lusts of our own hearts come wars and fighting among us. Mercifully hear my prayer and grant us peace in our days. In the mighty and holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Rev. Sophia Neczypir Snyder
February 22, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, I was awaken to pray for Ukraine this morning by You. I know You Know how this people group called Ukraine have been misused and abused by this other country in Russia. There are Your breathren in both countries I know they are not fighting purposely against one another it is the demonic realm as Your Word says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities in high places. However as an Ukrainian American bought and paid for by the Blood of Jesus Christ I come in the strong name of Jesus and employ the Hosts of Heaven and mighty warrior angels to fight for those whom belong to You and ask that this evil thing called communizm be crushed under the feet of the Body of Christ as You prophesy in Revelation. For it is Your Kingdom that matters above all else and call forth the mighty harvest of souls and for protection of the righteous Ukrainians and even those who are righteous in Russia who are forced to fight even against their own family members to be safe. The others it is up to You in Jesus name Amen.

February 22, 2022

We are asking you God Almighty to intervene in this Russian/ Ukrainian conflict and let the world know that you are God and there is none like You 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Susan CC
February 22, 2022

Psalm 37:12-15 The wicked scheme against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them, but the Lord laughs, seeing that their day is coming. The wicked have drawn the sword and bent the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright. But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.

Dear Abba Father, the same phrase comes to my mind each time I read of the plans causing distress worldwide…the Lord laughs…David’s 37 Psalm is titled Delight Yourself in the Lord. We do Father but many are suffering and in fear of war. Would You keep their eyes on You and their hearts strong? You see Mr. Putin and his cohort’s day of reckoning. I pray as David did, that their hearts will be pierced by their own wickedness and their weapons of war will utterly fail. As they are contemplating this, I pray Your laughter rings loudly in their ears. I pray for peace in the Ukraine in the Name of the Peace Giver, Jesus Christ.

David Locke
February 22, 2022

Only The Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, The Father of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, is The Prince of Peace, and it is to Him we go to now in prayer and humble petition pleading for Peace as He alone is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Humble, Mighty One to whom every knee will bow, proud Putin and his henchmen, who bully Ukraine, bring them to Godly sorrow and repentance today.

In The Matchless Name of Messiah Jesus we pray,

February 22, 2022

Your will be done as it is in heaven

Mary Kuhr
February 22, 2022

I think there is more to this than we receive by “natural” news sources. Ukraine is presented as the “victim”. However there are puppets involved here. Be careful how you pray. Russia may be “used” here again in this conflict as a ploy to cover up greater “sins”. Be open to smoke screens. See beyond them. Perceive the political “games”. We may never know all that is going on behind the scenes. Russia may just be protecting her borders as others are trying to elicit conflict for their own benefit. Be careful how one prays. Don’t be ignorant of the ploys of the devil.

Karen Secrest
February 22, 2022

God the Father is concerned about the Russian people also. Years of the KGB rule has left bitterness and hope-less feelings in those living under a regime that also has an elite that lives as other billionaires.
Further Biden is declaring sanctions while the Chinese are also getting their policy in effect.
China has decreed a new order for March 1 and news states our Fed is going to pull the plug on March 15. The only winners in this scenario are the munitions makers.
I just received a note for prayer for finances for those left behind as well as the thousands entering Israel.
I am feeling overwhelmed by sheer number a living in poverty with little to eat and Israel also has a housing shortage.
I call upon the Lord who Blessed and fed with the loaves and fish from a boys lunch.
The Word today the Lord gave me is He is still in control. HE HEARS our prayers.

    Susan CC
    February 22, 2022

    I have remembered the meager loaves and fishes myself. He is God of Abundance and WILL do abundantly more than we can think or ask. Just as Jesus did, I too am holding all these situations up to Heaven and asking for the Lord’s blessing. Yes ma’am Karen, HE HEARS EACH AND EVERY PRAYER.

Lillian C. Reheusser
February 22, 2022

Yes, I am praying every night that God will send His Holy Spirit to inspire Putin not to invade The Ukraine. May they all live in peace; the ultimate plan of God.

Vicki Boand
February 22, 2022

Thank you for pointing this out!! God bless you. From what I understand the one world government puppet masters are using Biden’s crooked administration to distract the US from noticing the gradual take over of the US by the one world government puppet masters. This one world government wants to take over the crooked Ukraine government as well and blame the unrest on Putin who could care less about Ukraine.

February 22, 2022

You do understand that the political leadership in the Ukraine is evil and has their hands in many illegal issues and with Biden. We need to pray for truth to come out. This is not what our MSM and Biden is stating.

February 22, 2022

Praying the evil stronghold’s over these two countries will be broken in the name of the lamb of God Jesus! We apply Jesus’s Blood over Ukraine for her protection & victory in Jesus’s name Amen!!! 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️

February 22, 2022

Lord God, I pray that Russian intervention in the newly declared republics will not go beyond peacekeeping, that they will not attempt to take control of western Ukraine, that fair referenda on independence can be held, that in the mean time shelling and fighting might cease, and that the people might seek you in this time of danger and difficulty, and that your good news can be heard throughout Ukraine. I pray that President Puti might be guided by your word and your Holy Spirit rather than by any evil spirits or by his own desire for power. In Jesus’ name, Amen

February 22, 2022

I love that God said He heard their prayer.

I give, through International Christians and Jews, a box of food each month to a Holocaust Jewish victim living in the Ukraine, so I have a connection to these dear precious people. A bully no matter how they attack is an attack. Please don’t let up on the prayers for Ukraine. God is mighty and can use people or health issues or anything so give Him the permission He needs to help these people.

Linda Kraudel
February 22, 2022

Thank you praying that all leaders are enlightened to Gods will.
Lord Jesus King if Kings save us have Mercy on us.
Pray for the respiration and conversion of sinners .
Our Lady Queen of Peace pray for us

John Peters
February 22, 2022

Thank you.
Just in time!
Time to pray and ask the Lord to protect the Ukraine and defuse the conflict.

February 22, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, You alone are sovereign, You are in charge, there is none stronger than You. I ask You to intervene on this situation between Russia and Ukraine; may there be NO war, and may hearts be turned back to You!!


February 22, 2022

Putin is a practicing Orthodox Catholic. He was baptized on the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel. Russian is an ancient county,, evangelized by St. Andrew, St. Perez’s blood brother. The evil came from Communism which is the work of Satan in opposition to God.. Russian has worked hard under Putin to rebuild 10,000 churches that Communist destroyed.
iPutin is acknowledging the independence of those two territories/countries. They are Russian speaking people, There is much involved in the history of what happed in Russia. Putin quotes an author who fought against communism and corruption. Even our our country was investigation of corruption in the Ukraine. . Remember how Biden wanted someone fired?
The expletive signing the document did so willing and did not look upset. Watch his video on You Tube for yourself to find out for yourself. Things are probably not as the media is spinning. Don’t be part of a lie.

Tom Rooney
February 22, 2022

The example of Hezekiah’s intercession to the Lord concerning Sennacherib is exactly where the Lord led me as I began praying into the Russia/Ukraine situation as Russia began building its troop strength on Ukraine’s border. Do it again Lord!!!

February 22, 2022

My first response to this is that we are being told NOT to bind satan when Jesus Christ told us that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven (Matt. 16:19) and that in His name we would cast out demons (Mark 16:17). He did not say, ask me to do these things for you. I do realize that caution is necessary when facing the enemy full on in spiritual battle. We certainly need to be sure we are up to the task and being led by God; most definitely pray to be sure you are doing what God would have you do in any and every situation. However, we are saved and should be doing the same works and greater works than Jesus (John 14:12), and there was no salvation during Hezekiah’s time. One could not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit or the dunamis [miracle-working power] that comes with this baptism (Acts 1:8) as the church can today. Michael was an angel not a born again spirit-filled Christian. Angels are God’s ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation (Heb. 1:14), and were not given dominion on this earth, mankind was given this authority. See Genesis 3:26 and Psalm 8:6. God has seated Jesus at His right hand far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named (Ephesians 1:20-22) and Jesus has given us authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19) and authority to use His name to do just what He did when He walked among us. Mark 16:17-18. We are His body, and the Holy Spirit in us is His Spirit guiding us, so I will do what Jesus has told me to do and what the Holy Spirit leads me to do when praying in any situation. The gospels and the book of Acts should be our guideline for church function, NOT the Old Testament. We are no longer under the law and Jesus is our High Priest (Heb. 6:19-20) and the only mediator between us and God (1 Tim. 2:5). He (Jesus) has given us our instructions and the Holy Spirit to empower us to live and operate as He instructed. It is time for the church to rise up and do the work to which we were called by our High Priest, Jesus Christ. I am praying as God leads for the situation and my brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine.

    Mitch Miller
    February 22, 2022

    The Scripture you refer to about binding and loosing was not written in the context of spiritual warfare. It was written on the context of church discipline. Also, the Greek grammar of those verses is not not brought out well in English translations, but esssentially means that whatever we bind (in that context) must be that which God has ALREADY bound (perfect tense), NOT – God will bind (future tense) whatever WE choose to bind. It carries with it the idea that we must follow God’s will in binding and loosing.

      February 22, 2022

      Thank you. I have heard this before. I won’t debate about ancient languages and translations, as I am not an authority on ancient languages, but I don’t make the connection between Jesus saying He would build His church in verse 18 (which also states that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church–prevailing implying conflict) and what He says in verse 19 and church disciple. I just don’t see it. I will pray about this and study it further. And if your assessment of the Greek is accurate (I don’t know your qualifications for making this assessment), we can still cast Him out. And as to binding what is already bound in heaven, I would think that satan has been bound in heaven. I don’t believe that He has any authority there, nor does he have any authority over those who are in Christ (which is the church). I do believe however that men give him authority by opening doors to him, and that is why I stated that we should be very sure that we are being led by the Holy Spirit before engaging with the enemy in any spiritual warfare. We are ALWAYS to follow God’s will in everything. Thank you again and God bless.

    Susan Nazarewicz
    February 23, 2022

    As s Rhema grad, I totally agree in the Believer’s Authority!

Millie Torres
February 22, 2022

We are blessed with spiritual leaders like, Pastor Allen Jackson, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Pastor Dutch Sheets, Rabbi Curt Landry and so many, many more that continue to lead us in prayers for the volatile situation in the Ukraine with Russia. We have joined in prayers and lift our personal prayers over the Ukraine and Russia. Yes, Heavenly Father loves His people, and we will continue our support through prayers.

Glory Swiniarski
February 22, 2022

I am praying for the people of Ukraine and may the blood of Jesus protect them. I know that nothing is impossible with God and we believe for peace during this time.
The heart of the king is in the hands of the Lord and he will direct which whatever way he chooses, so we believe the heart of Putin & those in US that control world governments is in the hands of the Lord.
There is a plan of the enemy for the one world government and we trust God to prosper all His people in every way…The people of Ukraine will not fear because the Lord goes before them and behind them and surrounds them.
May God’s perfect will be done in the earth and at the RIGHT TIME. Our times are in your hands, Lord!

February 22, 2022

Thank you for sharing her story. I felt my faith rise up as I read it. Faith to believe for peace, faith to believe for a good outcome!

Betty Stone
February 22, 2022

Helped me remembering Hezekiah SPREADING his threatening situation before the Lord who can do ALL things

Elizabeth Dalager
February 22, 2022

Thankyou, Father for the privilege to come alongside Your Belived Son to intercede for Your Goodness to prevail, that none should perish, and each one would know that You alone are God.

Janet Semones
February 22, 2022

I have prayed for our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ who reside in Ukraine, asking the Lord to protect them and help them to share Jesus with others.

February 22, 2022

This is not mainly about Ukraine and Russia. That is merely a cover for the beginning of Ezekiel 38. The main events are in Syria where Russia, Turkey, and Iran are gathering. On 2/21/22 Russia told Israel to stop protecting themselves from the huge military buildup in Syria. Listen to the main news – from Amir Tsarfati, who lives in Israel.

Lydia B. Miller
February 22, 2022

God does not want one soul to perish or go to hell.
He shall reveal Himself to the people of Ukraine and the Russians. He promised He would perform signs and wonders. He will do more than we can ever imagine because His heart is for the people. The prayers people have prayed for many years shall be like a sword, hitting and defeating the forces of the enemy.
His light shall come , and increase of light.
In His light His supernatural power, shall be manifested and the enemies shall be defeated . In His light many “Damascus experiences” shall take place Where God will get blind people’s attention and they shall fall down and worship the King.
Speak those things that are not, as though they were.
We are not telling God what to do, we are declaring His word, His heart and Believing He is greater than a war. Believing He will stifle and suffocate the enemy.
We have His authority in His name, JESUS and if we are in humility worshiping Him, His declarations written on our hearts through Him shall bear fruit. Our prayers move the heart and hand of God!
We see God’s strong angels hovering over the land in Ukraine, angels descending and ascending all in one according. Angels busy helping deliver His divine purposes and accomplishing more than we could imagine !

Shane Stokes
February 22, 2022

I have been praying that the God of angel armies will protect Ukraine and will fight the battle for Ukraine, just as in the Old Testament..

Darlene McComas
February 22, 2022

I prayed that God would open the hearts of the leaders to see Him! Turn from their wicked ways!

Joel Koontz
February 22, 2022

“It was a surreal twisted set of lies . . . ”

That quote applies to what OUR government says too!!

Jennipher J Williams
February 22, 2022

“And it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow into it. And many people shall go and say ‘come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob and He will teach us of His ways that we will walk in His path for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.’ And He shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, NEITHER SHALL THEY LEARN WAR ANYMORE.” Isaiah 2:2-4 2

patricia sabala
February 22, 2022

I WAS just praying for UKRAINE and their many many follOWers of CHRIST OUR LORD and i wanted to let you know iwas praying as one of many thousands upon thousands of followers ,i myself am from TEXAS ,actually born and raised in hampton,va.and moved here 35 yrs ago ..THERE are many followers in TX.that pray for our fellow brothers and sisters in UKRAINE and i sat down at my computer and praying for UKRAINE jumped out at me …..i will continue to pray ……GOD BLESS ALL OF OUR INTERCESSORS …

Barbara Betz
February 22, 2022

God, we bless Your Holy Name. You Alone are SOVEREIGN God over ALL the earth. You hold ALL Power over Spiritual Principalities Life and Death. You ALONE hold and are able to turn the hearts of those in Power over nations. God, You see, you hear, our prayers for YOUR Peoples of Ukraine and also YOUR Peoples in Russia at these particular days in world history. Father God YOUR People’s and we praying with them, implore you for Mercy, Father. Donetsk and Lugansk are in particular fear and in the ungodly path of their agressor Vladimir Putin. ONLY YOU GOD are able to Save Vladimir Putin. Touch The Very Heart that YOU fashioned in Vladimir Putin, while in his Mother’s womb.
God, rescue Ukraine from Russia so that everyone will know that you alone are God.
Praying that God would bind any and all principalities influencing Putin and affecting Russia. God Your Word says
“The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 1:9)”. Lord YOU alone hold that power to rebuke those principalities and powers. God I and we are Praying for Vladimir Putin to hear the gospel message somehow, whether through the radio or media, or from some courageous person. There is power in the word of God.
For YOUR Word says “The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. (Ps 119:130)
God I am praying in agreement, Asking YOU Lord to remove any bitter roots the Ukrainians have towards Russia and that Russians may have toward other nations and peoples. I am Praying they would experience freedom from bitterness. I am Praying for open eyes to see where they harbor unforgiveness and for a deeper love of God. For YOUR Word says
“See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. (Heb 12:15)”.
God I am praying in agreement with Gloria Robles, intercessor for Ukraine and Russia, “Pray for peace between Ukraine and Russia.
For YOUR Word says
“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry. (Ps. 34:14,15).”
God, I am told my ancestry came through Ukraine many generations ago. God I pray in agreement with all of their fervent prayers of deliverance from evil. You know God, they were forced to leave Ukraine or die. Father God I implore I plead I apply The Precious BLOOD of Jesus over all YOUR peoples binding fear, binding hopelessness, Father God, I pray Hope, Peace and Forgiveness be loosed in their hearts toward the aggressive. Lord God as YOU heard George Washington, upon his knees, before Gettysburg action unfolded, so Father, hear our prayers. Father God I pray for reconciliation between the countries, that is YOUR heart and YOU have charged us with YOUR ministry of Reconciliation, to YOU, and to each other. God we remain on Your Spiritual Watch Tower, for these nations, God. All for YOUR Glory God. YOUR Kingdom come, YOUR Perfect Will be done in Your Son Jesus Name Amen.

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.
Psalm 127:1 ESV

    Vicki Vaught
    February 22, 2022

    Such a blessing!! May our Father bless you and your generations as you cry to Him. May He restore all that your generations and others have lost at the hand of the Enemy (the Evil One- principalities and powers) as he has come against Ukrainians. May the Lord Jesus turn every curse into a blessing!!

      Maynard Beck
      March 1, 2022

      I am curious about the radio station in Ukraine. Is it a target of Putin? Has it been attacked? I would think that it is a problem for his overall agenda. Many of the misguided comments I have seen on recent stories on IFA sadly side with Putin. They are uninformed about his attacks on Christianity over the last decade – particularly street evangelism. This article was extremely helpful.

    Jennipher J Williams
    February 22, 2022

    Amen x 10! I totally agree with you and others.

Brian lynch
February 22, 2022

I have been praying for God’s will to be done with Ukraine, and will continue to do so.

    Vicki Boand
    February 22, 2022

    Yes. May God’s will be done for His Name’s sake.

Vicki Boand
February 22, 2022

The one world government is behind this Russian “invasion” not Putin. The mainstream media is propaganda. Putin is being blamed for invading Ukraine. The one world government wants to control Ukraine, not Russia, and is stirring up trouble between the Ukraine and Russia to distract people from the one world government’s gradual takeover of the United States and possibly spark a war.

February 22, 2022

“Have no fear for I am with you! Be not afraid for I am your God! I will strengthen you and help you and uphold you with my victorious right hand” Isaiah 41:10

Teresa Daigrepont
February 22, 2022

Yes we pray fervently for there not to be war in Ukraine. Lord show yor power. For your glory, oh Savior, “Desire of Nations”.

Carole Ann Neve
February 22, 2022

Father God in Jesus name, let your will be done in Russia, Ukraine, and throughout all the earth. For they will know and hear the name of Your Son Jesus Christ the risen one. The republics would be great to do as well. Father God, prosper and heal the people and the nations of the earth and give us your peace. Pray the Lord’s Prayer.

Sami berryhill
February 22, 2022

I am praying for Ukraine

Joyce Neeley
February 22, 2022

“The Lord will lay bare His Holy arm in the sight of all nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.” Isa. 52:10
In Jesus name I pray 🙏 AMEN

Randy Moore
February 22, 2022

Thanks for highlighting how I could pray for Ukraine 🇺🇦.

Barbara Janicki
February 22, 2022

Heavenly Father we pray Your Presence and protection for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine right now – just as You were with the three in the furnace, that You would deliver them from war to peace and safety and that not only they, but the whole world would know it was You – You alone are Sovereign, You alone are able to deliver them, You set up kings and depose them. In obedience we pray for our enemies, in this case Putin, that You would change his heart to do what is right instead of wrong. We pray for good to overcome evil, for truth to overcome lies. In Jesus’ name, Amen. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Pam Zook
February 22, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father we thank you that You love the Ukrainian and Russian people and that You hate war. We ask that the principalities within Russia be bound up and their plans thwarted. We speak your protection over target areas. And lastly Dear Father we pray that all come to know that it is You who brings and sustains peace in every situation. Glory to You Lord forever and ever.

Jenny Cubbage
February 22, 2022

Lord, I have heard the horror stories of Christian refugees who fled Ukraine in the past. The atrocities they witnessed are unspeakable. Father I pray You comfort them as they relive the horrors they endured and now bare witness to their friends and family’s suffering. Lord I don’t know why certain regions of the world see so much evil, but we have to trust in Your plan-that You have a plan, and in the end it is for our betterment. Christ Jesus, I pray Your blood over the people of Ukraine. I declare reports of the miraculous. Lord right now this looks like a story of David and Goliath. Father arm Your children with stones and perfect aim, that the enemy is taken down swiftly and they know You are God! Father we praise You in the storm. We praise You in the fire, for we know You are with us. Lord I also pray that scales are removed from the eyes of the unbeliever and that people of the world will see the truth and be able to discern the lies and fear of the enemy. Lord if they only knew You! Father I am grateful for Your presence as Your world of believers press in. In the sweet name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we pray, Amen and Amen

Kathryn Jennings
February 22, 2022

FOLKS, Our new platform, Grandparentsarise.com, Starting TODAY, 2/22/22, will be offering an intercessory prayer time for specific topics of exposing the enemy’s plans and thwarting them. We will be Unified in our prayers every Tuesday at Noon EST. Please send your prayer requests through the site http://www.Grandparentsarise.com. PLEASE Hold This Movement Up as well as we are a Unified VOICE of wisdom and information. (One of our Main focuses, to bring CURRENT medical data to all, AND to be a Voice to the innocent). NOTHING! NOTHING, is Impossible with God!!!!!

    Sandra Chank
    February 22, 2022

    I will be looking into this prayer group and felt greatly moved by it. My great grandson was born today. Baby Perez. His mom, Nancy gave birth under emergency conditions by C section one month early. He was pulled out feet first and has a broken clavicle, and inhaled a bowel movement and has pneumonia. There is great concern in my heart and because of covid restrictions.not even the ability to go to the hospital too. There is joy in my heart also, I’ve seen a phot of this beautiful fat little boy!! Please God protect him,!! Gather Mom and Dad into your comforting hands. Thank for this little baby born on the same day zyzozu have established this new prayer power team. In my heart I see that as a response to my prayers already. Thank you Father in Jesus name I pray Amen.

      February 22, 2022

      Praying in agreement for healing and speedy recovery for baby Perez, in Jesus’ Loving and Powerful Name; amen!

Doug Spurling
February 22, 2022

Lord, we ask for wisdom, thank You. We need mature discernment. We know not how to occupy ’til you come, stand in faith against evil, yet, yield to Your will that may use evil to complete Your purpose, just as You did in the garden; in the shadow of the cross.
We follow Your lead and pray, Father, make us one. And not our will, but Yours be done. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Find us loving You, and ready.

Tessa Reynolds
February 22, 2022

I have prayed this morning. I will continue to pray. Nothing is impossible with God.

February 22, 2022

Father, hold back the advance of the powers of darkness.
Send forth laborers into the Harvest field.
Lord, Save souls. forgive us our sins. Lord, have mercy.
Let Your Word have free course and be glorified in the hearts and minds of the Russians and Ukrainians.
Advance, extend: the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

William Donahue
February 22, 2022

Dearest LORD, YOUR WILL BE DONE, YOUR KINGDOM COME. Asking FATHER, that YOUR HOLY SPIRIT would pierce those hearts that need YOU. That they would surrender their lives to YOU, those that will be saved. Asking FATHER, that all of us would pray for YOUR INTERSESSION AGAINST the evil that wants war, in JESUS NAME we ask amen. We love YOU LORD.

February 22, 2022

Thank you for this article and for leading me and others to pray in understanding for Ukraine today.

Anne Parker
February 22, 2022

This is so clarifying and helpful. Thank you for providing this to your readers. God’s plan will be to benefit all and maybe even reach into Putin’s heart.

February 22, 2022

Father I join in this prayer for Ukraine and all the leaders of both countries to be set free from all strongholds and that YOU would reign in Peace. In JESUS’ name…amen

Pamela C
February 22, 2022

Amen to all Vicki has said. I thank God for IFA and the Scriptures brought forth in this article. Yes, I will pray and I will believe.

February 22, 2022

Thank you, Gloria, for your God inspired advice and prayers. Your words are a reflection of your prayers, love and faithfulness to God. Praise Him for His love and faithfulness to you, and yours to Him. In Jesus’ name, Amen🙏✝️

Maria Fillyaw
February 22, 2022

May God’s hand be upon Ukraine and Russia in this situation. Dear Lord we love you a we trust you completely in everything in Jesus name amen

john taylor
February 22, 2022

It’s so sad (actually “sickening” is closer to what I feel) that so many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord are SO ignorant of what is actually going on in the world! Their source of information appears to be the mainstream media (MSM), which, if they took any time to investigate, is simply the Ministry of Truth of 1984 — Truth is a Lie, and Lies are the Truth. They spew forth controlled narratives — DIS-information and Lies — 24/7, yet many / ?most self-described “Christians” believe them. What happened to “test the spirits” … !? You state, “Father, we come before you and pray for what is happening with Ukraine and Russia. We ask You Lord to push back the demonic forces that want to provoke a war, and fill lives with fear.” If you actually studied the history of the Ukraine, Russia, NATO, the warmongers of the US and UK, especially, you would already KNOW that the “demonic forces that want to provoke war” come primarily from the shadow govt / deep state of the US!! … not from Russia!! Wake up, believers, and stop being so NAIVE!!, so arrogantly ignorant!! Do a little investigation and research of your own. NEVER depend on the MSM for the truth… NEVER!!

    Vicki Boand
    February 22, 2022

    Yes. I am in total agreement! The media is corrupt and controlled. Listening to alternative media sources like the X-22 podcast is a suggestion for those who don’t know where to get truthful information. We, the people of the United States, have our God given freedoms protected by our constitution and the bill of rights. What a wonderful gift from God and the framers of the constitution. The one world government puppet masters are trying to take away our freedoms by scaring us with propaganda. We need to stay alert, stand up against the puppet masters that are trying to cripple the nations so they can be in control, and pray for discernment. Have you heard about the statue of the ugly beast that the puppet masters put in front of their home base, the United Nations? It is as if satan himself is no longer hiding but has shown himself and is mocking us with this hideous statue of himself.

Koit Kranig
February 22, 2022

There is prohecy about Ukraine since 2008 from one USA pastor who serced in Ukraine. Russia needs Ukraine to attack Israel in Gog war that speaks Bible. Hez. 38-39. And Western Europe needs punishment. Putin fits to that perfectly. Derek Prince said, pray according Gods will. When Bible says that is coming Gog war, it means it shall happen! God is going to protect He’s saints. Be blessed.


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