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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would prepare us and the church as a whole for the end times. Give us Your wisdom and discernment, God, so that we can save ourselves and save other people for You.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

“Get ready for Beast Mode!” These words popped into my head as I was reading Derek Prince’s book The Beast or the Lamb and triggered a flood of urgent thoughts about where I am in my faith walk, where we are as a nation that professes to be under God, where we are as a church and, most importantly, if we are ready.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


The movements in the world directing us slowly but surely towards a time when Satan is allowed to draw worship away from the true Christ and true God towards himself through the powers given to the beasts portrayed in Revelation 13 are already in full swing. The conflict we see at work, according to Prince, is that of the nature of the Beast against the nature of the Lamb. In other words: Falsehood, which stems from the father of lies, against Truth, which stems from the Spirit and the Word of truth. It’s been there from the moment Christ was tempted in the desert, but it seems to be intensifying like never before.

We have talked a lot in recent months about our true identity in Christ versus the identity confusion and distortion of the world, about the erosion of impartial and absolute truth and its replacement by what you hold to be your personal truth, and by the blurring lines between impartial, true facts and fake, sensationalized and politicized news and propaganda. It’s all related to the nature of the Beast versus the nature of the Lamb. Beast mode versus Christ mode.

God’s Truth and truths are readily available to us as Christians. What is required of us is that we are reconciled with God through Jesus Christ, are indwelt by the Holy Spirit Who embodies His Truth and gives us understanding of it and walk with Him daily.

Because of the acceleration of the world’s movements towards the coming of the beasts, I believe God wants to prepare us for their arrival – as His global Church, and each of us individually as His sons and daughters. But it is not automatic. God will do all the work but requires from us a mindset of wholehearted and uncompromising devotion (Matthew 12:30-31, James 4:4-8).

Prince speaks of a great apostasy, or falling away from the faith, that will precede the coming of the antichrist – a widespread deception of the saints into forsaking the Truth and worship of the One True God, resulting in abject failure to recognize the antichrist as a false Messiah, and to subsequent worship of him instead of Jesus Christ. The power of the beasts to deceive and force people to worship Satan is being allowed by God. He uses it force those sitting on the fence to make radical choices, to test and deepen the faith of those wholeheartedly devoted to Him, and thus purify His Bride for the return of the Groom. The result of this testing against deception is that those who have a form of godliness but are denying its power (see 2 Timothy 3:5) will fall away.

It is important that we recognize the signs. According to recent news reports, faith in God is at an all-time low in America. Perhaps not surprisingly, Americans’ engagement with the Bible is also at an all-time low. In other words, we are seeing a worrying departure from the two ingredients most necessary to withstand the powers given to the beasts: faith, and knowledge of the Truth. At the same time, major church splits are occurring that seem to have at their center whether or not the Bible is God’s infallible, true, and authoritative Word.

That is why I believe God has called me to write books, blogs, and articles. It forms the reason why my book Prayer Matters is calling believers of all backgrounds to a consistent walk with God. And it is the driving force behind my work on a new book that guides believers into daily, prayerful engagement with the treasures of truth in God’s Word. Not to mention that urgency to be serious about our daily walk with God runs through every post on my blog.
This is also the urgency behind the mission of True Identity Ministries as we see Satan’s attacks on God-given identity both inside and outside the Church intensify.

There is no intent to self-promote here. I see the deception and distraction from the things that strengthen our walk with God and prepare us for the present and future works of the two beasts all around me. It dismays me, it worries me, and it drives me to herald the message to throw ourselves at the mercy of our all-sufficient God every way I can.  Because the times, they are a changing.

But God….

Is faithful. He does not give up on us. He seeks worshippers in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23), He inclines our hearts to His Word (Psalm 119:36), He has promised to never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), and His power has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). In short – we need not fear nor wither under the power of the nature of the beast.

But we….

Must be lovers of His Word, as well as doers and not just hearers (James 1:22), pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), set our minds on the things of the Spirit (Romans 8:6-8) and keep in step with Him daily (Galatians 5:16,17).

That is why I am turning my dismay and concern over the lack of urgency in preparing ourselves as the American Church into fervent prayer. It is, in fact, the meat and potatoes of what I think God has assigned to me for daily intercession. To pray for a prepared church and all of its aspects. We simply can’t afford to put preparedness off, make like the five foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) and keep holding on to our creature comforts. The Lord has been warning us since the coming of Christ in the flesh and the dawning of His Church on Pentecost to be alert (Matthew 25:13, Matthew 26:41, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Colossians 4:2, 1 Peter 5:8-10, Revelation 3:2).

If you feel a similar concern, I invite you to pray with me that the American Church, amid all the chaos in the world around us, wakes up to its need to prepare for what is to come.

  • To be stirred by a sense of urgency to be alert and start preparing.
  • To understand what that preparedness consists of and be motivated by faith instead of fear.
  • To become people of unceasing prayer out of the conviction and knowledge that prayer matters to God and is key to all aspects of our relationship with Him.
  • To become lovers of His Word and engage with it daily, seeking His help to understand, believe and obey it, and to let it make us people of discernment that will recognize the deceptions of Satan’s beasts.
  • To be so fully and strongly surrendered to Christ that we are willing to suffer for our faith.
  • To proclaim God’s Truth (of the gospel) and truths (of His will and Word) increasingly and boldly to our American Society that pledges to be one nation under God but is turning away from Him more and more.

            Father in heaven, we confess today that we get so easily distracted in our devotion to prayer and the Word by the comforts of this world. We pray that you stir a sense of urgency in us and in all our brothers and sisters to be alert and prepare for what is to come. May your children, born from above by the Holy Spirit, be moved to be lovers of the Word, people of unceasing prayer, bold proclamation, united in love, and able to endure the suffering that is to come at the hand of Satan’s beasts, so that Your Bride may stand proven, pure, and ready for the return of Jesus, her Bridegroom. We pray the words of Psalm 119:36 on all your children that we together may be kept from falling away: “Incline our hearts to you and your testimonies, Lord, and not to selfish gain.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Are you prepared for the coming beasts? How are you praying for the American church as we draw closer to the end times? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

Author Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years’ experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the US. Born and raised in the Netherlands and pastoring his first church in Amsterdam, he moved to the US in 1986. He and his wife Jennifer currently live north of Atlanta, GA When not writing books, he blogs and assists his wife as content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo Credit: Raychel Sanner on Unsplash.

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Darlene Largent
August 19, 2022

I would like to contact Remco Brommet. I knew him and Jennifer in California back in the 1990s. I am not on any social media, but if I could email them, that would be great. I hope you will be able to give me his email, or if that is not possible maybe you could ask him to email me.
Thank you.
Darlene Largent

Glen Kippel
July 15, 2022

we don’t know the day or the hour (there are normally two days on this planet and 37 time zones), but I think we can see what season we are in. Revelation 13 tells us that no one will be able to buy or to sell without the Mark of the Beast. (I believe this is different from simply not being allowed to or permitted to buy or sell – it will be impossible.) Recently, Joe Biden issued another of his many Executive Orders, this one instructing the government to create a Central Bank Digital Currency to replace our present monetary system. No more dollar bills and loose change. And, like the Chinese social credit system, your digital account can be turned off at the click of a mouse if you don’t comply. Easy.
Also, verses 14 and 15 tell about how the Beast makes an image to himself and causes everyone to worship it. There may be many of these images around the world, as an Irish company is developing such a device than can transform into anyone, and can be connected via the internet to show the same image everywhere, simultaneously. Don’t believe me? Watch this

July 15, 2022

I pray for all the people that don’t know Jesus as their only way to heaven will wake up
and ask Jesus into their heart and will show others the joy in their every day walk with Jesus. I pray for my family to be more in love with God’s word every day. God bless the
USA as one nation under God.

Pamela Derrer
July 15, 2022

God bless and heal you.
You are right.
I have been praying for years.
We are talking about eternity .
We will live forever in heaven or he’ll.
This life is short.
Jesus loves US and wants us in heaven
May The Holy Spirit awaken , reveal, direct, protect, and reveal Spiritual activity o n this earth, to His people.
Time is very SHORT.
Pray, Pray’, Pray.
🙏 Amen

Donna Nelson
July 15, 2022

Thank you Remco Brommet, for the above scriptures and pleas for the church to pray and be prepared for what is coming. All that is written in the Word is coming to pass. I am from Canada! Let us all watch and pray!

Bo Ehrig
July 14, 2022

I am a pre tribulation guy. God does not want His Bride to be bloodied and beaten up. We will be taken out with the rapture at the right time. This is my hope. And it is what is stated in the Bible.
But for now I agree with you that we must stand against the culture of death, lies and deceit in the world. And we must preach and share the Gospel with everyone we talk to our come in f contact with. We must practice this every day so we can talk in season and out of season not being caught off guard.
I pray everyone on this blog to think of Jesus and His Faith first.

Linda Meyers
July 14, 2022

The CHURCH must fall on our faces and repent for following the laws and traditions of man instead of the laws of God. We have forsaken our first love. Lord forgive us! In Ephesians 2 and Romans 9,10.11 He has directed us to be of one heart with the Jew and we have not listened to His voice. Oh, we repent! We are suppose to walk in unity and we are divided! Lord forgive us. The CHURCH “with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” is where we should be standing but we have not obeyed Your Word and need to repent. The globalist are walking in unity but we have not listened and obeyed Your alive Word and we are not united….Oh God, help us to repent and live in Your Word…..”One Bodu, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” We should not be tossed around with many doctrines but we “speaking the truth in love” should grow up into Jesus who is our Lord. Oh, Yeshua, forgive us! We have not followed Your alive Word and all You directed us to do. We repent in dust and ashes for walking our own ways. Lord, You said in 1 Peter 4:17, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins with us, (the CHURCH) what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” Oh, Lord, may we , the CHURCH fall on our faces, repent before you, forgive all offenses and live in Your true, alive Word! You love the CHURCH….help us, the CHURCH, repent and turn from our wicked ways and seek Your face alone and give You all the glory alone, ur precious Lord and Savior.

    July 14, 2022

    Flesh vs Spirit is the eternal battle in each one of us and between peoples across the globe. We are in this world, not of this world. Yet, the distractions, both good and evil distractions are there to drive us to take our eye off the prize which is eternal life with Jesus. Thank you, Pastor Brommet for this powerful reminder and impactful guide to maintaining and even increasing our focus on the Lord through prayer and action. It is our mission to daily take our walk with Jesus. There will be days of joy and days of suffering and both are worth it, in service to the Lord. Thank you for this timely reminder.

July 14, 2022

Yes, you are so right that we must lean on our faith and not fear! One of the most impactful statements I’ve heard lately that has resonated with me, is in response to a person complaining about all the pandemic, world and national chaos, wars, perversions and evil, a preacher simply said, “Well, what did you think it would be like before Jesus comes?” Bible plainly told us how it would be, and our prayers probably isn’t going to change what is going to happen, but it will help us to look to the Lord and make sure our faith is in Him and not this world. Pray with intercession, with anguish, with concern for those who are not ready to meet Him. Nothing in this life is worth losing your soul and being here when “The Beast” takes over. My faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Michael Christian
July 14, 2022

Mt. 24:44 speaks of the crucial need for us to be “ready”, then in the very next verse – 45, Jesus gives the parable of exactly what that should look like. “Who THEN is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, TO GIVE THEM FOOD in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.” The inference here is for leaders to provide bulk food provisions for those in their household. Interestingly, this theme continues into chapter 25 where a similar parable that talks about the five prepared and five foolish unprepared (foodless virgins). Here, the wise are praised for NOT sharing their provisions with the foolish. History shows us that most people even though they see a need coming, simply do not prepare. In Revelations, we learn a loaf of bread will at some point cost about $120 (a day’s wage = $15 X 8 hours equals $120). The sad part is that our tendency is to think, ‘everything will just work out okay’. But right now we live in a country of 330,000,000 people – who’ve just had their presidency stolen from under their noses. Things are not working like they used to. None of us have had our decision making processes tested with our bellies two or three weeks empty with equally hungry family around us. To think you will avoid the mark of the beast with no preparation is blatantly foolish.

Cheryl Halseth
July 14, 2022

This message is so right on. I agree with the warnings and the message. Recently, The LORD
has shown me to focus my prayers
On the church (the body of Christ).
to be prepared. He also referred me to Ezekiel 37 (the dry bones., as the church). There is such an urgency to pray for we, the body of Christ. Thank you for sharing this.

July 14, 2022

We need JESUS as like never before.
LORD. Come into our hearts and change us. May we follow YOU and lead others to YOU….. we know YOU are coming soon. PLEASE MAKE US

July 14, 2022

This is all so true. The end is drawing nearer each day. The great falling away scares me, but if we are secure in God and know all these things, we have nothing to fear. There is no fear in Christ. This brings Christ’s kingdom near.

July 14, 2022

I’m confused on the prayer: “save ourselves, so we can save others”? We don’t save ourselves, Christ Jesus saves us.

    Heather Peterson
    July 14, 2022

    I believe we are blessed in order to be blessing to others: Given light in order to give light to others. We cannot save ourselves or save others but we are saved in order to make disciples, teaching them to obey Jesus so that they can join us in His Glorious Salvation!!

July 14, 2022

And may I add liberty to “uncompromising” and “great apostasy,” as key words for this time. FREEDOM OF CHOICE – a blessed gift of God since creation! Our God does not use force. Prayer in the SPIRIT is a blessed tool for liberty!

Darlene Estlow
July 14, 2022

Father, thank you for using evil for your purposes and drawing the church to yourself. Evil will always exist so we don’t have to walk in fear. It is leading to Jesus’ return. So as we do battle against the evil, may we not but trust you and walk in your joy.

July 14, 2022

United States – the two horned beast of Revelation – starts out as a lamb-like power, but ends up speaking as a dragon

July 14, 2022

I am encouraged as I read these comments, and see God’s Spirit moving toward unity which is so vital to the church. We must not forget that there is a false unity being pushed in the ecumenical agenda of the Pope. We walk a fine line in these “end times”, these “Latter Days”. I pray that we will not be deceived.

Jackie Hardman
July 14, 2022

Me too. My pastor thinks statements of truth from Gods word is political. I just keep praying God is revealing His truth and he’ll speak it. Why is it so hard for some to recognize truth is not political . Speaking it is required of Christians. I guess more evidence that there are scales on believers eyes, somewhat like Paul.

    July 14, 2022

    Ecuminism is the word of the day among the “churches”. Good we know that God’s true people are seeking truth.

July 14, 2022

Bless you for this call for believers to stand in Jesus & His promises & truths that He has for us. As I pray for our country, & His church I pray for church leaders & Pastors to teach the Full counsel of God. May the church be aligned to His purposes & His words which tell us of the days we are in & what lies ahead. May more churches come to know to view our life in the light of His word & be strong & true as we share His love to those around us. Maranatha

Gloria Hall
July 14, 2022

Coming in agreement, another wave is upon us, how to prepare? Guard your personal prayer time, and time in the Word of God. Our oil lambs must be fill.
The article is confirming prepareness,
Lord Help us to be obedient and prepare. In the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Barbara Janicki
July 14, 2022

Agree – the challenges of this time require that I “fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith” and that I remain in Him and in His Word or, like Peter, I will start to sink. Our brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe may be far ahead of us in the west, who have not had to suffer for our faith in this culture as they have already done in theirs – just choosing Jesus cost them something, where that has not necessarily been the case here. They already have been tested in ways we have not yet experienced. I hope they are praying for us, that we will remain steadfast in our faith as they have done for so long. This is definitely a time in history to “choose you this day who you will serve” as Joshua said to the Israelites. We cannot give to God an offering that costs us nothing (king David). Our faith will cost us – it is the pearl of great price. Praying we are preparing as God’s people to be used by Him “for such a time as this.” May we not become separated from the Vine but remain in Him no matter what comes. He is our only hope. Thank You Heavenly Father for the privilege of being called by Your name and of doing Your work in this world. Keep us faithful to You to the end. in Jesus name, Amen. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

July 14, 2022

I respectfully disagree with your assessments that more people are turning away from God and not reading the Bible. I believe the exact opposite! More people than ever are turning toward God.
God is opening our eyes to the truth so that we turn back to him. This is all about the billion souls harvest back to Him.

July 14, 2022

Beware, Derrick Prince is a false prophet! Is this where IFA is going?

    July 14, 2022

    Hi Ona,
    I am so curious why you say Derek Prince is a false prophet. He is one of IFA’s founders. His book, Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, inspired this ministry 50 years ago. I think he is one of the most biblical, solid teachers in modern times. I would love to see why you think otherwise.

    July 14, 2022

    You may be confusing him with Joseph Prince (New Creation Church in Singapore)? In contrast, Derek Prince referenced in this article was a British missionary.

      Heather Peterson
      July 14, 2022

      I confused him with Joseph Prince at first, also. After I have read several of his books I haven’t found anything unbiblical even if I do not agree with every one of his own opinions.

richard rockman
July 14, 2022

in Jesus name, I continue to pray that the church, the genuine believers and followers of Jesus, would prepare and be spiritually ready for Jesus’ second coming. With all the doctrine and theological debate concerning pre-tribulation, mid-trib and/or post-trib theories my greatest concern is that we believe we will be caught up (raptured) to the Lord BEFORE the tribulation prophesied in the Bible is experienced.
I find that belief (and prophetic wish) to be dangerous and even foolhardy. Believers will be present for the antichrist’s persecution (much of it) but will NOT be present for our heavenly Father’s judgment of the nations (the Great Tribulation). Evil and unbelievers will be judged and punished upon Jesus’ coming.
‘Be ready’ is a true spiritual alarm for true believers. Jesus said in Revelation 22:20, “Surely, I am coming quickly. Amen.”

    July 14, 2022

    The inroads of preterism and futurism have been devastating to God’s people, just as they were meant to be, when the Pope commissioned two Jesuit priests in the 1500’s to combat the protestant revolution. These and other specious inroads of the beast, such as “thinking to change times and laws”, beginning in early papacy, will culminate with Satan impersonating Christ our Lord.

July 14, 2022

I so appreciate your clear and concise warning to us all as Christians. I definitely feel that God is giving us this time to prepare and encourage others to take heed and prepare for the battle ahead. We are to put the full armor of God on each day (Ephesians 6:10) in order to strengthen and protect us for His call to arms. We can only do this together as the body and through Christ. Let’s Go!!

July 14, 2022

Great article, Remco. Only thing that I can say that I believe that we are in the End Times now. I stand on the promise that God will provide for His Children, especially those who worship Him in Spirit and truth. We need to pray fervently for God to awaken the backslidden, the wishy-washy Christians, and the lost. If you don’t have Jesus art the center of your life, the End Times will be very difficult to navigate. Perhaps, as the comforts of this world are stripped away, it will create an emptiness in those who look to the world for comfort. Lord, please, by the goodness of Holy Spirit, guide us through these End Times. We cannot do thie without You. In Jesus’ name

    July 14, 2022

    We are definitely in the “end times.” I validate your prayer for the Holy Spirit.

July 14, 2022

Pastor Remco Brommet thank you for this insightful article. I was moved by the Holy Spirit as I read your article. In fact I am moved by the Spirit of God when I read and pray the articles presented by IFA. In Him I live, I move and have my being. I am presently experiencing tears of joy. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ’s annointing is upon this Ministry. I hope to join the IFA Chapter where I am presently living when my strength is better. I was in a serious automobile accident June 18, 2022 and suffered a lumbar fracture. Nothing will stop this Warrior of the Most God. I would love to meet the leadership
someday. Believe me, I am encouraged and I stand God’s Word for the manifestation for my Healing. Praise God.! Hallelujah! Amen❣️

Reigning and Ruling in Jesus Christ❣️

    Heather Peterson
    July 14, 2022

    I pray Father for her complete healing and in the time of waiting I pray for great Spiritual growth and time in Your presence for the crucial work of intercessory prayer!!!

July 14, 2022

I agree whole heartedly & bear witness that this is what the Holy Spirit is in the process of doing. I am being strongly impressed to call the church to repentance – It is time for judgment to begin at the household of God 1 Peter 4:17.
This has to happen before any revival can take place – the American church for the most part is lukewarm at best – neither hot nor cold – and we know what The Lord said He will do when that happens. We should not be surprised – actually expectant – about the trails that are just beginning to unfold. We as the Body need to repent, and draw close to God – James 4:1-10 should be something we need to individually and collectively take to heart.
Let’s pray we heed the convictions of the Holy Spirit and repent so we can go and live the Gospel and be faithful witnesses to who God is and His love.

July 14, 2022

You have given words to what I’ve been struggling with in my church! Teaching not about this AT ALL! Been praying for my pastor not much change at all! Thanks for prayer points to pray!

    July 14, 2022

    Taking a moment to pray for your church and pastor, Susan🙏🏻

    Jackie Hardman
    July 14, 2022

    Me too. My pastor thinks statements of truth from Gods word is political. I just keep praying God is revealing His truth and he’ll speak it. Why is it so hard for some to recognize truth is not political . Speaking it is required of Christians. I guess more evidence that there are scales on believers eyes, somewhat like Paul.

Deborah Dean
July 14, 2022

I can’t agree with you more! Satan also is running wild with all the abortions “or murders” of all the unborn babies! 😡 God please help these women. I also know it’s part of Gods plan. God Bless America! And the rest of the world


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