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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray for our own president to hear God’s word and to be humble before Him, knowing that only the Prince of Peace Himself can bring eternal peace to the Middle East.
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IFA exclusive video. What can we expect to see happen on the Mideast trip of President Biden? Three days of meetings with Israel, Palestinian leaders, and Saudi officials.  We share insights from Mideast expert Bill Koenig, director of World Watch Daily and 20 year veteran White House correspondent.


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July 15, 2022

Israel belongs to YHVH, not Pharaoh, who knew the God of Moses but rejected His counsel, not Absalom who stole the throne. God will not let Israel be parceled out again.
Heavenly Father, cause every wicked plan to fail. Cause words that bless Israel to come out of Biden’s mouth, regardless of what hatred he has in his heart or in his mind. Make him speak blessings like You did through Bilam when Balak wanted to curse Israel. And, remember us who are lifting the nations up before You to be saved and free from despotism.
For Your glory. For Your fame. In Your name.

Anastasia Koshakji
July 14, 2022

We really should not expect any thing that benefits Israel. His trip is for his ego not for the benefit of either Israel or the USA.
My question is why is he going? What is going to accomplish?

July 14, 2022

Yes we need to pray that Pres.Biden will stand on the whole infallible, inerrant Word of God. Not just stand up there and quote scriptures he likes or he thinks makes him sound good. How about ” thou shalt not kill” ” before I formed you in the womb I knew you” and “man shall not lie with man as with woman” for starters. You either believe the Word or you don’t Mr. President!!

July 14, 2022

$500 billion/year to Near East oil producers when we have more than enough here??? The spirit of delusion is so strong that our “leaders” simply cannot understand how insane this is. The wisdom of man is utter foolishness to the Lord. Father, we desperately need your wisdom. Give your people discernment so we know how to pray according to your will.

Darlene Estlow
July 14, 2022

Father, we ask that you would foil the plans of evil in this trip. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Thank you that you are working on behalf of your prople.

July 14, 2022

Word of the enemy will no come out of the mouth of the fool Biden. His words will be of life and not death of Israel. We say to the enemy you are bond and will not have your way with Israel. Israel will live in peace on all sides of her country. We remind the Lord Israel belongs to you therefore we call forth the angelic host of protection and plea the blood of Jesus over her that Israel walks in the promises of Psalm 91 and 24

July 14, 2022

If you want to pray for Biden so be it, but not as the President of the US he is not the duly elected President

Karen Secrest
July 14, 2022

My constant prayer: “May the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart be acceptable in your sight.” Our president lacks the sophistication of mid east kings. They can chew him up and spit him out if we don’t continue to surround him with the Word and Angelic hosts. Amen and Amen

Roger Collier
July 14, 2022

Yes pray is our weapon to the Father through Jesus! Father in the name of Jesus let Your will be done! Amen

Joanne jakin
July 14, 2022

We need to protect life and children and parents who want this to happen in children and taken body parts away , horrible like Frankstein or hitlers time , not on our watch stop now , shoot a arrow to them and get their attention of these little ones born male or female not trying to change them. . Thank you Lord you know they are blind open their eyes. And doctors too in states.

July 14, 2022

Without our prayers and supplication Satans influence will be the only influence there ! Will there be anyone present to pursue Godly values or just a bunch of self serving politicians seeking what will benefit them.?
Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come and THY will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.. in Jesus blessed name we stand Amen

    Sheila Niemela
    July 14, 2022

    Yes, amen! Our faith and our trust is in YOU, Lord. Let not our faith in YOU diminish.
    No matter what any man says or does, YOU always have the final word!!! ☝🏻🔥🙏🏻

    July 14, 2022

    Amen and amen

    Roger Collier
    July 14, 2022

    Yes we as the Church must cover the world with our prayers not just me, me, me! Pray for everyone like Jesus did! Amen!


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