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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that you would expose and uproot voter fraud in this nation. Bring justice and protect our elections, Lord.
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Voter fraud crime needs to be cracked down on to send a message. Let’s pray for justice and for integrity in our elections moving forward.

From Daily Caller. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Thursday his new Office of Election Crimes and Security charged and arrested 20 individuals…

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


The individuals arrested voted despite having been convicted of murder or sexual assault….

“I also want to be very clear going forward that we’re going to continue to make sure that our laws are rigorously enforced,” he said….

In July, DeSantis announced the appointment of Peter Antonacci as Director of the Office of Election Crimes and Security…

“I applaud the Florida Legislature and Governor Ron DeSantis for creating the Florida Office of Election Crimes and Security to help ensure the integrity of our elections,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said at the time. “Having confidence that when we cast our vote, it is counted fairly, is critical to our representative democracy.”

How are you praying for election integrity? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Daily Caller. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Nancy Goettman
August 26, 2022

I applaud all that Gov DeSantos is doing for the children, marriages and voter intergrity. What a wonderful Governor you are.
Nancy Goettman

Karen secrest
August 24, 2022

May TRUTH continue to be affirmed in this state as others affirm and follow this affirmation of necessity to combat lawlessness.
We place a hedge and a shield around DeSantis and his family, loosing myriads of Angels to protect hem every place they go. This family is leading the way for Godly government. Let the Presence of the Father walk among the supporters as elections are conducted across this state and nation. May your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. AMEN AND AMEN

August 23, 2022

this is just the tip of the iceberg. All States need to start prosecuting voting fraud which is so easy to do over the internet and mail in balloting. If more people would get jail time we would see voting fraud disappear. Dear Lord help the States have the courage to prosecute and convict voting fraud.

August 22, 2022

I hope you are watching or will later watch the Moment of Truth Summit on Frankspeech.com. The rerun is going on right now – 8/22/2021

    Roxanne Rice
    August 22, 2022

    I watched nearly every minute of the Summit–well worth the 24 hours of time! By all means, go to Frankspeech.com and watch every bit you can. Especially note the reports on election integrity progress in each state (all 50 of them). HUGE encouragement! Many blockbuster announcements! Much “fodder” for prayer warriors. Clear indications that strongholds are about to collapse.

    Pray fervently!

Darlene Estlow
August 21, 2022

Thank you Father for the arrest of these people! May all voter fraud be discovered and dealt with. Protect our elections this November. May godly candidates be elected. May you be glorified.

Jacqueline Barrett
August 21, 2022

Glory to God, praise Jesus for the arrests. I pray Lord that these arrests become convictions and the courts up hold out justice system and the rights of our God inspired constitution. In Jesus mighty name. Amen!

Betsy West
August 21, 2022

I pray that this will just be the beginning of the return to respect for the law and its enforcement nation wide. Criminal activity must end. In Jesus name.


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