I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for wisdom for our leaders, that they would use the right monetary policies to protect our economy from disaster and our nation from poverty.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

One political hot topic is vaguely understood by many Christians. However, it is one of the most crucial problems facing the Biden administration.

The issue?


Consider Jesusā€™ warning in the sixth chapter of Matthew.

ā€œDo not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:19-21)

Inflation is the moth or rust that slowly eats away at wealth, day by day. The robber comes in and steals all at once, but the moth can go unnoticed for long periods of time, often undiscovered until it is too late.

Insider Intercessory Information

I would not claim to be any kind of financial expert, but economics has been a main area of focus for me both in college and in my writing since then.

ā€œThe master commended the dishonest manager for his shrewdness. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light.ā€ (Luke 16:8)

We donā€™t want to be dishonest, but the world should not be wiser than us when we have access to the wisdom of God!

I believe it helps to be educated in what we are praying for, if at all possible, so Iā€™ll try now to briefly explain this issue and why it matters.

The Consumer Price Index, a key marker used to track inflation, is the highest in 13 years, according to the latest federal data released this week.Ā  This continues an ongoing trend this year of increasing prices and rising inflation.

Higher inflation means everything, from rent to groceries to clothes, is more expensive. Your money buys less than it did the previous month.

Inflation is partially fueled by the federal governmentā€™s ongoing debt monetization.

To describe debt monetization in a major oversimplificationā€¦.

The federal government prints more money and then uses that money to buy bonds from itself. Now that the government has the money it printed, it can fund its obligations. When the government can rely on this steady supply of newly printed money, it essentially begins to consider it as another revenue source, in addition to tax revenue.

That sets a precedent for ever-increasing federal debt spending and makes the federal budget reliant on ever-increasing inflation.

If youā€™re still a little confused, thatā€™s ok.

To put it another way, the federal government helps pay its debts by printing more money. The more money they print, the less money is worth. The less a dollar is worth the less it can buy. The less a dollar can buy, the more prices have to go up. This practice allows the government to borrow more money, but now your money buys less than it did before.

Since the government benefits, but your finances pay the price, inflation is actually a secret tax.

For example, if you have a savings account today with $1,000 in it, and you do nothing, that same $1,000 will be able to buy much less in ten years. If inflation is 5% annually, your money becomes 5% less valuable each year. Most savings accounts don’t have interest rates even close to keeping up with inflation. Even if you are invested in a mutual fund that gives 8% return, much of that is lost to inflation. When inflation is elevated, some investments don’t grow your money, they just keep up with inflation.

Lastly, the U.S. dollar is the best currency in the world and is used as the global standard. If the dollar ever stops being the international standard for currency, as it is today, that would have huge negative effects for our economy. God has given our nation a major gift in that regard, and we cannot take it for granted.

With this in mind, let us pray:

-Father, we pray that our leaders would rein in the federal debt spending that is helping drive inflation. Give our leaders self control, Holy Spirit, that we can prosper as a nation.

-Father, we pray for wisdom for the federal reserve, that they would use the right monetary policies to protect our economy from disaster and our nation from poverty. Protect us from the rust and moth of inflation!

-Lord, we ask that our competitors and enemies do not take advantage of us and our financial mismanagement. Give us grace, mercy and provision of resources, wisdom and repentance to get back on track. Thank you Lord for your abundant blessing that we have experienced in our land.


Verses to press into as you pray on this topic:

ā€œDo not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.ā€ Matthew 6:19-21

ā€œThe rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.ā€ -Proverbs 22:7

ā€œWith me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver.ā€ -Proverbs 8:18


Are you concerned about the impact of our nation’s monetary policy? What are you praying?

Article written by Casey Harper. Casey Harper is a writer in the Washington, D.C. area covering national politics. He has worked for The Daily Caller, The Hill, and Sinclair Broadcast Group. A graduate of Hillsdale College, Caseyā€™s work has also appeared in Fox News, Fox Business, Washington Examiner, and USA Today. Follow him on Twitter: @CaseyHarper33. (Photo Credit: Canva.)

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Lester Charles Young
October 17, 2021

When the goal of a Communist controlled US Government is to destroy the economy of the US, we need to pray for the overthrow of our own government. The increasing government spending is not a lack of wisdom, but and intentional plan to ruin our economy. We must pray for our Military to do what the constitution requires, overthrow the rebel government which has taken over our country. We must pray for the American people to wake up to the take over of our media, the “democratic” party, our education system, and even our courts. If we do not wake up soon and respond correctly, we will not have the opportunity to continue to preach the gospel or even attend our churches. We are in a war and we are losing because we don’t even realize the war is going on.

Glen H. Kippel
October 16, 2021

That word, “inflation” is just another way of saying “devaluation of the currency.” Sixty years ago, you could buy a brand new compact car for under $2,000. But if you were making over $2.00 per hour you were considered well paid.

Just a couple of weeks ago, China banned the use of Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies. They plan to roll out their digital Yuan in the next three months, and that will replace the U.S. dollar as the standard for international trade transactions. Already, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and several other countries are on board with this. Our dollar is backed by nothing but empty promises, and most nations no longer trust it.

The U.S. Federal Reserve is working with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to create the Fedcoin, which will ultimately replace our currency. Then all transactions will be digital, easily tracked by the government, and can be easily shut off if the government decides that you are a “domestic terrorist” or for any other reason. See Revelation 13:17.

This is just another sign that the Lord’s return is near. Keep looking up!

Karen Secrest
October 16, 2021

May the Words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight.
The Lord is showing me I don’t have to feed into that which is happening. I don’t have to be responsible for the foolishness of governments and political who come to steal, kill and destroy at every chance.

What I am responsible for is to get my armor 9n and follow Jesus.
Jesus reminded me that I have WD40 to stop any rust. I found a moth in my closet. I followed it to a wool blanket that had become home to dozens so I carefully contained blanket and moths in a zippered container and disposed of it.

The Lord also showed me ,again, the spirit of Jezebel overcome by the python. However, both went over the wall. The shepherd took an ear (all that was left) to the K8ng to be absolved of any loss that he couldn’t prevent.

Daybreak is coming. Are you prepared?
On my knees at the altar, I Receive my anointing for which area of service..



October 16, 2021

Thank you, Casey, for this important information regarding inflation. It is obvious that in our nation, inflation is a major issue. You would have to be independently rich not to be affected by this problem. What saddens me the most, is that this is all intentionally being allowed to happen. This seems to be all a part of the Globalist Elite’s scheme to bring this nation down. The good news, is, that we trust in the Lord Jesus, who is our provider. Obviously, we are living in the times where our government cannot be trusted to do the right thing any more. Lord, please, by Your great mercy and grace, keep us focused upon You, and Your provision. This is where our hope lies. In Jesus’ name.

October 16, 2021

I pray to date that our American elected officials end the practice of placing our first responders & health care workers lives at risk spitefully , with stopping the use of spending Americans money for power grabs & corruption as they are all grown up adults past present & future , no American paid or elected official shall attack or block any other Elected official from doing their jobs, rightfully , Americans must end the use of Socialism , Communism or Fascism in the USA,foreign country’s&Foreign Nationals must be stopped from thinking they are entitled to Americans benefits rights, or money. Americans have paid taxes, for their own futures, all elected officials must end the practice of treating American like slaves. Insurance companies must do their just duties to pay their claims & end the practice of creating clauses so that they do not have to pay claims, the public doe snot pay premiums solely for Insurance companies to get rich & or practice insurance fraud against their customers. justice shall be done to people who have been done wrong past & present . Wrong doers shall be monetarily paid for all they are owed by the wrong doers. Car radios Cable companies , or electronic devices can not be used by any human being to stalk or harass their neighbors past or present whether you are an American or a Foreign Nationals

Christine Stott
October 16, 2021

To repeat:

“Father, we pray that our leaders would rein in the federal debt spending that is helping drive inflation. Give our leaders self control, Holy Spirit, that we can prosper as a nation.

-Father, we pray for wisdom for the federal reserve, that they would use the right monetary policies to protect our economy from disaster and our nation from poverty. Protect us from the rust and moth of inflation!

-Lord, we ask that our competitors and enemies do not take advantage of us and our financial mismanagement. Give us grace, mercy and provision of resources, wisdom and repentance to get back on track. Thank you Lord for your abundant blessing that we have experienced in our land.”

Thank You for this writer’s inspired prayer to You Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, please help us, we are desperate for Your intervention.


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