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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, bring shalom to our nation--may things be the way they ought to be.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

We are still reeling from the events of Wednesday, January 6, 2020. Dave Kubal, IFA President/CEO, was at the Capitol Building all day. Join him at 1215pm ET today, Thursday, January 7, 2020 to hear about his experience and how the Lord is directing us to pray. Call details are below.

IFA Contributing Writer Nancy Huff was also in Washington. We thought that you would want to know her impression. While we watched the Capitol become overrun online, Nancy and her group were completely unaware. Here is what she texted us while still in D.C.:  “Thousands outside (including the 3 of us) peacefully demonstrating, it was like a pep rally on the grounds. We had no idea until later this had happened. This was NOT a Christian “prayer march”! There are a lot of ANGRY folks here with many of us Believers.”


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January 20, 2021

God, help us HEAR your voice, so we are not perpetually reacting to the enemy’s schemes against us but responding to you. Lead us, and enable us to follow.

January 18, 2021

May the Lord give us the wisdom and discernment at all times in our decisions and whatever plans we make. His plans prevail. His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name. Amen

Diana Jarka
January 10, 2021

Apparently it was not Antifa, but QAnnon. A violent group with their own agenda. How many violent people were there actually, compared with the “tens of thousands of Trump supporters” reported earlier that day by the media?

    January 20, 2021

    It was a scheme to muddy the waters and silence the voices of a million plus Americans. I am not sure QAnnon is a violent group per seh, but that is not the point. We were led there for a photo op. We have had our Ai. God do the necessary and get us on track.

Judith Knight
January 9, 2021

I am not discouraged; I am astounded that I am alive and seeing this happening in America. This week I was reminded of an old hymn from my childhood in a little country church. I didn’t really understand then but the music imbedded in my brain and resurfaced. We need to stay, strongly standing.

1 My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
all other ground is sinking sand,
all other ground is sinking sand.

2 In ev’ry rough and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the vale.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

3 Not earth, nor hell, my soul can move;
I rest upon unchanging love.
I trust His righteous character,
His counsel, promise, and His pow’r.

4 When He shall come with trumpet sound,
oh, may I then in Him be found,
dressed in His righteousness alone,
faultless to stand before the throne.


Yvonne Pendleton
January 9, 2021

Father, wisdom to see with spiritual eyes what we don t see in the natural. You are exposing the darkness why do we keep praying the same powerless prayers? Declare that if we believe this mountain will be removed!

Marilyn Ryder
January 8, 2021

I pray for my Nation United States Of America. I will be so glad when God’s hand moves radially over this nation exposing the darkness. I pray for President Trump and Vice President Pence. That God would open the eyes of the white house to see the good that God wants to do through them.
In Jesus Mighty Name I pray.

    Yvonne Metcalfe
    January 8, 2021

    Dear Lord, I pray that you will save our nation from those who seek to destroy it. Amen.

Toni Kushner
January 8, 2021

When I woke up on Jan 6th I knew in my spirit that God would either extend Mercy to our country, or we would experience His judgement upon the nation, but resting in the assurance that He was with us. I have listened 2x’s to the Webcast call to prayer on Jan. 7th and again prayed with each call. I’m most moved by the call for unity as many have experienced the deep divide in families, churches and throughout our nation. I sense this truly is a call to the church again for repentance, for God is building us in faith, as He heals what the enemy has taken and removed from the Body of Christ. Please pray as Jesus prayed,” My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message; that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and Iam in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent Me… May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” God’s heart for His Church is to love. He has called the church to lose their life, that they may gain their life in Christ. Jesus came because of the love the Father has for a broken world and we are to represent His love. This will bring revival as we love within the church that the love of God can be a light into a lost world. May the Church reveal the Face of Jesus as we unite in LOVE, this will be a work of His Spirit in us as we heal and unite in the Name of Jesus. To God Be All Glory for the work of the Cross and His shed BLOOD.Amen

Cynthia Yore
January 8, 2021

I watched another TV channel Victory. They showed a clip of the mob breaching the Capital Bldg. and there was someone with a camera filming everything. It was a set-up! Also someone else videoed police cars escorting antifa bus loads into the mall area. Capital policemen were also sent home early before the break-in and not called back when the break-in occurred. I believe it was all staged by the Left to bring condemnation on the True Trump supporters and President Trump. We need to seek the Lord in prayer, asking Him for the truth to come to light and all the deception will be exposed. Don’t believe what the Fake News is trying to make you believe!
In Jesus name. Amen

    January 8, 2021

    I just watched on Facebook messenger 3 young people who made a video later on Weds., Jan. 6. They were there in DC to support President Trump. They also confirm that antifa was present and that they were the ones who broke windows, etc. to get in. They said that the police opened the baracades allowing Trump supporters in to the capitol. They said they were escorted through to another door to exit. They said that it was a setup to make Trump supporters look bad. They seemed concerned that their loved ones would be worried about their wellbeing.

    No Lasy
    January 20, 2021

    Vindicate your servant Oh God

January 8, 2021

I’ve been consumed with questions about VP Mike Pence-
received this from a friend yesterday. The information is well documented.

    Penni Bulten
    January 12, 2021

    I have heard similar. Ask God to reveal the truth and deliver us from evil. Though it is puzzling, God has a plan and will make it clear.

January 7, 2021

I am still praying that the duly elected president take office. To do otherwise is to accept that we are on a fast track to the tribulation. To accept the fraud and the placement by it is to obviate the 4th of July celebrations. “Independence” Day would no sense with a puppet of the New World Order in office.
5 Then Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself, saying, I will be king: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.

6 And his father had not displeased him at any time in saying, Why hast thou done so? and he also was a very goodly man; and his mother bare him after Absalom.

7 And he conferred with Joab the son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the priest: and they following Adonijah helped him.

8 But Zadok the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the mighty men which belonged to David, were not with Adonijah.

9 And Adonijah slew sheep and oxen and fat cattle by the stone of Zoheleth, which is by Enrogel, and called all his brethren the king’s sons, and all the men of Judah the king’s servants:

10 But Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he called not.

11 Wherefore Nathan spake unto Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, saying, Hast thou not heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith doth reign, and David our lord knoweth it not?

12 Now therefore come, let me, I pray thee, give thee counsel, that thou mayest save thine own life, and the life of thy son Solomon.

13 Go and get thee in unto king David, and say unto him, Didst not thou, my lord, O king, swear unto thine handmaid, saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne? why then doth Adonijah reign?

14 Behold, while thou yet talkest there with the king, I also will come in after thee, and confirm thy words.

15 And Bathsheba went in unto the king into the chamber: and the king was very old; and Abishag the Shunammite ministered unto the king.

16 And Bathsheba bowed, and did obeisance unto the king. And the king said, What wouldest thou?

17 And she said unto him, My lord, thou swarest by the Lord thy God unto thine handmaid, saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne.

18 And now, behold, Adonijah reigneth; and now, my lord the king, thou knowest it not:

19 And he hath slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance, and hath called all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab the captain of the host: but Solomon thy servant hath he not called.

20 And thou, my lord, O king, the eyes of all Israel are upon thee, that thou shouldest tell them who shall sit on the throne of my lord the king after him.

21 Otherwise it shall come to pass, when my lord the king shall sleep with his fathers, that I and my son Solomon shall be counted offenders.33 The king also said unto them, Take with you the servants of your lord, and cause Solomon my son to ride upon mine own mule, and bring him down to Gihon:

34 And let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him there king over Israel: and blow ye with the trumpet, and say, God save king Solomon.

35 Then ye shall come up after him, that he may come and sit upon my throne; for he shall be king in my stead: and I have appointed him to be ruler over Israel and over Judah.

36 And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada answered the king, and said, Amen: the Lord God of my lord the king say so too.

37 As the Lord hath been with my lord the king, even so be he with Solomon, and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord king David.

38 So Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, went down, and caused Solomon to ride upon king David’s mule, and brought him to Gihon.

39 And Zadok the priest took an horn of oil out of the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon. And they blew the trumpet; and all the people said, God save king Solomon.

Kathy Crane
January 7, 2021

Are you letting Fox News and others about the Antifa mob doing the break in?

    No Lasy
    January 20, 2021

    Do not put your faith in Fox News. The only one’s hiding facts are the ones who should be reporting them.

Brenda G
January 7, 2021

I love seeing the IFA team leading us in seeking God on these calls. Praying—together! Seems like IFA has taken it up a notch adding more of a panel approach to these calls. I feel like we are in on it all together. Thanks Dave and Kris for what you are doing!

January 7, 2021

Father, take this cup from us……
As I prayed the last couple of weeks, I had the feeling that this seemingly last chance for getting the truth of election fraud out to the people and putting off the confirmation of electoral votes would not succeed, just as so many of our other prayers in the last months have failed. As we watched our court systems refuse to hear cases of obvious fraud, as we had to light fires under our congressmen and women to get them to agree to support our concerns, as we saw pathway after pathway to justice blocked, we seemed to be shut down at every turn. I had come into agreement with people who said that God seemed to be doing something bigger and more comprehensive than a quick fix, something that could not be attributable to the work of man, but to what only God could do. And I began to wonder if God was going to allow this confirmation of the electoral vote (that we had been fervently praying against) to proceed for His purposes. So I had to deal with the fears that rose up in me of what that might look like, and to firmly put my trust in Him and what He is trying to accomplish in America in these times. But my heart remembered Jesus praying, “Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but Thine be done.”(Luke 44:42 KJV) From then on this was a part of my prayers: Father, I pray that You take this cup from us. Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done. Over and over, I asked (begged?) the Father to take this cup from us, and then declared that His Will be done.
So after fighting away a sinking heart during the events of yesterday, I again affirmed, Father, Thy Will be done in the United States America and in Your world. And I prayed, show us Thy Will, O Lord, that we may work FOR You and not against You in our prayers.
God is obviously thinking much bigger than we want to. We just want this all to be over and for things to go back to normal. Obviously, God wants more. And we are being called to higher levels of trust and faith. Every time we fight off discouragement and reaffirm our trust in Him, we get stronger spiritually. We may not like what Satan is going to throw at us, but we have become much stronger in the Lord through continuous fighting during these many months, and we are better prepared to do bigger battles. I was always a peacemaker, but God had different ideas, and He anointed me as a prayer warrior. He is building His army. Welcome to boot camp!
O Lord, give us the strength and the wisdom and the discernment for the battles ahead. And Lord, keep our hearts focused on discerning what YOUR Will is in any given situation and remembering that we fight not against flesh and blood but against the rulers of darkness in this world. Our hearts, our minds and our spiritual eyes are on You, Lord Jesus, as the leader of our Father’s heavenly armies. We are Yours, Lord.
All praises be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let Thy perfect Will be done in us… and in our nation… and in the world. In Jesus’ mighty Name we pray. So be it.

    January 7, 2021

    Thanks Kerry ! I believe Many that I have prayed with on our prayer calls feel the same way and this is what God wants for his church! To grow in faith and trust God! We need to see what God’s big picture is ! Not business as usual!
    Thanks again for sharing!


      Deborah Lemons
      January 8, 2021

      Yes to Kerry and to Joe’s comments. I agree and I concur with their thoughts and prayers. John “the Baptist” called for repentance; Jesus called for repentance. I think our “TIME” and our circumstances call for repentance in the “Church” and in our hearts. Lord, forgive us for our weak faith, for our compliance to “the World” and her ways, for our lack of boldness to stand against evil and sin as it penetrates and permeates our world, our churches, homes and our lives. Forgive us and fill us with your Grace and Your Holy Spirit.

        January 8, 2021

        Yes great word Deborah! It’s time for us to rise up and follow Jesus as his disciples!

      Derricee Newton
      January 8, 2021

      Yes, I am in total agreement with you. I believe He wants us to put His Word to work. That is how we allow His Word to work for us so that He receives the Glory and the Honor and Praise.
      I believe He is going to show us allhow Awesome and Great He is in the next couple of weeks! And I hear the comments:
      “Oh, it’s a God move!”
      My God is Awesome, He can do anything.
      Have faith in God! Get out of the flesh
      Get into the Spirit. ❤️

    Janel Holaday
    January 8, 2021

    Amen. God’s plans are goodHis ways are higher.

    About 5-6 years ago I asked God to tell me what He wanted for the church- I heard: An Army. Then I saw a vision of people standing strong and in formation. I talked with Him about it and He confirmed that was indeed what He wanted and what was needed.

    Lord, may Your Holy Spirit lead us. Raise up strong leaders, those You have chosen to get Your people in shape to be Your Army who stands for justice, righteousness and for all that is good in Your sight. May we be one people united with God. Thank You Jesus! Amen and Amen.

    Lane McKeever
    January 8, 2021

    Thank you! It is so hard to accept what has happened in our nation. I feel God gave us a miracle in 2016, but many didn’t acknowledge it, nor appreciate the work that was being done. Now we may be tested like never before. Thank you for your work and encouragement. May God be glorified.

    Jane Fain
    January 9, 2021

    I agree Kerry. I was disappointed Jan. 6th when The electoral college gave Biden the win. I was thinking to myself, so disappointed, then the song ” God will make a way where there seems to be no way” came to my mind and I felt better. I have heard prophet words to the effect that GOD is going to do this, not to give up. I’m not giving up either.

Shirelle JOHNSON
January 7, 2021

I know, soon as I heard, God showed me antifa. I was. Watching when they stormed. Newsmax was reporting the peaceful prayer and sing ing of Christians. It was another jab at the president and Christianity. Trying to get God to turn from our nation.

January 7, 2021

I am just getting off from work but I am gathering that the congress heard all the evidence of fraud that we know about and did nothing. We do have reason for hope, as do also the Christians in Communist China, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Susan K
January 7, 2021

Was very disappointed that I was unable to join this session. Said the connection to server was interrupted unable to connect. Anyone else have this problem?

January 7, 2021

I agree! It was Antifa! Real Trump Supporters know better than to act like that! These angry violent people are paid by George Soros to infiltrate and cause chaos! This was an orchestrated attack on our president and christians and loyal peaceful Trump supporters!

The Left is hell bent on destroying Trump and America! Keep praying and standing folks! It’s NOT OVER till God says it’s OVER! We are to go by what He says not by what the lying media says, nor the traitorous rhinos say, nor the communist democrats say! It’s His Word that counts! His Word in scripture, in Rhema form to us and what His prophets have said! We are to war with these prophecies! Our Faith is being tested fiercely! Stand strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might! Bless you! 🙂

    Tammy Saddler
    January 7, 2021

    Thank you-I have a hard timing believing ALL the prophets are frauds? My understanding is that a true prophet NEVER gets it wrong. I have been bold throughout all this. rarely ever so bold. Bumped it up because God gave me a dream where the entire sky turnd into a Lion! Never had a dream quite like it before. I have had several prophetic that did ccame true, one still hasn’t manifested. I took the Lion as time for the church to be bold.

    Looks like it was the lamb that showed up at the capital.(Speaking about the video on ths website of The Presence of God at the Capital) Full of sadness-been weeping. I know I do not want to believe the report of the world! For certain. Can’t watch it. I rely on The Word and have been interested in all the wonderful prophecies.

    My fav verse is Luke 1:37. For with God, nothing is impossible.

    After watching the video of The Presence of God at the Capital-I find myself asking did I get it wrong? Is it my lack of character?I always look at myself. I do not blame God. I cannot. I trust His choice-He sees the big picture. Right!

    I know I am to display love,joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,gentleness,faithfulness and self-control. Perhaps my lack of all the fruits is why it is not what I thought?

    Yet I still believe! I believe because I have seen miracles. I believe Trump was on the right track. I believe God was going to show up and fight until good beat evil. He showed up! Did you see He was even on camera!Yes Dave Kubal captured God’s Presence! Hallelujah.

    Then comes in the thinking of the prophets I have listened excitedly to. How could so many get it wrong?
    Then comes the side of truth. I had never witnessed so much truth coming to Light. I figured that would be saved for the day Jesus actually returns before this world would ever have so much truth revealed! I know everything darkness coming to light -this is written. Of course I get excited! Hoping that finally since truth is out-many will turn to Him! How wonderful to see good win over evil!Right!

    Only God can do such that has been happening! Amazing times we are in!I have been praying for years. Seemed it was working! I was certain The Lion of The Tribe of Judah in my dream was going to win!I believe to the Great Awakening was coming-according to prophets- as a result of all the darkness coming to Light. I am all for this!I still love God whatever He does. I just question if i am sil;ly to jump so quickly? I sure do. I believe easily when I see The Word involved. If it matches The Bible I am ready to see the miracles everytime.

    God can BRING IT! Anytime.He.Wants.

    Right now? Clinging to The Word and all those promises. Really must believe His Will prevails! Right now? So glad I have Jesus. Keep remembering the Biblical miracles, all the personal experiences. Remind each other!
    I don’t know about everyone, but He has never failed me. That is why I will keep praying, fasting for truth and justice. Oh don’t forget Praising until He lets me know otherwise!

    I still want to say-Don’t give up! Let’s give it until the “inauguration”? Even after then, if God wants to do the miracle I am certain many Hallelujahs will be sounded to celebrate. Until God tells my spirit otherwise. I am going to choose to believe the prophets that have spoken according to Scripture.

    God is good. All the time. Everytime. God is good. He is always working it out-just may be differently and for a greater purpose than us “mere mortals” understand.

January 7, 2021

Remain calm and steadfast in prayer!!
Satan is desperate and he decieves those who do not know the LORD. Pray! have mercy! That none should perish. In the darkest dark the true light is revealed.

Let us be lights LORD. Radiant beacons in the storm. Help us be compassionate, slow to anger, slow to speak. Let YOUR majesty be revealed . Holy Spirit work in the hearts of men so their hearts of stone may be turned to flesh.

God is sovereign. GOD IS IN CONTROL. And God has already WON the victory.

We do not need to be frantic or doubt. The closer to the truth the more frantic and desperate and loud and violent the denial. Desperation drives people to fear and chaos. No one wants to get caught in a lie. No one wants to relinquish power. And we have men and women in power who are stubborn and hardhearted refuse to seek the face of God. This is result of apathy and sin. BUT it is not too late to be merciful to those who doubt, to snatch those from the fire.

Take this time to walk in the spirit and tell those God has placed in your life that there is hope, there is peace and there is love and there is forgiveness found in our everlasting savior and shepherd JESUS. John 16:33 ,jude 1:22-23

Zechariah 9
The Sovereign Lord will sound the trumpet;
he will march in the storms of the south,
15 and the Lord Almighty will shield them.
They will destroy
and overcome with slingstones.
They will drink and roar as with wine;
they will be full like a bowl
used for sprinkling the corners of the altar.
16 The Lord their God will save his people on that day
as a shepherd saves his flock.
They will sparkle in his land
like jewels in a crown.(AR)
17 How attractive and beautiful they will be!

January 7, 2021

Very helpful info and encouragement from panel on Flashpoint!

    January 7, 2021

    I love Flashpoint and Amnerica stands on govictory.com much more TRUTH and SANITY and most importantly The Anointing and Integrity! Yay! 🙂

January 7, 2021

I am very moved by David’s eyewitness account during today’s prayer call. Unity and respect for authority is consistent with Jesus’ teaching. The dark hour may be over soon or may last a lifetime, it’s up to God’s plan. I need to have patience and faith, not to expect God’s work as instant gratification. Not to put hope in the government, Supreme Court, or the Presidency, but in God alone. When Israelites chose to walk into the Red Sea, they were willing to die as freemen/women rather to live as slaves. That was the moment God rescued them. When Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, God intervened. It is our moment to hold onto God. No matter how much hardships to endure in the upcoming days/months or even years, we will still be grateful for God’s love, filling our hearts with hope and joy.

January 7, 2021

There are social media posts proving it was Antifa disguised as Trump supporters.
Pence’s opening remarks, when they reconvened, were hypocritical. He said they would not allow violence. BUT they allowed violence ALL summer long from Antifa. Pence had a wonderful opportunity to show courage and do the right thing and he had the legal grounds do the right thing (just as Jefferson did). The only thing Pence showed our country is that lawlessness and violence gets its way, but law abiding citizens who vote WILL NEVER BE HEARD.

Gail Higgins
January 7, 2021

I am just heartbroken of what happened yesterday. I was at the rally with my sister and several other friends. I have been at many rallies before that were pro-life rallies, prayer marches and a Trump rally. This was different. While I saw mostly God fearing American Patriots who have been for years ignored who came to support the President in his efforts to expose the voter fraud. I also saw many people who had on Tump garb but did not act like any Trump supporter that I have ever known. We were mainly in the same area at the rally trying to hear the Presidents speech. The rally’s music was very loud and clear but when the President spoke the sound was terrible. We had to really strain to hear. There were agitators with Trump clothing with flags and signs in the group that were fighting with fellow Trump supporters. It seemed really odd that people would travel to this event and then when the President of the Untited States was speaking that they would be fighting or preaching ( There were also Jesus people who seemed fake, who were shouting and screaming Hell Fire and Brimstone all while the President was speaking). There was very little police presence and they certainly did’t get involved with any of the agitators. There was also of foul language posted on serveral people’s signs. F… antifa on the bottom of the American flag. This all seemed odd and out of place. We tried to move away from these agitators but it was very packed and moving was difficult. We also smelled marijuana. All of these seemed out of place and unusual. After the President finished speaking the crowd moved very slowly. There was no way that anyone who had been in attendance of where the President spoke could have made it up to the Capital when the storm began. Those folks at the Capital had to have been there awhile. If the Park Police truly wanted to barrier off and keep people away from the Capital they could have becasue the crowd had been very orderly. But when the barriers are removed and some people let in there is no way to stop group mentality. We never felt unsafe yet there was a spiritual darkness among us. Anyone with discernment knew that something was not right. It is unfortunate the propaganda coverage of the media and the commentary from media who were not there were so quick to blame the Trump supporters and the President for this deplorable storming of the Capital. Something is very wrong and call me a kook but it just smells bad and I almost could believe that this disturbance was planned by the Antifa folks or at best Satan himself to stop the debate and keep the eveidence of election fraud from coming out. Many people say the President and his team could not produce evidence of election fraud but the evidence was never heard. It is estimated that President Trump spent almost 500 million to investigate this fraud. All the people want is the truth to be exposed. No matter how much Mitch McConnell tells us there was no fraud there were hundreds of thousands of people who came to Washington who believe there was. The truth will not be suppressed the Lord will not allow it. It is a sad day in America that our Courts, Politicians and our system has let us down. But God is in control He is still on the throne, His plans will not be thwarted and this battle belongs to him. I tremble for those that don’t fear Him. I ask all believers to be cautious in making hasty remarks that they will regret. Please reserve your judgement as to the events that happened yesterday. As an I witness who attended the rally all is not what you see.

    January 7, 2021

    Thank you so much for sharing your eye witness. I had a round trip bus ticket from Philly but my husband thought it best I not attend. I still wish I had. I share your sentiment that there is a darkness and an evil lurking, yet we can have peace that surpasses understanding, knowing that God is in control. I don’t know what to do, but I want my eyes to be focused on Jesus, my rock and my redeemer. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to Him. Gail, may the LORD bless you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

    Mrs.Jaimie McQueen
    January 7, 2021

    From Georgia – my husband and i knew that was most likely the case. Praying against it and for prltection of supporters of course . The Lord God is omniscient and omnipotent . Our God will reveal all in time . 🙏 They shot the woman in the capital too at point blank – the video is out – pray for her fsmily

    Shelley Johns
    January 7, 2021

    Thank you for your post, Gail. It is very helpful to hear from an eyewitness. I too felt that many of the people who were acting out may have been Antifa/BLM in disguise, based on their way of moving through the crowd. Let’s join in prayer that the truth will be revealed “and all flesh shall see it together”! I also pray the truth will be exposed regarding the deaths that took place. To me it is very disappointing and telling that most media reports and political comments are not even concerned with uncovering why people were killed. If the young woman and others were unarmed, why were they shot? We need to pray for and demand the police/DA investigate these deaths. If these were BLM/Antifa protesters, they would be shouting “say her name!”

January 7, 2021

I didn’t go to DC expecting it to be a “Christian Prayer March”. Many Christians were there, and many prayers were lifted up, but it was an opportunity for all Americans to gather and show support for President Trump as he fights to preserve our freedom and protect us from a Communist China Party takeover through a rigged, stolen election; to show everyone in that building working for US that we are watching and will not stop until each of our sacred ballots are counted, that we will not stand for the treason taking place before our eyes. I am a Christian and I am angry! Are we as Christians immune to anger? What freedom loving Christian who has eyes to see what’s happening is not angry? Certainly, up to one percent of those gathered did voice and act out their anger in troubling ways.
Here is my account:
My husband and I arrived on the Capital lawn at around 1:30 and stood 50 yards from the building. We began hearing what sounded like blasts from a cannon from the direction of the building toward the crowd. An observer who had been next to the building identified them as “flash bangs”. We noticed people on top of a tall structure -what we thought to be the news platform for the upcoming inauguration. Along with a few others, a man with a megaphone was on top continuously yelling at the crowd to come closer to the building. In retrospect we suspect that he was a member of Antifa. A man dressed in black (we were told the men in black were “riot police”) climbed the tower and we assumed he would make the people come down. However, the people stayed and more joined them.
We saw a total of eight- ten “riot police” at the building. We did not see any other law enforcement officers. Some protesters were climbing scaffolding to get high up on the building long enough to wave their flags. After a few hours many of them were up there waving American flags.
As we continued standing, we began hearing talk about tear gas being used. A little later I noticed a man coming toward me flushing his eye with water from a bottle. A few minutes later a cloud of smoke followed by others came within 20 feet of where we were standing. We knew by the smell it was tear gas so we quickly moved down. We heard some individuals blaming the police for the tear gas and flash bangs. But why would police throw tear gas and flash bangs into a crowd of people so peacefully gathered on the Capitol building lawn?
At around 3:00 it was time to make our way through the crowd to walk back to our bus at Union Station. We heard people yelling for help for a man on the ground with blood on his face. As a nurse I responded to offer medical assistance and was told he was hit with a flashbang.
Once inside the station, as more people arrived to board trains and buses, the crowd broke out singing Amazing Grace followed by God Bless America. I received a text from my son warning about protestors making their way to Union Station. I let him know that we were the protesters the media was referencing.
Once on the bus we began hearing about what had taken place inside the building. I began to reflect, trying to put some pieces together.
On our way to the Capital we observed what we thought to be armed National Guard, about five of them, standing beside the door of DOJ. A crowd had stopped and was yelling chants to those inside the building, ex: “Do your Job!” Suddenly tall steel looking doors were shut, covering the door to DOJ.
It dawned on me that we had not seen any of those men at the Capital. Only the eight-ten men in black. I’d like someone to tell me why the Capital, with highest level lawmakers and VIce President inside, wouldn’t have the highest level of security? Why wasn’t the heavily armed Guard (or whoever they were) in place at the Capital building?
Would “riot police” throw tear gas and flash bangs into a peaceful crowd?
Why didn’t they stop the people who were breaking the window glass? (I later saw video of a
Trump supporter pulling away someone busting the glass.)
Considering all the facts I cannot help but believe that this was an evil scheme from the devil himself. Our enemies knew that President Trump was calling for us to gather at the Capital to take a stand against the steal, while they were gathered inside to make one of the most important decisions in all of history. Based on tens of thousands gathering for his rallies pre and post-election, they knew the turnout would be of epic proportion. (I’ve heard tens of thousands. After attending March for Life events with hundreds of thousands I can tell you this had to be a gathering of at least one million people.)
In the same way they used Covid to their advantage in our election, they used our peaceful protest to set a trap to get their way and get Trump out. They now claim President Trump incited the violence, though we heard the exact opposite as we listened to his words before the March to the Capital.
Now they can claim his supporters are violent, depraved people who should be done away with.
The elected officials who made themselves look brave and courageous, who claimed to be willing to fight for us, all caved. Trump’s cabinet caved. I believe they all used it as an opportunity to abandon the fight against something of which they are all participants. Since, until something very drastic happens, there won’t be another honest election in America, they must curry favors to keep their jobs. They knew Biden’s false election would be certified- they had no plan to stand in the way.
No, Chuck Schumer, this is not “another Pearl Harbor”. Shame on you for your horrible analogy. This is the beginning of a war for freedom. A million people gathered to show we will not allow you and your cohorts to rob us of our freedom.
Note: I recognize that later in the day, or in a location we could not see, a large crowd of protestors stormed the outside of the building and tear gas was used to get them away. I understand the importance of securing our Capital building. I also understand that throughout the afternoon the reaction that unfolded was incited by Antifa. They were the ones disturbing the peaceful protest, injuring people, knowing the people would get angry and at some point would have had all they could take. The people in the crowd assumed the police were responsible and they were angry. Antifa disguised themselves as Trump supporters. We’ve seen a picture of a known Antifa antagonizer that we recognize from yesterday.
A young unarmed woman was shot by an officer and later died. Will he be held accountable? Does her seemingly crazy, difficult to comprehend action inside the building justify her murder? Couldn’t she have been safely apprehended and removed?
So much confusion, so many questions, so few answers, such a big God.

    Gail Higgins
    January 7, 2021

    Cathy I whole heartedly agreee and testify that what you are saying is so. This was a plan of Satan and he used our feckless leaders and that media to carry this out. I am heartbroken that many Christians are so rash to believe that this was done by Trump supporters. For months we have watched our cites being burned and looted. Our police stood down as ordered and no antifa memember was shot and killed. How heart breaking that an unarmed women could not be arrested properly and had to be shot.
    But as the Antifa members posed as Trump supporters it is possible that the police who shot the woman were also disguised police.

      January 7, 2021

      Could very well be the case. Thank you for sharing your thought.

      January 7, 2021

      Hi Gail and Cathy
      I was also at the rally yesterday. Where we were standing it was very peaceful with people from all over the country, people of all ages, color ethnicity… people talking and concerned but with a comraderie. We did not witness any confrontations or antagonism.

      I believe this was a setup or false flag with Antifa brought in on buses to stir up trouble…Trump supporters do NOT wear helmets or bullet proof vests. Police were not in abundance at Capitol. With so many senior govt officials in the chambers, and hundreds of thousands of patriots in attendance for the rally, security should have been excessive. It was minimal.
      It all doesn’t make sense unless it was a trap. Within minutes of Pres Trumps video message requesting peace, love and to go home, Twitter deleted the tweet and suspended his account. Today Facebook has permanently removed the presidents account. This was a planned and orchestrated attack on our president and citizens who support and love him.
      God is using this evil to expose every last bit of corruption. He is Our Almighty God and He will use this for good for those who love the Lord.
      Keep praying and fasting, even more fervantly. Pres Trump is annointed for such a time as this. We know no other person could have held up under the daily attacks he has endured for over 4 years. He has proven himself. God will expose all, judgements will be imposed and Pres Trump will be inaugurated for his second term. PRAISE GOD, ALL KNOWING, ALL LOVING ABBA, FOR THE MIRACULOUS VICTORY COMING!

    January 7, 2021

    Cathy, Wow! Thank you so much for that!. I have been praying for President Trump, his family, and his administration for I don’t remember how long. I have also joined in fasting and praying since the election. I am discouraged, yet encouraged that I know my Redeemer lives, and that He is in control. I don’t understand why, but, again, I look to Jesus Christ and hope I will be that good and faithful servant. I want to thank you for taking the time to give your first hand account. As I told Gail, I wanted to be there but wasn’t. May God bless you richly today and bring you peace.

Kristy Zimmermann
January 7, 2021

My heart is grieving my heart is heavy, the weight of the sins of our nation, the weakness of the pulpits, has my heart laid bear before a Holy and just God. He will not be mocked, as we have carried his banner over this great nation “One Nation under God “we have put our currency in His trust, “In God We Trust “. The swiftness and the deprivation as well as the delusion is eerily similar to the prophetic word spoken by Yeshua, in Matthew 24. I am reminded of the words, as in the days of Noah. I have never in a million years thought I would be alive to witness such things as these. The shedding of innocent blood in the womb as health care?! The list of abominations go on.

    January 7, 2021

    Kristy, Amen to that! I just printed out Mathew 24 yesterday and mailed it to my mother. As the time draws near wickedness will increase. My husband says, it has to get worse before it gets better. Let us pray, Come, Lord, Jesus, come, quickly. Thank you for sharing.

Delilah Narvaez
January 7, 2021

Was unable to tune into webcast – message about “host serve unable to connect”. Do you archive these prayer sessions – if so may I have the web address?

Nancy Elizabeth LaNeve
January 7, 2021

I was there too along with a bus load of patriots. Two of our members were close to the Capital and they witness several young black clad agitators with backward Trump hats storm the building and bust windows. These were NOT Trump supporters these radical agitators were Antifa and BLM terrorists. This was a planned and deliberate act of staging some of their members to dress and act like patriots and then have them in place ready to storm the Capital. It was a massive setup! Would a true patriot bust out windows and storm our Capital considering how much we love our country? NO! I am sure that it has been removed by Antifa and BLM sites where they were organizing their members to be in DC during this event. They were asked to come a few days before Wednesday to get their “Trump gear” in ready to infiltrate us patriots during the rally. It is reported that some Antifa members were asked to meet at TA Ashland Va truck stop and wear their trump hats backward so they know who they are and then caravan up to DC. We saw several walking among us with homemade armor of football shoulder pads, knee pads, and wearing black in cameo vest like you see them wear in Portland and Seattle. They were trying to pass themselves off as militia but we knew they were piece of crap Antifa cause militia have group or regiment insignia these guys didn’t. Also, I saw some have walkies with them to communicate with each other. One of them was quietly talking in his walkie attached to his vest as our group of ladies were walking. They moved in and out of the outlining areas of the huge crowd and they were up at the Capital by the time we got there. It was staged it was a setup. We know it and everyone knows it and the Democrats and all the far left media knows it to. They are not only taking down a president that legitimately won the election but 70+ million Americans were stabbed in the back yesterday.

January 7, 2021

Thank y’all for your commitment to pray for our nation and the nation. Ps. 2:8

CM Brown
January 7, 2021

I pray for our nation – we are living in desperate times. I pray that any evil that is brewing that has not been made known by those in charge, that it will come to light. I pray for the remnant of those of us who still believe that God is in control, and that He can turn these bad times around. We must not lose faith. I pray for President Donald Trump and his family, and for Vide President Pence and his family.

    Nancy Elizabeth LaNeve
    January 7, 2021

    Pence has turned on the president and it is reported that back in July, Trump was informed of Pence’s fading loyalty. Pence is a traitor. He just stabbed Trump in the back, the American people and gave our country over to the Communist and China.

    January 7, 2021

    Psalm 37:32 The wicked lie in wait for the righteous, intent on putting them to death; 33 but the LORD will not leave them in the power of the wicked or let them be condemned when brought to trial. (NIV)

January 7, 2021

There is absolutely no doubt that evil has descended upon our nation. Should any of us quit praying? We need to pray more than ever before. Please everyone who may be concerned, pray for our nation. Pray that the evil is exposed. Pray that those in power or may come to power are exposed. Pray for a clear vision. Pray to change hearts. Remember that both Reagan and Trump were democrats. We can and have to pray for all people in power.
It is my belief that all of this is in God’s plan. I thank God for all events that have happened over the past year. I know that God uses difficult times to stretch our faith and strengthen us. Personally, I have never prayed and looked for wonderful miracles. I just know they will come. I love and join together in everyone praying for God to bring our nation back to a greater glory. I ask God to deliver us from the evil. Expose it and get the evil back where it came from. I don’t hate anybody. Nobody. I do hate the evil though.
God bless America.

    Shelley Johns
    January 7, 2021

    Thank you for your post, Daniel. Sadly, I do find myself hating the people in power who have been spewing out lies for so long. I need to confess—thanks for your reminder.

      January 8, 2021

      Did not Jesus go into places of worship and tell the Rabbis to their faces what hypocrites they are? I am not a biblical scholar, but from the limited knowledge I do have, I believe that Jesus always argued with leaders.
      So, I feel you have an honest feeling and God put it there. But maybe you don’t hate the people, only the fact that they are sinning and being horrible people.
      I have learned not to let anyone get away with evil. I call them out. I am not afraid.
      If I don’t say it, am I doing God’s work? People in power are supposed to act with the most honorable manor. Right now, many of them are as gang members straight out of Compton. What they are doing on the left is comparable to what we normally see from ruling bodies in Russia and China. They have left us with only our prayers. The left now controls all media, Wall Street, Unions, Universities, much of the courts and everyone of them now are corrupt. So, please don’t be feeling bad that you are angry. I am too. I am very upset because I am sure that I never worked hard enough to keep these people out of control. Also, that other people could have put these people into office. We were not protecting this country from this invasion of ungodly invaders. Yes, I hate too. But I just try to find out what I really hate. It is never the person, but their words and actions. They can control their actions and listen to God, but they decide not to. Maybe Satan has tricked them into being who they have become. We see Satan in them and that is probably what you hate. Lets face it. Anyone you never met, you would try to keep them from going to Hell. The fact that you have seen the actions of these people, shouldn’t convince you to wish they would end up in Hell. I know that you hate Satan and what he is doing to these people. So, please keep on praying to God for guidance and wisdom. Be fearless. Don’t believe for one moment that Satan is winning. Just rejoice because God has chosen you to be alive and experience all that he will reveal at anytime now. What happens soon, might be the biggest miracle since Jesus rising from the ashes of Hell after defeating the Devil and taking the keys to Hell. I believe that with every second,we are closer and closer to defeating the Devil again and rescuing America. But, if we cannot, we won’t lose. We will always triumph. We have nothing to fear. We have the creator, Almighty God on our side. Actually, I feel very sad for Russia, China, the middle east, the left and all the people who are tricked into doing evil. I know all they will regret later. And, yes, I do sin again and again. I am flawed. The difference is that I feel great sorrow because of what terrible things I do against God. I am forgiven. That is through his grace and mercy.
      So I will wrap this up. Please never give up. I love all of us who are joining together in the greatest prayer group in the history of the United States. What a wonderful thing God has created for us here.
      Thank you for your comment and good night.

virginia blakeman
January 7, 2021

Lord, we remember while You hung on the Cross, satan thought he had won, but Your secured the keys he had stolen and in Your surprise move, not yet seen, You rose from the grave and defeated death, hell and the grave. Darkness and evil have not won! Their defeat and destruction were secured on that Cross and sealed by Your resurrection life. Thank You, hallelujah! I call forth Your timed, suddenly surprise moves. Thank You for initiating the final secure move of checkmate on the game board the enemy has set in motion among the people and nations. I decree Ekklesia, rise up above the roar of chaos with the Lion of the tribe of Judah, shake off the dust from your mane and see, perceive and discern from Your Lord’s victorious, eternal throne room position. Operate in His victory strategy. Remember, the world looks different through the sight of victorious redemption – Jehovah Nissi – You are the Lord our Victory. You reigns, Youeigns, forever and ever and we reign with You. Watchmen arise and look for the next sudden and swift strategic maneuvers. They will come suddenly and swiftly but with great effectual victory. I call forth the sound of intercession to increase, worship, increase, strategic warfare decrees to resound throughout the atmosphere, prophetic proclamations resound out in sound waves of the spiritual atmosphere, penetrating and piercing through the canopy and shroud of darkness, evil, lies and corruption. GLORY, light and justice, righteousness break through – throughout the United States of America in Jesus Christ’s glorious name.

January 7, 2021

A word of encouragement from 1 Kings 18. Imagine how long it must have seemed as the events of the day unfolded on Mount Carmel. How crazy the people must have thought Elijah was as he said, “Do it again,… Do it a third time.” Putting water on the altar. 1 Kings 18:38 says Then the fire of the Lord fell. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the fire of God falls and shows him who’s boss! Church, we are called to pray in faith. After this, Elijah said there is the sound of a heavy rain. He heard this in the spirit, not in the natural. Then, he had faith and kept praying and told his servant, Go and look toward the sea. Seven times he said, “Go back.” If it had been 100 times, I believe that Elijah would have kept praying. My prayer for us all is that we would “go back” with the eyes of faith as many times as it takes for the deliverance of God to come. May God be the lifter of our heads.

Adeline Parson
January 7, 2021

Hubby was right there and the police were attacking the people with flash bombs, pellets and tear gas, they opened the barriers and a man ripped through the plastic covering with a knife and waived folks onto the steps up and in while he dropped F bombs. Others saw the Capitol police escort 4 shuttles of Antifa characters into the peaceful protestor crowds.

    Dena M Nelson
    January 7, 2021

    Did the police use “flash bombs, pellets and tear gas” on the crowd as they OPENED the barrier? All I could see on the video was that people seemed to be easily walking past the barriers with no attempts from the police to stop them….which seemed very suspicious to me.

      Adeline Parson
      January 7, 2021

      Yes they used all of the above and they also took selfies and videos while they were in the Capitol building

    Mary Olson
    January 7, 2021

    When I saw the protesters in Washington at the Capitol building on tv, the spirit of the Lord told me these are not my people,
    this is Antifa disguised as Trump supporters. Who else would want to deter Congress and the Senate from holding hearings on the fraudulent elections?? It is only a temporary win as our God is in control and reigns victorious! Blessed be his name.

virginia blakeman
January 7, 2021

I think about the day Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our total salvation and He was buried that next day seemed dark and the third day he rose from the grave for our Victory over it all. We must remember our King has risen His resurrection power is ours today – as we stand believing for the breaking of the dawn of a new day in Christ and we draw near to Him in the meantime. We are a Pentecost day body of believers in Christ. He is our rope of Hope – His blood covenant seals us.

Anita McAllister
January 7, 2021

I tried several times getting into the link to attend with the video portion. How do I watch the webcast after the fact?

Rebecca Gring
January 7, 2021

My daughter was watching this live. The guards actually took down the barriers and opened the senate doors allowing the people in. There were antifa people leading them in. It was all a set up to look like a riot. Tear gas was then thrown. Senate and the House was supplied immediately with gas masks for the tea gas. It was all a set up to make the Christians look violent. Please check this out. Satan has stolen our land. May God’s will be done. Are we looking at the end? Looks like it. They will hate us and they are they ones who have trapped us and made us look like bad people.

    Nancy Bryda
    January 7, 2021

    We must persevere in prayer and trust in the Lord. I decree the army of God is still arising even with this enemy assault. We are still waring from a place of victory as Jesus never loses. Mercy and justice, justice and mercy LOrd and you are still on the throne.

Marlene Edwards
January 7, 2021

Praying with you for our nation. God is in control. This is His world!

Tricia Casper
January 7, 2021

This is not over. Donald Trump will still be re-elected. We are standing at the Red Sea… this is when we see the God of miracles. For real news, listen to the Tipping Point and follow Lin Wood on Parlor… they have called everything 100% correctly up until now.

Karen apgar
January 7, 2021

I was unable to join for prayer- unable to open the email or get into the website. Is there a way to hear/see again?

Barb Graham
January 7, 2021

Please share today’s prayer time. I couldn’t get on.

January 7, 2021

I am amazed at how swiftly Satan and his demons have moved in on the situation. And they are gleeful at the thought of Biden/Harris, which is exactly who they want in the White House.

But I am amazed that it’s not even January 20, and already the loss of freedoms and suppression has started. President Trump banned from facebook until January 20, and maybe indefinitely. Banned from the other social medias as well!

Christi Evans
January 7, 2021

I was disappointed that I couldn’t get on the website to join the prayer at 12:15. But also praise the Lord that so many were on there it shut the server down so that I couldn’t get on! I prayed along with you all in my spirit, agreeing with whatever was being said. God we need you. Show us what to do.

Michael Guidera
January 7, 2021

I have been praying for the Lord to give me dreams as he has used dreams In the past to give me insight. I had a strange dream last night. A family lived in this beautiful million dollar house. The couple had a son in his mid forties still living at home. In the dream I walked in the bedroom and the son had climbed into bed in the middle of the night because something had frightened him. I woke up immediately after the dream occurred and I started receiving the meaning of the dream.
The son in the dream represents those in the church that have not been given the opportunity to mature. The parents represent the leadership in the church that has failed to take the responsibility to teach their flock the ways of the Spirit to allow them to be effective in battling the spiritual forces of darkness (Eph. 6). When evil came to the son in the middle of the night, rather than use the weapons God has for him to use against the enemy, the son ran and jumped in his parents bed for comfort and protection. He was totally unprepared to understand the nature of the enemy and how he operates. How is this dream relevant? Well it motivated me to connect it to what happened yesterday at the Capitol. Let me explain:

As I watched the drama unfold yesterday, all I could feel was frustration and disappointment. It was deja but all over again. I see evidence of wrongdoing that is always focused against the President (in this case voter fraud). A seeming opportunity to expose the misdeed as in a hearing before all of congress and the entire nation is watching. Then in less than an hour, the entire scenario is turned upside down and the blame is focused squarely on the President. As I watched a video taken from the inside of Congress showing two sets of doors being dismantled and windows broken, I wondered, where are the police? It took at least 10 minutes to break through two sets of doors to enter in the the building. It makes no sense these doors would not be heavily guarded to protect our entire congress inside. They could have easily been all killed with this lack of security. Something fishy was going on. I sensed at that moment, this whole event was coordinated.
The opportunity for the truth to be revealed is thwarted yet again. We have seen this scenario over and over these last 4 yrs. The Russian hoax, Bidens involvement with Ukraine, Hunters laptop, Supreme Court nomination hearings, impeachment, and now a rigged election. So what is happening?

The enemy works using deception. Deception is a tool to hide the truth. These last 4 yrs have been a hide the ball under the cup game Satan has used to keep those without the discernment by the Holy Spirit, in a chaotic state of confusion. Every single time evil players create some event that involves violence, or slander, that can be interpretated falsely. The event is planned, and adequately funded. It takes place and it’s like a soft ball lobbed up as a perfect strike. The media then steps in and hits hit out of the park. They use the incident fully to try and destroy the President. The Democrats lick their chops, the RINO’s cave, the deceived public fall for the ploy, And many believe this has to stop, so let’s just get rid of Trump and move on. And here we are today.

Where is God in all of this? Great question. I don’t have a complete answer. The church has the weapons to defeat the enemy, but many are not being taught how to use them. I believe this battle needs more recruits. Obviously many have been praying and I believe not in vain. It seems God has allowed these forces of darkness to keep its hold on our nation. Must we go through persecution for the church to wake up? The son in the dream will never become productive until he takes responsibility for himself and learn all that is necessary to deal with rigors of life. I encourage everyone, do not give up, but maybe we are to focus on equipping the church with the tools necessary to defeat this persistent enemy. Maybe God is waiting for His church to become stronger.

    Elena Perez
    January 7, 2021

    This was the most encouraging word I’ve heard/read in a while. Without a doubt the church of Jesus Christ needs to wake up get equipped correctly and get in the game. I have no doubt we will win this battle for the glory of God. Thank you for sharing.

    January 7, 2021

    I think this is exactly what God is waiting for, and all this mess has certainly been used by our Good Shepherd and Almighty God to wake us up! He does all things well, and in His perfect time!

    He tells us in 2 Cor 10:6 …and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

    Back in Daniel 12:7 He tells us …and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished.

    Check out the story of Jeremiah’s visit to the potter’s house (18:1-10). Also, of course 2 Chr 7:14, Dan 11:35, DT 8:2-3, etc

January 7, 2021

I’m a bit confused and need clarity on Nancy Huff’s statement “This was NOT a Christian “prayer march”! There are a lot of ANGRY folks here with many of us Believers.”
I did not go to DC with the impression of it being a “Christian Prayer March”.
I knew it to be a protest where Americans of all faiths would gather to show support for President Trump as he fights to preserve our freedom and protect us from Communist China Party takeover through a rigged, stolen election; to show everyone in that building working for US that we are watching and will not stop until each of our sacred ballots are counted, that we will not stand for the treason taking place before our eyes. I am a Christian and I am angry! Are we as Christians immune to anger? What freedom loving Christian who has eyes to see what’s happening is not angry?
Here’s my account:
My husband and I stood 50 yards from the building. We began hearing what sounded like blasts from a cannon, from the direction of the building toward the crowd. An observer who who had been next to the building identified them as “flash bangs”. We noticed people on top of a tall structure -what looked like the news platform for the upcoming inauguration. A man was there with a megaphone, continually yelling at the crowd to come closer to the building (we now believe he was Antifa). A man dressed in black we thought to be riot police climbed the tower, we assumed in effort to get the people to come down. However, the people stayed and more joined them.
Other men dressed in black- riot police- stood across the top of the stairs of the building.
As we continued standing, joining in with chants to make our voices heard, we began hearing talk about tear gas being used. A little later I noticed a man coming toward me flushing his eye with water from a bottle. A few minutes later a cloud of smoke followed by others came within 20 feet of where we were standing. We knew by the smell it was tear gas so we quickly moved down.
All the while the crowd, as close to the building as we could see, continued to be peacefully gathered. We heard some individuals blaming the police for the tear gas and flash bangs. But why would police throw tear gas and flash bangs into a crowd of people so peacefully gathered on the Capitol building lawn?
Once it was time to make our way through the crowd to get to our bus, we heard people yelling for help for a man on the ground with blood on his face. As a nurse I responded to offer medical assistance and was told he was hit with a flashbang.
As we made our our way to Union Station we began hearing sirens. Police cars were everywhere, ambulances passed by.
Once inside the station,
as more people arrived to board trains and buses, the crowd broke out singing Amazing Grace followed by God Bless America. I received a text from my son warning about protestors making their way to Union Station. I let him know that we were the protesters the media was referencing.
Once on the bus and hearing about what actually took place we began reflecting and putting some pieces together.
On our way to the Capital we observed National Guard in uniform, about five of them, standing beside the door of DOJ. A crowd had stopped and was yelling chants to those inside the building ex: “Do your Job!” Suddenly tall steel doors shut, covering the door to DOJ.
We saw no members of The Guard at the Capital. Only “riot police”dressed in black- perhaps four- five of them across the top of stairs. I’d like someone to tell me why the Capital, with the highest level of lawmakers and the VIce President inside, wouldn’t be tightly secured? Why wasn’t the Guard in place there?
Would police throw tear gas and flash bangs into a peaceful crowd?
Why didn’t police stop the people who were breaking the window to get in? How could security at the Capital be so lax
to allow that?
Considering all the factors I cannot help but believe that this was an evil scheme from the devil himself. Our enemies knew that President Trump was calling for us to gather at the Capital to take a stand against the steal, while they were inside to make one of the most important decisions in all of history. Based on tens of thousands gathering for his rallies pre and post-election, they knew the turnout would be of epic proportions. (I’ve heard tens of thousands. After attending March for Life events with hundreds of thousands I can tell you this had to be a gathering of at least one million people.)
In the same way they used Covid to their advantage in our election, they used our peaceful protest to set a trap to get their way and get Trump out. They can now claim he incited violence (though all who listened to his words before the march to the Capital know he said the exact opposite).
They can now claim his supporters are violent, depraved people who should be done away with.
The elected officials who had made themselves look brave and courageous, who claimed to be willing to fight for us, all caved. I believe they knew exactly how it would go. As bad as it was, what happened was not a reason to rush into certifying. They did what they planned do the entire time. They knew Biden’s false election would be certified- they had no intention to stand in the way.
No, Chuck Schumer, this is not “another Pearl Harbor”. Shame on you for your horrible analogy. This is the beginning of a war for freedom. A million people gathered to show we will not allow you and your cohorts to rob us of our freedom.
Note: I recognize that at the end of the day a large crowd of protestors stormed the outside of the building and tear gas was used to get them away. I understand the importance of securing our Capital building. I also understand that throughout the afternoon the reaction that unfolded was incited by Antifa. They were the ones disturbing the peaceful protest, injuring people, knowing the people would get angry and at some point would have had all they could take. The people thought the police were responsible and they were angry. Antifa disguised themselves as Trump supporters. We’ve seen a picture of a known Antifa antagonizer that we recognize from yesterday.
A young unarmed woman was shot by an officer and later died. Will he be held accountable? Does her seemingly crazy, difficult to comprehend action inside the building justify her murder? Couldn’t she have been safely apprehended and removed?
So much confusion, so many questions, so few answers, what a big God.
I praise You Lord Jesus in the midst of this mess.

    Laura B Mullins
    January 7, 2021

    I agree

    Laura B Mullins
    January 7, 2021

    I agree, Cathy. That was my experience, and those are my thoughts, too.

    January 7, 2021

    I agree. People on Twitter showed literature given to antifa telling them to do what they did. Lord Jesus help this nation find their first love….You!!

January 7, 2021

It was Antifa. They posted pictures of themselves on social media.

And, Pence could have stopped all of this before it began. He had the constitutional power to do so if he had followed Jefferson’s lead.


Virginia Blakeman
January 7, 2021

PRESIDENT Trump’s tweet was taken off for 12 hours. He spoke humbly to the people at the Capitol building and told them to go home and be at peace. These are not the words of an arrogant man and leader. Father, we ask for the sovereign hovering hand of Your Spirit be upon President Trump – grace him with wisdom for this hour. Jehovah Gmolah, God of recompense and reward, we ask that You would show Yourself strong in his behalf for Your name sake. I declare no weapon formed against him shall prosper for his righteousness is of the Lord Jesus Christ and every tongue that rises up in judgment he shall show to be be in the wrong, may Your peace that he extended to the people be upon President Donald John the beloved Trump and his administration. Shalom from heaven be his in Jesus Christ name.

Rev. Tom Chopp, MDiv., BCC
January 7, 2021

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it” Is our nation be forced to embrace “a lie” that there was no voter fraud and that Biden is our duly elected President? It appears that DC’s Swamp creatures both GOP and DNC/Socialist would have us embrace the lie and stop seeking the truth about this presidential election. God prevent us from following he example of Christians living in Nazis Germany, who embraced “a lie” Jesus the Christ said: “You will know the Truth and the Truth (not a lie) will set you free” (John 8:32)

kathleen helmick
January 7, 2021

looking forward to our prayer today

Melissa S.
January 7, 2021

I was there at the rally to support the President and pray for him. I also walked from the white house to the capitol with thousands of others peacefully and prayerfully. We even sang songs at one point, one of them being when the saints go marching in. I was glad to be a part of the event. I do not condone violence.

January 7, 2021

The darker the hour, the more glorious the victory! I believe God is teaching us, this generation in America important lessons from our forefathers who fought in various wars, from our sisters & brothers suffering under tyrannical regimes in other nations. Now we come face to face with the dark force and the choice belongs to our freewill – to be a fighter defending God’s Truth or to be a slave serving the Evil? As witness to history, as believers, we entrust in God’s Power and Glory to lead His people to eventual victory! I pray for strength, confidence and unwavering faith in God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit!

Virginia Blakeman
January 7, 2021

Ps. 40 – please pray it. Specifics: Reach down, Lord God and draw President Trump and our righteous leaders from this deep dark hole where we are stranded with a gentle hand, Pull them out and set them down safely on a warm rock; (the Solid Rock) – hold each one of them until they are steady enough to continue the journey again. Clear up each one of their minds, give them a new song to sing, a song of praise to the One who saved them. Because of what You, Lord Jesus Christ have done (and said it is finished) many people will see and come to trust in the Eternal. Surely those who trust the Eternal . . . You have done so many wonderful things, so many tender thoughts toward us, Eternal my God. I pray they would continue to say “See we have come to do Your will as it is inscribed of them in the scrolls of heaven, and they will be pleased to live how You want, my God. Your law is etched into our heart and our soul . . . it is proof of Your lordship over us. Please, Eternal One, don’t hold back Your kind way from us. We need Your strong love and truth to stand watch over us and keep us from harm. Right now we can’t see because we are surrounded by troubles. Ps. 46 When trouble seems near, God, You are nearer. Eternal One, please rescue us. Eternal One, hurry, we need Your help. May those who are trying to destroy us be humiliated and ashamed instead; May those who want to ruin our reputation be cut off and embarrassed. May those who try to catch us off guard, those who look at us and say “Aha, we’ve trapped you” be caught in their own shame instead. But may all who look for You discover true joy and happiness in You, may those who cherish how You save us always say, “O Eternal One, You are great and are first in our hearts.” We are empty and need so much, but we know the Lord is thinking of each one of us, You are our help; only You can save us, our True God. PLEASE HURRY. Thank You

Nancy McD
January 7, 2021

Thank you for posting this. My husband was at the rally primarily to pray. His experience was one of peace, goodwill, kindness among the crowd. He thought is was amazing that so many excited people could be so orderly – had to be God. He left for an appointment immediately following the actual rally and was shocked to find out about the chaos of the Capitol breach. He saw the breach as a separate incident from the actual rally as it was so different from the atmosphere of the rally. Lord, You remain unshakable and unchangeable. In You, we also stand unshakeable.

Shirley Setliff
January 7, 2021

Where are the call details for this prayer call?

    January 7, 2021

    Prayer calls are 12:15 EDT Tuesdays and Thursdays 712-775-7431 access code 2452#

    or you can email ifapray.org/live at those (or any) times to watch webcast live, enter chat comments in real time, etc

January 7, 2021

We the believers know this wasn’t believers doing this. The forces of darkness know what to do to get people to believe them but we don’t believe them. We believe God. And remember…,,Just because they got their way doesn’t mean they won. I feel very strongly that believers must repent of the sin of tolerance. First… We cannot say any longer that “ abortion isn’t right for me but I can’t tell others what to do” that’s approving abortion. Second…. God created them male and female. That’s it. Approving any alternative lifestyle is the wrong way to tell people about God. God will convict sinners of their sin but we must point it out. Be gentle but point it out. Third the church must be united in prayer… study of the word and fellowship. We are the body of Christ. We are salt and light. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ…. Amen

January 7, 2021

Dearest Lord, I Italy, they already know that obama paid for the voting machines .
he stole 14 pallets of the money equaling 400 million from the money he gave to iran
The cops let the people in the building. They showed this on pbs while it was happening live. It was antifa that broke in. I saw that posted on a christian Internet news. Eric metaxas show yesterday shows other news.help us Lord
Hear our groaning. Amen. Thank you.

January 7, 2021

The angry ones were the demoncrats and the antifa that dressed like supporters to get in!
IT is time America wakes up that antifa and blm is real and blm is not for Blacks,it is run by the demoncrats and Clinton

Anthony Gaby
January 7, 2021

I HAVE to say…the persons that “stormed” the capitol building WERE NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS…they were wearing “backpacks”..it was told BY SECURITY..that no one would be alliwed WITH a “backpack”…SECURITY BREACH FROM WITHIN…. !GOD IS IN CONTROL and WILL NOT…WILL NOT…BE MOCKED!!!!

Morris Bender
January 7, 2021

Dear Friends:
I really felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to respond this morning having been very deeply saddened by the events of the past 24 hours.
My wife and I are pastors in Trenton, NJ. I have been a long time supporter of Intercessors from America from nearly its beginning with Derek Prince back in the 70s. One thing that I learned from him is to learn to be sensitive the Holy Spirit so as to pray according to the Will of God and not our will, as Jesus taught us in the Lord’s prayer. My deep concern, is that it is time for the church to humbly submit to the Lord, and discern what He is trying to say in this hour. I was deeply saddened by the loss of the Georgia senate seats, particularly as so many of His wonderful prayer Warriors like many of you were so sincerely, and with great sacriifice, praying for a more successful outcome, and the Lord spoke clearly to me in November that the Battle was the Lords and not ours ! Interestingly even with the outcome I heard God say, once again, the Battle is not our BUT HIS. So somehow He will be working this out in says we do not expect…. But I believe God through all of this is trying to speak to His Church. We need to listen and discern what He is trying to say and is doing. I voted for President Trump twice and rejoice God put him in this office, and never has there been a man in office that has done more to protect the Church, religious liberties, stand with Israel and move Israel’s capital to Jerusalem. As a Jewish believer that meant so much to me. However, in August, God clearly spoke to me that President Trump would NOT win reelection, and to prepare for a Biden presidency. I had no doubts that was the Lord and it made my prayer focus very different after that, and caused some friction with other believers but I know what God spoke so my only prayer could only be “God, let your will be done, not mine, YOU know what You are doing”. Nevertheless I did vote for President Trump as I will never be able to vote for anyone that supports abortion and those things that are important to us…… BUT my pointis, Friends, we need to hear what the Spirit is saying. I had great difficulty over the past 2 months praying the election would somehow be overturned as God was saying He was not in that, the Trump presidency was ending. But I realized I had to trust Him with the outcome. Remember, many of you beautiful believers were praying for the integrity of the election results whatever they may be. Did not God hear our prayers ?
There was fraud as there always is, BUT GOD DID COME through, He is always faithful to the prayers of the righteous. He DID protect the integrity of the election. We have to believe that and be sensitive to what He is saying and doing. That is my prayer burden and concern for all of us and as Derek Prince said, pray, not thy will be done but His. He is in control and He knows what He is doing. We all need to humble ourselves and hear what the Spirit is saying. That is my intense burden right now for the Church……. I love you all, PLEASE take to prayer and heart what I am doing my best to convey to you all in this time.

    January 7, 2021

    I don’t believe that God will allow such magnitude of this election and say it is okay ?
    Pres Trump won this by a landslide until the machine stopped and all of this illegal activity went on so to think that God will allow an evil ruler in on fraud is not a true believer in my eyes. Are you saying God promotes evil because that is what this statement says, along with all of the corrupt leaders and media throughout the USA. Biden support china and iran so I think you may be confused …

      January 7, 2021

      …seems to me there’s been plenty of disobedience to go around, both in and out of the church.

      God will not be mocked.

      I don’t think we get out of suffering WITH Him!

      His goal is not to give us everything we want when we want it, but to purify us.

      It’s about glorifying Him, shining His light in the darkness, only then will the lost see that our mighty God is real. And that He is holy, not a magician.

      He will deal with the lying in His way, and His time, but He did say judgment begins at the door of the church, right?

    January 7, 2021

    Thank you for posting this!! We love God’s Jewish people and that’s one thing we rejoiced in as well in Trump’s presidency, we will continue to pray for the Jewish people and Israel. I have been sensing the same in my spirit for a few months now and it was hard as I was seeing and hearing so many say they knew Trump would be elected. I also voted for him twice, but I have been praying for a few months “let your kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven… even if it’s not what we want. Line our hearts up with your heart and desires.” He is still in control and He still sits on His throne and He is allowing this I believe to bring the Church into repentance and into humility like you said, fully surrendered. Instead of being discouraged today I feel full of hope, hope for the bride of Christ (yesterday that was not the case, I was feeling so discouraged until the Lord reminded me that we are sojourners just passing through on our way to our eternal home. Hallelujah!)Blessings!

      Deborah Lemons
      January 8, 2021

      Morris Bender and Jenny, I think you have made great points with a common sense and “Let us Hear” (Rev. To the churches – Let him who has an ear, hear what is said to the churches”) approach.
      I also have been sensing for some time that this election was not going to be the outcome we wanted and would not please a lot of “christians” and they would look for excuses and blame. I had the sense that Trump did not have his whole focus on winning and on carrying the accomplishments further – I don’t know, but he did not campaign with the same vigor and promises for continuing the greatness, but focusing too much on what has been done over 4 very hard years and the winning in spite of the opposition, So look from a different angle, maybe Trump was “for a time”. Maybe he will continue to be a force in some other way. If you look at Isralite history, God used many unlikely people and he used many for a specific purpose and/or time. Also, he allowed them (his chosen people) to suffer many times and for long people before they would repent; he would forgive and relent and bless the people and the years and (as the generations would age and pass) the cycle would and still does repeat. There were times they were defeated and they were enslaved for 400 years and yet afterward, some still longed for some of the provisions of Egypt (of the government) that they did not have to work for. (America’s weakness today; “let the government pay, let them take care of us” – yet they have no concept of who the “government” is and how “they” are going to pay.)
      I also agree with this prayer from Jenny ““let your kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven… even if it’s not what we want. Line our hearts with your heart and desires.” He is still in control and He still sits on His throne and He is allowing this I believe to bring the Church into repentance and into humility like you said, fully surrendered.”
      TO CASI: I think you misunderstood Rev. Bender; He is not saying or insinuating that God promotes evil, but God does allow evil. He allowed evil when the serpent deceived Eve and Adam chose to listen to her, instead of what he knew from God. He has allowed evil since Lucifer was cast out of heaven, when he tried to make himself important and compete with God for power (he is still trying to compete with God for control of men’s hearts and minds). We know God created man with a mind and a soul and with these he allowed “free will” or freedom to choose. So with this election and the 2018 election a lot of people made a choice, and as Christians, we feel they made a bad choice. However, if you look at this election, we did not (yet) get our top choice, but at the lower levels (House of Rep and States) there were a lot of wins, so maybe that is pathway to change. Continue to pray for more Christians in the political arena and for great boldness.
      To everyone (myself) we must repent for our attitudes, our fears and weaknesses, any resentments, bitterness, disappointment of things not going our way, etc., but importantly we MUST PRAY repentance for our nation, our churches, not for (Daniel prayed for repentance for Jerusalem).
      I strong feel we may have a rough road ahead and there will be much turmoil, we need to prepare ourselves, as Jesus taught. We must recognize that the Trump administration “awakened” some of the people and he set the stage and foundation for strength, support and boldness of rebuilding Religious freedom and learning and holding on to our Constitutional and Biblical rights. Look to the example of churches in court today against radical and tyrannical governors, mayors, etc. Pray for these situations and preparations against such in the future.
      Is it time for Christians, the “Church”, Conservatives, Republicans to dig deep, search our hearts and ask ourselves, are we praying for God to grant our will, our wishes or are we praying for God to guide us to accept and follow his will, esp, when we pray politically??

    Morris Bender
    January 7, 2021

    You are so right.
    The last thing I want is a Biden presidency.
    But as a believer for 50 years, I have learned to know the voice of the Holy Spirit, particularly when it is so clear.
    And the point of my post is our prayer has to be “God your will not mine done”
    He knows what He is doing. That is what Derek Prince taught me when I was a young Christian and it changed my entire prayer life.
    I posted this in humility as I am very burdened we all, including me, need to take a pause and listen to what the Spirit is trying to say to the Church. That is critical in this hour..
    Love you all
    Rev. M. Bender

    Kathy Valcore
    January 7, 2021

    Back in the Fall I felt that the Lord was giving us a conservative Supreme Court Justice in exchange for another 4 years of the Trump administration. It was a heart breaking revelation. The battle IS the Lord’s and He will conquer all His enemies with His own right Hand. We must focus on the Sovereignty of God now and not on what we feel is right or wrong. The American people are fickle and exchange party leadership regularly. My fear is what the Biden years will bring so I will be daily seeking the Lord on behalf of our beloved homeland. President Trump will survive any injustice that the election brought on him. My prayer is that he will learn much from it.

    Emily Hula
    January 7, 2021

    Amen Sir! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Our trust and confidence is not in this Government! It is not in our military! It is not in our economy or finances and businesses! IT IS IN God Most High! The Captain of the Host! Master of the Universe! Alpha and Omega! Beginning and End! The First and Last! Mighty is He Who’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts! Great and Awesome… Holy, Righteous, Faithful and True is our God! He is on the move and on the Throne… setting things up for the times at hand… the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
    Father God, when we don’t know what to do… our eyes are on You! I speak encouragement over Your people… the Nation of Christianity! Pour out Your Spirit that we may be refreshed for the task at hand in 2021! There is much to do! Please Father, give us Your wisdom that we may know what to do and when to do it! We love You Lord and May Your people be a blessing to You! Speak Lord for Your children are listening!

    Kim Juarez
    January 7, 2021

    Good morning. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us here in this very distressing time! I believe everything you said, especially seeking GOD and His will. I do believe you heard from God about Trump; however I just got an email from another trusted friend who heard another word last night. So, my point is your point…I agree, we must lean into the LORD NOW MORE THAN EVER. We must continue to watch for the LORD’S moves, and pray. I thank you for your words about God has this, because the enemy has taken over our physical nation using all his schemes and tactics. Deceit propaganda lies division, and all our forms of media to hide truth and promote his lies. This is so hard to see all this. My heart is heavy and burdened by this weight, but my heart says seek His face, His face I will seek! God bless you gentle Pastor. I feel your heart of compassion. You’ve blessed me today. Pur eyes are towards the LORD’S face!

    January 7, 2021

    well said

    Beverly Roesler
    January 7, 2021

    Thank you for your words. They have really helped me come out of sadness. Thank you.

    January 7, 2021

    Thank you for sharing. I have heard countless people prophesying that President Trump will have a 2nd term.

    What is your encouragement in regards to listening to them? Would you recommend we consider them all false prophets. Sadly, this is the first time I have seen anyone share the opposite outcome of the election. If these prophets are all indeed false, how sad would that be as there are a legion of believers that heard and faithfully stood in agreement on those words.

    Lord, help us discern. Guide us.

      January 7, 2021

      Well, we do know that if the prophecy comes true, it was from God.
      And if it doesn’t, it was not from Him!

      We are certainly called to be extremely discerning. And, unless we are fully immersed in the everlasting, unchanging, life-giving word of God, we will be unable to discern truth from lie.

    January 7, 2021

    President Trump WAS elected to a 2nd term — ‘they’ just aren’t going to let him serve it. I prayed that the fraud, lies, deception would be exposed — and it was! But, it also has to be condemned and convicted and people punished for doing that. Yes, indeed, we need to be quiet and listen for that still small voice. I’m preaching to myself — I need to be quiet and listen to what my Father is saying to me, not just tell Him what I want to pray. God has a plan, His ways are so much higher than our ways, He is in control and all of this, yesterday, today and tomorrow is for His Glory and for our good. No discipline seems good at the time, but it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace. If God is choosing to sift us now, may we be found good and faithful servants who trust and obey and continue to be light and salt to those around us by living a life above reproach. God’s will is never thwarted.
    Thank you for all your prayers, comments and scriptures. I am so blessed to be a part of the IFA family of believers. We need to be putting oil in our lamps, building up our armour (of God) and sharing the good news of the gospel. Press on.

Thuy Pham
January 7, 2021

Father in Heaven, has mercy on us and this country.

Margreta Amed
January 7, 2021

I was led to read Psalm 119 v126-136 this morning

Lisa Watts
January 7, 2021

Lord thank You that you are Creator God know all things. We thank you for the safety of many that were peacefully in D.C. yesterday. Guide us, Keep our eyes looking up on Jesus at your right hand, Calling on your Wisdom and insight as we learn to Trust you through these tests.

Side note: The protestors overcoming the Capitol, Antifa inplants???? especially with finding pipe bombs underneath the Republican Headquarters building???Just a thought, I could be all wet… Thank-You

January 7, 2021

Our One & Only True God LIVES! HE IS. ALIVE, AND WELL! HE IS IN COTROL!!!! Don’t LET The negative narratives in Your mind! Remember, We have The Mind of Christ! Stay in The Holy Spirit, Continuing to Pray in Tongues, WITH OUT CEASING!!!!🙏🏻

    January 7, 2021

    Yes. A friend was there. Saw 4 busses of antifa escorted by law enforcement.

Ronda Orchard
January 7, 2021

Lord, I thank you that there is no thing that is hidden or camouflaged that you don’t see in all of its arrogance. Therefore we should not be concerned for vengeance is yours and your covering doesn’t hide sin or agendas.

Yet Lord, we are tired and oftentimes frail in spirit because our humanity is corrupted by deadly sin. But, we stand before you, or get on our knees, and cry Abba – Father, look at who is setting us up for a fall. All the world is staged against righteousness and their plans played out in front of the world.

Let us take heart in the realization that you “are not obligated to be merciful to a rebellious creature,” yet your grace covers a multitude of sins. Cause us this day to know in our spirit what the world will never embrace… that peace comes to those who dwell in the secret place of the most high … abiding under the shadow of the almighty! Thank you for being our fortress in this hour where there is peace in the middle of the STORM. amen

Twig Jones
January 7, 2021

More to be revealed. Faint not. As I watched last nights Electoral Vote I realized God was showing me. . . Your faith is not to be in man’s government. They are failing you and you see it. They are failing your president. Man is subject to unseen pressures from evil sources. A new government is forming. From Texas I felt my Senator failed me & he has now lost my vote. But all the cards are not yet on the table from this “House of Cards” tumbling before me. This is a highly complex unraveling that has literally got “to be played out” and in the appropriate time- so our prayers must support the players to be protected, their lives, their fortunes, their
sacred honor. It yet remains to be seen what is true. Its the great separation-Sheep from Goats. All facades will be removed. Each person and the part they played in God’s game of chess, each church or ministry for His purpose or theirs, each state whether just or unjust, each nation whether they honor the Most High God Jehovah, Yeshuah.Will you line up as a sheep, or a goat?

January 7, 2021

With God all things are possible – only believe.

January 7, 2021

There is a lot of lies and deception that was broadcasted yesterday and we as Christians must not be swept up in it ourselves by “believing a lie.” Trump supporters did NOT do this. This was organized by Antifa and was assisted by the left. I was at the event and was standing right on the “press platform” before you go up the stairs to the Capitol grounds! As reported on several truth media sites and captured on video, multiple black cars escorted 3 Antifa buses onto the Capitol grounds. Why were they escorted? Then not long after this, all of this began to unfold. Antifa was captured in photos and also they personally posted what they did online. There is the proof. Why did the law enforcement not capture Antifa? Why did they let them get away? Why? This was a well organized strategy to try and thwart what God was planning to happen during the Joint Session. The left is fearful of Trump and afraid of Christians and our prayers. I pray that God will open the eyes of our (us Christians) understanding and enlighten us with His light!!! Do NOT believe a lie and what is on the news!! Everything done in darkness will come to the light and we as Christians must pray into that and decree God’s Word concerning it!!!

    Charley grosse
    January 7, 2021

    Can you provide a link to see what Antifa posted about the Capitol breach?

      January 7, 2021


      Here is one link from a reliable Christian source with accurate news and evidence regarding Antifa involved.

      More links and pictures to come.

      We also have the link of video footage of Antifa actually being escorted onto Capitol grounds.

        January 7, 2021

        I’d like to see the footage of the buses been escorted. The video of the window breakin was so telling! What Trump supporter wears bulletproof vests and camo with a helmet? Seriously! Anyway, I’d like to see that bus escort video . . . Thanks for the link!

January 7, 2021

Our backs are aginst the wall.
Pres Trump, God’s appointed, has been betrayed by man
America Blessed & honored Israel these past 4 years.
Have Your Way. Bless This Nation, Mighty Faithful Jesus!
He who promised is Faithful.Amen
Hope Thou In God.
It is well with our souls. Amen

January 7, 2021

Please arrange Prayer Rallies and On Our Knees rallies, all over America……
to cry out for God’s Great Mercy & Grace?

January 7, 2021

I heard that ANTIFA was going to have members masquerading as Trump supporters, and cause trouble. Obviously, this is what happened. Lord help the USA!

    January 7, 2021

    Yes we read about that early November. Part of the Dems’ playbook.

January 7, 2021

Tuesday night, the Lord told me to not be afraid and to Hold On! Psalm 37.

    January 7, 2021

    LOVE Psalm 37, that page is nearly worn bare. Our God is faithful!

January 7, 2021

I was watching America Stands live as it happened. They have documented proof that Antifa was dressed as Trump supporters. The Antifa members even bragged about it on their personal social media. Check out Christian News coverage live today on the app or on Roku or on their website-


    Mary Ellen Breitwiser
    January 7, 2021

    Please avail yourselves of the Kenneth Copeland Television Network available on Roku under Go Victory! It’s accurate, uncompromised news. They broadcast at 11 and 4 each day, but throughout the day on Jan. 6 and until about 9 pm CST last night. Their coverage is honest. They pray! They even identified by name, the Antifa protester who wears the head covering with horns, spray paints his chest red and blue, and stood in the House Chamber yesterday at VP Pence’s desk to have his picture taken. He’s an actor who has been photographed in loads of Antifa protests. He has a Facebook page where he boasts of his exploits. Watch “Flashpoint with Gene Bailey” every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 pm central on Go Victory! Guests are often Mario Murillo, Lance Wallnau, Pastor Hank Kunneman, Dutch Shields, Mike Lindell from “My Pillow,” Sydney Powell, and others who are fighting a strong spiritual fight for our country. “Flashpoint” has been broadcast every night this week. Pursue the truth, people. Stop watching mainstream media. They lie!

Charlene K Vlcek
January 7, 2021

Very early this morning I could not sleep, I was prompted to read the entire book of Esther with my husband who also could not sleep.

Charlene K Vlcek
January 7, 2021

My friends and have been gathering together and praying for the last couple of days. Though I cannot join you at the specific times just wanted you to know that I am still praying. Thanks for ALL you do!! I appreciate you!!

    Rich S
    January 7, 2021

    The prayer call will be on IFA‘s Facebook and YouTube pages, so you can join us later. Pray both feeds are uninterrupted!

January 7, 2021

Yes, I watched it online live as it was happening, just happened to be tuning in for the president’s speech, and believe it was Antifa because really where is the motive for Trump supporters to even desire to stop Congress from possibly (at the time) deciding to vote to object to the electoral votes?
This feels like someone planned this out – who already thought either their government was fully against them already – OR a complete stunt for optics. The goal seems to have been just making a big photo op for news medias to pick up, which they gladly did. Looks to me like it went horribly wrong for them though, and they have now created a martyr out of the 14 yr. unarmed air force veteran that they shot and killed. I will pray pray pray that the truth comes out and there will be true liberty and justice for all!

    January 7, 2021

    You are right, it was posted yesterday on the victory channel and also by lance wallunau the comparison pictures of the perpetrators as known antifa actors and blm actors there to incite and bring chaos. The profile of at least one person is shown who identifies himself as an actor, singer, artist. We have long known these demonstrations were paid for and organized by big dollars for a planned result. While i’m don’t intend to be a conspiracist troubler the lord is revealing the truth of just how bad and negligent the swamp ken clement spoke about years earlier is. This is nationwide and world wide collusion. I was particularly disturbed more by the misrepresentation of good trump rally supporters based on unknown facts by all media even newsmax and the victory channel until truth came in by astute people. Having said this, it is ever important that we “hold fast”, keeping our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith. He will continue to do what he said He would do and we will be rewarded for our faith in participation with Him to expose and bring justice back to His nation. Trump did not loose. Votes were changed and votes were resurrected and fabricated from a block of registered voters both too young to vote, from prisoners, dead people, moved away people, and those who didn’t show up to vote or actually even vote. The truth about Georgia is already coming out . God is not disenfranchising us or our vote, He is activating His church to holy indignation. He wants us engaged and dangerous. Do not take the dope give up hope! The Lord is coming in the clouds and He will wage war on our adversaries with millions of angles and I’m not talking the napture here. Speak righteously and the Lord will act for us. We must unite with the Lord for this is His nation, one nation under God, indivisible… may God bless!

January 7, 2021

Father God, I continue to ask for Your protection and wisdom for President Trump and Vice President Pence. Put Your armor of the Spirit on them, and let the name of the Lord — Lord Jesus! – be their strong tower. Let your Truth be revealed – Jesus, you are the Truth, the Life and the Way. Have your way in our nation! Expose the evil that has been attacking our President for over 4 years already, and which is trying to destroy our nation and our freedom. Expose the evil and remove it from our midst. Righteous and holy Father, show us how to use the tools of our warfare – Your Word! – to rid ourselves of this evil! The evil we saw yesterday, of Antifa thugs breaking into our Capitol and pretending they were Trump supporters, in Jesus’ name I bind them and the evil behind them! In Jesus’ name I command them to flee! Flee from us, and never return!

January 7, 2021

Would like her to clarify and expound. In videos we saw these looked like pretend Trumpers. The ones breaking in windows had riot gear and equipment. I’m praying that God will shine his light on TRUTH and take the scales off His peoples’ eyes.

January 7, 2021

Father please reveal the steal and stop this abomination within our country. Please don’t allow these wicked people to lead this country further away from You.

January 7, 2021

in the ears of the end time army of the LORD

Whosoever is
let him return and depart early

send home all the people who
to the water to drink.

victory is with those who are NOT



Joanne Strantz
January 7, 2021

I will be at work – will you make the transcript available please?

January 7, 2021

Dear Lord, please bless President Biden and Vice President Harris. Thank you for leading our country out of the darkness of the Trump era. Amen.

    January 7, 2021

    Yes, may God bless Biden and Harris and convict them of their awful deeds, history and legacy through the power of the Holy Spirit so that they may be redeemed.
    The blood of unborn babies, the freedom of pedophiles Kamala helped cover-up in SF, her rewarding the friends of Willy Brown and covering for them, not to forget the Biden family enterprises for which they were unqualified and received millions from the US & overseas, and Hunter in general whatever he did when he visited 29 countries, what Joe did to his daughter as written in her diary – may that all be forgiven.

    Melanie Travis
    January 7, 2021

    So., you’re ok with a party that murders babies. Shame on you

    January 7, 2021


    January 7, 2021

    You are deceived. Their deeds are an abomination to the Lord. They are in dire need of repentance before coming to the judgment seat of Christ. God have mercy on us true believers in Christ Jesus if these two are sworn in. Are you ready to die for your faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ? I am but I do fear for my child and all children. Persecution is coming.

    January 7, 2021

    NOTHING of the will of the God of Abraham

    is contrary to the Holy Scripture’s

    Father in the name of Jesus,

    Deliver Americans from every deceptions especially self-deceptions.

    Judge any spirit that will NEVER repentance

    January 7, 2021

    Hello Anita, please enlighten me, as to the positives you perceive, under biden/ harris? Thank you

      Belinda Ellis
      January 7, 2021

      They get paid to protest. They don’t really care who is in charge. Just a group of thugs that need to be prayed for. Praying for our country!

    January 7, 2021

    Let me plead with you, for the sake of your immortal soul, to repent of your support for the Party of 60,000,000 murdered babies. Understand, please, that Satan hates you too. He will not love you for doing his work on earth, nor reward you. I will pray for you. Come to Jesus. He is loving, and will forgive you, accept you as His child, and save you.

      Maynard Beck Sr.
      January 8, 2021

      We have been asked to put our faith in the Republican Party for 40 years. “If only we could get control of Congress and the Presidency oh, what we could do.”
      The 2000 election put us in control of the House, the Senate, and with a Republican President the new Leader of the Senate Trent Lott was asked what his agenda was going to be and he said the 1st thing he wanted to do was overturn Roe vs Wade.
      On Mar 04, 2016 · However, despite this immediate success, Trent Lott’s seemingly impervious political career took a massive blow on December 5, 2002 while he attended the 100th birthday party of Sen. Storm Thurmond of South Carolina. It was at this birthday reception and Trent gave Strom a toast saying in effect “if Strom had been elected President this would be a different country today.” Mainstream media pounced on this innocent true fact and turned it around to make Trent a racist unfit for office and an embarrassment to President Bush. George W waisted no time in throwing Trent, the Christians who voted him and Trent into office a great number of the 60,000,000 unborn under the bus.
      Your prayer for Anita reminds me of Willie and Merle’s song Poncho and Lefty “Poncho needs your prayers it’s true, but save a few for Lefty too..”

    Ronda Orchard
    January 7, 2021

    A ntifa
    N ow
    I s in
    T he crosshairs
    A lmighty God.

    There is no turning back from deception clothed in pretending to be a Patriot. And God is not to be mocked. If you think in your dark spirit that Biden/Harris have clean consciences you are sorely deceived. I pray you give your soul to God because right now it belongs to Satan. If you see even a glimmer of light and truth run to it … it is your only way of salvation.

    January 7, 2021

    Yes we may pray for Biden and Harris if they come into the Oval Office legally but unfortunately that is not the case.

    All may seen lost yet will I look onto my God who is able to turn this around for Psalm 37:7,10 is clear, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.”

    “A little while and the wicked will be no more, though you look for them, they will not be found”

    God is not yet done with this nation because the forefathers made a covenant with God to establish a land founded on principles of the Holy Scriptures and freedom to worship. Unlike ancient times when God made a covenant with men in the desert and men did not abide with him. This is different because God fearing men choose to abide in covenant relationship with God which is why USA is blessed tremendously for so long.

    The decline of USA began decades ago, but God has began to turn this nation around by raising a President who seeks after him. The awakening took place with all the recent events that trigger a phase of repentance and seeking God. God has began a good work, will He not be able to complete it?

    What we are seeing is the complete organized corruption at a massive scale at all levels of government and media because this world is under satan’s domain. If the Presidency is easily won by Pence’s decision, or the Supreme Court’s decision, who gets the Glory?

    It is obvious God allows all this to come out to expose all the corruption and the depth of sin to begin a cleansing of everything and everyone to prepare the people who are called by His name to come clean before the revival takes place.

    I have no doubt that President Trump will continue another 4 years despite what the media, congress or everyone says so. The Resurrection of Jesus is the proof that I need when all seems loss and the enemy thinks he won, but the victory is in the cross.

      January 7, 2021

      Thank you Rolf. Good to hear a sensible voice. A thought hit me yesterday that our gov is being altered. Perhaps we will begin voting for the person and values rather than Party.

    January 7, 2021

    Anita may Jesus forgive you for believing killing babies just born ed can be murdered out of womb as do Biden and Harris. This is true demonic darkness. They defend sexual perversions to be militantly taught to our children. God forgive you for being so twisted believing these evil leaders and their dem platforms are godly.

    Penni Bulten
    January 12, 2021

    God cannot bless those who act in a way he condemns, except by causing them to turn from their sins. In Sen. Kamala Harris’ case, she not only supported the removal of First Amendment rights from pro-life pregnancy centers, but instigated it. An attorney general has a charge from God: justice, shall you pursue.

    The First Amendment should apply to all who are peaceful.

    Heavenly Father, if it is your will, please bless Kamala Harris and Joseph Biden with the gift of repentance.

Diane Peterson
January 7, 2021

In my prayer time this morning, I was led to 2 Chronicles 20:15-18 where Jehoshaphat turns to God when his nation is surrounded. In verse 18, then Jehoshaphat bowed his face to the ground and all Judah and those dwelling in Jerusalem fell before the Lord to worship Him. I felt led to pray that God would raise up Jehoshaphats amidst the chaos,confusion, and turmoil, who would humble themselves and cry out to the Lord and praise Him so others around them would follow suit. Perhaps Vice President Pence is a Jehoshaphat? Wouldn’t it be awesome if then God’s peace invaded the place of turmoil and those who do not know Him were led to turn to Him?

    January 7, 2021

    Pence threw us under the bus. A Wolf in sheep’s clothing. GOD is still in control. Our faith is in HIM and HIM alone

      January 7, 2021

      Pence has previously shown cowardice as Indiana governor when he took his family to Europe after there were protestors at his house.

      Maynard Beck Sr.
      January 7, 2021

      Respectfully disagree. Vice President Pence’s loyalty to the President AND the USA is unquestionable. He stood up for him through all the despicable behavior that should have embarrassed professing Christians.
      It finally came down to what has become the Republican Party’s election mantra of a “Binary choice” – Trump or the Constitution. Pence made the right choice.

    Virginia Drastata
    January 7, 2021

    I believe there are many who are bending their hearts and knees before the Lord for mercy and I know god has not forsaken us. His plans and ways are not our ways and He will see to it His purpose is fulfilled in His perfect timing. Remember , we are called to stand no matter what, so stand therefore and see the salvation of the Lord. Many will turn to the Lord when times are hard, but we have lives on soft pillows and have not sought the Lord or gone out of our way to tell others of Christ and His redeeming power, therefore we must continur in fasting and pray for deliverance of our nation. Praise god for President Trumn and Mike Pense and their stand for what is right and just. TRUETH will come forth, but not on our terms ; on God’s. Don’t be ion fea, trust God in every situation. He is God and He will deliver us/ His people.We forgive all those that don’t understand and have allowed the enemy to take such a foothold. In Jesus Name, We cover ourselves with the BLOOD of JESUS.

    Ronda Orchard
    January 7, 2021

    Matthew 24:24 “For there shall arise false … prophets, showing great signs,…to deceive EVEN the very elect.” PENCE has been compromised and deceived. You can take that to any Rothschilds bank.

R Lee Cook
January 7, 2021

There is video footage of law enforcement opening the gates to the Capitol building allowing Masses of people into the Grounds surrounding the Capitol building. Witnesses in the crowd stated they heard a few dressed in black about their plans to break into the Capitol building. There are pictures of people/men in black clothes scaling the wall on the other side of the building… I read they were let into the Capitol building there. Pictures from inside the building that others had taken show these actors that had ANTIFA gear and sickle and hammer tattoos on one. Pictures of these actors have already been Forensically compared to those photographed at past ANTIFA onslaughts and positive ID been made. Some were vandalizing and stealing items, roaming into offices and chambers. There are many pictures out there… they are obviously not MAGA. There are also eyewitnesses to the fact that law enforcement escorted ANTIFA into the city the night before. It’s all optics… it appears to be a setup… Many feel this was orchestrated to reflect negatively on President Trump and the MAGA group. One final note… speech made by the President- to keep things civil and peaceful..:

    January 7, 2021

    Hmmm. The woman shot, Ashli Babbitt, was an Air Force veteran from San Diego. I can’t imagine she was Antifa. . but I don’t know. Her ex-husband reported that she was a patriot.

    Kimberly B. Cook
    January 7, 2021

    The tattooed man shown in pictures (with the hammer and sickle on his hand, center) is actually pictured on the phillyantifa.org site because he is a neo-Nazi (skinhead). The one standing to his right (left in the picture)is also pictured and their names are provided. These are not Antifa, but they are on Antifa’s “most wanted” list. I went to this Antifa site yesterday to find the pictures for myself–they are found here: https://phillyantifa.org/page/2/. They are evil people (anarchists), but they are not Antifa (who are also evil). The ones in the pictures are not the same as the many peaceful people attending the rally. Politicians don’t get to choose who supports them, as we saw at the Charlottesville rally/riot. Trump has denounced these type people in the past, and what they did was wrong. There may have also been Antifa there, but the ones shown in the Viking Guy pictures are not Antifa. I am praying that the truth will be revealed, but don’t expect the traditional media to reveal any of this. Even if you were there, it would be easy to misunderstand, because there was so much confusion. The devil is the orchestrator of confusion, and uses it to accomplish his evil purposes.

    I am praying for our national leaders and reflecting today.

January 7, 2021

Yes pray and more importantly make reparation, sacrifices for the sacrileges and blasphemy committed against Our Lord. Make reparation for the corruption that exists in our government, in business, in our schools and universities. My God I believe I adore I hope and I love thee. I beg pardon for those who do not believe do not adore do not hope and do not love thee. Amen.

Daniel Patrick Druk
January 7, 2021

God, we know that when these times come, we must not be shaken. I am not shaken. I am not going to diminish my prayers and expectations for great miracles to come. I will look forward to every moment you give me here on earth. I believe and have faith that you are in total control. Doubt is for the weak. I have absolutely no doubt, for I have seen your greatness in the past and know it is the same greatness today as always.
We who believe in you are promised that we have nothing to fear. I am looking for you to fight my battles. I am also repenting from any doubt that had crept into my thoughts in the past. I love you God. I know you will bring the evil to justice for us. You always do. God bless America. Amen

    Brenda Dormann
    January 7, 2021

    Amen Amen.

      January 7, 2021

      We can’t underestimate the power we all have by praying together. I believe that we have never prayed this hard for the nation at anytime since the nation was founded. Maybe we have prayed harder than at that time in our nation’s history. We need not be distracted by what we have seen recently or any bad news. We are the victors. We will not be defeated. No weapon formed against us who believe will prosper. God will fight our battles for us.
      The more I pray, I am drawn to pray and give glory to God. Something great is going to happen. The walls of Jericho are coming down. I know this because God doesn’t let the devil win, EVER.
      Please all of you keep on praying. Keep on having faith. Don’t ever stop believing for one moment.
      God bless America.

Carole Ann Neve
January 7, 2021

The cabal has got to step down. IFA President Dave Kubal along with the IFA prayer warriors step up and take your place and take a stand in victory. God’s hand is not short! Be not discouraged or dismayed.

Kim Torquato
January 7, 2021

Heartbroken, absolutely heartbroken.

    January 7, 2021

    Take courage Kim; Isaiah 46:8-11

    January 7, 2021

    ❤️ Here is a new heart, mended and strengthened with the love and mercy of Jesus. God knows what He is doing. . . still in charge.

Cheryl Ann Rickards
January 7, 2021


This election is not over until God says that it is over. “Father God, I pray the Destroyer is utterly vanquished. He is a defeated foe. Father, as was seen in a prophetic dream, rip off the roof of the capitol building and release the demonic nest of spirits within its walls. Catch it in your mighty hands and cast it far away from the USA.

We continue to pray that Your destiny for the USA will be fulfilled. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

    January 7, 2021

    Lord God, please cover the Capitol Building, the White House, the Federal Building, the Executive Building, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, all the federal government buildings and all the national sites in the blood of Jesus to be vanquished from the enemy. Jesus, we trust in You. Amen.

Lisa Shonts
January 7, 2021

Be encouraged all you my siblings in Christ Jesus. Receive from Him daily Abundant blessings…Do not fear, keep on trusting, keep on praying, He will meet your every need.
Isaiah 55…
Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk Without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; And I will make an everlasting covenant with you— The sure mercies of David. Indeed I have given him as a witness to the people, A leader and commander for the people. Surely you shall call a nation you do not know, And nations who do not know you shall run to you, Because of the Lord your God, And the Holy One of Israel; For He has glorified you.” Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. “For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace;…

January 7, 2021

Luke 22:49-51; 53b

Julie Nimmons
January 7, 2021

My husband, sister, and I were also at the Capital. It was very peaceful, people singing, praying….. no problems at all. Yes, people were angry about what had happened before, during, and after Nov. 3. In particular, there was much frustration with State legislators who did nothing to uphold their oath and take responsibility for elections in their States. Although the perimeter fences had been breached….and that was after many of us had urged the crowd NOT to breach that barrier, the crowd was only standing on the steps leading up to the Capital. Nothing more. We were unaware of what was taking place on the other side of the building and in the Capital.

My prayer is that the unwarranted and lawless turn of events will not have a lasting impact on what my family’s rationale was for attending: we are Jesus loving Patriots who are grateful for being citizens of this wonderful country that but for God’s Hand on our founders, it would not be the United States of America. We will continue to pray for the leaders and to work toward free and fair elections.

    Julie Blodgett
    January 7, 2021

    I was also there and had the exact same experience, thoughts and testimony. I am in agreement with your prayers!

      Cheryl Ann Rickards
      January 7, 2021

      I praise God for your safety and patriotism.

    Cheryl Ann Rickards
    January 7, 2021

    I praise God for your safety and patriotism.

    Barbara Hesch
    January 7, 2021

    Julie, thank you for attending, along with others, and being true representatives of the Body of Christ who are standing up to the evil and corruption in our Nation. What those other people did gave the enemy what they wanted, but we who know the truth, will not be intimidated. God bless you

January 7, 2021

Micah 7 “ Do not rejoice over me my enemy. When I fall I will arise. When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him. Until he plead my case and executes justice for me, he will bring me forth to the light; I will see his righteousness and she who is my enemy will see and shame will cover her…”
read to the end and remember who you serve. We have a God rich in mercy who does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in mercy!
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7

January 7, 2021

Perhaps the LORD is waiting for President Trump to call out to Him as King David did when he sought His Face after three years of famine? When King David sought the LORD’S Face he was told that the long drought was on account of something his predecessor, King Saul, had done to the Gibeonites and King David had to right it – 2 Samuel 21.
President Trump has righted many of the wrongs that his predecessor did against God but maybe there is something else he still needs to do?
Lord Jesus we lift up President Donald Trump to Your Throne of Grace. Lord, You know why all this is happening. May we come earnestly before Your Throne and seek Your Face. Please reveal to the president if there are things he still needs to do for You or if there are things we need to do, for You to intervene in America and throughout the world? Perhaps we are not repenting as we ought to or not standing in the gap as we ought to? Please increase our faith and hear our cries and may we hear You speak to us? We pray this in Jesus Name. Amen.

    January 7, 2021

    Father, thank You for Your interference in our nation\o/HALLELUJAH\o/ get us fully awake to the great mystery…CHRIST IN US THE HOPE OF GLORY IS WORKING TO REFORM OUR NATION INTO THE IMAGE OF YOUR KINGDOM…JESUS IS OUR KING!! JESUS IS OUR LORD!! JESUS IS THE GOD OF ALL FLESH AND THERE IS STILL NOTHING TOO HARD FOR HIM. HE IS COMMITTED TO LETTING US DO IN THE EARTH BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WORKING IN US!!! To those who need Your salvation and Your Spirit in them, let them ask for You are a good good Father and will not give a substitute but will give us Your Own Holy Spirit to change our DNA that we might be THE SONS AND THE DAUGHTERS THE VERY OFFSPRING OF A MIGHTY AWESOME POWERFUL GOD!!!
    Trust this: God is answering prayers and sometimes things get more messy before they are cleaned up.
    You are OVERCOMERS!!!

    January 7, 2021

    Amen Norma! Yes, increase our faith, repent of our transgressions,All in His will!! We need to stand in the victory He has already won!! We need to put on our full armor of God, stand united and strong!

January 7, 2021

Father, send Your Holy Spirit to continue to expose the corruption and the fraud. Place Your people YOUR PEOPLE tried and true in the right places at the right times. You are not wringing Your Hands…let the TRUTH SET US FREE!!!
Praying is great great great but we gotta have FAITH!!! You my beloved are being stretched and your faith muscles may get sore but you are being strengthened…do not quit!! Do not stop believing!! STAND ON THE PROMISES OF GOD…HE WILL NOT BREAK FROM YOU…DO NOT BREAK FROM HIM!!! In Jesus’ Name TO THE GLORY PF GOD AMEN AMEN AMEN (so be it) 🗣🔥💨🔥STAND🔥🔥🔥

    January 7, 2021

    I am older in years, but younger in knowledge as to praying in
    walking in the Authority that Christ bestowed to His children.
    Things are not always easy to understand just what God I’d doing
    in the background of a situation. We are not made to pass judgment, give up Hope, because we can’t see in the natural what
    God is doing in the Spirit. God has called us to Stand in FAITH,
    TRUST, knowing if we are FAITHFUL to repent,pray,speak out

      January 7, 2021

      Yes yes yes Be-LOVED Michelle,
      Just remember GOD IS GREAT AND GOD IS GOOD!!!
      the devil is small and he is bad!!!
      Father, thank You for the faith of this dear BRAVE HEARTED WARRIOR!!! I ask for us all to understand that all we need is a little faith as long as it is ALL IN YOU ALONE!!!

January 7, 2021

with all the young CCP photographers there taking pictures of this staged coup event. Trump should had shut his mouth instead he boasted of plans . CCP incited riot with a couple of known antifa members, police let them in, take a couple to get crowd going. Brillant photo op stops the votes on the floor. Fake republicans say they are outraged and now stop their support. Trump you never tell your plans. Shut your mouth. CCP in control of congress now. Well played.

    Linda Sansone
    January 7, 2021

    I agree. Trump needs to shut his mouth. I keep crying out to the Lord to put the Holy Spirit into Trump. To guide his heart so that the words flow from that which the Holy Spirit is speaking to him. May God have mercy on ALL of us. May our cries be heard so that He Bless our Nation in Jesus’s name. Amen

      Christy J Carter
      January 7, 2021

      Wow…..how easy it is to turn on someone.
      Trump and his family have had the hell beat out of them for the past four years. And all you can say is that he needs to shut his mouth. We need to shut our mouths and pray. Pray for Trump and his family. Maybe we haven’t prayed like we should. Just saying

        Linda Sansone
        January 7, 2021

        Trump needs to stop saying “I” all the time. At times, he boasts in himself too much. I love Trump because he is not a BS. All I am saying is that if he would project more humility, in due time the Lord will exalt him. I know he is frustrated, it has not been easy for him during these past four years. But, you get a lot more with honey than you do vinegar. He, as well as all of us, all need to humble ourselves before the Lord.

        Patty Kaye DeGroot
        January 7, 2021

        I always stand for President Trump, no matter what! I wish he and VP Pence would have had a private conversation with lawyers to iron out their differences re VP Pence’s options yesterday. I wish President Trump had honored VP Pence’s feelings instead of speaking out against him twice-GA rally and morning speech yesterday. That is history. Prayer for President Trump and VP Pence: “Father God, these two men have been thru hell these last four years. They are weary from the battle. Refresh them. Help them to resolve their differences and govern in a way that pleases you during these remaining days of their administration. Forgiveness needs to be a part of their journey. Pence is the stronger Christian. Reveal to him how he is to repair the damage done to their relationship. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen””

        Harold T Gibson
        January 7, 2021

        I agree with you Christy! People should not forget that in times of war, the good guys put out disinformation too! I think President Trump knew exactly what Vice President Pence would do, and I still believe the Vice President is a good guy. We just need to have faith and patience and wait to see what God has planned! Praying is fine, and we should always pray, in good times and in bad. However. right now we need to have Faith! Do not worry about HOW God will act, but just have Faith that you know he will! Victory is at hand!!!

          January 7, 2021

          Lord, keep our mouths from criticizing. Lord, prompt praise and prayer to flow from the mouths of Your children instead. Remind all of us that it is Your desire and instruction for us to pray for all those in authority. Forgive us when we fail to do so, for this is Your will. We confess our bitterness and anger. We ask that You lead us in repentance for it is then that You will hear our prayers and heal our land. And, Lord, it is so very obvious that our land needs Your healing. Move and work as only You can in the hearts of Your children, in the pulpits of this land and in halls of government. Thank You, Jesus for Your patience, love and forgiveness.

ming miley
January 7, 2021

Lord, Please help our nation to heal, help us to find the WAY to live in peace with each other again, help us to love You, LOVE YOUR TRUTH, LOVE YOUR JUSTICE, and please give us wisdom so we know how to love others, treat others when they have different viewpoints, different opinions than from ours. we pray in Jesus name, amen.

John Zolkowski
January 7, 2021

Praying for a peaceful transition of power in the days ahead.

    Clairissa Manley
    January 7, 2021

    I am torn about how I feel about this, to say transfer power, it sounds ominous. I can not and will not transfer any power to those operating under Satan. I understand Gods will is unfolding however I do not believe we are to become agreeable about any transfer of power. Yes, be kind and respectful but no, do not accept power going from the righteous to the unrighteous. Peace to all.

      January 7, 2021

      Thank you for your response.

      That comment troubled me as well.

      I agree 100% thay praying for transition of power peaceful or otherwise feels absolutely wrong…like laying out the red carpet for satan.

      Events today were disheartening.Praying for intercessors to remain encouraged and keep our eyes on the Lord.

      Those people that broke into the Capital were from Antifa. Llin Wood tweeted proof of it today.

        Clairissa Manley
        January 7, 2021

        Thank you. Yes, I know, there were a few friends of mine here who were reporting it was Antifa as well. My mom knew immediately. There will be Shalom in this nation again for those who seek it. Blessings to you and your family.

        January 7, 2021

        What was Antifa (or whomever it may be) so afraid of that they felt they needed to stage something yesterday at all? Imagine nothing had happened, what would that have looked like? And what about a nice day in the park was such a threat to them about some (their perspective) loser MAGA people having a last feel good time in DC if Trump had pretty much already lost? Methinks we may be closer to unraveling all of this than we know, God willing. And I do believe He is!

      Maynard Beck Sr.
      January 7, 2021

      Peaceful transition of power is at the bedrock of our Government. God is shining His light on the cockroaches (on BOTH sides)
      Andrew Womack is broadcasting a series recorded last month showing the real problem – a lukewarm bucket of spit (ie: “body of Christ” in America) – produced by years of ear-tickling preaching and a school system refusing to teach our real history.
      God is still on the throne.

        January 7, 2021

        Primarily, The so-called “church” has Failed us.
        Egotistical Pastors who feed on the mobs’ adoration ( Gateway tx) have lost their way, power & respect.
        Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Puffed Up. Self indulgent. Plenty of ear-tickling for years now! Busy releasing new books, adnausium. Seeking fame, fortune, unavailable to their flock. Sold out their people.
        Covid came….Gateway shut down and ran for cover! Do they not belueve what they say they stand for? Faith in God.
        Meanwhile …. cavorting with the devil….
        Sending an elder to bow to the pope, kiss his ring and engratiate. Disgusting! Avoiding any current moral issues, refusing to pray for our leaders with the congregation, or address the real sins of our nations. Trying to be hip, cool, popular. Eroding the power of the Word of God, Shameful. Repulsive,
        May Almighty God have mercy on you!

          January 7, 2021

          Amen, Mandy. You “hit the nail on the head”! Please forgive me, but I have used your words and added a few of my own. Egotistical pastors, wolves in sheep’s clothing, puffed up, self-indulgent, ear-tickling “preaching”, writing books, seeking fame, fortune, eroding the power of the Word of God by supporting liberal agenda and causes that are anti-God to be hip, cool, popular. They should be addressing the sins of us as individuals and our nation in their sermons and preaching that Hell is a real place, and people who do not believe in Jesus will be cast there by God Himself for rejecting His Son. Just preach God’s Word, the Holy Bible, and nothing else! God through the Holy Spirit will take care of speaking to a person’s heart.

      Mary Diecidue
      January 7, 2021

      I agree Clairissa…….do not accept power going from the righteous to the unrighteous!!!!!

    January 7, 2021

    Peaceful transition of governmental position. There will be no transition to the power of Satan’s schemes in Jesus name.

January 7, 2021

It looks like something out of Sol Alinsky. He sent some students to a Bush speech and had them dress up like KKK and stand up during the speech and proclaim, about Bush’s speech, “Yes. We agree.”

    Rose Whitington
    January 7, 2021

    Exactly . Louie Gohmert said today on the radio that the Capitol Police told him that they’d been told that Antifa was infiltrating the Trump march to cause violence and trouble and blame Trump and his supporters.

      January 7, 2021

      Yes, it seems quite obvious how this went down, just like the election fraud, to those to whom God has given eyes to see. Lord, we trust you in all circumstances. Praise you that you are Truth and Light. Shine forth in all your glory to reveal the enemy’s deceitful tactics.

      Barbara Hesch
      January 7, 2021

      Rose, that is exactly what I believe happpened when I first heard this news, but they will spin it, of course. Very sad.


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