As we sit in the shadow of all the events converging in our nation’s capital yesterday, many of us feel speechless, not knowing how to make any sense of it. As I was praying all day and on the IFA prayer call, I kept stepping back to pray for Vice President Pence and asking that he would only move as the Lord was leading him. We have all written his story for this hour, believing that on January 6th he was the man to bring this vote home, that he was the man to part the sea to “impossible.” We have all been praying and believing that he would be bold and take a stance.
But, what if HE wasn’t the man for this job? What if he was never called to step in and call a halt to all of this?
A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart. (Prv 21:2)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Prv 3:5-6)
The bottom line is the Lord sees the BIGGER picture. He sees past this year, past the next four years. He sees where we would go with a change in presidency and where we would go with another four years.
I am still holding on until the inauguration. The God of the impossible has shown up before and we say “do it again”! Jesus even showed up too late – and still brought forth a miracle with Lazarus.
I stand like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace.
“King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Dn 3:16
I stand at the precipice. My faith is still unwavering. Impossible is all my vocabulary knows how to articulate, and yet I have heard far too many words to give in now. But, even if…
We will still choose to praise Him and recognize that He has allowed to live through such a time as this. No matter how these last days go before the inauguration and into 2021, we have to believe in God’s greater purposes and plans. The dark could become darker than many of us have known in our lifetimes. But, what if this is what is needed for a even greater display of His Glory!
[The Lord] has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me. So I am well pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, and with difficulties, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength]. 2 Cor 12:9-10 AMP
I am still certain that I will see the goodness of God is the land of the living (Ps 27:13). I know not how the days remaining will play out. I know not how this new year will unfold. But this I know – my God is more than able! But no matter what, I will choose to praise Him and bring Him glory, honor and praise all the days of my life! I will not fear. I choose to trust in HIM!
Author Suni Piper is a prophetic intercessor who blogs at A Surrendered Life. (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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For Denise and others who may show interest in regards to the Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, and the Electoral Count Act, here is some information– you might want to look up as well for further reading, interest and understanding. The Twelfth Amendment, ratified in 1804, of the Constitution of the US, requires electors to make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify and transmit sealed to the seat of the govt of the US, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate is the Vice-President. It also specifies as did the clause in Article II, that the President of the Senate shall in the presence of the Senate and House of Rep. open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted. In regards to the Electoral Count Act–As the presiding officer during the joint session, The Senate President must follow the Electoral Count Act’s provisions governing debate and procedure. These provisions seem to drain as much power as possible away from the Chair and give it to the two houses. One commentator, Vasan Kesavan argued at length that the Electoral Count Act is unconstitutional, however, Kesavan admitted the prevailing wisdom in the Supreme Court and elsewhere is that the Electoral Count Act is constitutional. Mr. Pence had a very limited role as President of the Senate as you can see above and could not do anything more than his role authorized to him by our Constitution and the Electoral Count Act. God bless you.
God bless you, Denise and thank you for your important thoughts and question in regards to our Constitution of the United States of America. I normally do not like to do social media–have never been on Facebook nor Twitter, etc. but you surely deserve an answer and I will do my research and follow up with you very soon. One thing we as believers do know and I believe we can agree on in regards to Mike Pence is that he loves the Lord Jesus Christ and has made it known to all as he boldly proclaims it before men. If there have been any scandles in his past, I surely am not aware of it. We also can agree on prayer for him as well as for President Trump! That is what this forum is all about… In these difficult days, we need to be diligent and faithful in prayer each day and moment by moment!! We all have unity in the Spirit in this common purpose for our leaders, country, the world and for one another in the church, until He comes.
Very very shocked and disappointed in Pence. Still holding onto hope that God will act on all the injustice, because He is much greater than the unrighteous judge who acted on behalf of the widow that kept pestering him because she wore him down. He is a loving and righteous us judge who hears the cries of his people. Waiting with baited breath!
Let us put on the whole armor of God and put our trust in him……In Jesus Name we ask it……AMEN!
Amen. Standing fast on the Rock of our Salvation. God reigns in the heaven above and His kingdom rules over all.
I love and have been a big supporter of President Trump, but Mike Pence had to uphold our Constitution!! He did the right thing, as much as this may sting. Pence is a true patriot and filled with grace and honor. I hope the Lord has plans for him to run for the highest office in the land at His timing. Let us pray for this fine servant who has always carried himself in truth and grace, working hard behind the scenes for us and who has shown loyalty to his President in exemplary fashion. May the Lord heal any hurts that have come between the President and Vice President at this time. Bring about true restoration, O Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Please explain in the constitution where Pence was following. I was under a different impression from those who are privy to the Constitution, including our president.
No better time than today to pick up a copy of, “Why Revival Tarries” by Leonard Ravenhill, and to read it from cover to cover.
“A wise man sees trouble coming and avoids it.” Proverbs 22:3.
May GOD open our eyes to see clearly, our ears to hear His warnings, and the wisdom to listen and to obey His counsel. In Jesus Name. Amen.
The Lord is weighing our hearts. Is the hand writing on the wall? Will we be found wanting? Return to our FIRST LOVE…Jesus!
Perhaps we have assumed that Donald Trump will have two sequential terms. I believe the prophets have said that Donald Trump would serve for two terms, which may not mean one term after the other. Kim Clement spoke of God being dissatisfied with what arises on both the left and the right – it is now clear that is true. Kim Clement also spoke of a third party arising. Perhaps we now are at that point, where this third party will now begin arise; Donald Trump never was a true Republican. Perhaps the evidence is now clear (with Mike Pence’s failure to act on Jan 6) that a new party is needed. I believe Hank Kunneman has said almost the same thing as Kim Clement regarding a third party arising. Also, something else to consider — we had “great” sign of Revelation 12 that occurred on September 23, 2017. Robin Bullock spoke about this recently. He said that 1260 days (verse 6, of Rev 12) from that date brings us to March 6, 2020. In that line of thinking, there has been a battle in the heavens for 1200+ days now. Perhaps it will be finally over on March 6th. In any case I am praying for America, that God would answer the prayers of His remnant.
Thank you Suni, you expressed so perfectly exactly how I feel and where I’m at. I have not given up hope but even if the worst happens, I know God will never leave us or forsake us!
Dear intercessors, take that Daniel reference of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, with a fourth one, like a son of man to heart.
It’s time for the fire of God and leave lukewarmness!
Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church through Trump’s speech “it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!” He spoke of his first term. Please don’t be like the lukewarm Church. Keep standing for righteousness, Justice and the unborn babies!
This is a time to acquire the warrior spirit. Listen to Dutch Sheets: God is looking to and fro to see who is still standing for Him, still in the prayer closet taking on the evil forces in the heavenlies. …and being transformed into the holy warrior bride of Christ!
Rev 3:15-16 is very clear about lukewarmness. Repent of it and rise up to the authority that Jesus Christ gave us. His shed blood on the mercy seat is our redemption, justification, sanctification, our food, drink, and our authority to pray at all times to pray for all the saints in focused prayer. Acts 4:31 The weapon of all prayer had and will, in our days ahead, demolish Satan’s stronghold.
Remember thanksgiving and praise. Praise is our weapon, too. Ps 100. Remember how we, as a praying nation, before 2019, had become a lukewarm Church, so throw off all discouragement, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, evil thoughts/evil speaking and
1. pray against the lukewarmness in and around you and your Church.
2. pray for unity in the Church. Do not yield to the temptation to attack others
3. pray for God’s holy fire from the altar of God that will take us to a higher temperature
4. pray for God’s angel armies to act; we have authority over them and we are to use them; they are flames of fire
5. Heb 1:7 “And of the angels He says: ‘Who makes His angels spirits and His ministers a flame of fire.’”
6. Heb 1:14 “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
7. Send God’s angels on special assignments. God had myriads of millions of them, use them. Ps 91:11 “For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”
8. The fire of God from the altar is hot so we need to be hot. We need to rebuke and toss off anything in our lives that prevent us from being as hot as we could be. Ask forgiveness or our lukewarmness and anything in our lives that has prevented us from being hot. Repent and get on with it.
9. When we get hot, the body of Christ gets hot, the Church is hot. Then we have a manifestation of God on the earth, through the Church, and we will see a change in our nation!
Father, in the name of Jesus, who defeated Satan and all powers on the cross and defeated death by His resurrection, I ask you to pour your fire from heaven and baptize us with holy fire right now!
We pray for our nation in unity in the body and for every believer in the United States and the World, that we all would be immersed in holy fire, that we would not be lukewarm, and that the body of Christ would rise up in their authority and who they are. That we would walk in what Jesus has accomplished by being seated with Him, in the heavenly realms and that we would recognize that are far above all ruling authority through Jesus Christ.
We take authority and break the powers of the devil and we say, Lord, that we’re not going to be lukewarm. We are going to be counted as hot in this day, Lord God. We are going to be the temperature that you have preordained for us, Lord. And I thank you and give you praise and glory for it in the name of Jesus.
—-Remember, we have left the ways of this world, but we have all the authority of Jesus Christ to use in His name “Your kingdom come, your will be done.”
Our Lord will win over all evil. We need to stand for righteousness. Psalm 1
Our Lord is like silent and is working something behind
He counts everyone doing good or evil.
Everyone does not humble and does not do good and righteousness. They will be counted and judged by our Lord and face punishment
Including someone who states they are Christian but is antiChrist
Fear , Humble Lord
Dear Shirelle. Thank you for your insight my dear sister in Christ! for months before the election I felt Donald Trump would not win. Family members were shocked when I said that. I wasn’t sure why I was sensing that he wouldn’t win. Would it be we would go back to same ole same ole.
As you mentioned Shirelle ? There could be many reason we are being denied DT second term. And God said NO. to same ole same old I’m going to strengthen my intercessors. I’m gonna make my intercessors rise up & proclaim my Lord I trust. Many loved DT (me included). Now maybe we need to unplug from outside voices & listen to God’s voice. HE will assign us His next role. We don’t need same ole – we need revival
Heavenly Father,
Thank you that you know our humanness. Yesterday I was so worried, and fearful. Those are not emotions that honor you. Thank you for your mercy. Thank you for drawing me back to a strong faith in your deliverance. You saw my weakness, and you brought new hope to me through your word and through an interview I listened to with General Flynn. I was reminded of Joshua 1:9 “ Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” I know today, deep in my soul, that You has heard the multitude of prayers lifted up for our nation. You are delivering Your plan for our good, and Your glory. “Those who wait hopefully on the Lord will not be ashamed”. Isaiah 49: 23
I am waiting, hopefully on you Lord. Whatever come will be right. In the name of Jesus, Amen
Beautifully stated. This attitude is where we, God’s people should be everyday.
God’s still on our side! R0m.8:31–37–” Pray more’ for Gov officials to use God’s wisdom and not mans and integrity and honesty and truth from heart prevails and know God perfects what concerns us. Ps. 138:8 and nothings too hard for God Lk.1:37 ijn
More than 80 million Americans will never recognize Joe Biden as the true president. He illegally won the presidency.
America has been a covenant Christian nation from the beginning. Our covenant to follow the LORD is why God BLESSED America above every nation. America made covenant with God from the beginning starting in 1607 with the Jamestown settlers covenanting America to the LORD “To all generations”. The pilgrims, Puritans, John Hancock, George Washington, John Adams, John Jay and our founders continued in covenant that our nation is dedicated to the LORD.
My prayer is based on covenant with God. This is my prayer:
Thank You, Father, for Your mercy and Grace. Father, the early settlers came to America to worship You. They came to glorify You and advance the Christian faith. I am reminding You of the Mayflower Compact covenant that was made between You and the early settlers and Your part in this covenant. Thank You that You remember Your covenants forever. (Psalm 105:8) You always keep Your covenants. You never break them. You speak and act. You promise and fulfill. (Numbers 23:19) Thank You that America will always be free to worship You. Thank You that America will continue to be a Christian nation. Thank You that Your Presence is always with us, in Jesus’ name, Amen. (1Corinthians 8:6, Hebrews 13:8)
I have already gained my place of abiding in Him in this. I am at rest in Him. Join me in thanking Father that America will continue to be a Christian nation.
AMERICA WILL ALWAYS BE A CHRISTIAN NATION! Psalm 105:8, Numbers 23:19, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Hebrews 13:8 GLORY TO GOD!
For it is written: As I live, says the LORD, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God. Romans 14:11
Glory to God! Jesus is LORD!
Thanks for the great encouragement. It is ALWAYS best to lean on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He raised up a president in 1948 who would heed the voice of an Israeli leader to call the new formed state Israel and not by another name. He raised up President Trump to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem to confirm it as the capitol of Israel. The Lord God Almighty raises up whom He chooses to fulfill His plans and purposes. Blessings as you follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. I am thankful Jesus Himself is interceding for us at the right hand of ABBA Father.
Our government has falsely decided togive Joe Biden the title of president. They have have miserably failed our electoral process and our great Constitution.
Evil, corrupt politicians and government officials purposely ignored real evidence of massive voter fraud and refused to follow the Constitution.
They allowed criminals to break election laws and put Joe Biden in as an illegitimate president.
Joe Biden has acquired this position through a deliberate, orchestrated, corrupt Democrat plan to steal the presidency.
Fair consideration was never even given, to hear the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud.
Even though, Joe Biden has been given this title as president of the United States. His fake presidency will forever be remembered as an illegitimate president who stole the 2020 election.
Our once great nation is now no different than any other Banana Republic country. What we have moving forward is a shady one party government that is politically unstable. Hence the name the American Banana Republic.
A very, very sad day in our nation’s once great history.
Reading Suni’s article, brought me hope and a bit of peace because I have been pretty down since the Georgia election did not go our way. I know I have to trust and believe but it is just so hard to be handed these decisions that bring evil people into our government with their power to vote against what we believe. I can only pray for more trust in the Lord. When I thought things were looking so much better the two socialist men in Georgia won. I’m sure there was evil going on behind the scenes and don’t know how we will or can overcome that. I probably do know the answer, but will our entire country turn back to God and His loving ways for us?
So many don’t even care to pray or go to church. How hurt our God must feel most of the time. May He guide us on the right path to take back our country through His loving care and guidance and may my Catholic church wake up and get involved. I am so disappointed that I did not hear a thing all during the election about voting etc. I’m still very angry about that, and now we hear nothing. People look to their church for guidance but it is not there. I pray that will change when they see the plans that Biden has for our religious institutions. May God bless us in His great mercy. Amen!
The election is not over until the 20th. I believe God will give us more Grace for Generations to come learning from these battles of evil we all are witnessing to help teach our Children for their futures.. If we don’t win this battle in this fraudulent election, America will never come back. God has called warriors and His church has been complacent, fat, happy and weak. I adore my Jesus, I love His presence, I love America, but I can not sleep and let this evil from the far left cray crays steak our votes, banning singing and going to church and stealing our Country away from us —- . I still believe Trump will serve his his rightfully position of 4 more years and may Justice, Justice of irrefutable evidence be served in our Governments, Hollywood, MSM, Elites etc who has harmed children in the most horrific unimaginable ways, satan worshipers, trafficing, abortion, etc. Many are AWAKE and honored that I am one of them. Yes the Will of the Father and yes to STAND tall in this battle for America defending our future……. amen
AMEN to this article !!!! THANK YOU, JESUS that YOU are still in Charge….even when the enemy rushed in to take advantage of this situation, and stir the passion of people to go forward in ways that were zealous for a righteous government. They lacked knowledge and wisdom, and God’s strategy. My heart grieves over the loss of lives, and how this situation produced the opposite affect of the desires of those who moved zealously. May we all learn that passion alone is not enough. It takes God’s strategy. It takes submission to God and His leadership over our lives, moment to moment. It takes patiently walking things through to their Victory. Sometimes we need to be still and KNOW that HE is. It takes God’s Blessings to accomplish His purposes. It takes walking carefully in His GRACEFUL ways. May we all repent and mourn as a nation, and then come forward and continue to stand for God’s true purposes, and in His ways of doing so. Shalom ~ Shalom to all…..
I am not giving up. The battle is still waging in the heavenlys. 2 Chronicles 7:14
I believe that God doesn’t want us to say a man saved us. He is the Savior and when this is done, people will be glad to say let us go into the house of the Lord. We would have gone back to church as usual and life as usual. Like after 911. No more going through the motions, it will be like the days of old. True connection, reverence and of the Lord and Father.God is cleaning house and pruning.
I totally Agree with you Shirelle – – I am afraid that we would go back to the same old things – yes we’d praise God, but then we’d forget all this until the next election. What if this is the way our Father God is teaching us to be who he needs us to be. It’s like when you choose to let your children go thru something serious instead of rescuing them, so that they could understand and learn their lesson once and for all!
Yes…He has given us warnings through many, for many years, but the church became mesmerized by THINGS and we stopped doing real gatherings and its purpose….to do the works of the kingdom. John Paul Jackson, y a ars before he died, had a download from God called headlines, and another called the perfect storm. When I shared them,people put me down and scored at me and turned up their nose at me because they said God would keep and protect and that God wouldn’t do it to us. We’ll, most of it has come to pass and we are sitting in another aspect of it. Lester Sumarall was brought back to the United States to warn America of the same, and it also is starting to come to pass. We had our assignments from God and lifted the. Without Him. The gospel wasn’t being preached any longer, it was self help and getting people I le healed I stead of salvation and pointing them to Christ…..all along not knowing we were afar off. A form of godliness denying the power thereof.. Well….we are here now and we’re gonna have to fight for what Jesus gave His life for. Now all we have learned and said we believe is coming to a test. Most times there is pressure, we run….Trump, not even being a sold out Christian as many have said, ut from what I see he is a greater one. He doesn’t take a salary, he fights for the church and the unborn, he fights for righteousness and with just about the whole world against and turning on him, he still comes back. I’m so appreciative and proud of him. Blessings.
All these weeks I found myself thinking the Supreme Court will take this election case and fix everything, that the evidence in the disputed states would be sufficient that the results would be challenged, that enough witnesses would come forth to discount the validity of the results, that enough prayer marches would be held that God HAD to intervene. Well, God did give Donald Trump this election win but the evilness of man and the plans of Satan implemented by many on the left, seemed to squelch finding the truth. So I learned the obvious, God is the only hope and assurance that we have. He will use this to either grow us or defeat us. Our nation is in real jeopardy and we must stay the course.
This is the scripture God brought me to this morning, Isaiah 41:10, Fear not;for I am with thee: be not dismayed;for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee, yes I will help thee, yes I will help thee;yes, I will up-hold theewith the right hand of my righteousness.Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God. Amen
We are praying with you, believing with you. Knowing that God’s ways are far higher then our ways, also knowing God has called us for such a time as this to be faithful, Faith filled for His glory. Thank you for standing in the gap, for being our mouth piece as we intercede for our nation!
I was horrified and angry while watching the events of yesterday unfold. Also, very confused but the words of my pastor’s sermon on Revelation 4 kept ringing in my head, “GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE,” and I can hear God telling me today, when I want to give up, “My child, don’t be discouraged and don’t lose faith, I am still here and I am with you always. My ways are not your ways, there is a bigger picture. I am still master of this world. Stand on My Word for it is a firm foundation and have faith in Me.” So today I intend to stand firm on The Word and still put my trust in God. I don’t know what the future holds but I will not be deterred or afraid. I still believe in miracles whether the election is overturned or not, we as Christians need to stand up for Jesus and not be silenced. This battle is not a political one but a spiritual one. The only weapon against evil and the Evil One is prayer. We need to continue to pray and to put on the full armor of God.
I intend to stand firm on THE WORD and pray, keep faith and trust in God. This political battle is very unfair to believers, I will pray for truth, honesty, compassion and to stay spiritual against the evil.
Last night, like a disappointed child, I was quite upset with God. Then He gently reminded me, “The prophecy must be fulfilled.” He was, of course, referring to the book of Revelation: a book many shy away from, but in it is our future.
For years we have sat idly by, while our God-given freedoms were being eroded by the “Devil’s Darlings”. We complained, but that’s about it. So we got what we earned: impending slavery once the Great Reset is enacted. We were given the warning but refused to be proactive.
More than being disappointed with God, I am angry at all the passive Christians who expected God to deliver us from our doom while we just sat on our butts! I learned long ago to pray to God for direction. Once that direction is given, act on it! If He sees that you are sincere in putting forth the effort to lift yourself out of the muck, make no mistake, He will be right by your side, protecting and guiding you.
I have experienced this several times in my life. I am a fighter. Every time I took action, God was with me, saving my life in more than one instance. If only you could experience God’s love and power in the face of overwhelming odds. . .
I’m going to stop now. I’m near tears, disappointed by those who promised such a great show that didn’t go. I will mourn the loss of this once-great nation on January 20th, gone the way of the Roman Empire. Say hello to the People’s Republic of America and say goodbye to the freedoms you sadly took for granted.
Yes. Our hope is in seeing God move, not necessarily the next move of Congress or the Senate. God hears our prayers. May His will be done in America.
I, too, have been so greatly disappointed in the events of this week. I have been a part of several very large prayer groups where we have been beseeching God to expose the truth concerning the election and establish Donald Trump as the next president. I am convinced from the evidence I’ve looked at and read about that he won this election. Hence the fervent prayers on his behalf–especially in light of the darkness a Biden administration would bring not only to America, but to the world.
I was mad at God last night about what happened on Jan 6 and I told Him so. I didn’t want to feel that way, but there it was. I prayed a good part of the night asking for His peace and some understanding of these awful events. I still trust God–who else is there? There is no one like Him. We go to Him in prayer and make our requests–sometimes He says, “No.” We don’t know why, but perhaps there is something more important to Him–the souls of men, women, and children. We didn’t get what we asked for, so let’s consider what we need to do now: ask Him what is next, what is His leading for the church, use all that prayer energy for the increase of His Kingdom. And as much as I don’t like to think about it, His church grows in times of persecution. His Bride must be purified and holy.
I have been praying the church would open it’s eyes and focus on Jesus. May we see truth
I too was very upset because we’ve had all of these prophets prophesy that Trump was going to be president again and I’m sure that he thought so too from all of the prophecies and look what happened. Did all of these prophets miss it. I am sure our president is probably as bewildered as we are but what made me so sad was he was all alone there was nobody standing with him and made me want to cry for him I know he’s hurting. Right now I’m upset with all of these prophets and I’m really upset with Mike Pence because we thought he was going to come through and he failed us. I have no other words to say but that he totally failed our country which really surprises me because I thought he was a strong man.
VP Pence betrayed us all. My eyes are on Jesus. The only place it needs to be.
Do not focus on our expectations….humans appear to disappoint us…you mention the prophets…have any said…sorry, I made an error….no…silent….listen and wait on God…he said Trump will serve another term….stay focused..even after January 20, 2021…God has something so awesome planned…the world will be surprised…do not fret….wait and see the glory of God….trust me…saint the Lord…
The enemy stole it. The false prophets made everyone complacent including President Trump and there was no warning.
Also sorry to have to say this but Lin Wood was also used by the enemy to tell people to boycott the Georgia run off. He was used by the enemy to bring confusion and also to stir up Qanon. We sensed that from the first time Lin Wood spoke in Georgia. Do not be fooled, the enemy can use anyone. That is how the events unfolded this week. The Lord has been trying to warn people about the spirit of confusion and division which is dividing the Republicans.
Those were the enemy tactics. President Trump does not understand what is going on, but this is a huge spiritual attack to destroy the church ultimately and Israel.
We must keep praying for the Lord to raise a standard and to restrain the powers of darkness. The Lord is in control and has a bigger plan.
I calmed down from my anger this morning and then got angry again today. If Biden or anyone can show me the 80 million people who voted for him, then I will shut up.
Lord did 80 million voters really vote for Biden?
Thank you so much for these words of encouragement. I needed to hear this today. This was water for my soul today!
Blessings to you all!
I question if Pence is Christian and fake with wearing sheep skin. The end of World a lot of people are antiChrist
They are copying Jesus Christ, pretend to be spiritual
I have wondered the same thing. I thought he was a strong man and yet I feel like he let us all down
2-John 10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine(Jesus Christ and Him Crucified), receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: 11 For he that bides him God speed is shares in his evil deeds.
We do not agree with killing of babies, harvesting of baby parts, abortion, pedophilia, throwing God out of our Schools, Justice system, etc. Heavenly Father its not against us but You that they’ve done this. Proverbs 21:1 – “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”
Praying outcome Exodus 14, praying the fear of the Lord fall.
Your words are salve to my grieving heart. Thank you for writing them for all of us. In our weakness His strength is made perfect.
Amen. Almighty God has made it clear that it is only HE that will get the Glory, not man
Not by might, not by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord.
I agree that this Is not over! God is not constrained or limited by man’s deadlines.
President Trump won by a landslide on Nov. 3, but we have been allowed to see the corruption in our politicians of both parties, the news media, and the courts.
I believe we will see a sovereign move of God that will convince atheists and others that God is real and should be taken seriously. This may be the catalyst which ignites the great revival.
Many people thought yesterday was our Red Sea moment, but it wasn’t because there was still the possibility that help could come from human efforts.
We need to stand firm in our faith, and keep our eyes focused on Christ Jesus.
Let us keep up our prayers crying out to God for justice and mercy. As Rees Howells learned, there is death in an intercession when it seems our prayers are not answered, but then a resurrection where God reveals His perfect strategy.
Kim Clement’s daughter has put together a compilation of her father’s prophecies about America which I found encouraging.
I was thinking last night, “that’s a lot of water on the wood and in the trench…Your will be done, Father. Be glorified!”
😀👏🙏 That is true faith. I love it! Lord, glorify your Name!!
Thank you.
I agree. Thank you.
Praise the lord our God for victory! Still standing in faith and not moved. Psalm 121:I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence comes my help…My help comes from The Lord,which made heaven & earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keeps the will not slumber.Behold he that keeps Israel (we the ecclasia also the grafted in) shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper;the Lord is thy shade on thy right hand. The sun shall not smite the by day nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil;He shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, & even for ever more. Hang in sisters and brothers the battle is not over and God Almighty will get all the glory. In jesus name (The name above all names) we have the authority to put Satan and all his demonic powers out of business. My thoughts all along are that in order to heal our land all evil and the root has to be exposed and dealt with. It’s not easy to see the horrible acts of the enemy but Our God has always known it was there. I think it is causing a greater awakening for us as his church to persist in the warfare and send our strategic arrow and weapons in intercessory prayer and decrees. GOD expects us to voice His promises and believe with ou whole heart. We decree America stands and will fulfill God’s destiny and that revival and harvest time is here for the taking! Love and appreciation to all serving and know He is on Our side but we must stay on His! 💓🙏
“God seldom shows up early, but He never shows up late”. I’m praying that when God shows up it is a miracle, and all eyes will look up and give Him the glory, because it will only be He that could do what needs to be done for us and His church and this nation.
Thank you God and Thank you for Suni. Lord continue to strengthen and guide Vice-President Pence.
Heavenly Father may your WILL BE DONE and may we your Church align with you. In Jesus name. Amen
What if Trump’s actions/inactions yesterday exposed HIS heart and HE is not the man for the job? Indeed the last few days has made me see a side of Trump I wouldn’t believe before. I support his policies, but not his methodology or unstable leadership that uses force.
It was not President Trump who set up the people to storm the capitol on Wednesday. It was Antifa. President Trump loves our country and has done so, so much for us Americans over the past 4 years, with God’s help.
Is there proof of that and if so, may justice come quickly on Antifa!!!!
Posted by Lin Wood (a lawyer) on Twitter on Jan. 6th:
“There is indisputable photographic evidence that antifa violently broke into Congress (Wednesday) to inflict harm and do damage, not the real Donald Trump supporters. Do not be fooled. Trump supporters are peaceful. It was antifa that created the violence in our cities over the past several months.
Read and watch videos in the article.
it is not soley in his hands meaning Pence, they are meeting today.
Rhonda, God bless you and yours. Thanks for you response.
AMEN! I have to admit I was shaken yesterday. One thing I learned, I am not totally trusting God. HIS ways are not our ways. Letting go of my ways and how I think is hard. Paul asked the LORD to help him with this “thorn in the flesh” God said my grace is sufficient. I have so much to learn! I am an analyzer. That’s my problem and I know it. My relationship with my Savior is strong. I just feel I have to help everybody. Including God. Haha! I am so grateful for Mercy and Grace! I need it everyday of my life. I love my LORD for the CROSS. That’s my favorite place.
Vice- President Pence was used by the Lord!
In December, the Lord spoke to me through Isaiah 55:8-9 and it took a few days to understand that He was listening to our prayers, but He was going to reply in a different way, not our way. His ways are always better. He had told me way back in May after an Esther fast that very dark days were coming. On 31 December, He reminded me of what He had said back in May and put in my heart “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” It was clear to me that all the prophecies regarding President Trump being reelected were not going to be fulfilled.
He is allowing Biden so the bride can stand up. We need to trust His decisions even if we do not understand them because in the end the Lord will accomplish more than we can imagine. He is doing all of this out of love for us. The Lord used the Book from Habakkuk to make me understand. Habakkuk cried out to the Lord for mercy and the Lord responded to him, but not as he expected. The Lord told him the Babylonians would come to take the people into exile, but in the end the vision would be fulfilled. Well, the Lord has done the same thing in the USA. He answered the many, many prayers raised to Him, but not as we expected. Biden is necessary. If Trump would have been reelected, the bride would have not woken up from the slumber she has been in for decades, but now because of the pressure she will wake up and will prepare herself intentionally to meet her bridegroom who is anxiously expecting the moment when we can be together. Revival and perfect unity along with the overflown of love over His bride are coming. Greater and bigger things await us even though we will have to go through the darkest ever times. The joy of the Lord will be our strength. Do not lose heart. Trust in the Lord with all you heart, do not lean on you own understanding. Let us rise as the bride and be prepared to be cleansed and purified by fire. We will shine like the Lord. MARANATHA, come Lord Jesus!
Love this prayer. Wish I could post it or email it
Nancy, you are welcome to share it!
Lord I am reading the prayer requests and you hear all our hearts cries.
Lord we have only you. We do not want false hopes, we do not want conspiracy theories, we do not want confusion as you are not the author of confusion or division. Lord we want you to speak to us and for us to hear only YOUR VOICE through this noise. Lord we pray that you will make it clear what is going on and your will and purposes.
Lord are you handing over America to judgment? If so, in judgment remember mercy. Is this your timing for the end time events to really kick in?
We pray for President Trump. If we are feeling like this, how must he be feeling? Lord save him and his family and show him that you are there with him. Protect him from Qanon conspiracy theories. Give him your Godly counsellors who will not sow confusion but your order and your wisdom. Lord protect him. Lord we want your truth to be revealed as to what is going on. Please shine your light in the darkness and expose the lies of the enemy and save many. Above all, may your name Lord not be brought into disrepute. Lord put bits and bridles in people’s mouths at this time. Forgive us for our folly.
In Jesus name. Amen
At one time, I had a desperate moment of “Why, God, why?” It was about a job I wanted that seemed perfect for me. Two years later I found out “why”. God knew that my parents would need me to be there for them. Because of God’s way, I was able to spend their last two years on earth with them. Praise God.
Thank-You Suni, for your wise words of Gods wisdom. It places peace on my heart and shows the path of spiritual direction in my (a Christians) life. Anchor our hearts upon Jesus!
Very well written Suni, and I couldn’t agree more. I’m saddened by the name calling towards our VP and sadder that it’s many christians. You are absolutely right. God sees the end from the beginning. This is a definitely a fiery furnace moment, but the Lord walked with them.i love this story. Thank you for this article. Lord increase our faith.
I am comforted seeing that I am not alone with these feelings of despair. I know that God’s ways are higher than our ways and we are not to be afraid but to trust the Lord. I also know that no matter what it looks like, God is still working His will out. What I did not realize was a comment made by one of you. That is, if Mike Pense had done what we wanted, he would have received the glory and not God. I do know that when this is all straightened out, everyone will know it is God and not man. I also know that we are to not trust our own understanding, but in all things to trust in God. This is a test of my faith and my trust in God. I have purposed this morning to have faith in and to trust our God, to look to him and not man. Peace be with you.
Question: Why is everyone calling VP Pence a traitor? According to the Constitution of the United States, he was only doing what he swore ‘so help me God’ to do. I still find it so hard to believe that this Christian Post finds no fault in Donald Trump. I am amazed that people think he does not sin. God knows the hearts of everyone. Nothing is news to Him. Who do you think allowed Trump to be President in the first place? Was it Trump’s money, power, fame, or looks? No. God, who is Sovereign and in control of this entire world is the one. He owns it and everything in it. He raises kings and He deposes them. Since when did elected officials have to be loyal to the President? These people work for America; not one individual. Their salaries are paid by the tax dollars of hard working people, not from the President. Let’s face it: I have read so often on this post that God’s anointing is all over Trump. If you believe this, do you not also believe that no one can ‘steal’ votes from Him? There is no power on earth or in hell that can thwart God’s plan. God did not need trickery, cunning or lies to fulfill his plans? HE IS GOD!!! He also said, ‘the battle belongs to Him.’ Why are we so quick to point the finger? There is none righteous, no not one.” America, America, God shed His grace on thee. And crowned thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.” Just words? How far we have fallen.
You are deceived and twist things
As Christians many of us have walked roads of injustice at no fault of our own. Accused of things and ended up in court with no criminal evidence.
You have forgotten stories like Moses
Why was Moses in the back side of the desert for 40 years when God found him. He had killed a man and was hiding. I love what he tells God … You want me to go back to Egypt have you forgotten??? there’s a warrant back there for my arrest??
We all know the end of that story.
Then there’s Joseph totally innocent. Poor guy sold by his brothers ended up in prison for doing the right thing !!
We believe in President because of his record of who he protects !! The unborn !!
In a Biden administration Abortion will have no limits.
President Trump stood by Israel !! God is clear on that one.
President Trump has protected our freedom of Religion. He has not sold us to other foreign countries like what is coming. He stopped funding the Mexico City Policy
Did you know we sent our tax money to other countries to pay for Their Abortions !! On day one of his Presidency he stopped the Mexico City Policy!!
We love President Trump because he did more than he said he would do !!! he protected life !! He protected our country , rebuilt our military, he helped our veterans who had been fogotten in long lines of waiting and dying before getting medical treatment!!
He gave us Right to Try
ever been to the point of death and you would do anything to get well??
Right to try
saved many people
Right to try
now saving people from Covid with treatments like antibiotic and Steriod and Pepcid AC and zinc and Vitamin C and nebulizer treatments
That’s just the start of why President Trump is loved! He represented the hard working middle class of us working people. He wasn’t bought by the rich or Hollywood !! And he didn’t give into terrorist!!
He brought home more Americans that were imprisoned in other countries and had been forgotten !!
How soon we forget Otto Warmbier !! Left by the previous administration!!
Who brought him home??
Remember Kayla mueller left by the Obama administration !!
I will close by what Kayla’s Mom said
The Trump administration gave us empathy we never received from the Obama administration…..if Donald Trump had been President when Kayla was captured she would be here today
Carl and I support Donald Trump because of his commitment to make and keep America great, not with the power of the government, but with the passion of people like Kayla. American who even in the darkest days always have more fight left inside of them. Americans who don’t just talk —they act. (Kayla was tortured raped and murdered captured in 2013 died in Syria in 2015)
President Trump brought home 50 people from 22 countries who were held as hostages and wrongfully imprisoned. Among those were pastor Andrew Brunson and Mormon missionary Joshua Holt.
No fault? How does God feel when we mock someone with a physical disability? How does He feel when we call people out of their names: ‘sons of b******, or b*******? What does the God of the Bible think when people are referred to as ‘those of s***-h***’ countries: People made in God’s image? And, oh, let us not forget America being made great again in Washington, DC on yesterday. Trump may not agree with abortion, and that IS sin against God; but it isn’t the ONLY one. We applaud all who say they are against abortion and at the same time, see someone hungry, homeless, without medicine, dying, and call it someone else’s problem. What God calls sin IS sin. Trump demands allegiance, but my Bible tells me that there is one God. If Donald Trump did anything note worthy, to God be the glory! I appreciate your love for Donald Trump; that is your freedom. Yes, I know the story of Moses. I also remember how he did everything God told him to do, but… he was not permitted to enter The Promised Land that he worked so hard to lead the people to. Why? “FOR ALL HAVE SINNED AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD.” (Romans 3:23). “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7). “For we must ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that EVERY ONE may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”
(2 Corinthians 5:10). God is Sovereign and The Righteous Judge.
Amen. God’s word never returns
V oid
O r
I nsufficient. His
D eposit will carry his people to the finish line.
Lord I thank You for new mercies each morning. Show us how to pray in these dark days and thank You for Your grace. Help us not to fall into deception and continue to show us Your light. In Jesus name, Amen.
My understanding of scripture is God chooses our President. I trust Him totally. His ways are not ours.
He is accomplishing His good whatever we think. God tells us, As it was in the days of Noah so it will be
before Jesus return. Scripture also talks about a man of “lawlessness” coming on the scene. God’s Word is truth. God does not fail. People fail. God only works good. He is always good. He gave us free will, and
when many choose against His will, we can expect confusion and chaos.
Jesus taught, “If a man wants your coat, you should give Him your cloak, also.” I think Mike Pence is a wonderful, devoted Christian man who has fought a “good fight”. I choose to believe VP Pence felt led to give them, “the cloak and the coat”. We are to be peacemakers, also. There is a time to back down. Alot of Americans wanted Joe Biden as their President. So, maybe our concern should lie with them who are so wrong
because we are so right?? “What we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal later”. (Romans 8:17).
Just to be clear, I never once heard God say, “back down” to subversion or for that matter to play the fool while offering warmth or sustenance.
Mike Pence spoke out before the rally, before Congress could even call off a fraudulent electoral vote process to take place, to correct the fraud … saying he would NOT honor our election process with 50 states legislatures voting, each with 1 vote, as the constitution prescribes.
His words were not from God, they were a “shout out” to the extremely violent antifa / blm who are mercenaries from China, here to disrupt/destroy our government because the Communists are starving for our resources. This was a coup, pure and simple, and we let it happen. Now we have a complicit govt to China. We will NO longer have a truly FAIR ELECTION ever again.
We all allowed Covid to rule, fall in line, never question there was no mandate, allow the fake mail-in votes, allow the fake media and the false teachers to go unchecked. Now we are lost. Welcome to the wilderness. WELL DONE!
GOD expects us take action, once in awhile … dead fish “go with the flow.”
Holding on to Psalm 37…After I prayed Mon night about the election in GA, the Lord said over and over, do not be afraid and hold on! I will say that all this has drawn me back closer to the LORD like I haven’t been in years. I am thankful to have discovered the IFA community – I am encouraged every day by my brothers and sisters who are truly Christ folowers. I have no idea what He has next, only that He is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made. And all You have made will praise You, Oh LORD, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father! Oh, pour out Your Spirit of Grace and Supplication on this nation that we may look on the One we have pierced and grieve for Him as an only Son! (Zechariah 12:10) For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17) Oh, Lord – in your judgment, remember mercy.
Mike Pence has been compromised for some time now I expected him to do what he didbut I agree God’s way is many times altogether different than we expect. Lord we give you all our expectations.
I feel as if everything I have ever built my life on is a hoax, a game of always hoping for something better around the corner but nothing coming to pass. My faith is almost gone. I want to believe but in what, a loving God who won’t act? Where is the evidence of His “love”? Storing up treasures in heaven – what a cosmic joke. All I see is evil… I don’t know how to start re-building a life without any belief, but it looks like what I need to do. What is the purpose? If there really is a God, where is He? Sorry for being the downer and disbeliever, but it’s honest. I can’t keep pretending.
Please Elizabeth do not give up hope and trust in the Lord. The enemy is trying to destroy the church and our faith and that is what you are seeing. The enemy stirred up people yesterday and is stirring up confusion and strife and division. You must hold onto the Lord at this time. The Lord warned us of these days. Hold onto the word of God. There is nowhere else to go. The days of the return of Christ are fast approaching. We must make sure that we do not fall away and are standing with the Lord until the end. Give the Lord your anger and frustration. I was angry and frustrated this morning. The Lord knows. There is so much to what is going on in America. Test everything that is being said at this time and ask the Lord to show you the truth. He will guard our hearts so that we are not deceived by lies or false hope. There is so much fake news and conspiracy theories that we must go to the Lord in prayer and test everything. The Lord is exposing the truth. The Lord is coming soon for His Church. Hallelujah.
Elisabeth, we love you and God loves you more. Every step of the way He is with you/us even when we don’t see or understand. He is our Emmanuel(God with us). He’ll never leave nor forsake us(Hebrews 13:5amp; Deuteronomy 31:8). Don’t lose hope,it’s an anchor for your soul(Hebrews 6:19). Don’t grow weary, it will cause faintheartedness(Galatians 6:9). Try to refocus your thoughts
(Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:2; Isaiah 26:3….). If anyone understands what you’re going through, God does. Roll all those concerns over onto Him(1 Peter 5:7). Where would we all be if Jesus quit or gave up do to the evil, persecution, lies, debauchery, He experienced. During trying times? He leaned into God, His Father and gained comfort and strength to continue. He remained steadfast, no matter what(1 Corinthians 15.58).
All I can leave you with Elisabeth, is I love you. Please don’t give up. God is REAL. God is POWERFUL. God is LOVE. He has a due season and perfect timing for
everything. I watched a man give a testimony of how he was angry at God because his son died. He didn’t understand how God would allow this evil to happen. He yelled at God saying, “how could you let this happen? Where were You when my son died?” The man said God replied, “the same place I was when My Son died”
Elisabeth, God is still God and He’s still working and moving. He has NOT changed. He’s still here. He’s still where He’s always been. He will still PREVAIL. Go forth Elisabeth, go forth. Let the evil one know, it’s for God you’ll STAND. He’s under your feet and you have the VICTORY in and through Christ Jesus!
I think it’s a fire of faith for sure, burning off what we have actually placed our faith IN. I cannot place my faith in any kind of circumstance. Any person, any healing, not even in my understanding of what it seems God is doing. My faith must rest on Who God IS. This shaking dear one, is exposing where our faith was placed. Anything less than the Kingship and finished work of Jesus can and will be rocked. Stand firm. Hold tight. Keep confessing your disappointments but bring them to King Jesus. Be still, wait on Him and listen for His answer. We are like Mary who wept and said if you had been here my brother would not have died, like the two on the road to Emaus who were wonder how they got it wrong about Jesus being Messiah, like the disciples who had just heard that unless they eat Jesus’ flesh and drink His blood they have no part in Him….like Job who said, though He slay me yet I will trust Him. Wait dear one. Let Him speak. He still has things to say.
Elizabeth – I understand and so does the Lord. I have been where you are before. I have found encouragement in Psalms 37 and 73. Also, I have had to just say – Lord, to Whom shall I go? You have the words of eternal life. I know and believe that You are the Holy One of God. (John 6:68-69) Rebuke the spirit of fear and turn on some worship music. I pray that the Lord will lift you up and restore the joy of your salvation. We rejoice IN THE LORD, not in the circumstances! He has gotten His people through hard times before and He will now.
P. S. – the evidence of His love is His sacrifice on the cross. His holy, innocent, bitter suffering and death – and His glorious and triumphant resurrection that conquered sin and death, hell and satan.
It ok many of us have broken hearts right now! Sometimes I cry sometimes I want to run away. Sometimes I want to scream !! The evidence is overwhelming! And nothing has happened. My son was charged in a car accident with two felonies with no evidence of wrong doing. The other person in the other car died. The other car had a recall a Jeep product who had a recall for fire explosions when hit. We were not allowed to use that evidence in court by the way.
We went through the arrest a warrant we didn’t know had been issued and not one but two felonies !! Manslaughter and negligent homicide. My son was not speeding wasn’t texting or on the phone wasn’t on drugs or drinking wasn’t weaving in and out of traffic. The family went to the DA and said you will press charges or we will call BLM!! So the DA did. Did not matter that there wasn’t any criminal evidence.
It took the police two years to file charges and another year to go to court. Since they didn’t have evidence they used character assassination.
Two weeks before the trial at the 11th hour a witness came forward that totally exonerated my son. She called our attorneys office and said that for almost three years she had called the sheriffs office and said she was a witness and needed to tell what she saw. The sheriffs office never called her back. And so it was this one lady who didn’t give up who had courage to tell the truth got up in court and testified!
God had been showing me 7:11. God timing is perfect and sometime God is the God of the eleventh hour. We had prayed and prayed and believed in faith that somehow God would help us. We had asked God please end this please don’t let us go to court please drop these charges please change the mind of the family please change the mind of the judge, the DA please help us !! At the 11 th hour God said it is over !!
The jury found my son not guilty of both charges. 4/17/2019
We thank God everyday !!
So I say all this to say hang in there I finally had to get to the point in this situation that I would tell God no matter what I will not stop praising you ! My heart ached but i wanted the enemy to hear he was not going to win !!
I pray peace for you and that you take every thought captive. The enemy will come in thoughts and try to dismantle everything you know to be the truth ! So read your Bible. Put on praise music listen to Christian TV or sermons whatever to get you out of the feeling of despair and giving up . We must FIGHT the good fight of FAITH!!
I will be praying for you !! God has not forgotten you ! He has not forgotten this country and its people. God will come through 🙌🏻
Elizabeth, I know where you are coming from. I asked myself some of the same questions last night. I prayed for God to help me understand. Instead of understanding, I received an email from a dear friend who shared from her nightly devotional Philippians 4:6-7….right now we need the peace that surpasses all understanding and will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. It will cast out all fear. Reading all these posts have encouraged me greatly and re-focused my eyes and heart onto ONLY God. He CAN be trusted! He IS still on His throne! He IS the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! HE DOES NOT CHANGE! Know it, embrace it, believe it, dear Sister. Do not let the visible blur your vision of the invisible. We look through a glass darkly and must not let circumstances determine our faith. Praying for you today.
Yes these are difficult times, but we must “do”, not just be acted upon. WE need to question, be curious, encourage others to ask questions … being passive is what got us here!
God expects us to act righteously, but not passively. Courage is the way, and allowing them to conroll your spirit is not God’s way. People listening to fake media, and false teachers are so depressing … get out there and start searching for the truth … you can find it, make an effort!
NOW this us the stuff of truth in advertising. God does hear your cry and He is faithful to bring you into the fullness of his mercy and grace. Now.
Your mustard seed of faith has not yet been plucked from the field so keep your face looking toward the Son whose light of warmth and grace knows no boundaries.
NOW FAITH (in this moment) IS the substance of things hoped for. It IS the EVIDENCE of things unseen. Do not give up your salvation because you haven’t been let in on God’s plan. He has given us his WORD and that counts for EVERYTHING but he doesn’t owe us anything (especially how things unfold) but KNOW THIS, He is ALWAYS on time and He shows up EVERY time. Take courage my friend, your Redemption is near … the battle belongs to the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Dearest sister, I understand your heart’s cry. I, too, am devastated. However, the interaction that Jesus and Peter had in John 6:66-68. “From this time, many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. “You do not want to turn and leave, too do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” That’s where I have to go. I am earnestly praying for you that you will be able to as well. Please know that I do not mean to scold you with Bible verses, I’m crying and my heart breaks as I write this.
Thank You, Lord God! You are awesome in power and in might! You were before time and You will be throughout eternity! Our hope and trust are in You. No man, no president, no Congress, no judge nor any power of darkness will rob You of Your glory. Is 42:8 “I am the LORD, that is MY Name: and My glory I will NOT give to another, Nor My praise to carved images. Behold the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare. Before they spring forth I tell you of them.” Lord, thank You for Your Word. It is the Truth! You have provided all we need and through prophecy prepared us for the future. There are no surprises for the Followers of Christ. We place our hope in Him. In His Name I pray, Amen
I was so disappointed with this past weeks results and was fighting against drawing near to the LORD last night. I confess my sinful nature was almost glad for the disruption and confusion at the capital yesterday to delay the vote. Father, forgive me. I broke through and fell in the arms of the LORD. Total peace! But I am discouraged this morning to see the bitterness and murmuring this morning on this prayer blog. Peace to you, me and all others who feel helpless and like we were run over by a train of wickedness – a feeling of despair, discouragement, and dismay. Our Vice President is a godly man. I understand bitterness against him as we were looking to him to deliver us. Our Deliverer is coming. His name is Jesus! The LORD has us at the Red Sea – there is no way out – but wait — there is a way where there seems no way! His name is Jesus! He is the way, the truth, and the life! Look up – your redemption draws near! Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith! Take heart, brothers and sisters! Our God reigns!
“But as for you, Israel my servant, Jacob my chosen one, descended from Abraham my friend, I have called you back from the ends of the earth, saying, you are my servant. For I have chosen you and will not throw you away. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. “See, all your angry enemies lie there, confused and humiliated. Anyone who opposes you will die and come to nothing. You will look in vain for those who try to conquer you. Those who attack you will come to nothing. For I hold you by your right hand — I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you. Though you are a lowly worm, O Jacob, don’t be afraid, people of Israel, for I will help you. I am the Lord, your Redeemer. I am the Holy One of Israel.’ You will be a new threshing instrument with many sharp teeth. You will tear your enemies apart, making chaff of mountains. You will toss them into the air, and the wind will blow them all the way; a whirlwind will scatter them. Then you will rejoice in the Lord. You will glory in the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 8-16
But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. 14 The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
15 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving! 16 Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea. Divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground. 17 And I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they will charge in after the Israelites. My great glory will be displayed through Pharaoh and his troops, his chariots, and his charioteers. 18 When my glory is displayed through them, all Egypt will see my glory and know that I am the Lord!”
19 Then the angel of God, who had been leading the people of Israel, moved to the rear of the camp. The pillar of cloud also moved from the front and stood behind them. 20 The cloud settled between the Egyptian and Israelite camps. As darkness fell, the cloud turned to fire, lighting up the night. But the Egyptians and Israelites did not approach each other all night.
21 Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land. 22 So the people of Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side!
23 Then the Egyptians—all of Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, and charioteers—chased them into the middle of the sea. 24 But just before dawn the Lord looked down on the Egyptian army from the pillar of fire and cloud, and he threw their forces into total confusion. 25 He twisted their chariot wheels, making their chariots difficult to drive. “Let’s get out of here—away from these Israelites!” the Egyptians shouted. “The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt!”
26 When all the Israelites had reached the other side, the Lord said to Moses, “Raise your hand over the sea again. Then the waters will rush back and cover the Egyptians and their chariots and charioteers.” 27 So as the sun began to rise, Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the water rushed back into its usual place. The Egyptians tried to escape, but the Lord swept them into the sea. 28 Then the waters returned and covered all the chariots and charioteers—the entire army of Pharaoh. Of all the Egyptians who had chased the Israelites into the sea, not a single one survived.
29 But the people of Israel had walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, as the water stood up like a wall on both sides. 30 That is how the Lord rescued Israel from the hand of the Egyptians that day. And the Israelites saw the bodies of the Egyptians washed up on the seashore. 31 When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe before him. They put their faith in the Lord and in his servant Moses. Exodus 14:13-31
*** ISAIAH 41:8-16
Dear CBN
I am so disappointed in Vice President Mike Pence!
He’s turned us over to the Communist China!
Jo Bradley
I hear you! We don’t understand but God has a plan he has not forgotten us . Today we lift each other up because we are hurting and we ask God for healing our hearts. We have to go back to what we know is the truth. Back to fundamentals. God said he will never leave nor forsake us! God said he is the way the truth and the light ! God said Resist the devil and he will flee. We run to God and we remember all the good he has done before and we thank him !! And we praise him( even when we don’t fell like it ) and that raises up his warring spirit. We don’t see it but God is fighting for us. David said to the giant you come against me with javelin sword and spear But I come against you in the name of THE LORD GOD Almighty and today today he will hand you over ….
I am praying for you for peace and comfort. That God will show you his glory!
We stand together not alone but together !
God Bless You, and Thank You!
Jo Bradley
Amen and amen well said. thanks be to
god for you and your powerful encouragement, I believe with you. God is in control and He allows what He will to do whatever He chooses. Will we be strong and steadfast on His Word and let Him do His working??????
Lord help us do what we are called to do, standing strong on Your Word which does not return void, no matter the storms we face. The storm rages but God is in the storm. The earth reaks but God is in the midst of her. The winds blow fierce but God is in the midst of it. May we allow God to direct our steps right in the middle of all the in justice and stand strong as He directs. May we fight on our knees with the weapons He has given us for they are mighty and will save. God is well able to keep us in this and He will make a way where there seems to be none. We have a story to write, may it be of faith and deep conviction on the Word of God..
Yes, we need to trust in the Lord. We cannot trust in the futile efforts of men. Yesterday made that obvious.
Even if Biden gets inaugurated and proof is established that the election was fraudulent, he can be removed from office. Keeping the faith until God speaks and says the fight is over.
What if, God’s plan IS coming to pass? If The Word says the heart of the leader is in His hands, why are Christians judging Trump or Biden, without trusting God? The corruption ran deep in the Trump camp and we saw many go to prison…AND it’s in the Biden camp. But isn’t God exposing it ALL? How do we, finite creatures, know the mind of God ? His ways are higher! Don’t we desire an awakening? IF people have looked with natural eyes but not allowed the Father of lights to expose darkness hidden within…sins of pride, arrogance (which God hates btw) etc… perhaps He is working deep within many many hearts. Too, doesn’t God say He gives the nation what she desires?How many deceived pastors have bought into the deception of abortion or are not calling fornication as sin?
The American Church needs a deep cleanse. So ALL of this is meant to bring Her to her knees. VP Mike Pence knows the Lord and I believe he helped this nation far more than they are aware! Pray for ALL the elected officials as this transition occurs. God knows each heart!
2 Chronicles 29:11-12
At least he cannot betray all of us
It is fraud
Shame on him
I trust God everything in His Hand
He will do something for us
For someone who stole, killed, lied and did not stand righteousness
Shame on Pence
It is not Christian
Thank you. Excellent and much needed encouragement.
God sees & knows all is a fact. I think about how Jesus picked judas & He knew he would betray Him.
To think that pence with his stoic face sat as vp and “possibly” a part of the deep state had a role to play.
He played it well as a Christian. I say that because he knew full well that this election was stolen & he validated the stolen electors.
The same can be said of the judges, governor’s, scotus etc. All of whom said there was no fraud & wouldn’t even look at the loads of evidence.
Have they been compromised? Actions speaks much louder than words.
In many instances lolita express, pedophiles, murder has been spoken of. Have they been compromised/blackmailed?? God knows!
Hallelujah!!!🙌🙌🙌Our God is able more than able!
Thank you for the shared scripture and words. Times when prayers weren’t answered to my liking I cry out “why Lord?” I know I will accept His will because, like Peter, I will not turn away from my God. There is no other place. So I praise our Lord. He is good!!
Pence is a wolf in sheeps clothing. He should never call on the name of Jesus but only in repentance. He’s a traitor.
A friend sent me this and in reading, I find encouragement to relax and Trust in our Lord and Savior. Stay close with other believers and “Fear Not”
I have prayed and fasted for the Lord’s will to be done in this nation. Despite what is happening today that even some of the believers I personally know and some are believers that are considered to be leaders of faith are starting to doubt what they have believed what God will do for this nation, I feel nothing but peace.
There are still true prophets in America that God has been visiting and what Jesus have told them is what is happening right now. The Bible says “Believe in the prophets and you will prosper.” Mike Pence did what he believed he should do because God does not want him to get the glory.
What is a miracle? A miracle is an event that manifested despite all the odds. This is what God will do for this nation because He wants to get the glory. Not Mike Pence, not President Trump nor any man.
Excellent Laura! I could not agree more! I still have faith in God’s plan. When victory comes, it will be obvious to the world that it was God, not man who gets the Glory!! We just need to have Faith, and not worry about HOW God will accomplish His victory. Just know that He will!!!
I am grateful for IFA and the many sources that help us, the ekklesia, the called-out ones, the body of Christ to remain faithful. Let us all speak the truth in love and grow up in every way into Him, who is our head, even Christ.
Thank you, I agree completely.
Thank you for your Spiritual insight and prayers! It came to me that the Lord, Almighty’s ways and thoughts are far higher than ours and we must trust Him in the midst of the storm! This is what I am choosing to do, standing firm in my faith And continuing to pray His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!!!
What if God chooses to deliver America into the hand of godless oppressors?
What will you do christian?
Proverbs 3:5-6
Matt 28:18-20
Eph 6:13
I cried half hour for our country and Pence who betrayed like Jude
I prayed for this country and unbeliever to accept salvation
I cried too! I cried for the babies that were aborted (killed) we as Christians got to stand to wrong, God wants to. We need to repent first, which Franklin Graham and many Christians did then we got to what’s right. VP Pence spoke at that March. Then he did what he did yesterday??????
Refer to Pence decision. Our Lord is observing his heart. If he comes out from evil, Lord will penalize in full. His decision will lead our country to collapse and socialism which means no God belief and persecutes Christians
Peace to you, me and all others who feel helpless and like we’ve been run over by a train of wickedness. Our Vice President is a godly man. I understand bitterness against him as we were looking to him to deliver us. Our Deliverer is coming. His name is Jesus! The LORD has us at the Red Sea – there is no way out – but wait — there is a way where there seems no way! Look up – your redemption draws near! Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith! Take heart! Our God reigns!
Thank you. That brought me to tears. I, too prayed for Pence but never felt he was God’s solution. Thank you. We will praise the Lord and we March forward still believing.
I am tired.
I tend to feel angry, close myself in.
I am seeing VP Pence and feeling angry.
I am finding it difficult to even want to pray for him.
I will pray for him, maybe later today or tomorrow but it will be a sacrifice for me.
And I will go where God leads. His thoughts are higher than ours.
I know His ways are perfect.
I am just tired.
I understand and am with you sister. Tomorrow is another day.
Peace to you, me and all others who feel helpless and like we’ve been run over by a train of wickedness. Our Vice President is a godly man. I understand bitterness against him as we were looking to him to deliver us. Our Deliverer is coming. His name is Jesus! The LORD has us at the Red Sea – there is no way out – but wait — there is a way where there seems no way! Look up – your redemption draws near! Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith! Take heart! Our God reigns!
I to feel that way too, will pray for him later, so hurt many tears. Cried for along time
Amen. Thank you for praying!!
Pence is a traitor, Wolf in sheep’s clothing. He got revealed by God. His’s true self. He is exposed for all of us to see.
Peace to you, me and all others who feel helpless and like we’ve been run over by a train of wickedness. Our Vice President is a godly man. I understand bitterness against him as we were looking to him to deliver us. Our Deliverer is coming. His name is Jesus! The LORD has us at the Red Sea – there is no way out – but wait — there is a way where there seems no way! Look up – your redemption draws near! Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith! Take heart! Our God reigns!
Pence is a traitor as is main stream Republican Party. They are outing themselves and falling into a trap that Trump has set. The Lord is at the controls and though the days of darkness will increase for a season, like the walls of Jericho, it will soon coming crashing down on their heads. It’s going to be “Biblical.” Stay the course. Pray with confidence. Be kind. Be positive. Trust God.
Amen 🙏 I will trust you my GOD
VP Pence is a traitor?
What makes you think that God has not had a hand in this?
Peter denied Jesus three times but look how it was turned around.
We are not to judge without knowing the heart of man and only God knows that. Judgement belongs to Him.
I think these folk have skeletons in their closets & they are being controlled by satan & china. Destroy the country from w/in. He is a politician, Trump wasn’t. pence is connected to the bushes, cabal & deep state. he is lying about his ability he could’ve stopped it but he chose not to.
Peace to you, me and all others who feel helpless and like we’ve been run over by a train of wickedness. Our Vice President is a godly man. I understand bitterness against him as we were looking to him to deliver us. Our Deliverer is coming. His name is Jesus! The LORD has us at the Red Sea – there is no way out – but wait — there is a way where there seems no way! Look up – your redemption draws near! Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith! Take heart! Our God reigns!
Amen!! I decree & declare in Jesus name! that Gods Will is DONE here on Earth as in Heaven for WE SERVE A MIGHTY GOD!!! Hallelujah to Our King Yeshua!!! For He is VICTORIOUS!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼💯🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
My Faith is in YOU my Lord
Jesus Not in what I see or do not see! Or hear and do not hear! For YOU are my bread & I will NOT FEAR!! Amen!!
Thank you girl !! Tough day today and yesterday!!
God is faithful and he says he would never leave nor forsake us.
We stand together!! We will not give in or give up !! God is fighting for us !!
Pence is dirty. Always has been. A pedophile. He and Ryan attempted assassination of Trump. He and Rosenberg are in cahoots. His is coming. It isn’t over.
God just revealed to us what Pence is a traitor. A traitor to GOD
Thank you Jesus I will hold strong do you will being done and keep in prayer all those who are on the front line for you and the truth
Each morning my sister (also an intercessor) and I have our morning prayer call. This morning I was feeling pretty rugged as I entered day 3 of fasting (not as frisky at 68 as at 38 when I was able to fast for 40 days at a clip and not blink), and I found myself lifting up the patriots and intercessors who would be gathering in D.C. We prayed for your protection, intercessors, as well as for our president. We prayed that the Lord would “Stop the Steal,” and turn the tide during the electoral count to favor President Trump, who won the election fair and square by a “Trumpslide.” And then I found myself praying for our emotions–all of our emotions, yours, mine, and the President’s–and that the Lord would comfort us and help us all stand fast in faith and Trust Him, regardless of how events of the day unfolded.
We walk by faith and not by sight. It’s the walking-it-out part that’s hardest. When it’s dark and the media talking heads are doing their best to cram their brainwashing down our throats that a new president-elect has been confirmed by Congress and his name’s not Donald Trump, we have to reach for the light switch, which is God’s Word, and encourage ourselves in the Lord as we sit at His feet a little while longer, trusting God to work a miracle for us all.
Thank you for your prayers of faith. I agree. AMEN!
I was struck by your words of reaching for the light switch! Thank you ! I like that visual as what a deplorable mess we are in. This mess can only be redeemed by the LIGHT of Jesus!
Amen and amen! Thank you for your words and prayers- so well spoken. I agree in the name of Yeshua!
Amen and thank you !! Do feel like a train wreck today but reading all these prayers let’s me know we are not alone. We have each other and we have Almighty God ! He is fighting for us !! And when he says it’s over it will be over !! He is faithful !
I feel very sorrow with Pence decision which do not stand for righteousness. What do we learn from Bible, Psalm 1 which I do not stand for evil. He is traitor. In Daniel, God will write down all people sins and penalize them in full.
He is fake and takes off mask today. He alarms us to have Christian against Lord. We need to alert and pray God giving us wisdom to sort
Respectfully, calling VP Pence a traitor, is inappropriate. The hearings yesterday were originally to address the unconstitutionality of the states’ executive officials’ actions to change electoral processes, i.e.,states in question.The US Constitution states that the elected Legislative branches shall establish the electoral processes.. and unfortunately these debates were stifled by those (who are they, really?..professional agitators?) who unlawfully breached the Capitol?
No they lacked the courage to do what is right. There is so much evidence it’s overwhelming of voter fraud. If there is nothing to hide let the states do their audits but they are hiding and
Trying to get away with crimes against the Voters of this country. Jeana Lewis the constitutional attorney explained it very well. What happen yesterday was shameful!!
For certain, Pence was NOT the man for Vice President. Yet God will use his actions and inactions for our good and His glory.
Yes, the Lord is in charge, but I still think that Mike Pence betrayed our president and we the people. The battle ground states’ results should have been nulled until further investigation and re-counting. Pence could have ‘approved’ Ted Cruz’s and 12 other senators’ petition to audit the election results of the 6 or 7 states for 10 days. There would still be time to get ready for the final result and the inauguration. I am very disappointed with what happened today. I will continue to pray. I trust the Lord, but sorry, I’m wondering right now what on earth our God is up to.
Agree completely.
Amen !! So agree !! We continue to appeal to heaven for Mercy !! Lord you are the God of Abraham
Issac and Jacob !! Please help us ! We declare and decree all your promises !! You are faithful !!
I thank you so much for this encouraging word spoke directly to my heart for such a time as this as I’m standing in faith for salvation deliverance f my prodigal children and praying for my grandchildren I have been overwhelmed with life. But feel encouraged that the Lord directed me this special word that even in the deepest darkness f life he has all power and a plan too maters what happens in this world praying we all stand strong in our faith
Amen. I agree that we will see if we do not faint!!
Thank you for this article. This was a hard day for me and many Intercessors because we prayed many hours believing that this election would happen our way. This has brought me back to acknowledging God’s way are higher than my ways and when I pray I have to trust that He knows better what needs to be done and why. I was reminded today of my feeble humanity compared the the Sovereign, Wise God who sees the big picture and answers prayers according to His will not mine. The thought of President Trump not being our President is hard but I have to trust that God knows what is best. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your pathways straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
I do trust You my God! I hope to see the election fraud exposed and President Trump in office four more years. I won’t quit praying but I will completely trust that He knows best!
It still isn’t over.
I woke up yesterday to the proverb above, Proverbs 3:5-6. As I prayed it, Father God I trust you with all my heart, and I will not lean on my own understanding, In all of my ways I will acknowledge YOU, and You will direct our paths. Our God will never leave us nor forsake us. I write this out and I am reminded, our ways are not God’s ways! Yesterday was tough, but I sensed our God’s presence through out the day, ever so close, while my mind twirled, where are you God, then the gentleness of His presence would touch me. Trust! Once again writing it out, TRUST! Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord, Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, Wait, I say, On the Lord. I am speaking to myself also, praying! Let us not grow weary, as I am sure we all are. Stay close to His word while seeking conformation, which I just received above. Continue to pray, and seek His face, the days are evil, but remember God’s promise to us, I will never leave you or forsake you! I could not sleep, in the wee hours! Now I know why. Be encouraged my brothers and sisters as we continue to pray and seek our God with our whole heart, that He our Lord and Savior will direct our path. Holy Spirit build us up, let us not grow weary in these times. You Father God are our King, lawgiver, and judge. Give unto the Lord, O you mighty ones, Give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. The voice of the Lord is over the waters; The God of Glory thunders. The Lord sat enthroned at the flood, And the Lord sits as King forever. The Lord will give strength to His people, The Lord will bless His people with peace. Psalm 29 – We worship the Lord when we submit ourselves to His will and purpose for our lives. Weeping may endure for a night, But joy will come in the morning. May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding surround us in these difficult days.
Faithful believers need to remember that God’s ways are not our ways. All of our arrogance that WE have the answers for the ungodly state of our country need to be brought under the understanding that only God can bring the victory we so earnestly desire. Focus on God and God alone. Take the focus off of men and manmade solutions; they never prevail. Stand firm in your faith that God is working to bring His solutions and that in standing faithfully in Him, we will see what He has for this nation. This is a testing time for all of us who claim to know God. Doubting is easy when we are shaken in what we wanted to see and how we wanted to see it happen. Standing firm in faith is much harder, but allows God to work His purpose and accomplish it in the nation and in us.
I don’t believe it’s accurate to go so far as to say that the present ‘result’ for America is ‘what is best’ from God. The process was ungodly, as apparently are many of the people in political positions. It looks more like God is dealing with America. Our role as His children continues to be drawing near to God, seeking His face, and growing spiritually so that we may walk in His power and love like never before, for the rest of our lives by His grace. It’s still His desire that all men should be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. We’re His ambassadors, regardless of the election results.