Exposure of Truth about Covid Shot
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Exposure of Truth about Covid Shot
Covid shot? No guilt, just help.
As truth and exposure about COVID-19 and the vaccines begin to come to light, something else is brewing just beneath the surface: fear. For many, that fear has been there all along, given the uncertainties of this shotās effects. And now that many are demanding answers, unspoken concerns are emerging into reality.
Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.
At the outset of the pandemic, we were told that the vaccine would make all the difference with regard to our survival should we contract COVID-19. A few months later, however, we were hearing a very different story. In 2022, Fox News reported that 58% of coronavirus deaths had occurred among people who were vaccinated or even boosted. The report went on to say that this troubling trend was rising steadily, even as government officials continued to demand that people get vaccinated.
According to the CDC, some of the adverse effects of the COVID vaccine include anaphylaxis, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, and Guillain-BarrĆ© Syndrome, as well as myocarditis and pericarditis. Though the CDC continues to claim that these risks are rare, the numbers remain a cause for concern among many. For instance, if the ratio with any one of these side effects is 100 per every 1 million doses, such numbers remain staggering at some 667 million doses administered ā especially if loved ones are among that number. We all know someone who has taken the vaccine, and perhaps the boosters as well, if not we ourselves. This being the case, the question is: What do we do now?
First, we refuse fear.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV).
If you or a family member took the vaccine, do not get into fear. Fear is never from God. Remember, healing is one of the many benefits that came through the cross of Jesus Christ. By His stripes we were healed. It is time to stand on that promise and receive healing.
Also, even if you have taken the vaccine, remember that there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. You did what you believed was best at the time, so do not allow any guilt. If you now feel that it was wrong, talk to God about it. God will never leave you or forsake you.
Second, we pray, and we believe.
ā¦ The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16 NKJV).
Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them (Mark 11:24 NKJV).
Prayer is one of our greatest weapons. Begin to pray now. Pray against any adverse effects for you and your family. Remember, the blood of Jesus paid the price for your healing and wholeness ā receive it today.
Third, we declare Godās word.
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it (Isaiah 55:11 NKJV).
There is nothing more powerful anywhere than Godās word. Everything we see upon this earth was created through God-breathed words. We can take hold of His word and declare His will over our bodies and over the bodies of our loved ones ā and we can watch the power of that word come to pass. His word will never return to Him void. It cannot.
During this past week alone, I have received several calls and emails from people who are beginning to hear and see this exposing of the dangers of the vaccine. They have taken the vaccine and the boosters ā or someone they love has done so ā and they are asking: āWhat can we do?ā
My friends, we are not without hope.
None of this has taken God by surprise. Hardly. And He always makes a way of escape. We must continue to trust in Him and to declare His healing word. His word says that no weapon that is formed against us will ever prosper. Not ever. And as we continue to look to the One Who is faithful, we will surely see the goodness of God in this land of the living. Amen. For He Who promised will surely fulfill His word.
You can count on it.
For specific prayer points for you or a loved one who may fear the side effects of the vaccine, download the Praying About the Covid Shot prayer guide.
How are you trusting God and praying against fear? Share your thoughts and prayers below.
Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kimās message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. Her daily inspirational writings are available at www.anewthingministries.com. You can contact Kim by email at [email protected]. Photo Credit: Canva.
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I so believe in the power of prayer and we have covered all of our family and friends who have taken the shot. My loss is what to say to those who have died and there are many.
Abba Father, You are aware of everything that goes on and the evil that is lurking among us. We, the church have allowed evil to come into our highest level of government, by not watching and praying. Today we look around and this invasion of evil is all around us. Father, strengthen us as we continue to war with Your word. Open up our eyes to see the truth, our ears to hear the truth. Father, we pray and ask for discernment so we won’t be jumping on every band wagon that comes along disguised as good.
Abba, we pray for those that have been affected by the COVID vaccines and boosters. We pray that those that engineered and/or developed these vaccines knowingly that it would be harmful to humanity, will be exposed and brought to justice and everyone else that ties in with them by lying and pushing or mandating these harmful vaccines and boosters.
We pray all these deceiving spirits will soon be no more in Jesus’ name.
Father, You have Your own punishment for them. Thank you Father God for Your unconditional love even when we do not listen to Your Holy Spirit when we should. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Lord we ask that what was Intended for Evil, be used instead for GOOD, for God’s Glorious purposes. We must remember that many felt they HAD to get this, career was in balance, or they were missionaries abroad who live in countries requiring it, to stay. We can not judge what was at the heart of people’s decisions. We can learn a great deal through this time, for next time. We must not let an ideology divide us. We are of the human race, created by God, and this attack was from Hades. It’s the
Lab created result of greed, sin…very intentional. Not an accident God sees. He heard them say kids were ” super spreaders”, and Not getting the vax was being a bad neighbor/ citizen. We must pray for our Nation. We must be united as this all unravels, and hold on to the Hope that we have in Christ. And to the main directive of the Lord’s, love the Lord, and our neighbors as ourselves. Be a light in the darkness āØļø. In Jesus’s name, Amen
Lord, You are the remedy for this broken world, help me to not look at what the media wants us to see; keep my eyes on You for You are where our help comes from.
Thank you Lord for you are The Almighty God and I choose to trust You with my life. Be not afraid.
Trust in the LORD with ALL thine heart and lean NOT unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge HIM and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
We all make mistakes. Sometimes we need to realize there are consequences. That does not mean God has abandoned us.
We need to discern the times in which we live. Putting our trust in anyone but God is foolish. This world is not our friend—never has been, but even less so today. Resist it.. Never give in.. So, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t rely on what you think or are told to be true. Acknowledge Him in every decision you face and He will keep you on the right track.” Though we face great tribulation, never forget that this world and this life is not all there is. God is preparing a people for Himself and a glorious place for His people. Keep it in mind and don’t be afraid. Matt. 24:21-31
There are protocols for de-towing after having taken the vaccine.
My daughter in skilled nursing facility where the state of Louisiana demands all are given all āpreventiveā shots. She had CoVid 3 times. She developed pneumonia causing hypoxia and we were told by hospital doctors TWICE that she would die. I prayed night & day & talked to her constantly even tho she was unconscious on a vent. After almost 2 weeks she awoke. Over 2 months in hospital Critical Care & then Acute Care center. Now in Rehab. I have believed those shots weakened her immune system. I believe CoVid and the vaccines were developed to reduce our Earthās population! Lord has mercy on us all!!
Praying for her! And our š! Lord we ask that what was Intended for Evil, be used instead for GOOD, for God’s Glorious purposes.
I love the prayer resource please get it it’s very good, bur let me also say this. Side effects to vaccines have always been present. The Guilliane Barr is present in the shingles vaccine. It’s only by the sheer numbers we see these emerge as a threat. And of course the biggest threat was always the lack of knowledge before you made the choice so what the Lord guide you and trust in Him.
My daughter in skilled nursing facility where the state of Louisiana demands all are given all āpreventiveā shots. She had CoVid 3 times. She developed pneumonia causing hypoxia and we were told by hospital doctors TWICE that she would die. She didnāt but Iāve believe those shots weakened her immune system. I believe CoVid and the vaccines were developed to reduce our Eartjās population!
We as Christians should research & not do it in fearā¦ the shots have aborted baby parts in them as well as prior testing. GOD gives us wisdom~ would JC have taken it?
Don’t let this happen to you or your loved ones: my husband DIED because his Employer told him he had to take 4+ tests and eventually 2 Pfizer injections in which to keep his job. He told her he didn’t think it was 1) legal or right 2) he was already disabled on meds and it might affect him. It did. He came down with blood clots, took blood thinners then cancer reared its ugly head. On top of it the urologist did not get all of the cancer cells out during two surgeries. It spread to his lungs within a few months. This took him out. He desperately wanted to live. He did not want to take the Injections. We are in deep mourning over our dearly loved and cherished Husband and Father, brother, friend.
My heart breaks for your family. Praying for peace for all of you.
Thank you for your courage in sharing what happened to your husband. As painful as it is, the more testimonies that are shared, the more light will be shone on the danger of these God-forsaken shots. Maybe others, through your testimony, will think twice about getting the initial shot or a booster. Maybe if enough testimonies are shared, justice will finally be meted out against those who started this whole Covid scenario in the first place.
What Satan meant for evil, God will turn it around for the good. Your husbandās death will not be in vain.
May God richly bless your entire family.
I am so deeply crushed by these unnecessary vaccines, and I am so sorry about your husbands passing. Dear Lord in Heaven give this family the strength and will power to move on and may you keep your loving arms around this family and let them feel and know you are with them. In Jesus Name, Amen …. the Gov. is lying to us all…
I am so glad I stood firm and did not get any of them! We can always find other jobs, please wake up my brothers and sisters in Christ, Trust God 100%… I know it’s so hard, but trust in him always. He will prosper you and open doors and provide for all your needs. God Bless…. I love you….
I’m so deeply sorry for your loss š¢. This should NOT have happened to u! God bless u abd yours!
I lost my 72 year old cousin after her 2nd covid Moderna shot she was dead within 4 to 5 days died on St Pats day 2021. I tried to ta lk her out of getting the shots to no avail she was 2 afraid of getting covid as she had diabetes and COPD and Afib. Her hubby ended up needing a heart ā¤ op after his 2nd shot ugh.
We lost our oldest daughter and three grandkids in a horrific car wreck in 2017. We grieve, but not as those who have no hope. God give you comfort and peace.
š Lord’s mercy and comfort cover you all
I pray against all harmful effects the covid-19 vaccines caused or may cause upon all who have received them or will receive them and I lift up all those into the care of God and that they would see the truth and all the truth concerning the covid-19 vaccines would be revealed and we thank you Jesus for your healing and your Revelations…Amen
Blessed Be Your Name Lord Jesus we are not going to fear who trust in You. I love you Jesus
I prayed the adverse effects of vaccine for my husband , myself and my family. No weapon will prosper to us in Jesus name.
Father God it’s been two and a half years and I have been waiting for this to be exposed father God thank you for protecting me and giving me eyes to see what was really the truth father God no weapon formed against any of us will process father God this was all lies father God bring Anthony fauci to Justice anybody else that was involved in this heinous crime in all the people that have died or has health problems from the vaccine to Justice father God you will be done with each and every one of them thank you Father God
Well said ! Thank you Lord for the discernment you gave me and my family and i pray that you will give peace, protection to others.
Insanity reigns. Judgment has departed.
Psalm 12:8 The wicked prowl on every side when vileness (pure evil) is exalted among the sons of men.
Look up Dr Suzanne Humphries books that prove vaccines have never been safe nor needed. History can be erased & was & will be again by the powers that shouldnāt be. Remember there is no such thing as a safe vaccine. They are meant to harm little by little to keep you sick to keep the medical business in business.
I read this book and found it enlightening. Highly recommend.
We’re supposed to be… WISE..as serpents-, and gentle-, as doves.
Not easily led into erroneous information because we trust institutions that require thoughtful investigation and not just being led blindly like weak sheep
Iām wondering how many people, Christians included, would have rushed to get the shot if it was accurately named āgene therapyā instead of the misnomer āvaccineā ? And how many need to repent of the shaming, arm twisting & blackmailing of others to get the āvexxā because they believed mere man who said āit will keep you from getting Covid & spreading Covidā both of which are untrue. Even the original EUA application for Pfizer & Moderna stated their products would NOT keep you from getting Covid or from spreading Covid. So what to do now?? Get a will. Get Jesus. Live your life.
The patriots have been exposing the shot as gene therapy it’s correct name since the beginning. The doctors from that movement also warned us at the very beginning that the shot was poison.
He had to get a Will after he was coerced by his employer to get the injections or lose your job.
Believing is the key to everything, we must live by Faith, itās the way we grow as we read Gods words, we learn, to tap into The Spirit and power of our Father God. When you learn you start expanding the words, because if you understand that Jesus gave us Authority over all fear. I know for a fact that when you take this Authority in Jesus name and pled the blood of Jesus: Satan will flee he does not like it when you mention Jesus name and blood. When I found out praying Gods words directly from the Bible you can feel the presence of God. The words that Kim has shared- I agree with completely- āNone of this has taken God by surprise. Hardly. And He always makes a way of escape for us. We must continue to trust in Him ā God saysā Mark -11-24 ā Therefore I say unto you, What things so ever you desire, when ye pray, Believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. ā-say ā I believe I receive my healing from the Covid shot in the name of Jesus. Quote the scripture that backs all of your requests. Iāve learned that keeping the words of God handy, gives immediate release to pressures. I shout it to make sure the evil spirits hear my words. I know many people are in fear and do not know what to do, they do not understand Gods mercy or Gods love for us. God saw all of the evil as far back as 2013 what the Leftist evil agenda had planned, one was to get rid of numbers of people. Thank God for True Prophets that spoke out told the stories, after stories warning us about many different evil things that was going to happen. Itās Gods plan to warn us or alert us through the prophets. He wants us to remember He prepares for us to do our part by praying, reading, speaking Gods words. We must be alert- remain watchful or we may not be aware of Gods warnings. I pray many will read Hosea-4:6 and let it go deep into their heart, so they will not have lack of knowledge. āMay the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.ā
Romans 15:13- I pray for all who has this fear and took the shots, just forgive me Father-for not asking you if I should take the shots. God is merciful and he loves us. I pray that all will be over comers to say I have Victory. āFor everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.ā
1 John 5:4 Do not forget The Holy Spirit lives inside of us. š§āāļøš§āāļø
We heard the Holy Spirit speak to us early on, “Warning Warning do not take this shot” just as I did when I heard Obama’s Voice in 08. It was feeling that same evil awareness in his presence and Praise God we didnt take it or fall for Obama either.
We got covid in Feb 2022 and for us it was the Flu. My Spouse used Ivermectin/Hydrocloriquin and a ZPack and was fine.
They would gave to kill me to give it to me.
I also heard the Holy Spirit VERY strongly in my being not to take this āvaccine.ā Never before has the Holy Spirit been so loud in my soul about anything! I prayed for the millions who stood in line out of fear to get jabbed and thought āwhere is your faith?ā Did they pray about this before they decided to do the shot? God gave us a marvelous immune system that works to keep us safe if we work to keep our bodies strong and healthy!! This proves that we must pray about what God wants before we do anything.
My husband and i also heard the Holy Spirit, not to take it – my children too. Even though we all got COVID – just flue symptoms- my father in law died of COVID – we continued to live trusting God we made the right decision & now all this is coming to light- praise Jesus for listening to Him
Great great article. Telling the truth, the whole truth sets people free and although we may not be healed from it, there is what God saw of our lives and making the most of the time we have here!!! Amen to this positive truth, look to God and ask and expect to receive, but if its not what you expect just trust that GOD knows
All that people need to look at ( not what the lying media is shoving down our throats ) is all the bodes of BABIES, TEENAGERS, ELDERLY FOLKS, that are left behind! You should take a look at a ‘forced ‘ interview of the Pfizer CEO.
Father, First we give you praise that you are not a man that you should lie. Healing is a promise in your word, you sent forth your word and healed them. By the stripes of Jesus they have been healed. So we stand in agreement with our brothers and sisters for complete healing of their bodies and that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. We speak the name of Jesus over them and agree with them that it is done! We rejoice in you the God of our salvation, and that nothing is impossible with those who believe. So we cast our care upon you, and claim that those who may have taken this shot or our loved ones are healed in Jesus name. Amen
In King Jesus name, Amen!
Shortly after taking the the second shot I started having sever pain in my feet, couldnāt even sleep at night it was so bad. Finely went to foot doctor, I had neuropathy and went through three months of treatment. Had some relief but still praying for healing.
Thank you for your courage in sharing your testimony. Praying in agreement that you will be healed completely.
I will agree in prayer for your total healing.
Dear Jesus please restore your daughter back to full health u r Able God bless u and keep u and heal u
Don’t take it my sister. Much data now says it is not safe. Nor is it needed.
Each booster you get will bring your immunity lower and lower until you have no immunity. Your doctor should know this, or you need a new doctor from FLCCC . In Jesus Name, I pray for your healing, but we need to use the knowledge that He gives us.
Hi my dad is 87 going on 88 abd his cardiologist told him NOT to get the covid shots so he didn’t. He has 11 stents and 4 bypasses and his doc didn’t think it was safe for him early on I warned him not to get either the covid shots nor the flu shots . Thank God he listened to me bless God!
Unfortunately my dear 72 year old cousin did not and died within 5 days of getting her 2nd Moderna shot and her hubby had to have a heart op after his shots. These shots are DEADLY and from The Evil One!
Best to just bump up your immune system and pray and trust God š
While praying for God’s help, don’t hesitate to research remedies and detox methods for the shot or boosters. Claim the promise that God controls WHEN and how you die and you will not be taken outside of HIS timing for your life.
When the “vaccine” was announced, a prominent member of the family group (an influencing person for most of the group), said, “I am taking it.” I remember that I was standing directly in front of this person (a woman) and I heard the Lord say to me, “You will not take it!” I have heard that voice so many times and it has never led me astray. I simply always answer “OK”! After a while, before we started seeing any adverse reactions, I started having to justify my stand of not taking it. I was treated with a great deal of disrespect. I simply stated that the Lord said I could not take it and I could not go against His instructions and the implication was that I was trusting in Him. I was told by one of my grown children, “You will get it (covid) and you will die.” I tried to get it across that I had no fear about my decision not to take it as instructed by my Lord. It has caused a lot of problems in our family. I never had the slightest doubt that the Lord said not to take it and that I was safe in obeying Him. This is foolishness to the lost. But, God is disclosing the Truth about it. Praise for Him and His ways is always on my heart, mind, soul and spirit. I asked Him how to pray for my family who took it and bragged about it and disrespected me about my stand of not taking it. He gave me many promises and Scriptures, but the one that I feel was most effective is I John 3:8 (c) (Amplified):
The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo [destroy, loosen and dissolve] the works the devil has done. My family needs to be brought out of darkness and the shadow of death and the bonds broken apart that hold them captive. I feel very alone a lot of times in my efforts to pray for them, but God always says, “You have prayed a lot for them and what kind of Father would I be, if I did not answer your prayers?” In this world of deception and betrayal, it is a great cause for rejoicing in our faithful, merciful and loving God.
Marty, this about sounds identical to my own situation!!! My own dear son is a grad student at Vanderbilt and he works in a lab with his emphasis being immunology. He has worked on research for Covid. He told me that I deserve to die from Covid if I donāt get the jab. My heart was broken and I will never forget his words but I forgive him because I need to realize he is not seeing the world through Godās eyes. He thinks only his professors are right. I asked him not to go to Vanderbilt because I knew he would quickly be indoctrinated and lose his conservative way of thinking. It didnāt take long. I am not sure what the next (created) crisis will be but I know God does and I refuse to give in and live in fear. The Bible says our days are numbered with Godās timing and I trust God, not man.
Marty & Virginia, prayers for healing of your mother’s hearts–we’ve seen the same tearing among family, friends, & workplace. More than one(who did get the shots & believed all the initial PR) have gone into such deep depression…Lord heal us from all that goes against You!
Two weeks before Thanksgiving in 2020 I came down.with the Covid 19 virus. I quarantined for two weeks. I.want to.say I have never been so sick in my life. I couldn’t breathe had a fever and very tired. IN March of 2021 I got vaccinated by my choice. I am also. Boosted as well by choice mine. So far I have felt fine its been over a year now. This is just me and my decision.
I thank God every day that I never allowed that poison to be put in my body. I pray for those that did
We should be allowed to sue these shot makers for the damages they have done to us knowing that they were not safe
My daughter came down with Cancer two months after the shots and I was the one to tell her to not be afraid I have also given this to my God
As a PhD, Board Certified Medical Microbiologist, I would like to respond to the article. Your article is misleading because it does not also give the information about how frequently the adverse effects are with covid infection in persons who were not immunized compared with those who were immunized.
Adverse effects of COVID include death, and anaphylaxis, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, and Guillain-BarrƩ Syndrome, as well as myocarditis and pericarditis, the same as you listed. These are much more frequent in the unimmunized than after immunization. The article should have an update of comparison.
Why didn’t you mention that the CDC now says the Covid deaths of those VACCINATED now exceed the deaths of those not vaccinated? How do you explain all the sudden deaths of young people and the blood clots that hundreds of morticians are pulling out of autopsied people? WHY is the government and FDA so adamant about NOT allowing people to hold the manufacturers, doctors, or shot administrators ACCOUNTABLE for adverse events of the vaccine or boosters? WHY do you think the mainstream media and social media are blocking, refuting and hiding the claims of those who were vaccinated and suffered adverse effects? WHY NOT let them share their experience? I think you’re a brainwashed, liberal lefty troll who is on the payroll of some pharmaceutical, or you’re just plain blind and unwilling to face facts instead of the pro-vax BS you’ve been fed.
Yes u r super right on here excellent response kudos to u!
2 years since my dear uncle got the stupid evil Pfizer shots snd he just died on Jan 24. Suffered bad headaches for 2 years and the shots exacerbated all of his underlying health conditions ugh. The shots did him NO good at all !
Watch died suddenly documentary, very enlightening
Well Dr Noel, you must be a paid shill for the pharmaceutical industry or your research is paid for by same. You are ignoring the data: far more deaths & disabilities in working age in third & 4th quarter in 2021 than 2020. Covid had a 99% recovery rate for most people. And by the time a vaccine is produced against a virus, said virus is extinct.
This is not accurate, doctor. Please research all the data and you will discover that the FDA and CDC have lied from the beginning. I have many references and sources for the latest data available in my article Jesus Weeps: https://celebratingchrist.com/2022/07/19/jesus-weeps-amid-chaos-flows-rivers-of-living-water/
I hope you will read it worh an open mind and review all the data for the truth.
I believe in GOD not on dr or phd ! God talk to us every day! We have to listen to God ! God tell me not to trust in them! God is en charge of everything!
āIn 2022, Fox News reported that 58% of coronavirus deaths had occurred among people who were vaccinated or even boosted. The report went on to say that this troubling trend was rising steadily, even as government officials continued to demand that people get vaccinated.ā
You have it COMPLETELY turned around, doctor. You are wrong.
I think, sir, you are one of the “experts” we need to ignore. Evidence continues to come out that it is those who have been “immunised” who are suffering injury and death. Watch the documentary “Died Suddenly “. It is the eugenicists Bill Gates and Fauci who have been pushing these “vaccines”. Covid did not meet their expectations in reducing the world’s population so these “vaccines” were developed to finish the job. This is a crime against humanity and may God reward them according to their deeds. Don’t be a partsker in their sin.
Thank you for the encouraging words. I have just come through breast cancer and on my birthday I had surgery. The protocol for breast cancer is chemotherapyā¦. But God! A test came back saying Chemotherapy would not benefit me. Looking back it had been 1 year after I received the shots and no history in our family with breast cancer. God was always with me and always lifted me out of the pit of fear. Giving Him all the glory.
Yes, I believe that timing was not a coincidence. My sister passed away about a year after she took the “vaccine”, apparently from a re-activated brain tumor. The rapidity of her decline was startling. Up until that time, the growth had appeared to be in remission for several years.
Let us prayer for all those families that lost teenagers, young athletes, etc due to the vaccination. This is horrible and the pain is unbearable. This is the greatest crime against humanity of all time. Let us pray that God protects his people from this poison, because we know that all things are possible with God. May the Holy Spirit reveal the truth that has been hidden during these trying and difficult times. And may we believe in Him more than untested science.
The most important thing that we, as Christians need to do, is to rely upon the Lord. There is no room for self-condemnation in this issue; this would only serve to give Satan a foothold in our lives. We need to trust in the Lord’s forgiveness, His healing, and, most importantly, in His grace. God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. We can stand upon that!
I have worked on the alternative care side of healthcare for about 20 years. And following the doctors that I have, I along with them was suspect from the get-go of this experimental vaccine. It brought some division in my family yet everything the people I followed, said could happen is starting or has been happening.
The patients that I have seen that have received this experimental jab have mostly gotten Covid, many more than once. I on the other hand and patients that did not receive this jab got Covid once and now enjoy natural immunity.
I believe Romans 14 must be applied. If one received it by faith, or by fear, may determine the end result. Iāve been praying fervently for two years for lies to be exposed and truth revealed. Our Almighty God is answering!
The song is No Fear
Statistics that show the majority of deaths from COVID-19 are among vaccinated people reflect the fact most people are vaccinated, not that the vaccines are ineffective, as implied in a social media post. Similar statistics show COVID vaccines continue to reduce the risk of dying and severe illness, an expert told Reuters.
But the shot was supposed to protect people from covid. So what are the vaccinated people dying from? All-cause mortality (compared to years before the vaccine rollout) is increased at least 30% according to life insurance and funeral home data. A 10% increase is as a once-in-a-thousand years event; 30% if off the charts, data experts don’t know how to compute this, according to Steve Kirsch, one of the country’s leading data specialists. Kirsch is fighting hard to get the truth out, even though he and his family took the shots. Reuters is one of the six corporate media companies that control all legacy media outlets, owned and controlled by the cabal. The truth is the answer, and that has been revealed by the independent media, as little David against Goliath. God help us all.
I don’t think your info is accurate…
Cathyās information is absolutely accurate. Look at Ed Dowdās workā¦ his book is called āCause Unknownā.
[email protected]
Tell that to my neighbor who lost her husband age 37 and left a six years old and two year old without a father! He has three poison jabs!
They DO NOT ! My 2 brothers in law are fully vaccinated and boosted and BOTH of them just came down with covid snd were pretty sick ! My daughter and her hubby both fully vaccinated also got covid AFTER the shots and got very š·! What a LIE from the Pit of Hell!
My aunt and her hubby both fully vaccinated both got covid AFTER the shots and got VERY sick!
My cousin DIED after 2nd Moderna shot and her hubby needed a heart ā¤ op after his 2nd shot!
STOP spouting the NONSENSE that the Shots are EFFECTIVE Bald Faced LIE!
If the “vaccines” are effective then why are the majority of deaths among the “immunized”? Your statement doesn’t make sense. The “experts” are lying and because they are “experts” will be held to greater accountability.
Dear Ones, God is bigger than any poison in our body. Trust him. Have faith. Declare that whatever is in the va**ine has already turned to saline solution. Harmless. This is your opportunity to give God the glory and declare HIM Lord of your life. Do not fear!!! Listen to the song No More Fear by the Daystar Singers. God be glorified in it all. Father, we give you the glory due your Name. Amen
Dear heart, I agree that God can and does heal, but we cannot expect to act foolishly and think God will always bail us out. It’s true wisdom comes from wo sources: from learning and acting on the councel of God and from experience, making mistakes and dealing with the consequences of those mistakes.
“Yahovah gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. He stores up common sense for the upright, is a shield to those who are blameless, in order to guide the course of justice, fairness and every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, knowledge will be enjoyable to you, discretion will watch over you, and discernment will guard you. They will save you from the way of evil and from those who speak deceitfully who leave the paths of honesty to walk the ways of darkness, who delight in doing evil and take joy in being stubbornly deceitful, from those whose tracks are twisted and whose paths are perverse.” Prov. 2:6-15
There is much wisdom in Solomon’s proverbs if we would take the time to read and internalize them. They would save us a lot of headaches. God gave us a head and a heart and we ought to use them.