Ending the Evil of Trafficking
New Film Is a Surprise Blockbuster
Worldwide Sex Ed Sexualizes Children
Prayer to Annihilate the Child-Porn ‘Industry’
State Sues to Protect Kids from Internet Harm
Ending the Evil of Trafficking
When three-year-old Madeleine McCann disappeared from a holiday apartment in Portugal in 2007, I mourned. I had been interceding for stolen children for some time. The Lord often would share their faces with me or whisper a place name and the dreadful word — “kidnapping.” My stomach seized and my heart raced in these moments.
Connect with others in your state in prayer.
Not long after McCann’s disappearance though, the Lord charged my church’s entire spiritual warfare team to pray that awareness of child trafficking would grow and that the world would take action.
Films have raised the issue in the national conversation, as has the exposure of pedophile rings. Sadly, however, as IFA reported, the statistics on trafficked vulnerable people — many children — are alarming: Some 400,000 Americans and close to 18,000 foreign nationals are trafficked annually in the U.S. Additionally, administration officials have lost tabs on at least 85,000 unaccompanied minors who crossed the porous southern border — many likely lost to the labor or sex labor trade. That trade is estimated to enslave two million children globally.
According to Operation Underground Railroad, human trafficking — 72% of which is sex trafficking — is the second most profitable illegal industry in the United States, behind only illegal drugs. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimated in 2017 that the U.S. is the most common destination for trafficked victims.
While increasing numbers of organizations, such as Operation Underground Railroad and Enough is Enough, are rising to meet the needs of the trafficked, the crisis is acute. Tim Ballard, the former Department of Homeland Security agent featured in the film Sound of Freedom, said in a recent podcast that he had once hoped his job would disappear because human trafficking had been eliminated. Now, however, he fears his work might become obsolete because child sexual exploitation had been legalized. According to Ballard, it is a short step from legislating a child has the capacity to agree to life-changing sexual surgery to asserting that child has agreed to be sexually exploited and raped.
Intercessors are on the front lines of this long running and vicious war. It’s not a fight we can opt out of.
Rescue those who are being taken away to death;
hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,”
does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?
Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it,
and will he not repay man according to his work?
(Proverbs 24:11-12)
As noted Christian therapist Diane Langberg wrote in a recent issue of the magazine Christian Counseling Today,
Jesus demonstrated in the flesh what a human being is to be like who bears God’s image. He pursued the vulnerable, protected the little ones, and poured out compassion on the least of these. Any dismissal of abuse, any baptizing of evil, any cover-up or denial is nothing like Him. Any discarding of the least of these or trampling on the vulnerable is an assault on God Himself.
But the war is costly. Vicarious trauma is a real phenomenon against which intercessors need to be fortified. Vicarious trauma, also known as secondary trauma, is psychological, emotional, or spiritual distress linked to hearing or experiencing another person’s suffering and need. Those in helping roles are vulnerable to developing this type of trauma. Recently, researchers have identified a nuanced understanding of trauma called moral injury (MI). Psychologist Brett Litz defined it in a 2009 publication as involving “an act of transgression that creates dissonance and conflict because it violated assumptions and beliefs about right and wrong and personal goodness.”
MI was first identified in veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), who were not helped by standard psychological treatments. Their trauma included symptoms of moral concern — betrayal, loss of trust, difficulty forgiving, loss of meaning, self-condemnation, religious struggle, and loss of faith/hope — because of the violation of moral codes.
Though not necessarily first-responders in a worldly sense, intercessors are first responders spiritually — sometimes seeing the trauma coming years before the event. Intercessors become, therefore, key weapons of the Lord to avert, abate, and even abolish evil actions. But spiritual integrity and transparency are essential for intercessory effectiveness.
Accordingly, intercessors need to be on guard against any symptoms of soul sickness. Andrew Brunson, the U.S. missionary imprisoned by Turkey on charges of espionage, warned the American church against embitterment at the evil the Lord allows while calling evildoers to repentance. Intercessors avail themselves of throne room conferences on behalf of others daily. But in the face of overt, overwhelming, and oppressive evil, the intercession can drain, exhaust, even dishearten.
To prevent poisoned wells, intercessors must guard against bitterness and burn-out. Key strategies include:
* Observing the Sabbath to delight in the Lord’s Presence.
* Balancing times of heavy intercession with extended times of worship and praise.
* Enumerating the blessings received through intercession.
* Sharing prayer burdens with others mature in the gifting, as we do on the IFA webcasts and state prayer group calls.
* Sharing our pain and anguish — our moral injury — directly with the Lord through His Word.
Several biblical texts give direction: Habakkuk, Job, Lamentations. Psalms of disorientation that match seasons of life filled with pain, isolation, suffering, and death are particularly helpful.
These psalms give us voice during times of incomprehensible evil. As Walter Brueggemann wrote in The Message of the Psalms: A Theological Commentary, praying the psalms of disorientation expresses bold faith. The language of biblical lament is a God-ordained way to speak to Him with honesty, transparency, and — ultimately — faith that He will move as only He can in the situation.
Psalm 94 is particularly appropriate to express emotions related to the prayer burden of trafficked people. The psalm’s first two verses comprise a call to the Lord to rise up in judgment against the wicked. Verses 3-7 lament evil circumstances; intercessors can insert the details of the evil for which they are interceding. The psalm warns the wicked in verses 7-11. Again, intercessors can use these verses to detail the fate of the demons and those who remain unrepentant.
The psalm ends by reassuring the righteous — including the helpless and the intercessor — of the Lord’s justice in verses 12-23. I have adapted verses 16-23 as an example.
Who rises up for [the trafficked] against the wicked?
Who stands up for [them] against evildoers?
If the Lord had not been my help,
my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence.
When I thought, “My foot slips,”
Your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.
When the cares of my heart are many,
Your consolations cheer my soul.
Can wicked rulers [criminal enterprises; evil politicians and government officials; shadowy and wealthy perverted people; greedy corporate enterprises] be allied with you,
those who frame injustice by statute [evil lawmakers, politicians, courts]?
They band together against the life of the righteous [and the helpless, poor, and vulnerable]
and condemn the innocent to death.
But the Lord has become my stronghold,
and my God the rock of my refuge.
He will bring back on [demonic entities and unrepentant human puppets] their iniquity
and wipe them out for their wickedness;
the Lord our God will wipe them out.
Intercessors, we need to be at our spiritual best because the Lord is calling us to engage as never before. Recently, the Lord shared this with me: “[Trafficking] is a far greater crime than you can know, for not only the body is enslaved but the spirit and the soul is led into darkness by this great, great sin, and so, Holy Warriors — it is for you now to take the strongest of positions against this sin in the renouncing, repenting, and declaration of the ending of this sin and the effects of it. My Kingdom Come, My Will be done.”
The Lord has shared His heart for the widow and the orphan with us. He has warned us of the terrible sin of trafficking and the likely results of current sexual grooming of children. He has also given us all authority in heaven and earth to combat and vanquish this evil. Let us do it!
Lord, we do take the strongest position in the heavenly realm, at Christ’s side, with the evil forces as footstools and with the authority delegated from the very throne to renounce the sin of trafficking, and the greed, lust, and evil that promote it. We repent on behalf of our nation and other nations of this greatest of evil — trafficking in the bodies, spirits, and souls of the vulnerable. Forgive us for neglecting the sin, tolerating evil, and failing to engage on behalf of the vulnerable in prayer. We declare the ending of this sin and the effects of it. We decree Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth even as it is in heaven. Amen and Amen.
How are you led to intercede about this great evil? What helps you approach intercession with a pure heart?
New York City–based Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and a contributing writer for IFA. With her husband, Rich, also a contributing writer for IFA, Joyce shares the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater, speaking, writing, and film. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. Photo Credit: Aida L on Unsplash.
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Let us dare to believe in Faith for God to intervene, rescuing these children. Psalm 8:2 “out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that Thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger”
Lord Supernaturally strengthen the children trapped in slavery and Rescue the children from evil. For every dollar used for this evil, release resources, rescuers, money, aftercare equal to the money spent for evil. Still The enemy in Jesus Name by The Power of His Blood!
When praying re this issue, I received from The Lord, Isaiah 28 v 6 ” And a spirit of judgement to him that sittith in judgement and for strength to them that turn the battle to the gates ” Lord, we take Authority That You gave us over the enemy that wants to destroy our children and we Deny access to the children by THE POWER OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS. We ask that Enforcer Angels help the children that have been enslaved! Send Your Strength to those working on the front lines including Tim Ballard, including intecessors.
The second verse is Lamentations 2:19 “Arise, cry out in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the Face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward Him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street”. AMEN
Father God we Thank You for leading us into this and not always knowing how to pray, but as I kept researching Your word in the scriptures We have the same Authority that Jesus has in the spiritual realm. The (5) fold ministers is His Master plan especially, what God has placed before us -Prophets that God is using right now to warn us what to expect is really going on. God is warning time and time again- He has warned us of the terrible sin of trafficking and the likely results of current sexual grooming of children. Amos 3-7-8 says”The Lord will do nothing, but he will reveal through His Prophets, — As if he had said, You cannot complain of your not being forewarned of these calamities coming upon you, for God hath not done, nor will do any thing, without revealing it to his prophets, and by them to you; so that you have now warning of all that he intends to do, unless you prevent it by an alteration in your behavior.” Father God, I thank You for Your discernment of The Holy Spirit in allowing me to know who are speaking Your words and who is not. Also, of The power and Authority You have given us as Christians the legal right to use. Luke 10:19 God makes it clear what He wants us to do and that is to use His words-I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. All Power and Authority! God has given us the Fire of The Holy Ghost inside of us- Yes, Intercessors we must “renounce the sin of trafficking, and the greed, lust, and evil that promote it. We must Deny, Deny, Deny the powers of the enemy call them out that this chain of trafficking must stop in Jesus name. The blood of Jesus needs to be said in our prayers, Because the enemy cannot stand to hear Jesus name and what His blood sacrifice did for us. John -16-33 “33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” God says take courage in spite of what is happening- the warnings do not take lightly, because I need My Children to engage in and use MY words to have Victory. Use my words Call down Gods presence The enemy will be halted, the enemy will flee, because WE have the ultimate weapon and that is The name of Jesus. Jesus forgive many of us who have not been faithful with your words, to be used faithfully daily learning and using Your words to Fight the enemy and faithfully listen to the Truthful Prophets as they give Your words of warning to us what is happening, so we can be ready for battle. My prayers are that we get serious and Obtain Ownership Mentality and go after Satan and his groups of wicked Businessmen, Cartels and whoever else is attached to the evilness of destroying the Children of God. God is our refuge our strength, therefore we should not fear. Psalm – 46 – “These are Gods words for us to know and trust Him-“7 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
8 Come and see what the Lord has done,
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields[d] with fire.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.” God knows and wants the Church to rise up, beware of how serious this challenge is for this Nation. Father God make us more conscious of the invisible realm where much of what occurs on earth is determined. Please, awaken the Pastors, the teachers, the parents that must be more deliberate getting involved and to use the Authority and Power God blessed us with – to use these tools to defeat the evilness of the spiritual realm that surrounds many nations. God we ask you to break off the Control of principalities and evil spirits. You have told us America shall be saved, and Your plan will not be stopped! Father God today I was reading about painting the borders with our prayers- I ask blessing on the servants of God for involvement in Praying, traveling thousands of miles to pray and releasing the Presence of the Holy Spirit. My prayer is the enemy has no power or authority over us, I declare the Children will be saved and their mind’s healed of the evilness they have been under, I declare in the name of Jesus the trafficking will be thrown in the pits of Hell to save our Children and women, I decree the evil schemes to rule and control us Is Over, I decree this administration is defeated and will become powerless, I declare OWO will be destroyed and powerless, I declare that justice will be done to the Democrats, the Rinos and the followers of Satan who mocked God- God I could go on and on, but You see and know all, now I am placing this in Your hands listen to our prayers, surely our enemies will perish. God we serve you as we grow in spiritual Faith-trying to Honor You. I say thank You as I praise You for Caring and loving us even though we fail at times. 🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️
Thank you for this prayer and insight for God’s children and the evil that we must stand up against! I have been feeling my heart and soul moving to get more involved in praying and bringing awareness of Child sex trafficking.
Lord God Almighty please have international kids trafficking end before it’s too late for children. ESPECIALLY IN THE U.S.A!! These evil actions are extremely wicked and demonic. Repent A.S.A.P!! God is in charge and always has been!!
The Department of Justice recently deleted the information on their website about child trafficking.
Go to Conservative Daily where you can read the deleted information.
Question: WHO deleted the information and WHY???
Our children are being exploited every way possible . Pornographic books in school , confusion on sexual identity , woke agendas .pushed down their thoughts.
It’s time to push Satan back to hell and rise up to protect the lives of our youth. Parents must fight for these children so they won’t be a statist of death. Lord we call down this evil and enter into the courts of heaven for protection and justice to be executed! Amen
I saw “Sound of Freedom” because I wanted to see what it said. It seemed to present a fairly accurate picture of child sex trafficking. On the other hand, it does not tell the whole story – of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and child sacrifice. Using children as sex slaves is awful, but SRA and child sacrifice are so much worse. I don’t want people who saw the movie to think that’s as bad as it gets. Children are being used/abused for so much more.
Father God, the evil shown in the film is awful, but what really happens is often so much worse. We are grieved beyond words at what is being done to/with these precious children. Lord, send your warring, holy angels to drive out the demonic forces behind this great evil. Expose it for what it truly is. Motivate the people of this nation, especially those who are followers of Jesus, to rise up and demand an end to child trafficking and all of the evils associated with it. We pray, Lord, for a restoration of righteousness and justice, which are the foundation of your throne. In Jesus name we pray.
Rescue the precious ones who cry out to you Oh Lord! Their cries pierce your ears, and bring hot tears to Your eyes. They cry out for mercy Lord! They cry out for justice Father! Help them to know the day of deliverance is coming. Dry their tears and put your soothing healing balm on their souls. They cry out to You, Dear Father! They cry out to You. Release them from their bondage, Oh God. Thus saith the Lord, “Let the ones who have dwelt in darkness repent! For the time of the Kindgom of Heaven is at hand. All will be revealed. All that was in shadow will be revealed. Repent you sinners! Confess your wicked deeds you evil minded! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Repent, I say again, repent! The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken.
That information about how you felt about Madeline McCann made me think that she was a one of the children stolen for sexual trafficking.
I feel that she will never surface as she was very young when she was stolen.
Oh thank you Joyce for that prayer for Linda! I feel the HOLY SPIRIT HERE NOW!!!
If there are no customers for this filth, the money for these traffickers would dry up. We must stop excusing the men who give their money to abuse women and children. Their desire for sex is not an excuse that I believe that Jesus will accept. They only value their wants and do not value women and children as people made in the image and likeness of God. They need to repent like the rest of us.
Destroying a person’s trust in adults and in love is the worst thing you can do to a person. We need to pray for our youth, love them and teach them to hold their body up as an offering to God, as well
as their source of happiness. We need to alert them to the evils that do exist on-line and in reality as well. We need to pray for disturbed people and those who have been wounded who in turn wound others. We must show love and teach love to all people of all faiths, colors, and ways of life.
We need to pray and love more and more people…. Also, we need to look at the material or youth are using on-line and, in their apps, and talk about what it and is not appropriate and will destroy their own happiness…. because we love them and desire their utmost happiness.!
Thank you Joyce for this article. I praise God because he is making us aware of what is going on. Sometimes, we want to think nothing good is happening; all is evil; but God is showing the evil so it can be dealt with! Praise his name.
Remove Joe Biden, AG Garland of DOJ, Christopher Wray of FBI and Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas of DHS and you can end those who are supporting and protecting the Human Traffickers.
My husband and I just saw the movie last night. I knew that trafficking existed but never really thought about the horrors these children of all ages are going through. My heart was so grieved. Spent time this morning repenting of complacency and now ready to go to battle for these kids! I’ve been battling against the lies of transgenderism and abortion, and now will be more specific in targeting my prayers for trafficked children as well. It is obvious that satan is out to steal, kill, and destroy children but God is greater and through intercession, we can hinder what satan would otherwise be able to do. I’m thankful for the movie and also this article that has brought this horrific slavery to light and no longer hidden.
Jesus, teach us to pray and show us what else we can do for your precious children 🙏🏻
Yes and Amen!
Lord help me know what my part is and then DO IT.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name.
Come Lord Jesus Come! Rescue the children who have fallen prey of the evil one . Bring your Justice for the least of these children and release those who are suffering and let the little children come to you for safety and protection, peace and healing .
I humbly ask in your Holy Name .
Amen 🙏
forward to a prayer director for ministry to exploited children in our Chicago suburbs.
Confessed to the Lord my need for more depth in praying for the exploited.
Thank you for the strong teaching. I hope to print it to refer to.
May the Lord be praised!
Similar horrors have invaded my life and the lives of my children, now adults, still suffering. Sadly, the church turns a blind eye. I am struggling right now, because the pain of the movie brings back feelings of helplessness. I don’t even know why I mention this now, as I usually do not comment; but it is important to listen to children. I fully support the ministries mentioned, and I wonder now what more I can do to help end this awful crime. My heart cries. It’s sad it takes a movie to bring attention to something that has been around so long. I thank God for Tim Ballard and others in this battle, and I pray for the mothers and dads. I pray for the church to awaken also. I still feel helpless, but I know Jesus is not.
Dearest Linda, My heart reaches out to you. May the Lord touch the pain in your life and in the lives of your children that they might come into His healing on earth. Thank you for going to the movie despite the feelings of helplessness. I call upon the Lord of Angel Armies to come to you and yours, stand tangibly at your sides, and war for you that you no longer are haunted by the feelings of helplessness. May the Lord take the evil and turn it to His Kingdom good and may you strengthen others in need. Thank you for your testimony.
I have been thinking that many people we see on a daily basis, including homeless, addicted unattractive may be thre victims of past or current abuse. It is opening my eyes to a new perspective.
If any of you know or are suspicious of possible trafficking around you, your neighborhood, apartment building, etc. – be sure to “armor up” with God first. Pray – ask for insight, wisdom, guidance, etc. DON’T advertise what you are doing but be sure to build a small team of saints around you that will pray with you – those that are loyal, keep their mouths zipped, etc. Sounds harsh but nothing tips off traffickers or pedophiles faster than circulating rumors, gossip or talk. Be watchful for strange conduct, especially at odd hours. Have hotline numbers available to the right people & organizations.
Many of us have been trapped into believing it doesn’t happen around us…and it possibly is happening under our noses. The perfect example of deception is how the adult film industry changed in how they “do business”. Now almost 90% of their “sordid” business is done out of private homes owned in a regular suburban area or nice hotels & motels. Remember, we are dealing with the master of deception – so we have to learn to look beyond the obvious.
Don’t be afraid to give people up that have knowingly suspicious habit patterns, acquaintances, odd hours & behaviors, etc. In this battle we are in, warfare isn’t fun but we must wage it strategically & God will help us do that. While we hope we never have to use physical force in situations that require it, the goal is protect children at all costs.
*Lord God Almighty – guide each & every person with wisdom, insight & knowledge. Help us daily, in the fight to help children & all of your creation – help us to be “wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves”. Give us Your supernatural strength, for we cannot fight this battle without You by our side. We pray for many hundreds of whistle blowers to come forth & give up information that will result in arrests & justice but more so, the release of children from the clutches of evil. We pray & decree that officials in gov’t, people in corporations, everyday people, etc., who are involved in this filth will be revealed & that everything they have relied on to protect them will be torn down. Remove from them ALL their false protection. Let those involved in their criminal activity be broken beyond repair – in order that You might possibly save them. Let us see Your mighty hand execute justice that has long been absent. We ask this in Your holy name.
Dear MN, thank you for this practical wisdom. May the Lord use His people to act against this evil in multiple ways. Give us eyes to see and wisdom to discern and then the courage to act in line with His will. Amen and Amen!
1 888 373 7888
I originally got this phone number from working for a organization in North Carolina called True Justice. I live in the Savannah area now and have used the number a couple times to alert policeman to suspicious activity between couples on the street.
Our airlines now are getting educated to look for people who are controlling the situation and the person with them appears to have no say.
After seeing the movie in theaters today “Sound of Freedom”, and todays message here leaves me wordless to express my distain and abhorrence to this world wide epidemic of evil against the most vulnerable, – our children. I am asking every person who reads this message to pray in earnest, now, tomorrow and everyday as long as you live, to end this tragic epidemic of sin against humanity. Only God can turn this evil around. Our prayers, our actions, our efforts, our money, our everything are needed NOW . HELP These children need our HELP. God answers prayer.
Dear Joan, yes, the Lord answers prayer. Thank you for your passion for His precious ones. I am agreeing in prayer.
Thank you for this much needed article that “helps our understanding & gives guidance”. The battle for protection of children is crucial to our nation’s overall health – especially our spiritual health. I think many of us knew this war was going on but we failed to see to what extent & how far reaching the perversion is/was. The people who are willingly involved in these heinous & demonic crimes have been “given over” to their sins. When that happens, they are in a vice grip. They simply don’t care. A few want to break free but most that are profiting by it could care less about human life. Such is the “ongoing tab” for any society that has allowed for decades the taking of innocent life, increased & more vile pornography…and a severely weakened justice system that does not punish accordingly. The end result of leaving God out of every area of life. Needless to say, staying comfortable & protected within church walls….and not being involved in the day to day operation of society has a huge price. We are now witnessing what happens when the “city on a hill” sleeps too much & allows the lights to go out.
All of us can be involved in some ways. Point blank, organizations that help reveal, rescue & fight for victims need financial help. They need prayers & resources. Please remember that you may not think 5 or 10 dollars goes far but be obedient in giving..let God do the multiplying. $5 by just me isn’t much but when 200 or 500 more saints give $5 or whatever – all of a sudden we see the difference that our obedience can make. Some organizations need a “safe house” after children are rescued – a stopover for rest & protection while returning children back to homes or destination. Many of us can do that. It’s not something “we advertise” that we are doing. It’s a quiet, almost
stealth ministry that is critical to help others. Check with rescue organizations if you feel God is prompting you in this way. (You will be thoroughly vetted – that is necessary for safety)
It would be helpful if IFA & intercessors could continually post organizations that help in the rescue of trafficked individuals. Every organization is unique in how they help but they all pretty much have the same rescue goal. Another good organization that I follow & support is Exodus Cry. They are very involved in aftercare of individuals, as well as their ongoing efforts to “tackle & change the legal system” for much needed justice.
Ask God to direct your path. See what he would have you do. Use the gifts that God gave you to help others out of trafficking. And determine to be a warrior in this fight. Children need our help.
Dear CN, thank you so much for reminding us that our dollars help in this costly but critical rescue mission for our children! and for reminding us to take action by helping tangibly with rescue organizations. There are some great organizations listed in the ifa resource guide: https://ifapray.org/promo/the-dark-world-of-human-trafficking/ and also we can take action with ifa’s prompt: https://ifapray.org/take-action/?vvsrc=%2fcampaigns%2f106548%2frespond.
May the Lord bless you for your generous heart for His own. Amen and Amen
Do you know who God has called to be His servants?
God knows.
Some of the people are bound up in various sins. Have had their hearts hardened to hate Christians and Jews. Saul persecuted the Church before he was born again!
Some men and women have opposed God using witchcraft and satanic strategies and then the Lord changed their lives and have been used mightily, like former Satanist turned Evangelist to Jesus John Ramirez.
Satan would want you to not pray for those caught up in the “vice grip”, and his lies. Captured people have to be saved! God knows who are His, we don’t. We have to pray.
Last night, I saw a testimony of a former Muslim man that wanted to kill Jews and Christians that became a believer in Christ. Here is that video. “Kareem was raised for Jihad, until he saw the risen King! SHARE this powerful Testimony!” https://youtu.be/RNU6Kmc9zYA
Kareem evangelized for Islam, even on television!
Now he evangelizes for Jesus Christ!
A man brought up to hate, now preaches the Love of Jesus Christ.
God can do mighty things, greater than what we can even think of ourselves.
God is going to change people that most will not expect to be changed. He’s been doing that for centuries.
Thank you so much for the information.
As an Intercessor I was suffering from these thoughts and feeling depressed.
I had a dream one year ago to the date of me seeing the movie and there was a scene in it that was in my dream. I had prayed and declared that every evil work would be exposed and the children would be saved. I believe the dream came to pass.
Dear Christine,
Thank you for your obedience to pray for the children the Lord shared with you in your dream. Yes, your intercession led to exposure and deliverance. I rejoice in the Lord’s desire to share His heart with you and in your obedience to the heavenly revelation. May the Lord continue to bless and enrich your spiritual blessings. In His Name, Amen and Amen
Dear Lord, thank you for saving me 53 years ago, as a 5 year old little girl who was kidnapped in front of her own front yard. Thank you for giving me the skills and words to touch this man’s heart, who kidnapped me, to where he finally let me out of his car, at the end of the day. Thank you for saving me that day, and please use me in any way, that you see fit, to help in this movement. Be with me as I go to see the movie, “The Sound Of Freedom” tomorrow, for I know it will be hard for me to watch, but I’m hoping to find a resource to where I may be of use to others who are fighting in this battle. Thank you Lord for not letting this tragedy that happened to me, define me over the years, because of you always being with me, I have survived!! I love you Lord Jesus. Amen!
Dear Michelle, Praise the Lord for His saving of you and your willingness to be a witness and healer to those in need through your own intercession and testimony. Praise the Lord He gave you the words to touch the heart of the kidnapper and that you have moved in the Lord’s healing since then. May the Lord gird you to join in His heart at the film tomorrow that you continue to bring hope, courage, and dignity to those in need in your intercession. To God be the glory, great things He had done. Amen and Amen
Thank you Joyce for your kind words and prayers! I got through the movie, but was constantly reminded of my parents, and how horrified they must’ve been while I was gone. After the show, I was moved to buy several tickets for my church to give to those who wanted to attend the show. God bless you!
Thank you God for who you are , you love the little children. I ask you to preserve their innocence . I ask you to send your angels to protect them. I ask you to dismantle every sex trafficking effort. I ask that you save the children. I ask that you direct every child in our country into righteousness. Amen
Lord, God of host, I ask that this film would bring a great awareness of the human trafficking in our world, our nation, our cities, our churches. I pray over those involved in the human slavery, and the sex trade, that they would be caught and brought to justice, and prosecuted under the law, that the full weight of their sin would be brought out of the darkness and into the light, for nothing is hidden from you, Lord. I ask Father, that you would crush this demonic evil, and this demand. Merciful God, you are a long suffering God towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Let a heart of brokenness overwhelm those involved or participating in this evil practice that leads to a deep repentance hearts that lead to Jesus Christ. Amen
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, that we would not again submit to a yoke of slavery. Lord, we thank you for your goodness, your faithfulness, and for your atoning sacrifice on humanity’s behalf. Lord, we pray now for the captives, the oppressed, the innocent victims of sex/human trafficking for freedom. We appeal for your help in releasing them to an abundant and blessed life of physical and spiritual freedom. Great redeemer, we pray that you would meet them in the dark places and protect their hearts, minds and bodies from the damaging effects of evil captivity and abuse, and that in the midst of the darkness they would see and know your mighty presence, goodness and love.
Yes! Amen!
Lord Jesus, by Your great grace, bring an end to ALL human trafficking. Please, bring all who are participating in this evil act to repentance for their actions. Please send Holy Spirit to comfort all the innocent people who have been victimized, and provide the healing opportunities that these people need to experience. In Jesus’ mighty name.
Yes, O Lord, answer Your people’s prayer!
Another pedofile is off the streets. We rejoice.
Please pray for the many young boys and their families in Franklin who have been wounded by his evil actions.
We grieve.
Praying until every criminal is found, removed from society and every child is free and healed.
We declare.
“Thy kingdom come, Lord! “
Agreeing in prayer. Lord, have mercy!
Father, protect the weak and raise up prayer warriors. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Amen. Send Your workers to their knees, Father!
Thank you for caring for the intercessors hearts, Joyce! How desperately needed this is as we face trauma daily as we storm the gates of heaven on behalf of children and all who are vulnerable.
Praise the Lord for He is kind and gracious. As servants, I often remember that we need to put our oxygen mask on first before helping others. I am grateful for you, Lori, as I know how deeply you go into the heart of the Lord in your intercession. May He continually refresh you and anoint you to His service. Amen and Amen
Father God,
We cry out to You, our Creator & Redeemer, to empower Your people in militant prayer against the onslaught of the enemy’s destruction of Your precious children. Evil has been exposed through the Light of Truth & the Light has overcome the darkness! Deliver the least of these precious children out of bondage, as You delivered Israel out of slavery in Egypt, to set them free., In the Name of Jesus! May Your people arise with one voice to proclaim, “God’s children are NOT for sale! They belong to Jesus!” Let God arise & His enemies be scattered!
Yes! Witchcraft will not thrive over a people born free! Deliver these ones from sale and slavery! Amen and Amen!
I have worked with the victims in this industry before. Many are needed. Especially caring Christian men. We must ask Christ to make us stronger to be able to stand in the gap for this group. It is not about us.
Triune God build a strong front line in this battle. Strengthen mentally and spiritually your workers. May their minds and hearts stay focused on the recovery of these precious ones. Send us a strong word of encouragement and convict us of the importance of picking up Your word and fueling up for this is most definitely not about flesh and blood.
May we put on Your FULL armor and take a serious stand for all trafficked victims each new day.
Lay this plea on our hearts at all times.
We desperately need your guidance and direction. Surround us with a team of understanding. May our friends and family join us in this cause, no matter the cost!!
In Jesus’ powerful name, Amen
Dear Grace, Thank you for sharing your experience in caring for these ones. I join in your prayer for concerned, compassionate, Christian men in this work.
Help us O Lord, guide us O Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
God bless you all and thank you for being the light of Jesus in a darkening world! No weapon formed against us will prosper and Hell will not prevail with Spiritual Warriors like you all! Amen
Dear Ann, may the Lord bless and keep you in His perfect will. I am grateful for your light in this world as we near the time of the Lord’s return. May He continue to use you to encourage and deliver. Amen and Amen.
Good morning.
I would like to connect with others in my area to prayer. Thank you for publishing this article. I pray 1000’s will bombard the atmosphere with pray for this to be dismantled. And there would be no scars on the hearts of these victims
Dear Debi, I agree with your prayers. You might check out your state prayer group at https://ifapray.org/states/. Ours — New York — is great and very encouraging. We need each other in these days! Many blessings, Joyce
What an excellent article Joyce! Thank you for the rich counselling resources, the exhortations against burnout and for soul care. We must not turn back now!
Praise the Lord. He is kind to us, giving us rest that we are able to continue to love Him by fighting!
Praying for the end of this evil. We went to Sound of Freedom and also purchased t shirts. We are trying to wear them in public places even church. Many people have asked us about it after seeing them. No o e wants to believe this horrifying evil but we know that our Lord is greater.
Dear Beth, thank you for your witness — especially with the t-shirts. May the Lord use these efforts to damage and destroy the enemy stronghold and lift and deliver these children. Amen and Amen
God forgive our nation for this terrible sin, heal our country and its leaders and raise up new generations that will return us to you and your son, let it begin now and protect those who are on the frontline fighting against the exploitation of children, let us listen to the Holy Spirit and I pray that we as a nation will turn from the wickedness of child exploitation and lead the fight against human trafficking, in Jesus name I pray amen
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. We deserve judgment, but plead for mercy — especially for the children. Do not let them be lost, O Lord!
Father we pray in zYour Son’s name that the light will overtake the darkness and Your Word will prevail by the power of Your Holy name, amen and amen.
Yes, amen!
Lord Jesus, we call on your righteous judgment against those who traffic in children and destroy their innocence.
Be the children’s defense, be their rock of refuge.
Bring on those traffickers their own iniquity, cut them off in their own wickedness, let them fall into their own devices, but release their captives to freedom.
Psalms 94:21-23 (NKJV) 21 They gather together against the life of the righteous, And condemn innocent blood. 22 But the LORD has been my defense, And my God the rock of my refuge. 23 He has brought on them their own iniquity, And shall cut them off in their own wickedness; The LORD our God shall cut them off.
Hallelujah, to You be the glory. Deliver these little ones O Lord, and punish the evil. In Jesus’ Name.
Thank you for this article, first of it’s kind I’ve ever read, that addresses the intercessor’s need to care for his/her own heart. Having stumbled upon worship as an antidote to the pain and weariness, knowing and acknowledging what needs to be guarded and why is also a strategy. Seeing the film Sound of Freedom is important! Intercessors, though, sometimes see beyond the pg13 rating. Thank you for this important article.
Dear Carolyn, Thank you for validating the need for the article. I am sensitive to burnout as I have worked much with Christian leaders to restore and refresh. May the Lord be blessed for leading you into restorative worship. Isn’t it true that we are much encouraged and restored to the understanding of the Lord’s power over evil when we linger in His Presence? I think this is one reason we need revival in the church universal — we have a lot of evil to confront and defeat and we need the Lord’s Presence to do our part of this work. Amen and Amen
I saw the movie Sound of Freedom and was appalled and very upset at what is happening in our country and around the world. God help us to pray against this wickedness!!!!
Dear Mary, it is truly horrible, but I am encouraged by the Lord’s firm prayer direction to renounce, repent, and declare the ending of trafficking. I also regularly cut the webs of witchcraft — especially off of those in this trafficking situation and those politicians and leaders who support it — with the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus. May the Lord receive the glory and the Son receive the little ones back safely into His arms. Amen and Amen