I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, may Your will be done, Your way, in the 2024 election ā€” and all across our nation!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Over a period of years, the Lord gave me dreams for four presidents while they were in office. Sometimes, I even dreamed the same dream more than once. I recognized each dream as a call from God to intercede for the leader in the dream. Whether or not I agreed with the policies any of them stood for, I obeyed the Lord and prayed for each one.Ā 

Have you taken your place on the wall?


From 2015, I began dreaming frequently about the 2016 presidential election. These dreams kept the election in my mind, and so I sought the Lord about who was to be elected president in 2016.

I imagine that this kind of dialogue with the Lord might seem unusual to some. But over time, I have developed the habit of asking the Lord things and then listening for His answer.Ā During one time of prayer, I asked: “Is Donald Trump going to be the next president?” And the Lord answered: “Yes.” It was a very calm answer that I recognized right away in my spirit.Ā 

From that point on, I had no doubt that Trump would be elected. It’s not that I was right; God was right. And I didn’t ask why, I just determined that if he was the one God wanted in office, then I would pray for that.

The more I committed to pray for Trump as our president from 2016 through 2020, the more the Lord confirmed this to me. I had many dreams about President Trump.Ā 

I knew that this would be my prayer assignment from the Lord throughout Trump’s presidency. And I wasnā€™t alone in receiving such an assignment to intercede for him; I’ve heard about many intercessors who’d received dreams, visions, and direction from God to pray for him.

And Then Came 2020

The 2020 election brought a shock to many in the Body of Christ.Ā 

From Election Day night, through the recounts and the certification on Jan. 6, and then through the inauguration of President Biden, prophetic words continued for President Trump. Every day my social media feed contained prophecies that President Trump would return to office. I was convinced.Ā Ā 

I was sure that the Lord wanted Trump in office after January 2021! But I never asked the Lord if that was His will.Ā 

When Trump left office, the dreams I’d been having about him ceased, just as dreams about previous presidents had when they left office. Not only that, but even the obligation I’d once felt for this assignment lifted. Truly, while he was in office, that burden to pray pressed often upon me. But after January 2021, I no longer sensed that leading from the Holy Spirit. Even so, I pressed on in praying and believing he would be president.

I now know that I was called to intercede for him while he functioned as president, and that when he was no longer president, I was supposed to seek the Lord for my next assignment. But thatā€™s not what I did.

Caught up in the moment, and probably influenced by a steady stream of prophecies and digital and social media content, I pressed on ā€” without the assignment, and without the calling. I prayed according to my own thinking. I never asked God about it.

Eventually, I did begin to sense that circumstances might be indicating that I was wrong. So I went back and reviewed all my prayer journals. I wanted to reevaluate every dream and word given to me about President Trump.

The Lord’s Correction

I asked the Lord to expose where I might have missed the mark, and He answered. He revealed to me that I had wrongfully let my prophetic voice become politically influenced. I had followed the crowd and prayed earnestly forĀ  Trumpā€™s return to office. The Lord showed me that I should instead have been asking: “God, did you allow Joe Biden to become president for a reason? How should I be praying?ā€

I had presumed to know what God wanted for the nation.Ā 

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,ā€ says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8ā€“9).Ā 

When the Lord revealed this sin of presumption to me, I repented.Ā 

I have not had a single dream about President Biden throughout his time in office. I wonder if this is a consequence of my sin, since I’d had prophetic dreams about all four previous presidents.

Last year the Lord spoke to me through a man who was visiting to minister at my church. He said: “The Lord wants to trust you again. Can He trust you?” This penetrated my heart! God had already revealed to me that I had overshared with the IFA community. If God is to share His secrets with someone, He must first be able to trust that person. I proved to be untrustworthy in this matter during the 2020 election.Ā 

Election 2024

Here we are again on the cusp of another election. This time, I have been praying differently.Ā 

At the end of 2023, I asked the Lord how He wanted me to pray about 2024 and the elections. He answered: ā€œPray for My will to be done, My way.ā€ Simple and to the point.

We can always pray confidently for Godā€™s will to be done. We donā€™t need a special word from the Lord to do so. However, in light of my past mistakes, I am comforted by the Lordā€™s specific direction.

How about you ā€” what are you hearing from the Lord about election prayer? Please share your thoughts below.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo credit: IFA.


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bobbie trunk
March 14, 2024

While I am happy to live in a country where I have a say in choosing leaders we have seen in the past election how easy it is to commit massive election fraud. I don’t believe we can trust our election system any longer but the Lord has been sharing with me that we as believers are to trust in no man or political party. They will come and go. One can undo so much good a previous leader has done. I appreciate all our leaders who stand firm in their faith and make their decisions based on God’s word but there is only one we can trust completely, that is God Himself. We need to pray according to the Word, and yes for God’s will to be done in this nation but it must be His will and not mine. I love America. My desire is to see her have Godly leaders and righteous policies. But our issue is not political it is sin. We must pray for hearts to be turned to the Lord. For a great outpouring of His Spirit in conviction of sin. else it matters not who is in leadership. As believers we must keep our hearts right before God. Be sure we are walking according to His Word. Be faithful to Him regardless of what is going on in the country. He is Americas only hope.

March 13, 2024

I agree

Debora Tarver
March 12, 2024

This is very good and I thank the LORD for correcting those whom HE loves.

Arlen Williams
March 12, 2024

Let us all pray without presumption. Let us all pray and proclaim according to the Bible and the recent prophecy it foretells, including about elections and our current, 3-term president, Pres. Trump.

P Dougherty
March 12, 2024

I have not been able to pray since 2020. I have been completely paralyzed and demoralized and numb. I heard all the prophets say Trump would have 2 terms ( no one said they would be consecutive) I did not feel confirmation in my spirit, instead I felt anxiety. I saw the steal, I was devastated as every remedy that should have worked to right the ship failed. As the courts vowered away from even looking at what had happened. The last 4 years have been surreal as if I were watching a sci fi horror movie. Things I grew up beleiving couldnt happen in this country have become comonplace without so much as a wimper from the church

    Susan CC
    March 12, 2024

    Let- to give opportunity; to permit to enterā€¦allow, permit

    Your comment moved me. I hear you P Dougherty and want you to know that I have felt the very same. I share:

    Dear Father, You see the enemy chipping away at P Doughertyā€™s heart. I remember identical feelings. You compelled me to pray the Psalms, leading me to Davidā€™s confident declaration, ā€œWait for the LORD; be courageous and LET your heart be strong. Wait for the Lord.” I marked this verse in my Bible but you etched in on my heart. Please remind Your discouraged but beloved child of the opportunity that awaits the courageous. Please encourage (her) to wait for You. And as (she) waits for You, please encourage (her) to permit You to enter as You will. You say Your Word will not return void because IT has the power to accomplish all things. I pray Psalm 27 over every concern in P Doughertyā€™s life. I am praying in the name of Jesus Christ, her Savior and mine. Amen

    March 13, 2024

    It is 4:00AM EST, I was nudged out of sleep with Dear P.ā€™s post and numerous Amens that I take as ā€œYes, thatā€™s me,too.ā€ in my spirit.

    I echo Susan CCā€™s prayer and offer to you what the Holy Spirit is intensely guiding me to share:

    The Mighty Grasp

    by John Campbell Shairp

    No mood of feeling, form of thought,
    Is constant for a day;
    But thou, O Lord, thou changest not,
    The same thou art alway.

    I grasp thy strength, make it mine own.
    My heart with peace is blest;
    I lose my hold, and then come down
    Darkness and cold unrest.

    Out of that weak, unquiet drift,
    That comes but to depart,
    To that pure heaven my spirit lift
    Where thou unchanging art.

    Let me no more my comfort draw
    From my frail hold of thee;
    In this alone rejoice with awe,ā€”
    Thy mighty grasp of me!

    If I say, ā€œSurely the darkness surround me and the light become night around me,ā€
    Even the darkness will not be dark to you;
    for the night will shine like the day,
    for darkness is as light to you.

    In the manner of which ONLY the Holy Spirit can do, I pray that the Peace which transcends ALL understanding guard your hearts and your minds, your ups and downs, every moment of your days and nights, in your coming and going and all else in Christ Jesus.

    In the Name of the Bright Shining Star, THE Hope of the World, Jesus the Christ.


Janice Rhodes
March 12, 2024

Thank you for your honesty and willingness to share the process you went through. We all need this reminder.

Jeane Whiteside
March 12, 2024

I also had dreams about America. Before Trump or right at the time he took office I saw a tornado do much damage. It took the roof off a government building that someone I knew but didnā€™t know tried to get me to enter. I went in checked it out and told him I am leaving. As I watched from outside the man I knew but didnā€™t know went up and out with the roof. I said ā€œohā€ with sadness but knew he must go. Or probably what he represented. And then I looked again and saw a white tornado as milk glass (sea of glass?) coming towards us. Very steady and determined. It was not going to be stopped. As it turned and came closer I saw it was white on one side and black on the other. It represents the will of the Lord concerning America. No compromise and no gray area. It was a straight line between black and white. It dipped down and removed three domes. I felt one was Springfield Illinois and on to where I live in Decatur Illinois and to DC. Some have told me it represented the three branches of government God is dealing with from top down. Iā€™m
not certain but believe it can be all of that and more. Also after we lost the election to this mess we now have I was disappointed. So the Lord gave me a dream to help me keep on. It as a huge line of people dressed in gray. Hmm?? Walking around a mountain in the snow. We must be bold and speak up and out in prayer. In deed. We have misused the love of God and as Iā€™ve heard leaders say:ā€some of you are more merciful than Jesusā€. Love has other faces Iā€™m learning. So after this I had a dream that President Trump was speaking in an old gymnasium type room on a stage. When he finished the crowd was so loud he came back and bowed before the people. I looked at the crowd and it extended back and then up and out towards heaven. The synergy of the ages as Dutch sheets taught us. Prayers of those gone before us to unite with ours to bring His will into place for His purposes and glory. Trump is a president of the people and for the people. We need to make him a president by the people. No more double mindedness. Stand strong as you release powerful prayers the angels will watch over. Open doors in 24 for all seven mountains to be taken back from the enemy and the gates of hell will fall like dominos as puppeteers and puppets strings are severed. All will be unraveled that has been bound.

Susan CC
March 12, 2024

This message of truth resonated with me. I believe I have heard the same caution.

Father, You are Almighty God who said, “Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God and there is no other. By Myself I have sworn; truth has gone out from My mouth, a word that will not be revoked: Every knee will bow before Me, every tongue will swear allegiance.” Lord, as we pray for Godly leaders, show us how to align with You and lead us to be a nation that is respected, not reviled. I ask this and so much more for Your glory, as we know what glorifies You is so good for us. Praying in thanks to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, The Triune God of Israel, America and all nations. Amen

March 12, 2024

The Lord laid on my heart to pray the Lordā€™s Prayer for this upcoming election for all races. Godā€™s will be done. Amen and amen.

Linda Rice
March 12, 2024

I pray for the Church. It is we who are the deciding factor in the way this nation goes. The Harvest and His Bride is His first concerns.

    p dougherty
    March 12, 2024

    You are right. I beleive it was the very anemic church’s cowardly response to covid tyranny that decided the 2020 election! It seems the church woke up for 2016, then promptly went back to sleep. In 2020, the church hid under the bed when we should have been out laying hands on people and getting them healed! The church didnt even bother to celebrate when that behemouth of evil, Roe v Wade fell

March 12, 2024

Sometimes I think God allowed Trump to be removed from office to show America the stark contrast between an administration that dishonors God brazenly & openly (present) or an administration that works with & creates policies that work with principles that honor God (not perfect or unattainable Christianity). I know that like many of you, I was disappointed in the last election – especially in light of the magnitude
of cheating that was revealed & the never ending false accusations upon our former president. Yet in spite of all of that, the former president has given us “a profile in courage” & “an example of Do Not Give Up”.

    March 12, 2024

    Sometimes you thinkā€¦oh change that sentence to now I know the Lord allowed all this to wake us up, secure a praying remnant, and expose, expose, expose how deep and wide the depth of deprivation in our nation is, to root it out. Declare, kingdom of God come, will of God be done !

Susan S.
March 12, 2024

Thank you for your honesty and faithfulness. Is God gently telling us that Joe Biden will be reelected or perhaps Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsome? Why are leftists so blessed and seem to win so easily?

March 12, 2024

Your article helps to shed light on areas that the body of Christ maybe missing how God works not just personally but nationally – for the good of a nation. Often, we get too caught up in the politics of a nation & our duty & witness to/for Christ suffers greatly, which in turn has a spiritual domino effect. For me personally (and I would guess for others), seeing the unleashing of evil working through the present administration has been incredibly difficult. I have fought tremendously with the vacillation of hatred VS the Lord’s command to “love(pray for) the enemy” when it comes to the people involved.
I’ve had to realize that the present sin/evil we see being publicly displayed, condoned, practiced & encouraged has been in existence for centuries…and was emboldened by the last election. We should know, by now, that the election was fraudulent. It doesn’t matter how we try to slice it – the data confirms it & that shouldn’t surprise. Only a fool would accept that it was legit. So the “foundation was rotten” from day 1. My point is this – God allowed it to be certified, even going so far as to use “professing Christians” in the certification process. I’ve learned that people, especially in politics, can confess to be Christian but it doesn’t mean they walk closely with him or follow His voice. They are often “neutral Christians”, who are satisfied with “status quo” Christianity.
Sometimes Christianity or the label Christian is nothing more than a political tool for selfish gain. I hope that people learned that with the prez from 2008-16, who used *the label* for votes, when in fact he was the polar opposite of what Christianity should be. Since the beginning of creation, Satan has used his lies & silver tongue to deceive. It’s no different now & actually, much worse & more prolific today.
God wants to correct our ever wandering vision. We get assaulted from every angle possible, especially in politics. Politics has become, for far too many, an arena for “who can lie better” than others & get away with it. But politics isn’t what God called us to pray for – he called us to pray for people & that godly people would occupy leadership in “government”. God created government. Sadly, we will always have ungodly people in every walk of life. NOT praying for them is much easier than praying for them. We know what God has commanded us to do & if we lack the strength to follow in obedience, then we must simply ask Him to give us that strength to follow those commands. God’s holy spirit has to overcome our flesh continually so that we can pray for others & fulfill His command.

Brian Lynch
March 12, 2024

I am praying that God would raise up the candidate that He wishes to become our next President. That is what will be best for us for such a time as this. Nothing happens in this world that doesn’t first pass through God’s hands. We need to put our trust in Him.

Suzanne Hoffman
March 12, 2024

As these past elections have occurred I think we all were shocked and confused. As I prayed I could not pray for either candidate but could only pray Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. As I sought the Lord regarding what was happening in our nationI heard the Lord say :you must trust me for I must shake to awake.” Ultimately I knew God is in control. I knew I must complerely trust His plan. I also know that His purpose is always to redeem us. Intercession is the key to repentance and sakvation. We have seen his response to our prayers as he exposeds the enemy. The shaking will continue until his kingdome comes but obedience will bring great harvest and restoration of our assignment as a nation. In God We Trust.

Deb Catlin
March 12, 2024

In the News section of this site, IFA reposted Dutch Sheets message from the 50th. In the body of the message is an icon for a Prayer Resource entitled, ā€œIntercessors Winā€.

A powerful message in Day 3. Not only was I glued to the message, but the prayer at the end is exceptional for times such as these.

Highly recommended!

    Deb Catlin
    March 12, 2024

    The article is, ā€œThe Imperative of Prayer in the Future.ā€.

Allena Jordan
March 12, 2024

Gloria, thank you for this confession, repentance, and fresh path. I, too, am convicted. Father, help me to completely surrender my will and thoughts to Yours. Take me to that place where I can be trusted with Your intimate secrets. Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done in me. Amen.

Linda T
March 12, 2024

I confess I was convicted also about the 2020 election. Choices were so clear to me and I was sure I knew what God wanted. ā€œBut My ways are not your waysā€¦ā€ He reminds us. I am once again reminded my prayer should be for His will to be done. I believe He allowed things to unfold as they did in 2020 so that we would come face to face with our sin as a nation and realize our deliverance comes only from God, not from one man. While I know what I hope, I also know that God is able to do ā€œimmeasurably more than all we ask or imagineā€ and pray humbly for Him to use this opportunity to bring repentance and revival to our land and heal this nation. Our hope is in Him and I know He hears our prayers.

William Andrew Hanchosky
March 12, 2024

Trump was humbled when evicted from the White house. I prayed more deeply than ever about God’s will for America. Stolen election or not, Gods will was done. Now exposed to us is a deeply entrenched godless evil that will collapse us or is trying to. And what do we deserve? Little or no salt no light. 50 years of child killing, sodomy and doctrines of demons. A church that was fearful of loosing it’s tax exempt status and willfully gagged and neutered. But God is merciful. He hears us. He knows if we have repented and turned from slumber and ease. Now are the days to speak of our redeemer to the lost and misled; for the blind are leading the lied to and only Christ can open their eyes and minds to truth. How will we do this? God show us Please! God take my talents and put me where you want me. This year it boils down to this. 2 opinions: MAGA or Marx. One is flawed the other FATAL.


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