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Father, we pray that You would bring justice in this situation. Hold those who lied about the former president accountable, God.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

John Durham’s investigation uncovered a great deal. Will anyone actually be held accountable for their lies?

From The Epoch Times. While special counsel John Durham’s prosecution of Steele dossier source Igor Danchenko appears to be headed toward acquittal, Durham has used the trial to make public a number of revelations that cast the entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative in a fresh light.

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Most prominently, Durham revealed that on Oct. 3, 2016, the FBI had offered dossier author Christopher Steele up to $1 million to provide any information, physical evidence, or documentary evidence that could back up the claims in his dossier. But despite the huge reward on offer, Steele did not provide any such information.

Crucially, despite Steele’s failure to back up his dossier, a mere 18 days later the FBI proceeded to obtain a FISA warrant against Trump 2016 presidential campaign adviser Carter Page. In its application to the FISA court, the FBI used the Steele dossier—specifically, its claim that Page was acting as an agent of Russia—as evidence.

Then, after Donald Trump won the presidential election on Nov. 8, 2016, the U.S. intelligence community, which included the FBI, began drafting an intelligence community assessment (ICA) on Russian interference in the election. The ICA was issued in early January 2017, claiming that Russia had helped Trump win the election. …

Comey’s Lies

In March 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey briefed congressional leaders, the so-called Gang of Eight, on his investigation of the Trump campaign. As Comey’s briefing notes reveal, members of Congress were not told about Steele’s failure to back up his dossier, despite the huge reward on offer, nor were they told that Danchenko had disavowed the dossier.

Additionally, Comey told congressional leaders that the dossier was “derived primarily from a Russian-based Sub-Source” and that the “FBI has no control over the Russian-based Sub-Source.” The same wording was also used by the FBI in the Page FISA warrant application. And it was entirely false. …

Mueller’s Lies

Mueller has denied having investigated the Steele dossier. In congressional testimony on July 24, 2019, Mueller repeatedly stated that the dossier was outside his purview. However, evidence elicited by Durham last week from two counterintelligence agents, Brittany Hertzog and Amy Anderson, paints a very different picture.

Hertzog and Anderson were assigned to Mueller’s special counsel office in the summer of 2017. Hertzog testified last week that she was assigned the task of investigating the Steele dossier, a task that Mueller claimed was outside the purview of his investigation. …

Mueller’s false statements do not end there. A central alleged figure to the dossier, Sergei Millian, now claims on Twitter that he was in touch with Mueller’s office from 2017 to 2019. Mueller’s report claims that Millian refused to meet with investigators. Millian claims that he offered to meet Mueller’s team in various locations, including in the United Kingdom and Switzerland. …

It appears that the reason Mueller did not want to talk to Millian—and later lied about this fact—is that Millian is central to the dossier. According to Steele, Millian was the originator of the dossier’s key allegations …

However, there was a snag. Millian never spoke to Steele or Danchenko. …

While Durham’s revelations explain crucial aspects of the false witch hunt against Trump, they do not amount to much unless those responsible are held to account.

Durham himself has shown a marked disinterest in pursuing key government actors such as Comey or Mueller, focusing instead on private actors. A possible reason for this may be that Durham’s hands were tied by Biden’s Department of Justice. If that is the case, Durham’s final report, which will likely be issued in the next few months, should detail instances of such obstruction.

Whatever the reasons for Durham’s failure to pursue FBI leadership and Mueller’s team, he has now left a trail of evidence for others to pursue. …

How are you praying for justice? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Earl Martin
October 20, 2022

I guess I need to unsubscribe from your email notifications — because your notifications keep popping up INCESSANTLY even after I close all notifications, your notifications kept coming up 12 more times !!!!! And it always does this!!!!
I value IFA but this is ridiculous — and yours are the ONLY ones that do this.
Earl Martin – [email protected]

October 19, 2022

FATHER GOD please send YOUR justice to every one of these crooks including Hillary and Obama and biden and harris as well as those in the fbi and cia and nsa! Let these liars fall into their own ditches that they built for President Trump in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

October 18, 2022

Unless God’s people are informed and speak truth and demand justice, who will?

Kathy Emahiser
October 18, 2022

Father, we ask that everything that has been hidden in the dark be quickly brought to the light. Please expose all the lies. We pray that true justice will be done swiftly. Thank you for vindicating President Trump and giving him peace of mind. In Jesus name Amen

Kenneth Rumbarger
October 18, 2022

Please be aware that as a Bible believing Christian I do not read the Epoch Time’s nor rely upon it as a source. It is published by the Falun Gong organization, which aims to restore traditional Chinese religion in China. It is specifically targeted to appeal to anti-Communist conservatives and exploit our fully justifiable apprehension about the CCP. But it is not Christian in its organization or its aims. The saying, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” is not in Scripture and we shouldn’t use it to justify alignment with Falun Gong or the Epoch Times.

    Jessica Renshaw
    October 18, 2022

    I do value The Epoch Times. I realize they have a different religious perspective, so I keep that in mind and set aside anything they write that does not line up with Scripture.

    Still, they seem to keep their religion out of their news and interviews, allowing the conservative voice to be heard. Their writers are real journalists (as one myself, I mean that as a high compliment), which are few and far between these days, reporting both sides of a story without bias, presenting facts accurately. I have found them trustworthy in that regard.

    These days “newscasters,” whether on TV, online or in print, are putting forward as news what is really opinion. by massaging, slanting, editing, or outright lying. When have you heard any reference to President Trump or his activities that was not negative, any quote from him that was not preceded by the obligatory radical left pejorative “falsely claimed” or edited to quote only what will inflame–without including the context? (Like the quote about there being some good people on the same side as white supremacists–without the end of his sentence, emphatically making the white supremacists themselves an exception.) Try to find the full speech or article of a conservative, not just sound bytes, on YouTube. (Note: If you want to find all those conservative views on everything from politics to vaccines, make an end run around Google and search with DuckDuck Go. Despite censorship, they are all still there.)

    In fact, all “news” today present one viewpoint, literally the party line, because they all come from just a few, radically left sources, such as AP and CNN. That’s why I appreciate The Epoch Times, which uses independent sources.

    ‘Nuff said.

    October 18, 2022

    Kenneth, Have you found many false reports in the Epoch Times? Do you regard their worldview and ethics as worse than “secular” (humanistic to say the least) sources? If not, maybe you should be willing to see the worth of “cobelligerents” in our common fight against lies and tyranny, as Francis Schaeffer wrote many years ago. James in China

    October 19, 2022

    I heard the liars admit their own lying and cheating from their own lips! I did not read it in the epoch times! What does the epoch times have to do with Hillary and Obama creating this false narrative on President Trump to try to impeach him? Give us Bible believing Christians a little credit for having discernment as well as a speaking and listening relationship with our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! In scripture GOD used a donkey to speak to Balaam! Surely HE could use any printed source HE chooses! Please do not attempt to put my GOD in a box of your making! FATHER GOD please continue to give YOUR children discernment and YOUR Wisdom as we seek YOUR Truth! Also please bring every crook in our government to YOUR justice in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!


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