What time is it Christian? What season are we in as the Church and a nation? Are we in a time of peace and prosperity or in a time of war and conflict? Depending on your answer, not only will our responses and actions differ, but our leaders will govern quite differently, as well. If we don’t know the time and season we are in, we will be championing the wrong cause for the wrong reason. Furthermore, we will miss the assignment on our leaders and end up condemning them for the very thing which God has ordained and commissioned them to do.
Because they lead my people astray, saying, “Peace,” when there is no peace, and because, when a flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash. (Ezekiel 13:10 NIV)
There are principalities and powers at work in the unseen realm that are fueling every battle we see on the ground. Whether it’s responding to a virus, addressing racial unrest, or fighting back a socialist take-over, there are spiritual forces at work that are looking to obliterate every one of our freedoms, both as citizens and as believers in Christ. Before we can even think about finding peaceful resolutions or reconciliation among men, these spiritual forces must be neutralized.
Their works are works of iniquity, and deeds of violence are in their hands. Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; desolation and destruction are in their highways. The way of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths; they have made their roads crooked; no one who treads on them knows peace. Therefore, justice is far from us, and righteousness does not overtake us. (Isaiah 59:6-9 ESV)
If we only debate about wearing masks or quibble about our President’s persona, we are focusing on the wrong battle at the wrong time. Our battle is not against a virus, but against a pandemic of fear. Our battle is not against a political party, but against principalities of greed and power. Our spiritual adversaries are using control and manipulation to deceive the masses and distract us from the real war of the worlds: The kingdoms of darkness are at war with the Kingdom of Light.
Many sincere believers are looking for peace when they are blind to this war. For those who insist on asking, “What Would Jesus Do?” I would suggest you look at His turning over the money tables (Mt 21:12) and condemning His adversaries (Mt 23). He knew when it was time to make an appeal for mercy and when it was time to confront His enemies. The closer He got to the cross and His life-altering resurrection, the more He challenged those who opposed Him. This Prince of Peace and Lover of all shocked His followers by saying He did not come to bring peace, but a sword (Mt 10:34). He blew the minds of those He came to save for He was fighting a battle they could not see. He knew His assignment and did not bow to political persuasion when it was time to confront hell.
King David was a man of war (1 Chron 28:3). God had appointed him for that very task. Known for his purity of heart and loyalty to the throne, God granted him favor to defeat his enemies in a time of war. It was his son, Solomon, who built the Temple and established the nation in a time of peace. Though both carried the same generational vision in their hearts, their assignments were very different, as were their rules of engagement. . . .
For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. (Romans 13:4 ESV)
For my brothers and sisters who are disillusioned by the division and looking for peace, know that this time of separation and sanctification must take place before peace can reign. The Lord has been raising up leaders, including our President, who have been strategically prepared for this time of cleansing and uprooting. We must simply remember that this is not a war against our fellow man, but a war against the devil and his minions who will stop at nothing to absolutely destroy us if we do not rise up AS ONE to overturn their temporary reign of terror.
Just as Jesus did, we cannot be swayed by man’s opinions or distracted by lesser battles. That which we are fighting for is the faith of our fathers, the inheritance of the saints, and a legacy that will outlast our lifetime. It will be well worth the cost if we but take our stand and face this war together.
Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and written for Charisma, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and The Christian Post. She is an author of numerous books, including “Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God.” Follow her blog at
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We praise God for the Victory is won! Jesus said from the cross “It is finished.” We must get up each morning and thank our Heavenly Father for delivering us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. He is coming again!!! We must dress for our spiritual battle in this present time, as Ephesians 6 proclaims to us. The Lord is with us. He is for Truth and Righteousness. Battle the enemy in His strength. The Word of God is our weapon. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world!. Ephesians also mentions for us to STAND. He will fight our battle for us. He will help us to have a testimony before unbelievers that will STAND. May the love of the Lord, shining through us somehow speak to those who oppose Truth, Right and our Lord. Adore Him, Confess to Him, Pray and Pray He will restore this land to His glory.
This was confirmation for me. Thank you Lord for using this platform to comfort my heart. People in my close Christian circle feel that I am being “negative” so to speak when I pray about the battle we are in against the devil right now. I can see their disdain when I mention things in the news about Christian persecution right here in the United States. They don’t want to hear “bad” news. They pray for peace. I agree there is a time for that prayer, but now is a time to stand firm against the devil and his demons and proclaim Jesus Christ and his power and protection over everything that pertains to us and our country. Passivity is not a luxury we can afford right now. Praying powerful prayers against evil spirits trying to decieve, lie and steal from what God has created is where I am at right now. Only when we stand and defeat the enemies of our God can there be peace. He is out peace in times of trouble; that is why I do not fear. But I agree that his word says he came to bring a sword and to divide. I want to proclaim God’s goodness to the lost souls of this world, but I know we are in a battle right now. We can pray for both.
This article by Wanda Alger is multi-dimensional. It is a word from God for ALL Christians to embrace and take to heart intensely. It is an instructional word of what we must do and why. It’s a clarifying word for those who haven’t understood the times we are in. And it’s a foundational word of the why and how to approach this battle that we are in the midst of.
Thank you Lord for this critical article and word to the body of Christ. Amen.
Awesome truth. Christians now is the time to STAND.
I so agree with this word from Wanda.
The War has been on from the kingdom of darkness fury losing its dominion power in the 2016
election .
When Trump became President and Vice President Pence were voted in it was the Lord’s will and answer to prayer.
I believe the Lordwas saying that the war was on that the kingdom of darkness has been displaced.
The 8 years of laws of
obiminations against God’s Righteousness were being replaced and righteous laws were going to be made according to the truths that come from the Word of God . He was using the Trumpet voice of God through President Trump and Repentance through Vice President Pence administration. First for His body 2Chron7.14 to wake us up repent return and stand firm on His word and be the Light and city on a hill the Lord called us to be once again.
The Lord is using this to awaking and purify the body to
To love one another and pray for our enemies.
Praying and occupying and preaching the good news Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Using the authority He has given us against forces of evil standing in Armor of God praying at all times.
Be of good courage and His victory will be seen 🙏 through the remnant.
Shalom ❣️ Shalom
Spiritual warfare , as the Devils time grows short, he is increasing his attacks on the Church. We’re living in the end times and the prophesys of God are. being fufilled
How to fight the war? I begin with myself every day. I go from hating the organizations, the politicians, corporate execs, and the media to praying for them. It takes the whole day of feeling the jabs of the news to the application of an antiseptic, prayer for the enemy at night. My way of fighting the war is to communicate the Word of the Lord in my thoughts, writings and conversations. I cannot give in to the propaganda of fear in these times. I will take up the sword of the Holy Spirit at dawn before the attacks bombard me throughout the day. I am putting on the armor of the Lord and I will fight the master of deceit. I know he exists.
Amen. At the beginning of this “pandemic” the Lord told me to “sharpen my sword”. Also during this time, my (grown)children often heard me say, FEAR IS A LIAR. We the church can not give into fear. We must stay alert as watchmen on the wall.
I agree entirely, Stephanie. I will not give into fear. This week I developed a battle plan. I couldn’t keep getting hurt by the world’s news. I was a weak soldier. I want to be a strong soldier by putting on my spiritual armor early in the morning. I pray for all those who are in darkness that they may come to the light. Ignoring the daily news isn’t part of my strategy but obsessing about is what I am eliminating. Each news byte stabbed me but now that I have my armor in place, the slings and arrows bounce off me and turn away from my body, mind, and spirit. I take up my sword which is the Word of the Lord and I am unafraid of people who object to me, ridicule me, or threaten me. Bless you and your family.
God’s people can have rest in the midst of the storm. By spreading His love and care to other’s will not only quiet the fears within them but will change the atmosphere around them. If more would put these first two commandments into practice light would shine forth in the darkness that wages in this world. I know mankind has made a serious effort and are still trying. But, God would say “He wants more.” Are we willing? Are we ready? Are we willing to walk in not only His death, but His resurrected life? For we are to reckon ourselves – the old man- dead and alive in Him. It’s not that we live, but He that lives within and among us!
This is exactly what I believe too.
I have heard it said that people have a greater tolerance for evil than they do for violence. I’m the name of Jesus, may we not be swayed by our feelings and preferences but only by God’s Word of Truth! May we align ourselves completely with His righteousness, His way of doing and being right. May we be good soldiers outfitted in the armor He has supplied. For such a time as this we have been prepared. We, the righteous do not shrink back. We are not destroyed for we are bold as a lion. The Lion of Judah is roaring. Let us go in His strength leaning not on our own understanding but trusting entirely in the Commander of the Angel Armies Who always causes us to triumph in Himself. In His name may it be so.
I am no warrior, though I am prepared to do whatever God wills for my life, including to fight and to die defending our Faith and those who are unable to physically fight for themselves. We must remember that if we choose to sit by idly and do nothing in a vain attempt to be at peace when the entire world is at War, we can still die by the sword which we know is not God’s wish for us. Nor can we escape responsibility for thinking we can avoid war by ignoring it, for that gives the devil an unimpeded path to destroy all People. May God give me the courage to do whatever is right and just to defend His People and His Church, while praying all the while for peace in the midst of destruction. Thy Will be done!
You are a warrior!
In the Words of the LORD to Joshua:
“Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage: be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the LORD Thy GOD is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Thank you for your kind words Mari.
Yes! Father God, there are probably many people like myself who don’t want to be a soldier. We prefer peace. However, if we are going to follow Jesus we need to follow Him into battle, as well as into green pastures and beside still waters.
Help us be willing to put on the spiritual armor of God and understand our places in Your strategy. Grant us courage and let our love for Jesus motivate us to stand firmly in a biblical worldview, no matter the cost.
Help us remember: Heaven and all eternity is awaiting us, so that we stand strong now.
In the name of Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
I sure agree, I do not like to fight, but thank you for the reminder that we are in this war of light vs darkness. Lord teach me to “war” with Your weapons that are not carnal but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds. In Jesus name Amen
Amen and Amen. Pastors need to quit being so compliant and fearful!!!!
My friends and I are praying that the light will drive out the darkness and that God will open the hearts of our fellow countrymen to the evil rampant today. It’s not a sudden thing brought on by a ‘divisive president’ nor is it a virus. Your analogy to king David was excellent. We think we want calm when the evil needs to be exposed for what it is. We are with you in the battle. We know that God will prevail. We trust Him.