I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for our country as it deal with changing demographics and rampant illegal immigration. Preserve our nation and its values, God.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As Democrats push to make more foreign-born residents American citizens, we must pray that our constitutional values are preserved.

From Breitbart. Former Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) has launched the group “Our Nation’s Future” with support from Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) with the goal of helping one million green card-holders gain naturalized American citizenship within the next four years.

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Such a goal would ensure that about a million foreign-born residents are likely added to U.S. voter rolls in key swing states, both Gutierrez and Durbin seemingly acknowledged. Gutierrez, specifically, called the plan “transformative” for upcoming elections….

Research and the establishment media have consistently admitted that the larger a region’s foreign-born population, the more likely that region is to vote for Democrats over Republicans.

In 2019, for example, The Atlantic‘s Ronald Brownstein found that nearly 90 percent of House congressional districts with a foreign-born population above the national average are won by Democrats….

The Washington Post, the New York Times, the AtlanticAxios, the Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal have all admitted that rapid demographic changes spurred by mass immigration are tilting the nation toward a permanent Democrat political majority….

Already, the U.S. has the most generous immigration system in the world — expected to bring in 15 million new foreign-born voters by 2042. About eight million of those voters will have arrived entirely due to the process known as “chain migration” whereby newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S.

How are you praying for the preservation of our nation and its values? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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June 27, 2022

FATHER GOD I claim that the fact that this current administration allows .millions across our border illegally makes them guilty of subverting America sovereignty law and that they should all be Impeached Immediately! Write to your senators and representatives immediately for them to get control of our borders immediately before any more Americans are murdered! Urge them to impeach the incompetent people in office encouraging this breaking of our laws! And FATHER i ask YOU to quickly remove these usurpers supernaturally from office in JESUS NAME! Amen!

June 27, 2022

This is obviously the intended result for our suddenly open borders !! Father please help our Godly politicians to stand firm in protecting America’s constitution. May your intended purpose of America leading th World in evangelism for your son and our savior never be thwarted!! In our precious Jesus name amen

Alain Pierre Muzongo
June 27, 2022

Please I FA is not intended For other Nations or other people!

Alain Pierre Muzongo
June 27, 2022

Amen, only the grace of God can save us, so we believe the word of is light out of darkness. We believe in God

    Alain Pierre Muzongo
    June 27, 2022

    Praise the living God Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

      Alain Pierre Muzongo
      June 27, 2022

      Amen, we believe God’s word according to Romans 1 : 11 Romans 8: 37 and agree with 1 Peter 2: 24

        Alain Pierre Muzongo
        June 27, 2022

        Amen I received it and agree with you thank you Lord Jesus.I am blessed restored anointed healed prosperous in Jesus name 🙏🙏🙏🙏🔥🇨🇩

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