Ballot Trafficking Exposed!
Praying Protection for the Supreme Court
GOP States Stand Up to Biden’s Disinformation Board — Will You?
Ukraine War and Israel’s ‘Neighbor’ Russia
The Freedom of Disassembling God Boxes
Ballot Trafficking Exposed!
IFA has prayed for truth to be revealed about the 2020 election. 2000 Mules is an answer to that prayer. Two of the key people featured in the movie, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, joined Dave Kubal on IFA’s May First Friday Prayer Conference Call to pray about what the movie revealed and to thank you for your prayers. Watch and pray below.
On Saturday, May 7, 2022, you will be able to watch the movie and be part of a special live question and answer session with everyone featured in the movie. Go to 2,000 Mules and watch. This is a result of the hard work of Catherine Engelbrecht and the True the Vote team and it is the result of your prayers!
Please share this with your friends. This movie proves illegal ballot trafficking that seriously impacted the 2020 election.
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Lord God, we thank you for True the Vote, C. Englebrecht, Dinesh D’Souza and everyone that works for/with them. We humbly but boldly ask You to bless all of them a 100 fold and that You protect them from all attempts of our enemy Satan to discredit the fine work they’ve accomplished. We ask that 200 mules would saturate, penetrate and envelope every communication avenue and reach hearts & minds throughout our nation on every level. We ask that the truth would shake our nation to it’s core. We pray that truth would awaken saved & unsaved, young & old, men, women and children. We pray that the truth would cause a holy fear & respect to awaken. We pray for true justice and accountability. Thank you Lord for the work that was done & we decree that nothing will prevent the truths brought forth in the film from much needed changes & protections to our system of elections and government. Amen.
Why hasn’t the mainstream media reported thi!
They are the mouths of the false prophet spirit.
I am not convinced that this proves anything. The True the Vote people claim that they identified the same woman “in a number of locations” and that she went to “dozens and dozens over the course of these two elections.” But we don’t see the map of her geolocated activity. We don’t even see a map of her cellphone going to that drop box on that night in January 2021. We don’t see video footage of her at another drop box. We’re just asked to believe that all of this occurred, without evidence. How are we to judge these issues? I pray that God reveals the truth and that his people will stop being fooled.
I missed the May 6 th date, how else can we see this film?
We paid $20 to watch the film, but missed it. When can we see it and where. Thank you,
Lois Moyer
Truth will prevail. Saul didn’t kill David even though he tried multiple times. David became king in Israel after a long battle. Trump will certainly be vindicated. Jesus Christ is alive. Am moved. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
Is it possible to get a dvd of
2000 Mules?
Yes. 24.95 Dinesh D’
After having watched hours of poll watchers and witnesses in Georgia speak before a committee about 2020 voter fraud, it’s awesome that True The Vote has video proof of the crimes committed against our nation. 2000 Mules is a must watch and should be shared with everyone you know as the media will not talk about it.
I pray this movie along with Mike Lindell’s investigation and proof of voter fraud, will finally fix 2020 elections.
With God, all things are possible.
I am not convinced that this proves anything. The True the Vote people claim that they identified the same woman “in a number of locations” and that she went to “dozens and dozens over the course of these two elections.” But we don’t see the map of her geolocated activity. We don’t even see a map of her cellphone going to that drop box on that night in January 2021. We don’t see video footage of her at another drop box. We’re just asked to believe that all of this occurred, without evidence. How are we to judge these issues? I pray that God reveals the truth and that his people will stop being fooled.
Having watched 2000 Mules last evening, I am discomforted. The evils reviewed are huge. I know Adonai is more powerful and His will and purposes overrule the schemes of people who serve the hater of truth. The question burns in me: How am I and the ecclesia going to perform now that the enemy is exposed?
Watchful waiting in the Lord’s presence is coming to me as His answer to my feelings. Thank You Holy Spirit for Your presence in me, in us, among us and in the world.
$30 seems a bit steep especially in today’s economic climate and people are struggling. I know it’s important but if you want more exposure, you need to lower the price to watch it.
I believe it will be avalable at Rumble/locals on May 8.
I am grateful for IFA, because of you I streamed lined 2000mules and watched it tonight! My questions were what will they DNC and GOP with this news, will they really work with truth? My prayer is that they will. May we see God’s kingdom being as it were in heaven.
God’s will be done on earth! As it is done on heaven, let God’s will be done on earth!
Unable to play the video.
I went to and purchased
Cannot get the video on laptop or iPhone. Only red screen with 100% on it. God bless everyone involved in producing the information. I pray I will be able to see it sometime.
I wasn’t able to watch it. I thought it was open to everyone?
Do you have another link to this?
I clicked on the 2,000 Mules line above but nothing happened. It tried to load but just kept showing 0% load.
I am also having trouble with the link
My search engines, brave and safari will not take me to the 2000 mules website…censorship?
I am impressed with the 2000 Mules information. I tried to purchase 2 of them but there’s no place for the US Virgin Islands on your state lineup. Please help me get my purchase..
Thank you,
Marilyn B Chinnery
Google “Center for Tech and Civic Life 990”. (CTCL). This is the form required to be filed with the IRS by all nonprofits in the US. This nonprofit was created by 3 former Demoratic operatives, with the goal of going to 2,500 counties around the US, providing funding, “to support the safe administration of public elections during the COVID-19 pandemic”. In many cases, staff from this organization, and sub nonprofits, were embedded into county election offices to redo forms and documents used in elections. This organization also monitarily urged secretaries of state to adopt sloppy election practices such as mail-in balloting and unmonitored dropboxes. It is against the law for county election offices to receive donations or have outside involvement in the election process. One donor to this organization was Mark Zuckerburg, to the tune of $419,000,000 (that’s millions). The Supreme Court of Wisconsin subsequently found out about this, and fined Zuckerburg. Several counties in Wisconsin were also admonished by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
The 990 filing is long, but pay attention to page 2 of Part III for the mission statement of this nonprofit. On Schedule B, page 2, you will see some of the amounts donated by individuals. On schedule 1, you will see the counties in the US that received funding.
I have just recently found IFA. This is really powerful. To God be the glory!
Actually there is quite a bit that has been done.. and is continuing in the process of being completed. These Brave folks Catherine , and Gregg, are but two of the people that are doing research and investigation. In fact, – besides their own 20-year battle- they are able to make use of the information that Mike Lindell’s investigation team has turned up. Now to say it like that it sounds very simple. What that means, is that-Mike Lindell has paid for attorneys and investigations all over the country- in various and many cities. And a lot of work has been done. Last Summer on Lindell’s website ..which is they had a 3 Day-, about 10 hours per day or more,-in fact I think it was maybe 24 hours per day or something like that-( I forget now-,but it was a very long phases of presentation)..-, Cyber Symposium- that presented all of the results of the the research and investigation that had been done to that point. At that point it was only the beginning. It is ongoing. There has been quite a bit of news from last year going into this year about Arizona and their situation. The point we are at now.. is that all of the revelations that have come forth- about the fraud in the various cities- is being fought against by the left., through spinning information- making false claims- and trying to come up with various narratives to dispel the truth. There are various stages of litigation and legislation being pursued in our court system in cities all over America. If that had not been done, and if True The Vote-,which is Catherine Engelbrecht’s organization.. had not done all the work that they have done-,we would not be hearing about this presentation.. that aired yesterday on the first Friday program- here on IFA ..which entailed, and detailed,and highlighted- the ongoing work that Catherine Engelbrecht is doing.
IFA has also requested as of last week that we keep her and her associate Greg in our prayers because their safety is potentially at risk because of this. That is actually very real.
So Lord we just come before you in Jesus name thanking you for these brave warriors Catherine Engelbrecht Greg Phillips and of course Mike lindell’s courageous efforts-, that have been spoken of a lot. Actually he takes a lot of heat and was out on the front lines in the beginning of this in 2020 as well. And we thank you for him as well and Lord we pray you protect Catherine and Greg Phillips and Mike Lindell as well by the power of your Holy Spirit and continuing to give them great wisdom -,mental clarity- and creativity.. and speaking through their mouths when they are Under Fire by the communist regime-,in power in this country. Thank you Lord for all you do, in the mighty name of Jesus-, Amen
My heartburn over all of this, including the facts regarding the Dominion and Smartmatic machines, their algorithms and vote counts, along with what D’Sousa, Engelbrecht, and Phillips have proved beyond a shadow of doubt, is that no one in Washington, either in the Senate, House, nor the DOJ is doing anything about it. It seems that the minds and hearts of these folks are in lockdown, for fear of seeing the truth that is already staring them in the face.
When Good people do nothing, our Good Country will fall! Countries are like children. If you teach them corruption and falsehoods, it destroys its core! But it you teach it morality and strength of character, it grows and flourishes! Where have our HEROS all gone and why aren’t they fighting this battle against evil? We need more than one Whistleblower Americans! Speak up and save our Nation!
I don’t have much hope for any justice for the fraudulent ballots and the exposure of Hillary Clinton’s phony evidence concerning Trump being falsely smeared. Durham’s report will amount to zero
accountability for treason conspiracy by DEMOCRATS undermining Trump ‘s presidency!
God is exposing the corruption for all to see and will turn it around. Have faith. We can’t count on anyone else but We The People and God but it will happen.
God is good.
Not able to hear the Biden comments in the trailer. Google keeps stopping and impeding itl
Yes, the same thing happened to me!
I feel hard to hear All pray at same time can’t understand or hear just sounds like jumble but I do pray along in spirit . So don’t be bothered that it did not work . But I think how does God hear us all and he answers all our prayers at once . It must sound like that to him . Bless you . Thank you
Praise the Lord
Truth let it be know across all airways to the world praise the Lord . God pour out truth your power presence Glory protections . Reveal and turn it all over for your Glory .
I pray to the Almighty that truth, justice and morality will prevail; not only with the decision of the Supreme Court, regarding Roe vs Wade, but also with the outcome of the November elections.
Thank you!! I continue to pray that evil will be discovered, brought to light, and conquered most of all. God and good will conquer evil. God bless all who are fighting for the good and truth.
I thank God that the truth is being exposed in this documentary. I pray for the outcome of this revelation. Let the truth about the 2020 election fraud be exposed, and that EVERYONE that was involved in pulling off of the election fraud will be punished. This includes the Globalist Elite, whose billions of dollars paid for this scam. The mules need to be prosecuted as well. Their lack of integrity made this whole fiasco possible- they were willing to act in an unscrupulous way to make this come to pass. Lord , please, let Your perfect and holy will be done.
Praise God
Glory to God for the courage and victory!
May the Holy Spirit shine a light on this injustice done to our whole country and as the word says: “Vengence in Mine saith the Lord”………
Truth will prevail and penalty will be paid for this crime!
When? 4 urats from now? 2 more years of the false Presidet to implement harmful policiies to weaken America? Trump was cheated 4 years of being our President to keep America strong and thriving! 2024 I doubt he will run at 80 years old! prayer for country essental!
How can prosecution come to this terrible crime that was committed on our nation?
God is The Truth, The Way and The Life…
Praying that the Holy Spirit of God would reveal truth and justice to believers everywhere. In Jesus Holy Name
Thank God for showing us in our time, that He still answers the prayers of his Saints, who cry out to him for intervention in the governments of the nations.
He is the Everlasting God, who created the ends of the earth…and his understanding is unsearchable.
May this revelation be unstoppable as God moves it across this nation and May the truth reach into other nations.
And Lord please send your angels to guard and protect, Catherine and Gregg, and this film in the Name of Jesus. We speak the Name of Jesus over them and over all that they have produced for your name sake.
May the Lord God protect the USA from anymore election cheating. May God preserve the Constitution and the USA. May revival spread across the USA and the World and people would have a love for Christ.
Asland is on the prowl.
He will expose the Truth! They will melt away by His roar of Justice. The Righteous will stand firm against all odds! And the Righteous Judge will rule over the judges that are evil. The wicked will be shaken to their bones, and they will wish themselves as dead! Their guilt will find them out. Their stomachs will burn in grief. And out of their agony their mouth will proclaim their guilt.
Just one of Gods unspoken laws. And you can’t stop it, and others can’t be blamed for it! You think you’re bragging but others see that you’re confessing , be on guard! When you Turn to Jesus he will help you!
Psalms chapter 9, 49,10
I thank God for the evil exposed!
And pray that eyes will be opened to truth and to Jesus.
I pray for the roadblocks to the completion of all other election integrity investigations to be broken! I pray for credible and powerful witnesses with iron clad evidence to come forward, no stone left unturned, and Justice to be done.
Holy Father GOD , please forgive us and nations , for our sins and restore just leaders to governor over us and please forgive us, as a nation for a estimated of 63 million abortions of the innocent , in Jesus name, I pray . Amen .
Father, I pray that the true evidence will be examined and that evidence would be examined by a true court of the Law. Restore justice to our land founded upon Your righteousness. We bind this ballot trafficking and pray it would cease in the upcoming elections. The government is on Your shoulders. In Jesus name. Amen