The Freedom of Disassembling God Boxes
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The Freedom of Disassembling God Boxes
This week marked the moment that many of us realized that decades of prayer for life and for correction of a terrible and wrong judicial decision would be answered. What a faith builder! What else can you believe God will do? Be encouraged for greater faith by this article by IFA Contributing Writer Mavourene Robinson.
We are so blessed to be alive and to be believers in Christ at this time. In the coming years, our ability to believe God for what seems unbelievable is critically important. For example, if at some point God directs us to speak to a rock for water, will we trust Him? If at some point, we have the opportunity to give our last to a traveling stranger, will we? If at some point God directs us or our children into a desert or into a warzone, will we obey Him? Or will we respond to His voice of direction with our human counter-points? Essentially, will we limit God to the box of our human intellect? Where we may have limited Him to petitions for temporal things, since 2019 our collective experiences and testimonies have proven Him to be so much more. For example, in response to faith-filled prayers and intercession, many have seen people healed, marriages restored, pandemics destroyed, bombs disappear, and rapid Church growth in radical anti-Christian nations. All at the hand of God. Yet, there is more, because He is more.
Recently, I had been praying for resources to build a campaign website. Every other candidate had already released their websites. I thought, what about me God? I am as certain as I am of my first name that God has directed me to this assignment of campaign evangelism. Despite this certainty, I began to strive. It felt like the smart thing to do, because I have personally built several websites over the years. After a few days and many hours of frustrated attempts, I finally asked the Lord why I was encountering such resistance. In the natural it did not make any sense. His answer came during a time of listening silence, and what He said changed everything. I was reminded of His direction to seek and obey Him in everything during this campaign. Everything. Not just those things that I am uncomfortable with or have not done before. Graciously, I was reminded that His timing is perfect, and I heard His whisper, “I will send the website to you.” Although I did not know how He would in that moment, I chose to trust Him. I stopped striving. Less than twenty-four hours later, God delivered. He ‘sent’ the website to me, by directing me to different hosting and design platforms. He showed off by also giving me a campaign logo, slogan and content as well.
I realize that in the big scheme of things, a website is small. My family’s life and safety were not dependent upon it. However, through this situation, I experienced the revelation of how my limited expectation of God for practical needs has also affected my expectation for greater things. I had put our great I AM into my personal God box. A box composed with the material of my human experience and limited expectations. Considering the magnitude of God’s character, ability, and love, our having assembled God boxes is understandable. We have done so despite our natural witness of God and the expanse of His power. For Romans 1:20 reads, “For His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made.” However, our 21st-century culture of requiring proof and needing visual confirmation are the exact opposite of our faith being the substance of things unseen. Now is our opportunity to prepare to believe God for what seems unbelievable. It is our opportunity begin to trust God and, “lean not to our own understanding, but acknowledge Him in all our ways,” as we often pray (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Today, let’s join together and begin disassembling our God boxes. Let’s agree that we will no longer limit Him to our finite understanding and experiences. For example, if we are asked what we are believing God for, why not simply say, “Everything that He has for me.” If we are asked what we expect God to do during the coming challenges, why not simply say, “More than I could hope, ask or imagine.” No limits. No checklists. No boxes. “He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, more than we could hope, ask or imagine, according to the power that works in us,” and He really does want to! (Ephesians 3:20)
Have you put God in a box? Share your prayers in the comments.
Mavourene Robinson is a homeschool mom, author, and intercessor. A former Senior Professional Human Resources, Mavourene began full-time ministry in 2014. A life-long learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and public policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in the areas of government, education, religion and domestic policy. Photo Credit: Kadarius Seegars on Unsplash
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This is very true and I have sensed this also recently in the last few weeks. The One who made us is greater than us, and how can we put Him in our box, our limited understanding. He is the One who made us, and not we ourselves. He is the potter and we are the clay. This goes along also with very good message my pastor was preaching this morning from Isaiah.
This is what I needed to be reminded of. Thank you!
Much of my whole life lessons have been about “God enlarging my box.” First with my marriage, then at church, then with ministry. It is so easy to have boxes, we can feel in control. When we realize that control is a fantasy at best, we have freedom.
Very very well said .. thank you so much for this reminder.
Father, in our saviors name and by th power of his shed blood please forgive me and help me to know when to SHUT UP and just listen so your desires for me can be revealed and please increase your Kingdom through me I pray.!!
Your article not only hit home but hit the bullseye with me. God has no limits whatsoever, being infinite and eternal and all, but without even realizing it I put my own finiteness on Him, my limited perspective and vision – I ask Him for too little, not too much. I do keep Eph. 3:20 ever before me, as a reminder – and Isaiah 55:8-9, which reminds me that His ways and thoughts are not mine, but are so much higher than mine. The last part of today’s prayer opening your article reminded me of post “today I will sit” at – (in the Sept. 2017 archives of the blog)
Yes! For so long I have put Him in a box! But! I am so thankful that He loves me, all of us, so much that He is helping me “unpack” Him out of that box!! Really it is more like He is busting wide open out of that box!!! Praise God! His love is so amazing and truly abundantly more than all we ask or think! Recently He has revealed more and more of Himself to me and moving in mighty ways in my family. He is a God of restoration, triumph, and indescribable love!! Father, thank You that You are moving greatly in our hearts, homes, and in our nation! Please continue Your good work and reveal to us just how BIG You are! Give us eyes to see where You are moving and hearts to believe that You, our loving Father, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Comforter, Redeemer, can do ANYTHING You desire! Help our hearts to lean on You and trust You more in unrelenting confidence! May we praise You now for what You are doing tomorrow! We love You Lord and we lift our voices in Praise to You! In Jesus’ mighty name!!
This article was just the encouragement I needed this morning. Thank you for the reminder of just how much more than all our problems, He is!