Biden Leverages Religion in Reelection Campaign

Biden is using religion to garner support and set himself off from Trump. What do you think of this? From Washington Examiner. President Joe Biden‘s recent campaigning in South Carolina saw him meet repeatedly with black churchgoers in the Columbia area, foreshadowing a clear effort by the president’s team to leverage religion in contrasting Biden with former President Donald Trump. Talk … Continued

Who Needs Palm Readings? We Do Psalm Readings!

In a prophetic dream I had, God said: “Stand on a public sidewalk and do psalm readings for people who walk nearby.” When God gives me a direction, I do not ask why. Find out when your state prays.   As I processed His words, I thought: “The book of Psalms and a sign with … Continued

‘May They Be One as We Are One’

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship With the Father, written by IFA contributing writer Remco Brommet. Unity is highly prized by our Lord: Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! (Psalm 133:1 ESV). In fact, this is so important that Jesus ends the final meal and teaching … Continued

Parties, Primaries, and the Presidency

The Scripture warns: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. … ” A lack of knowledge is ignorance, and the word ignorance has become a pejorative meaning “mentally deficient.” Definitionally speaking, however, that is incorrect. Ignorance has absolutely nothing to do with intellect; it has to do with a lack of exposure, with simply … Continued

DeSantis Sends Troops to the Texas Border

As Texas continues fighting to secure its border, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is sending soldiers to assist. From Ron DeSantis. Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced that Florida is deploying members of the Florida National Guard (FLNG) and members of the Florida State Guard (FSG) will be deployed to assist Texas in its efforts to stop … Continued

U.S. to Strike Iraq and Syria

Following the deaths of three U.S. servicemen at the hands of Iran-backed militants, the U.S. has decided to strike Iraq and Syria. From Daily Mail. The United States is poised to launch strikes in Iraq and Syria against targets that include Iranian personnel and facilities, according to senior U.S. officials. Do you want state prayer alerts?   President Joe Biden said … Continued

How China’s 100-Year Plan Affects the U.S.

Analysis. What do the COVID-19 virus; the Chinese Belt and Road initiative; the presence of Chinese spy balloons in U.S. skies; China’s seemingly endless purchases of U.S. land; China’s aggression against Taiwan; and maybe even the commotion over Hunter Biden’s laptop all have in common? They could be considered part of China’s 100-year attempt to … Continued

Unborn Lives at Risk in Missouri

The Missouri Capitol is in a battle over initiative petition (IP) reform, with a bill that ended up getting buried in 2023. As Missouri law currently stands, signature petitions can get a measure put on the ballot in general elections if there are enough signatures. This pits the urban vote against the rural vote and … Continued

Observations on Opening Day of the Hawaii State Legislature

By law, the Hawaii Legislature must open on the third Wednesday of January at 10 a.m. At 8 a.m. on Opening Day, Jan. 17, 2024, I walked through the metal detectors with my fellow intercessor, Sharon, and other visitors, constituents, and lobbyists. Security personnel attached orange wristbands to our wrists. Join others crying out to … Continued

Which Chinese Military Companies Are Operating in America?

Which Chinese military companies are operating within our borders? Some GOP officials are seeking answers to this question. From Coach Tommy Tuberville. U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) joined six other Senators to send a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin pressing the Pentagon to publish the names of Chinese military companies operating directly or … Continued


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