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I Prayed have prayed
El Roi, the God who sees, we know that Your eyes are upon every hostage taken into Gaza. We ask You to move in power to release these captives and protect the nation of Israel from unholy pressures from without. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord, ‘and will bring you back from captivity (Jeremiah 29:11-14).

What to know

Before we begin to intercede, we must understand the specifics of this hostage deal. For the purposes of prayer, these are the most salient points:

  • Israeli forces will withdraw 700 meters from densely populated areas in Gaza. This is exceedingly dangerous, as every time Israel withdraws, Hamas rebuilds.
  • Hostages will be released gradually in ratio with Palestinians prisoners. 9 sick and wounded hostages for 110 Palestinian prisoners (read terrorists) serving life sentences. Yaya Sinwar was exchanged in an earlier deal and went on to plan the massacre on October 7. Note that Hamas is getting much more than Israel in this deal.
  • Israel is to release 1000 prisoners arrested after October 8 excluding Oct. 7 participants.
  • Elderly prisoners (over 50) will be released at a specific ratio of Palestinian terrorists.
  • Other stipulations include a cease-fire and withdrawal of Israeli troops in designated areas in Gaza after day 50 of hostage release.

There has been a great deal of negotiation and pressure from the Trump administration for this deal to be ratified before his inauguration on Jan. 20. The deal itself threatens to topple Netanyahu’s government as Knesset members, family members of hostages, and family members of IDF killed in this war disagree over terms.

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The security cabinet has already approved this deal and the cabinet is all but sure to follow suit. Amid it all, the Prime Minister’s office has announced that the first hostages will be released on Sunday.

Let’s pray scripturally for this vital deal for Israel and its allies.

God’s Word is a Hammer and a Fire

Can plunder be taken from warriors,
or captives be rescued from the fierce?
But this is what the Lord says:
‘Yes, captives will be taken from warriors,
and plunder retrieved from the fierce;
I will contend with those who contend with you,
and your children I will save (Isaiah 49:24-25).

  • Holy One of Israel, we thank You that, though it has been almost 470 days, You have promised to contend with those that contend with Israel and save their children from the fierce ones who kidnapped them. Contend we pray with these wicked warriors and save the hostages – old and young – reuniting families and bringing peace to those whose loved ones have died in captivity.

I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name (Isaiah 45:2-3).

  • Lord of Hosts, go before the IDF, the government, and the families of the hostages, cutting thorough the bars, tunnels, caves and dark places where each hostage is hidden. Reveal those hidden among Gazan families and in places outside of the Gaza envelope. Grant that these treasures – these children of Israel for whom you died – be found even today and freed. Then bring revival among both the Jews and the Hamas terrorists as they “know that You are the Lord and You summon them by name.”

Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him. For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm for ever, the purposes of his heart through all generations (Psalm 33:9-11).

  • Lord, foil the plans and counsel of any nation using ungodly pressure and threats – essentially manipulation which is witchcraft – to bring about a deal that is outside of Your will and ways. Reveal to all involved, especially Bejamin Netanyahu and the War Cabinet, Your plans which stand firm forever. Allow the Israeli government and the hostage families to hear Your voice saying, “This is the way, walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21). Give Netanyahu wisdom from Your throne and counsel from sons of Zion who know You as their God. Cause him to set his face like flint against any deal that compromises Israel’s safety and security or rewards the terrorists.

As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit. Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you (Zecheriah 9:11-12).

  • We thank You for Your covenant promises to Israel and the Jewish people. You have promised that You will bring them back to the land, they will seek You with their whole heart and be found by You and You will give them both a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11-14). These hostages need hope now in whatever circumstance that they are in. We pray that You will cause them to call out to You, even in the waterless pit, and that You, the God of all hope, will fill them with hope in believing (Romans 15:13). Where despair and hopelessness have taken root, we pray Your Spirit would come in like a flood, raising up a standard of biblical hope in You and Your promises.

He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion – to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair (Isaiah 61:1-3).

  • God of all comfort, I confess that joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of despair, seem impossible in these circumstances, but You are sending comfort to all who grieve in the land. Comfort now all the hostages, as well as the families who are grieving loss and awaiting news. Comfort families on both sides of the hostage deal as all are longing for the return of loved ones. Bind up their broken hearts and cause them to trust in You even in the midst of ongoing uncertainty. Work all the delay, psychological warfare from Hamas, and trauma for the good of families and hostages alike and for Your glory. In Yeshua’s name.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:13-18).

And finally we give thanks for these negotiations, knowing that You, Jesus, will lead and guide as we pray. Thank you for hearing and moving according to Your word. In Yeshua’s name, amen.

Add your own prayers in the comments below.

Lori Meed is a leader on IFA’s Headline Prayer Live and an IFA contributing writer. In 2004, God moved her family from Canada to the U.S., imparting to them His heart for this country and for revival. Having walked out her own journey of freedom after being radically born again in 1992, Lori has a heart to see others set free to walk fully in their destiny. She is also passionate about teaching on aliyah (“going up,” the return of the Jews to the land of Israel), the feasts of the Lord, and the rich connections of the gentile churches to Israel. Lori blogs at All Things Restored at WordPress.com. Photo Credit: ORI AVIRAM/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images.

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January 20, 2025

I can hardly believe anybody would think this is a good deal for Israel. I pray that this deal is reevaluated and altered in Israel’s favor. I asked this in Jesus’ name!

Wendy Gilley
January 19, 2025

Lord. Your beautiful State of Israel has been crippled ever since October 7th.
Such acts of total evil took over that fateful day and thousands of people died.
It was likened to the Holocaust and their version of our 9/11. Lord please let
their be a ceasefire so that Hamas can bring all the hostages out of those evil
tunnels and be re-united once again to their families.

All we want is peace for Israel and to stop all the chaos and bombing and
total inhumanity to the people of Israel. Please help all of Israel
and America to stand up and fight against this evil. Help all the Christians to
be in constant prayer for Israel. As God says. I will bless those who bless Israel.

In Jesus mighty name, AMEN AND AMEN!!

January 18, 2025


Cheryl SpottedBear
January 18, 2025

Father God we are in distress over the hostages we remember the Holocaust and our heart’s can not bare for any more harm intervene in our hour of need for we know the plan, s you have for us our hope is in you the Lord God Almighty in Christ alone we find peace in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit chase away the darkness amen!

January 18, 2025

As an Issachar Watchman on the Wall for the Incoming Jewish and Arabic Christian Harvest, this ceasefire, when Israel has been thru such a grueling war for 15 months, and for America–to pressure and strong arm the very nation we were called to STAND BY and SUPPORT and love as a sister-nation, and to pull back when wonderful advances have been made…to allow Hamas to re-arm and strengthen themselves and to exchange only 33 Israelis for up to 2,000 terrorists…and REMEMBER Sinwar was one such terrorist released in the past…is

Joshua and Caleb did not “make ceasefire deals”. David “did not make ceasefire deals” when the Amalekite captured his family at ZIGLAG. Deborah did not “make ceasefire deals”.

I get daily updates from a Messianic Jewish Special Ops Commander for prayer points, and they feel betrayed and demoralized by what Trump has done! They were excited when he won, thinking Israel would be SUPPORTED. A hard lesson to learn, “trust ye not in princes nor in the sons of men in whom there is NO salvation!”
Hamas and the Muslims are REJOICING at this deal! Imagine the horrors they have seen, losing friends in battle, searching for terror tunnels and unearthing unthinkable things…and your progress is thrown away for the pride of a politician…so Trump can “say he did a ceasefire”.
Does YHWH love pride in leaders?

These brave young Jewish men and women have been rising up like Numbers 23:23 lions and lionesses! For someone who takes great PRIDE in “the art of the deal”…this is a shame. My heart is so grieved! For those with “eyes to see”, it shows our incoming president, for whom MILLIONS of prayers have been said, is NOT operating under the Holy Spirit as this ceasefire does such harm at such a crucial time.

I had been full throttle in prayer for Trump–and it KNOCKED the winds out of my sails. I could NOT believe he did this to Bibi who has been through SO MUCH (including major heart surgery-I was part of a prayer team that prayed while they rushed him to the hospital!)

So, up to 2,000 terrorists will be released into Gaza (where they were removed), Samaria and Judea (where they are trying to reclaim the Land because Yeshua NEEDS to fulfill those 64 Aliyah Promises to REGATHER THE JEWS so they will KNOW HE IS YHWH-and those terrorists will now be attacking Jewish people!) and into East Jerusalem! Did you know that God sent Rick Ridings on 11/15/2022 to drop the PLUMBLINE of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS of Isaiah 28 coupled with Psalm 99–Psalm 99–over America saying that it would START in the House of GOD and then move towards our government? (churches were STILL not preaching REPENTANCE and we were almost at the END of the 7 Year Window to REPENT via Yeshua’s ALEPH-TAV name He drew over us via 3 Eclipses–the last eclipse passing thru both Eagle Pass, TX–the border area and through 7 Ninevahs.)

Even the Arabic Deborah’s which God has called to STAND and PRAY at the Northern Gate, were taken aback and shocked. God has anointed and appointed almost 200 Arabic Christian women to be strong prayer warriors FOR ISRAEL. They were dismayed that America would dare to also be “an enforcer of this ceasefire” and OPEN the DOORS to more terrorism–because Muslims know the terms favor them and the Arabic Christian’s UNDERSTAND that, and they see it as “touching” The Apple of God’s Eye. In a year of increased global Anti-Semitism with many churches, AGAIN silent…imagine how our Messianic and Arabic Christian brothers and sisters feel about this ceasefire with such unfavorable terms. It makes my heart break!

So, JESUS saved Trump’s life with only his ear being “nipped” so that he would LISTEN to what Jesus is TRYING TO TELL HIM. And Jesus BLESSED him with winning an election…and this is how he “thanks” Jesus, right before he places his hand on a Bible and takes an oath.

I am changing my prayers this weekend ahead of the inauguration.
I am praying for MERCY for America, especially for there to be a GOSHEN hedge of protection and a BLOODLINE SHIELDING over those who ARE LOYAL to Scripture and who love and pray for Israel.
So much damage is being done to Israel by this ceasefire while the Jewish and Arabic Harvest is rising…

psalm 10, Proverbs 21:1 and Psalm 60:7 and Isaiah 28 and Psalm 99-
are the overarching “Gospel in the Canopy” above us via Ps.19, Ps.89:37 –as an Issachar Anointing–on the day of the Inauguration.

May Yeshua turn the heart of our leader–for his ears are NOT listening to what the Spirit is saying. American believers need to pray NOW more than ever because of the danger of this ceasefire.

May YHWH have MERCY on America! Father, forgive us for this ceasefire and forgive us for daring to touch the SOVEREIGNTY of Your Land by acting as “enforcers” of this ceasefire. Please, break America’s yoke off of Israel, if this is an indication of what we will be doing to them, as that precious Harvest of souls is arising! In Yeshua’s Name Who is El Gibor, The Mighty One in battle and Ish MILCHAMAH, A Man of War!
Amen! Amen!

    Mary Beth S.
    January 18, 2025

    In strong agreement, Michelle!! I pray that one unintended consequence of Trump’s behavior, would be that of helping both Americans and Israelis to recognize that trust in man – any man – is misplaced. Our trust must be in our Sovereign and fully trustworthy YHVH. No government of man is fully trustworthy, and some cannot be trusted at all. But we can trust YHVH to accomplish His plans and purposes for Israel, first and foremost, and also for the nations. Our decisions, individually, corporately, and nationally only determine whether we stand cursed before Him or blessed before Him, individually, corporately and nationally.
    Oh, how I pray that we choose wisely!!

January 18, 2025

Yes! Standing in agreement!

Mary Beth S.
January 18, 2025

Lori, I am in 100% agreement. I’ve been praying these same Scriptures, and others – trusting that He is watching over His Word to perform it! I, too have been deeply concerned about this hostage deal, because I believe it is a raw deal for Israel and only increases the possibilities of future dangers to the nation.
YHVH, is this is not Your plan, then block it in ways that protect Israel and bring judgement against those who oppose You.

Darlene Blair
January 18, 2025

Thank you for this . I had been frustrated over the Israeli hostage deal, but after praying these prayers with you, it reminded me that nothing can thwart the plan of God and this gave me peace . Gods still in control. Thank you , IFA.

January 18, 2025

This was absolutely wonderful ! I loved the scripture and then the prayer. A wonderful format. I hope to see more of this

Chuck Cohen
January 18, 2025

Thank you Lori for an excellent outline for praying into this very difficult deal for those of us who live in Israel and who trust in Yeshua. It lines up with Intercessors for Israel’s Friday Prayer Alerts which I write weekly.
One thing for your readers to know is that Israel does not yet know which hostages will be released alive and which will be sent back as corpses.
I do hope – for America’s sake – that there is more to Trump’s pressuring of Israel than is being reported, because so far most Israelis are already feeling betrayed by him even before his inauguration.
May America believers understand that their eternal destiny is tied in with Israel and its King and not with America and that Trump will be either a blessing to the US or a curse according to how he deals with God’s chosen nation.
Lord, have mercy on us all.
Shabbat shalom from Jerusalem

    Lois Lauria
    January 18, 2025

    100% agreement Chuck, with your comment on Lori’s outline. Thank you Lori.
    There are thousands of us committed to constant prayer for Israel, Land that I love. Having lived there I do understand the agony of the people since Oct 7th. Even before Oct 7th Abba spoke to my heart to daily pray Psalm 91 over Israel. Know we stand with you always praying with deep intercession for Bibi’s leadership and every precious soul.
    Know that our new President has Christian advisors who make it known how strongly the US must always support Israel. This “deal” has made me angry but, Abba keeps reminding me, “Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God”. I fully support our President and pray for his wisdom and revelation to know God’s will.
    As many others do, I follow Amir Tsarfati on Telegram whose sons and daughter are serving in the IDF, a bible teacher but, a minute by minute journalist. As a Sabra he pulls no punches.
    Shabbat shalom,
    love and prayers

      Dorothy Renter
      January 18, 2025

      Amir Tsarfati “Behold Israel” is a Godsend! ❤️

    Dorothy Renter
    January 18, 2025

    “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
    Gen. 12:3
    Many true believers understand this. We are praying for God to move mightily for the good of Israel, either through Trump or in spite of him, but sincerely hoping he has the best of intentions.🙏🏼


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