Pray Against Inauguration Opposition!
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Pray Against Inauguration Opposition!
The People’s March, the biggest protest formed in opposition to President Trump’s inauguration, is gathering in the nation’s capital TODAY at 10 a.m. ET. What does this group have planned? Let’s come against the People’s March and other anti-Trump protests around the nation in prayer!
From The Washington Times. The Women’s March of 2016 was the highest-profile protest of Donald Trump’s first inauguration, but just eight years later, the word “women” has been scratched from the event.
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The left-leaning feminist group that staged the 2016 march will be out in full force again this weekend on the National Mall — this time under a different name: the People’s March.
Why the branding change? A spokesperson for Tamika Middleton said the Women’s March managing director “sees the need for everyone to be included in the fight against what is coming,” referring to Monday’s inauguration of President-elect Trump. …
Replacing “women” with “people” may be more inclusive, but it’s also somewhat tone-deaf, given the backlash against what critics on the right describe as the campaign to “erase women” by equating them with biological males who identify as female. …
Carrie Lukas, president of the Independent Women’s Forum, called it a “sign of just how low the progressive movement has sunk that, in the eight years since Trump was first inaugurated and the Women’s March launched, that they have dropped the word ’women.’”
“Presumably this is because the only people who are willing to once again come out to push debunked, alarmist rhetoric about the supposed horrors of Trump 2.0 are also so disconnected from reality that they oppose terms like ’women,’” Ms. Lukas said. …
Asked if the Women’s March knows what a woman is, the spokesperson insisted that the Saturday event is “not a Women’s March — Women’s March as an organization is just one of the members who is involved in the People’s March.” …
The Women’s March is “anchoring the logistics of the mobilization,” according to the People’s March website, which is copyrighted by the Women’s March.
During a Nov. 8 planning call, Ms. Middleton described the Jan. 18 protest as “our big one.”
“January 18, inauguration weekend, we will be in D.C., and we will be mobilizing, and we will be doing our big one,” said Ms. Middleton, as shown in a YouTube video. “We are trying to do the same thing that we did in 2017, which is [to] overshadow his inauguration, right? We’re trying to pull out numbers, we’re trying to steal the audience.” …
The two coalitions teaming up with the Women’s March for the Jan. 18 protest are Time to Act, a left-wing group led by the Movement for Black Lives, and Abortion Access Now, the newly formed heavy-hitter on the reproductive-rights front.
Launched in June with an investment of $100 million, Abortion Access Now’s members include Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Women’s Law Center, and Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity.
There’s nothing on Abortion Access Now’s website about the People’s March, but the Movement for Black Lives has a post on Instagram describing it as a protest for “an end to wars and genocide” that includes a photo of a pro-Palestinian demonstration. …
Dozens of U.S. cities will be holding simultaneous People’s March protests, including New York City, Atlanta, Philadelphia and West Palm Beach, although the Los Angeles march has been canceled due to concerns about wildfire danger.
In the District, the march will have three “kickoff” locations based on protester interests: one for “democracy, immigration, anti-militarism and climate”; one for District issues, and one for “bodily autonomy, gender justice and LGBTQIA issues.”
The marchers will then head to the Lincoln Memorial for a rally and “People’s Fair.”
What do you think of the People’s March? Share your prayers for President Trump’s inauguration below.
(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo Credit: roya ann miller on Unsplash)
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Praying in agreement with you all, especially Tonya . These are beautiful prayers, and I’m grateful to have brothers and sisters in Christ Praying alongside me for our beloved president, vice president, cabinet and government. I pray against the leftist media and that the viewership would dwindle to nothing so that these people are canceled forever! I pray God‘s Good Spirit would soften the hearts and open the eyes ears and minds of people who have refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of God to hear the gospel and be saved. I pray that believers who have left the faith will return to Christ, so our nation and church can be rebuilt to honor God in all things and be obedient and faithful to the word of God and to the gospel of Jesus,Christ. I pray against the spiritual forces of wickedness and the heavenly places who seek to steal, to kill and to destroy President Trump, vice president, JD Vance, or elected officials and appointed cabinet. I pray our whole government works to restore the security of our borders and to purge evil illegals who have infiltrated our cities.
I pray God‘s mercy over our church and forgiveness for not responding to defend God‘s truth and word as faithful witnesses. I pray his mercy over our nation and that we become one nation under God again. I pray that truth is restored again as the word of God, the laws of this country that were based on God‘s word and that the woke media who have strive to redefine truth, be defeated and permanently canceled. I pray God will raise up advocates and leaders who will speak out for the most vulnerable in this country who have fallen pray to the LBGTQ and transgender agenda, rooted in Satan’s lies to destroy children and young adults who were created in God‘s image. I pray against all false accusations and slander against President Trump. Lord God, please remove every obstacle placed by the enemy in his path. We thank you that he fights to protect and to defend the safety, welfare, and constitutional freedoms of our nation. I pray these things in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen
In the powerful name of Jesus Christ and the blood he shed so that we would all be saved, I lift before your presence our President, Donald John Trump and ask for your protection over him from the evil plans that the devil has planned to harm him. We void those plans and pronounce your blessing upon Mr. Trump and our beloved Nation! Your precious blood cover and protect all of us! We love you LJC
President Trump as a Canadian I would like to let you know how much you are appreciated here in Canada you are a man of great integrity, very loving and caring individual that truly loves his country. My prayer for you that God will protect you, Melania, Baron and all your children and their families, JD Vance and his wife and all his
family also everyone in the incoming administration and their families. Mr. President I
pray that you will seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom for the enormous task He has but you in for the USA which also extends to the World. God Bless you and I will be praying for you regularity.
I am praying that ALL goes well for Trump’s inauguration. May the Lord of heaven defeat all forms of rebellion and opposition. I pray that those marching will come under conviction and recognize their sin in opposing God.
Confuse their speech. Show them their need for Jesus Christ.
Praying you are safe, in your courage to even be there
Stay warm, alert and strong! Go boldly in your walk, speaking with a lost soul, this, might perhaps be the highlight of this journey for you!
God bless you and each one with you!✝️🛐🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Some thoughts and verses and a prayer:
What a victory we have seen in Nov.2024! Thank you God!
What a victory Donad J Trump, former President( from a victory in 2016) had in Alimghty God’s Hand of Protection in July 2024!
How much proof do we need?
God’s Word, in the flesh was and is Jesus Christ, His Son. This One Son, overcame Herod’s threats before He was even born! He overcame these same threats by the time of His birth and at 2 yrs old when, Herod ordered all baby boys murdered.
This, like Pharoah, also ordered kilking of baby boys to destroy a possible overthrow of his reign. Thus, God Spared Moses and Aaron! No one thinks of Aaron, but he too was spared to serve his purpose for The Lord; by,accompanying Moses in assisting his leadership of the Tribes of Isael!
How Much proof do we need?
Our God is An Awesome God!
Lets look at one of the amazing feats, of so many more; Paul, the Apostle formerly Saul, Was a True to heart and mind and race , a Jewish man, serving the Jewish leaders, and also obedient to the Roman government. Trying to do the Right thing by both govering bodies, he was murdering Christians and especially Jews, who were converting to Christianity!
They were following teachings of this Jesus, who was crucified, and that this point,these people were proclaiming Jesus was not dead, but risen from the dead! Paul was certain these people were
” Misinformed” obeying false teachers and spreading ” disinformation”! Sound familiar?What happened? Read Romans 8, the whole story of Saul’s response to The risen Jesus Christ, and miraculous events that followed, is Eye Opening, Truly!
Finally, A few verses to remind us where we are now in yet another repeat of history and evil influence in this generation too.
1 Tim. 4:1-5 is a reminder to Timothy to instruct the brethren about what was happening in those “latter times” to come, ( ” some will depart from faith, give heed to deceiving spirits, doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and Know The Truth..”..)
during their lives!
We too need this reminder and instruction! God has not changed, Jesus Christ, His Son, the Word is The Same, yesterday, today and forever( Hebrews 13:7-15…vs 5,6-8)
5″ Let your conduct be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said,” I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
6″ So we may boldly say :
” The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear. ( Psm.27:1, 118:6)
What can man do to me?”
7″ Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the Word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct.”
8″ Jesus Christ is the Same yesterday, today, and forever.” NKJV
As in 1 Timothy, and these instructions in Hebrews, are reminders of what are the most important things in dire and trying times to do, what to remember!
Help Us Oh Father to know, believe, understand and do Those things you would have us do as Your children, First,
and as servants, to our rulers that You have given. We know we are to serve You, our church leaders, and our governing officials, and our employers above us in that place. These sectors of our lives, in this generation have been becoming more and more difficult to obey. Its been determined by most of these sectors to disobey our ” beliefs” and
serve and obey ” them” first, everywhere we go. This is not Your Will oh Lord and Father.
For our prayers to be heard, we must first repent of our lack of Obeying You first in all ways, and means of our lives. We must ask forgiveness, we must be renewed through Jesus Christ to serve and be obedient, to walk in His steps!
Help us to help our fellow American, each one to teach one, as we all have neighbors, friends, family, co workers who have not heard Your Truth, and the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ, nor the whole plan as you set forth. As we travel in His footsteps forward, this world becomes a better place, until He Comes again, because More will be seeking Your Will not our own.
And, yet not the physical world, its going to perish as we know, but our spiritual world, where we must be preparing our hearts and minds, to be better people therefore serving You and each other In Love, Mercy, Grace, and Hope of His Coming Again to take us to our Eternal home with Thee. We do ask protections upon us all in these next days of trials and tribulations, to be ready and prepared for what ever comes, as a “Thief in the
night “raiding our home. Help our dear President Trump and his family and co- officials that are to serve we the people. Watch over all attending such activities of victory and celebrations to be safe, calm and dismiss those full evil intentions.
We Praise You our Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, We Love You,
In Jesus Christ’s Name we pray
Correction to verse / text mentioned as Rom.8 its to be Acts 8 Paul’s conversion on Road to Damascas… apologize for mistake.
These are the very same hypocrites that have been calling our peaceful protest 4 years ago an insurrection. You would think they would have SOME sense of decency, irony and make an effort to distance themselves from being labeled as insurrectionists and domestic terrorists themselves.. Stupid is as stupid does. I hope the freezing weather gets them.
satan is out and about seeking those whom he may devour, but he has and was defeated by the cross on which Jesus died. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life. Truth wins!!!
It’s ironic the people speaking for the Peoples March claim to be speaking for the “people” when an incredibly large swath of America, across many ethnicities, voted in huge numbers FOR the very administration these marchers would say are in a minority. I scratch my head seeing that the final election results tell a very different story. I pray for safety and protection during this time and beyond because the violence perpetrated by these people will continue because that is how they oppress others…by violence. I don’t believe these people will ever see the truth.
We are here in DC now, 1.18.24 and read on the news about the People’s March. There were a few people here and there. They were pasting papers to metal boxes around the city about abortion being health care, get rid of racists and facists (which I thought was what we just did). Something demeaning about Zionists (couldn’t really read it as it was under an arm). One pasted sign was too perverse to mention was about male genitals. There was not the 18,000 or so we heard would be here. Lots of Trump vendors, not as crowded (yet) as we thought. MAGA people are here everywhere. Kamala merch is on sale for 75%.
“Lord, we thank you that You are Sovereign over all. We pray for the people involved with the People’s March. We pray that the scales would fall from their eyes and they would come to their senses. We call them out of darkness into Your marvelous light. May their influence not only shrink but become moot, null, and void. In the holy, matchless name of Jesus Christ we pray and ask, Amen.”
Dear God, We prayed so hard for President Trump’s re-election and you answered us. Thank you! Now we ask that you protect him and his family and all his newly elected cabinet. We pray for them to be strong in their faith in You. We ask that you continue to keep them brave and to hold up the constitution of our Country. Amen
This is pure evil.
Praying with thousands of others that God would prevail over all attempts of the enemy to dismantle the events leading up to the Inauguration Day.
Trusting in Christ to surround the DC area with His legion of angels, distracting, even “blinding” the eyes of those that come to possibly “kill, steal, and destroy God’s Holy agenda of righteousness.
“May God arise, and scatter the enemy.”
Trusting in the “arm” of Jesus to defend, and protect all lives that will be attending this momentous day.
Trusting in Jesus to give wisdom, and discernment to the Secret Service as they “see” with God’s eyes any danger that could come to President Trump, and anyone near, or around him.
We place it all in the Hands of God Almighty. Our God who is greater, and bigger than all their so-called “giants.”
“We are more than conquerors because of Christ’s love.”
Onward Christian Soldiers.
It’s in the Name of Jesus we march.
Great prayer fully agreed with
Greetings, Dave and IFA Team Members!
We share your concerns and have been praying along with you for all these issues! Thanks so much for all you are doing to enable these days and events to be safe for Pres. Trump and his team members!! Many blessings to you all. Jean Bednar
Callamos las voces del infierno. Y decretamos que ningún arma forjada contra nuestro presidente y equipo prospera y condenamos toda lengua que se levanta en juicio
I’m praying for an outpouring of Love from the triune God that cannot be resisted. They do not know what they ‘re doing. They don’t know how God sees them, loves them even as they flail against Him. I pray that as they begin they will melt under this deluge of holy love for and see themselves as Gid does.
I love your prayer. It is God’s heart. I pray with you for these protestors to see you as the one who has freedom and love for them. Open their eyes and their hearts to you. You desire that all men to be saved so we pray they would come to you.
Since words matter… I would suggest that we not use the term ‘reproductive rights’. Perhaps ‘human destructive’ or ‘anti-reproductive’ or something along those lines would be much more appropriate.
You are so right, Since when, Killing a baby is a reproductive right? It is murder, nothing less!! and
God despises the shedding of innocent blood Genesis 9:5-6
Lord you are God and we’re not remove all that hinder your will for our nation and the nation of Israel praise you for your faithfulness and thank you for the great things you have done be glorified in your people on this day and forever more in Jesus name amen!
Praying for President Trump, JD Vance & their families. Psalm 91:1-16.
Security of the One Who Trusts in the Lord.
Their words will fall to the ground as nothing!
Father, we come to you in Jesus name and ask you to rise up and push back the evil that is seeking to disrupt this blessed inauguration. Thank you, father that you hear our prayer and that you have given us favor in our 47th president. And we bring this all to your father in Jesus name amen
” Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Amen
Praise be to thee as O God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: for you are returning for us our rightful president into office! Thank you for hearing our prayers and for turning your face to us once again.
We declare and pronounce this opposition gathering to fail in its attempt to thwart celebration and praise and jubilation. Send your Holy Angels, mighty guardians of body and soul who excel in strength, to frustrate their plans to thwart Joy and jubilation. In Jesus’s name, amen
Lord, please come against every wicked scheme and plan of the enemy that these planned protests hope to accomplish – which appears to be opposition to Godliness and Biblical Truth. Their issues appear to be a literal smorgasbord of poisonous belief systems, all of which lead to spiritual death. We cry out to You, to reveal the Truth that can set them free.
May this incoming administration not compromise on these issues, and thereby give them the victory they seek. We desire justice and righteousness to prevail.
Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above! All plans and schemes of the enemy will be extinguished by the shields of faith being lifted across this one nation under God.
“He has brought on them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; the Lord our God shall cut them off.” Psalm 94:23
No King but King Jesus!
Leftist love to make a big show out of things that most normal people don’t really care about. It will be interesting to see how many of these people actually show up to March in the brutally cold weather. If not so many, just shows they are simply fair weather proponents who don’t really believe or care in the real protest,…. Other than hate on truth and Donald Trump.. May the Lord open their eyes to the insanity and reality that God made man and woman just as he made all animals, male and female for procreation.
Proverbs has a lot to say about FOOLS!
Thank you Father Love for using weather patterns to cause the planned chaos to be thwarted and even stopped. Use the weather to show Your power and control as you did in the boat saying “PEACE! BE STILL! “
Still the voices, still their hearts. Let the fear of God fall upon all who attend these events this weekend and coming week. We trust YOU! Psalm 91 over all.
Jesus and Father God, America was dedicated to you in 1607. the young folk who are probably getting paid to yell and scream do not even know the history of this nation. I ask for your Presence to be so tangible among all those people that they will not be able to stand for evil now or in the future. melt the walls of their hearts and let your angels direct each one to Jesus, to ask Jesus into their heart. in Jesus Name, amen.
Father in heaven, kindly and mercifully open the eyes of the blind – those who are protesting “ for an end to wars and genocide” who can’t see that abortion IS genocide. Father bring your truth into their hearts. Let Your light overcome the darkness in this event and usher in Your saving Grace.
Lord, when these people are all gathered together today, would you please invade their meeting with Your angels, Your power, Your peace? They’re all gathered together in one place to vent their hate and disdain. Father, You are the only one who can change their attitudes by saving their souls. Invade with Your power. May the fear of the Lord fall upon them. Some need to be scattered. All need to be saved. Forgive. Heal. Save. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Father God, we thank you for President Trump and Vice President JD Vance and the entire Trump administration. We pray this administration upholds the Godly Biblical values this country was founded upon. We pray for your protection upon them, before them, and all around them and their families and everyone connected to them. We thank for dispatching your Angel Armies to encamp all around them, the inauguration, celebrations and festivities.
We take the authority given to us by Jesus and we call for any and everything that tries to come against President Trump, his administration, inauguration, celebrations and festivities to be thwarted and disintegrated at every root. In Jesus name Amen
God s got it! Let it rain let it rain let it rain! Let this March be in vain in Jesus name. Pray for these lost souls.