Florida and Disney at Odds–What Do You Think?

Following Disney’s harsh criticism of the Parental Rights in Education bill, Florida has voted to remove its self-governing status. From Just the News. The Florida Senate on Wednesday passed a bill removing Disney’s special self-governing and tax status after the company criticized Florida’s parental rights bill. The bill passed 23-16 during a special session that Florida Republican … Continued

Justice Department Sides with CDC

This legal battle could set a major precedent for what authority the CDC has to regulate our lives. From CBS News. The Justice Department has filed an appeal that seeks to reverse a judge’s recent ruling that ended the nation’s mask mandate on public transit. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had asked the … Continued

U.S. Oil Prices Continue to Rise

It seems that without some intervention, gas prices will remain elevated for months to come. From Fox Business. Oil prices added to gains on Thursday over concerns about supply due to a possible European Union ban on Russian oil. U.S. benchmark crude added $1.23 to $103.39 a barrel. It rose 0.2% Wednesday, now up nearly 40% for the … Continued

The Bleak State of the Russia-Ukraine War

As the Ukrainians near two months of war, the situation looks bleak. Now more than ever the Ukrainians need urgent intercession. From The Wall Street Journal. Ukrainian officials accused Russia of burying thousands of civilians in mass graves outside Mariupol, a city now mostly under Russian control, as a senior Russian military official said Moscow’s territorial … Continued

Fellowship with the Father – Come

The following is taken from day one of “Fellowship with the Father,” an e-book and daily devotional series by Remco Brommet. Introduction Welcome to thirty days of Fellowship with the Father! This prayer guide consists of weekly prayer digests for True Identity Ministries that were edited to provide a comprehensive, day-by-day journey into deeper fellowship … Continued

Dem in Congress Calls to Defund Police, Spends Big on Security

MO Rep. Cori Bush is pushing hard to defund the police. Many have criticized her for holding this belief while hiring private security. From Fox News. Rep. Cori Bush poured tens of thousands of dollars more into private security during the first quarter of 2022… Bush’s newest security checks follow the $233,663 her committee spent … Continued

Satanic Temple Sues to “Pray” at City Council

The Satanic Temple states that they do not worship Satan but the concept of rebellion. Many of the followers are intellectuals.  They state they do not believe in curses or of the Satan in the Bible.  They are deceived and are unknowingly misguided and are led to take stands against the ways of God. They … Continued

Fiscal Crisis in U.S. Has Spiritual Implications

While the erosion of freedoms and the rise of tyranny mark the decline of many great nations, another feature is also common to the fall of empires: debt and financial ruin. I have studied economics formally and keep my finger on the pulse of the economy. I fear many believers are ignorant on these matters … Continued

Revelation and Religious Violence in Israel

Palestinians have been assaulting Jews as the media lies about who’s to blame. This is truly a dark time for the nation of Israel. From Behold Israel. Shalom from Galilee in Israel! It is so good to be back home with my family…. The country that I came home to is in its own turmoil. … Continued

Pray for Light in Iran

Iran is a dangerous place for Christians. So I was a bit surprised when I noticed a headline indicating that Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani had been granted a brief reprieve from the infamous Evin Prison. Nadarkhani, a Christian convert from a Muslim family, became a well-known name among religious freedom advocates abroad after his detention more … Continued

Answered Prayer in Maryland

A multi-strand cord of people standing for life accomplished what many thought impossible in Maryland’s 2022 legislative session. Before the session began, Democratic Party legislators professed confidence that Maryland’s radical infanticide statutes were safe from any U.S. Supreme Court rulings involving the Mississippi Dobbs case or Texas Heartbeat law. Released in December 2021, the Maryland … Continued

Senators Push to Reopen Embassy in Ukraine

Republican senators Jerry Moran of Kansas, Steve Daines of Montana (IFA Pray with America’s Leaders guest), and more are pushing the U.S. to reopen its embassy in Ukraine. From The Daily Wire. Two Republican senators have called on Secretary of State Antony Blinken to reopen the U.S. Embassy in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv as … Continued


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