It’s Time to Repent Before God

From National Day of Repentance. No TV. No Zoom call. No tickets. No mass rally. No cost except your old sin baggage. Just you and the Holy Spirit, one on One. On Saturday, April 30, 2022, take time alone or with others at some time that Day to be a part of His Godly Solution … Continued

The Hand of God in Ukraine

The Lord is moving powerfully in and through Ukraine, even in the midst of a tragic war. We must pray that God’s will continues to be done. From Charisma Magazine. Before the Ukraine-Russia war, a church in Chernivtsi, Ukraine, felt a prophetic call to purchase an old cow farm, what seemed an absurd proposition. In … Continued

USAID Used Covid to Fund Abortion

While USAID said it was donating money to Ethiopia for covid relief, the money actually went to abortion and population control. From Revolver. Exclusive receipts of a USAID grant agreement from 2020 show that the federal government sent millions of taxpayer dollars in funding for abortion and population control propaganda disguised as overseas COVID-relief grants. … Continued

UK Demands Elon Musk Censor Twitter

The UK demanded that Elon Musk keeps Twitter in line with their laws against hate speech through censorship of “legal but harmful” content. From Breitbart. A spokesman for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has demanded that Elon Musk keeps Twitter “responsible” through content censorship. Authorities in the United Kingdom are demanding that Twitter follows the … Continued

What Low Trucker Demand Means for Economy

This is even more evidence of a potential recession. We must pray for our truckers and the health of our economy. From Fox Business. A sharp, unexpected downturn in trucking demand since the beginning of March could be evidence of a looming economic recession, according to Bank of America strategists. A Tuesday analyst note from … Continued

Vice President Harris Catches Covid

Our VP tested positive for covid. We are commanded in Scripture to pray for our leaders, regardless of whether we agree with them or not. From The Center Square. Vice President Kamala Harris has tested positive for COVID-19, the White House said Tuesday. Harris, who is vaccinated, was reportedly tested Tuesday morning and has no … Continued

Dems Attempt to Save Build Back Better

While our economy certainly needs help, more government programs and soaring federal debt will likely only make the problem worse. From The Wall Street Journal. Democrats began a last-ditch effort to cobble together a narrower version of President Biden‘s once-sweeping economic agenda that could win the critical support of Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) and hand the party … Continued

The Rise of ‘After-School Satan Clubs”

Satanists are suing a PA elementary school for blocking their “After-School Satan Club.” They claim this is religious discrimination. From CBN News. The Satanic Temple is filing a lawsuit against an elementary school in Pennsylvania after the Northern York County School Board voted last week not to allow an After School Satan Club…. The After … Continued

‘Trans Closets’ in Schools to Keep Secret from Parents

By providing clothes to youth who believe they are transgender, teachers a driving a wedge between children and their parents and promoting a lie about identity. This is a direct attack on biblical personhood and the family. Intercessors, we are in a war and your prayers are the weapons needed to defeat this giant and … Continued

Russia and Ukraine: Nukes, NATO and More

As the threat of nuclear war rises and Russia refuses to back down, America must tread carefully as they decide what to do. From Fox News. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy marked the 36th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster with a speech condemning Russia’s “completely irresponsible actions” around nuclear power plants during its invasion and calling … Continued

You Can Have Peace on Purpose

Peace.  It is not being in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or challenge. It is our ability to be in the midst of these things and still be calm in our heart. This is a saying on a magnet that has been on my fridge for about thirty years. It is something … Continued

Thoughts on the Durham Investigation

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe predicts that classified files will drastically change the Durham investigation. From Washington Examiner. A great deal more Russiagate intelligence remains shrouded from public view and will stun the nation, according to former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe…. “I expect there to be a lot more indictments to be forthcoming from … Continued


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