Leaked Supreme Court Draft Rocks Nation

The leaked draft opinion for the Supreme Court written by Justice Alito overturns Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Calling it answered prayer feels like a major understatement. IFA intercessors have prayed for this for nearly 50 years. Yet, we must question the timing of the leak on the night of the premiere … Continued

Election Fraud Evidence Mounts

2020 saw perhaps the most corrupt election in American history. As evidence continues to come out, we must pray for people to see the truth. From The Epoch Times. Voter fraud has traditionally been a local affair in the United States, where elections are conducted by more than 3,000 counties in a decentralized system that … Continued

God Is Clearing the Way for the Light

It was a dark and stormy night. Literally. During a brief break in the unusually chilly and blustery weather of Western Wisconsin on April 23rd, the temps reached the seventies, the darkness of low-level clouds hid the sun, rain poured down and lightning flashed. In hindsight I think that the warmth, the rain, and the … Continued

‘Disinformation Governance Board’ Likely to Promote Mistrust

The Biden Administration plans to set up a Disinformation Governance Board. News of this spurred mistrust, not trust. What do you think? Please share in the comments.  From Breitbart. The Department of Homeland Security is setting up a Disinformation Governance Board in an attempt to combat “misinformation” online. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke about … Continued

Another State Expands Abortion in Advance of Roe Overturn

Connecticut recently passed a bill permitting non-doctors to administer abortion related medication. From CBN News. Connecticut lawmakers passed a controversial bill Friday that aims to safeguard abortion providers by offering protection from out-of-state lawsuits. House Bill 5414 would also allow more medical professionals to perform abortions while permitting nurses, midwives, and physician assistants to administer … Continued

IFA Intercessor of the Month: Lori Meed

Imagine God calling you and your family to a new land, a land that you would one day call your own and to whom you would swear your allegiance. God called Lori Meed and her family across the border of Canada to the birthplace of this nation, Philadelphia. He so firmly imprinted upon her heart … Continued

DeSantis Prepares for Gubernatorial Election

Amidst new bills and fights, DeSantis is preparing for the gubernatorial elections in November. We must pray for him to receive wisdom. From Breitbart. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill into law on Monday creating a law enforcement unit to protect election integrity and increase penalties for certain voting violations…. Florida Senate Bill … Continued

English Church Repents of Antisemitism

The church has a long history of antisemitism. One church in England is holding a repentance service to apologize to God’s people. From Israel Today. Much of the blame for the current Middle East conflict should be laid squarely at the door — not of Israel, but the Church. It is wholly appropriate, therefore, that … Continued

The Russian Gas Crisis in Europe

In his first strike back against the west, Putin is refusing to sell fossil fuels to European countries that don’t pay in rubles. From The Wall Street Journal. As the war in Ukraine rages, an energy battle is spreading across Europe, with countries racing to replace Russian fossil fuels while Moscow cuts off gas supplies … Continued

DHS Sets Up Board to Monitor Speech

This is a troubling development that should concern all freedom loving Americans. We must ask the Lord to preserve our free speech. From The Center Square. Critics have raised the alarm after the Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of a new federal board that will monitor and combat speech it deems “disinformation.” DHS … Continued

The Threat of Nuclear Escalation from Russia

Putin has implied his willingness to use nukes against the world, and his mouthpieces have all but confirmed it. Now is the time to pray. From Daily Mail. Vladimir Putin will launch an all-out nuclear war on the West rather than accept defeat in Ukraine, Russia‘s chief propagandists have declared, in just the latest chilling threat coming from Moscow. Margarita … Continued


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