Fertility and Pregnancy Under Attack
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Fertility and Pregnancy Under Attack
When it comes to fertility and the precious lives of the unborn, it is crucial that Christians stay informed and warn others when any dangers arise. This includes being cognizant of the testimonies and medical evidence presented by doctors and nurses working in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, and fetal medicine.
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward (Psalm 127:3). This verse reminds us that children are a gift from God, and their presence on this earth is a reflection of our Creator’s goodness and grace to mankind. But what happens when this beautiful gift is threatened by pharmaceuticals and biomedical agendas?
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Since the COVID vaccines first rolled out, Dr. James Thorp has been gathering data from around the world about the effects on pregnant women and their babies. His 43 years of experience dealing with high-risk pregnancies, where he sees up to 8,000 patients a year, have granted him a wide field of vision when it comes to assessing risks to fertility and pregnancy.
Recently, Dr. Thorp participated in an informative five-part series on Liberty Counsel’s Faith and Freedom podcast, in which he highlighted the devastating impacts of the COVID vaccines on menstrual function, fertility, pregnancy and babies.
In Part 1 of the series, titled the Impact of Covid Shots on Menstrual Function and Pregnancy, Dr. Thorp discusses a medical article he co-authored with cardiologist Peter McCullough, which assessed adverse events experienced by women of reproductive age, after receiving COVID vaccines. Data collected by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database was used in the analysis. This data was compared with adverse events reported after pregnant women received influenza vaccines. The shocking results were that “COVID vaccines, when compared to the influenza vaccines, are associated with a significant increase in adverse events.” These adverse events included: menstrual abnormalities, miscarriage, fetal chromosomal abnormalities, fetal malformation, fetal cystic hygroma, fetal cardiac disorders, fetal arrythmias, fetal cardiac arrest, fetal vascular malperfusion, fetal growth abnormalities, fetal abnormal surveillance, fetal placental thrombosis, low amniotic fluid, preeclampsia, premature delivery, pre-term premature rupture of membrane, fetal death/stillborn, and premature baby death.
Dr. Thorp also reveals there’s been a 120,000% increase in severe menstrual abnormalities and this is affecting not only women of reproductive age, but also children and post-menopausal women. A website called mycyclestory.com has been documenting this phenomenon as well.
Parts 2–5 of the series give further details about the problems linked to the COVID vaccines. Dr. Thorp explains that the fetal still birth rate actually decreased in 2020 before the covid shots rolled out, but then increased after the administration of the vaccines. By collecting whistleblower data from all over the world, Dr. Thorp has been able to clearly see the increase in fetal deaths. Postpartum nurse Michelle Gershman is one such whistleblower who has reported on this surge in fetal deaths and the rise in pregnancy complications. On the High Wire show (at minute 36:58), Gershman shared an internal email from the hospital she works at in California which documents the increase in fetal demises. Furthermore, she states that she’s taken care of mothers who have experienced blood clots, or have suddenly developed high blood pressure. She describes one mother had a stroke while in labor. Additionally, Gershman has observed more babies that need echocardiograms due to arrythmias, as well as various spinal issues.
As if all the above weren’t bad enough, there’s yet another area of concern: A tragic drop in fertility has occurred around the globe since the administration of the COVID vaccines. Overall, Dr. Thorp estimates that it’s as high as 10%. Affecting both males and females, this represents a trend of depopulation. The worldwide increase in reduced fertility, miscarriages, and fetal deaths is alarming. To put it into perspective, Dr. Thorp believes pushing these harmful vaccines on the entire world is an egregious violation of ethics.
Dr. Thorp emphasizes that these serious adverse events are being uncovered not just in the VAERS reports and through whistleblowers, but also through Pfizer’s own data. The safety signals that were ignored early on and throughout the vaccine campaign are staggering. Even more disturbing is that new information is being uncovered each day. For instance, it was recently revealed that mRNA has been detected in the breast milk of mothers who were vaccinated, which can lead to serious inflammatory conditions in babies. Additionally, mRNA can traverse the placenta. Dr. Thorp stresses that while these danger signals are slowly coming to light, many highly vaccinated countries, such as Canada and the U.S., are either hiding their data or failing to report it.
Aaron Siri, a lawyer for the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) sent a letter to the FDA and CDC on Nov. 10, 2022, which questioned why the COVID vaccines were offered to pregnant/lactating women, and men/women of reproductive age when Pfizer’s own documents from their trials reveal that they had implemented strict protocols concerning reproduction in their human participants. These protocols specified that “during the intervention period and for at least 28 days after the last dose, male participants were required to refrain from donating sperm.” Additionally, they must “be abstinent from heterosexual intercourse with a female of child-bearing potential as their preferred and usual lifestyle and agree to remain abstinent.” If they cannot remain abstinent, then they “must agree to use a male condom when engaging in any activity that allows for the passage of ejaculate to another person. In addition to male condom use, a highly effective method of contraception may be considered in WOCBP (women of child-bearing potential) partners of male participants.”
The letter further states that “Pfizer explained that these requirements applied during the intervention period (receipt of vaccine) and for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention, as that time period ‘corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention.’”
Even more telling is that Pfizer’s protocols specify in their early clinical trial that females who were pregnant or breastfeeding were ineligible to participate in the study and all other females were only eligible to participate if one of these conditions applied: if the woman is not of child-bearing potential; or if she is a woman of child-bearing potential using an acceptable contraceptive method during the intervention period (for a minimum of 28 days after the last dose of study intervention).
The letter continues by emphasizing “it is highly concerning that Pfizer did not study potential reproductive issues given that its own study conducted prior to the clinical trial showed that the lipids and mRNA from the COVID-19 vaccine remain in the testes for a least up to 48 hours with increasing concentration levels at 25 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours post-vaccination.”
The author of the letter, Aaron Siri, led a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) case against the FDA in response to their attempt to hide the Pfizer documents for 75 years. A federal judge ordered the documents to be released in 108 days, which was the same amount of time it took the FDA to approve the COVID-19 vaccines.
Other evidence continues being released that corroborate the findings of Dr. Thorp and the ICAN Network’s investigations. Dr. Naomi Wolf just released an e-book titled Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports which feature 50 reports written by The War Room and the DailyClout. A team of 3,500 medical experts analyzed Pfizer’s own primary source documents that were released under a court order. Amy Kelly, the Pfizer Document Investigations Team Project Manager says, “The reports show that Pfizer knew during the clinical trial that its COVID-19 mRNA drug was harmful on a large scale, could be shed from person to person, and even contributed to deaths.”
The recent undercover videos of Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s Worldwide Director of Research and Development and mRNA Scientific Planning, took the internet by storm as they allowed the world to hear the confessions of a man who has firsthand information about covid vaccine development. A Project Veritas reporter caught Walker on camera admitting, “There is something irregular about their menstrual cycles, so people will have to investigate that down the line…Because that is a little concerning. The vaccine shouldn’t be interfering with that, so we don’t really know what’s going on. …Well, that’s why I don’t understand that. It’s weird. I hope we don’t find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in the body because it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles. Yeah, or like the entire next generation is like super f****d up. Can you imagine the scandal … I would take Pfizer off my resume.”
The statements made by Walker back up what Dr. Naomi Wolf and countless other doctors were trying to inform the public about as early as 2021. For example, Dr. Robert Chandler warned that within 48 hours of injection, the lipid nanoparticles can accumulate in organs such as the brain, spleen, liver, adrenals and ovaries.
Dr. Wolf declares: “What’s so weird, creepy and disgusting about the Pfizer documents [see Appendix 2.1] is that their trials were about sex. Their trials were about sex and reproduction: testes, ovaries, placenta, menstruation, lactation, spontaneous abortion — they knew. They were utterly focused on reproduction and knew they were damaging it. So, Pfizer executive Jordon Trishton Walker’s concerns about menstrual changes have already been thoroughly acknowledged in the Pfizer documents. They knew what the mRNA injection did to women, and they kept going … they told women to ‘get injected, get injected. Get injected while you’re pregnant. Get your children injected.’” She adds: “To me, it says this is a war against women. It’s a war against women’s fertility, women’s ability to nurse, women’s ability to deliver and carry babies. And they knew it.”
Dr. Wolf is right when she says this is a war against pregnancy, fertility and babies. This war, however, comes straight from the enemy of God–Lucifer himself. Satan knows that children are a blessing from Jesus and thus, he sets himself against this gift. Healthy, thriving families are certainly on Satan’s list of targets. God’s mandate says to be fruitful and multiply, yet the enemy strives to depopulate the earth.
Though the information presented in this article is upsetting, it’s important that as intercessors we do not lose hope. Just the fact that this previously censored information is making its way into the media is promising. God is shedding light on this issue so we can be aware, pray and respond accordingly.
We must pray that God will continue to allow information to be revealed, and that any willful perpetrators will be brought to justice. Like the Nuremberg Trials from 1945–1949, which exposed medical experimentation during the Holocaust, it’s crucial that these violations be brought out into the open, so the world can know what happened. Most importantly, we must pray that the COVID vaccine program is stopped before any more damage can be done.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the precious gift of life and for the doctors and nurses who want to protect it. Clear the way for their voices to be heard. Help future generations continue to be fruitful and to fill the earth with children who love and honor You. Give Your angels charge over our pregnant mothers and their babies, as well as the future generations of children who will become parents.
How can we effectively pray for doctors who are trying to protect mothers, fathers, babies, and the future parents of the world? How do we pray about the global fertility problem?
Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger, and home-schooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the U.S. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. Her latest book, Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, was released in June 2021. Photo Credit: Canva.
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Father, we ask for the light to continue to shine that people may be aware and take action. I pray that Pfizer and other Covid vaccine manufactures would be stopped from their lies and deceit because they worship money. Protect your people who have yet to take the vaccine and help them to resist. May this evil be stopped in the name of Jesus.
Fertility has been under attack since the Anglican Church in 1930 decided God changed his mind on the intrinsic evil nature of contraception. The only christian church to proclaim that God did not change His mind is the one His son established the Roman Catholic church. It has always approved Gods natural methods to space pregnancies. See Humane Vitae predictions on what would happen if we accepted contraception as not sinfull. All have come true. God bless
Lord God, the creator of heaven & earth, please thwart all the enemy’s plans to control & rob our future generation.
I plead the blood of Jesus over expectant mothers & their unborn children to protect them from the harm of the outrageous vaccine aftermath. This includes my daughter Melissa who is pregnant for the 2nd time, aft a miscarriage of her her 1st.
Her spouse, Mike are new believers. They may not know about the power in the Word, the Name, the blood of Jesus. She is a nurse, forced to take vaccines. This should be a happy time, it is not. I appreciate your prayers. Thank you.
Yes Lord God we pray for a miracle in this couples lives. Salvation and a healthy child from the Fathers hand. Bless them open up her womb to receive the gift of a child from You my Lord. And they will rejoice in You and raise this child up in the ways of the Lord. In Jesus name. Amen
My son and wife have not been able to conceive, even before the virus. They do not want to have fertility treatments. I am praying that God will surprise them. Josh and Cassie are not saved and I am believing in two miracles: They get saved and are given a baby! Thank you for your prayers!