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May is the Month of the Globalists

May has been a busy month for global collaborators who are intent on using healthcare as a mechanism for surveillance and control. Get involved in State Level Prayer with IFA.   The 2nd Annual Covid Summit kicked off the barrage of events on May 12, 2022, where leaders pledged “to recommit intensity to a global … Continued

Praise! 23 States Cut Ties with the Org Investigating Parents

Texas recently became the 23rd state to cut ties with the National School Boards Association following its painting of parents as terrorists. From Breitbart. The Texas affiliate of the National School Boards Association (NSBA) cut ties with the national organization Monday after an investigation showed the group colluded with the Biden administration to investigate concerned … Continued

Lies Unravel in the Sussman Trial

The Russian collusion allegations against Trump, thought to have been brought to the FBI by the DOJ, were actually from Michael Sussmann. We must pray that the lies continue to unravel and the the truth continues to be exposed. From New York Post. FBI agents probing since-debunked claims of a secret back channel between Donald … Continued

Praying for Uvalde, Texas . . . and Beyond

Until yesterday when the terrible news of a mass shooting at Robb Elementary School broke, very few of us had heard of Uvalde, TX. The same was probably true for Sandy Hook, CT prior to December 14, 2012, when 20 elementary school children and 6 staff members were killed by a single gunman. And most … Continued

TX Lt. Governor on Prayer in Crisis after Shooting

Following the tragic shooting, Texas’ Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick discusses the value of prayer and the hope we have for the future. At around 3:30 Tucker asks him what prayer means. You will want to hear his answer. Connect with Others in your State in Prayer.   How are you praying for the families of … Continued

Biden Says America Will Defend Taiwan

This is extremely significant. We could end up in a situation where Taiwan is the new Ukraine, or we could end up in war with China. From Fox News. President Biden stated that the U.S. will send the military to defend Taiwan if the People’s Republic of China were to invade the island nation. Get prayer … Continued

Social Security Scandal Penalized Disabled and Elderly

We are always praying that corruption be exposed and that the vulnerable be protected. Let’s pray also that justice is done. From Yahoo News. The acting Social Security commissioner will launch a “full investigation” on Monday of Inspector General Gail Ennis’s oversight of an anti-fraud program that imposed extensive penalties on disabled and elderly people, … Continued

Monkeypox Spreads in Gay and Bisexual Men

Although experts say monkeypox can spread between all people through close contact, it has been found predominantly in gay and bisexual men. From CNBC. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday alerted gay and bisexual men that monkeypox appears to be spreading in the community globally, warning people to take precautions if they … Continued

School Board Admits Colluding with White House on Parents

The National School Boards Association worked with the Biden Administration to ask the FBI to investigate parents as terrorists. From Breitbart. The National School Boards Association (NSBA) admitted Friday to colluding with senior White House officials to develop a letter asking the federal government to investigate concerned parents speaking at school board meetings as “domestic … Continued

Hillary Clinton Implicated in Sussmann Trial

This Friday, Hillary Clinton was mentioned in the trial of Michael Sussman. She is accused of approving the efforts to smear Donald Trump. From The Hill. The trial of former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann crossed a critical threshold Friday when a key witness uttered the name “Hillary Clinton” in conjunction with a plan to spread the false Alfa … Continued

Biden Celebrates Gas Prices

As the price of gas continues to rise across the country, President Biden praised these prices as a sign of transition to renewable energy. From New York Post. Out of touch as ever, President Biden celebrated record-high gas prices Monday, gushing that the pump pain was part of “an incredible transition” of the US economy … Continued

We Need a Christ Awakening

“A political solution can’t save America, we need a spiritual solution. We need Jesus,” Gary Frost, National Director of March for Jesus USA, told IFA. In 2019, Frost attended a prayer conference in Colorado Springs, CO with the president of the National Day of Prayer, Kathy Branzell. Leading up to the 2020 elections, they recognized … Continued


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