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Lord, we pray that You would fan the flames of revival in every distant corner of our nation. Bring us into the next great awakening, God!
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The flames from Asbury have not died out! The Lord is still moving powerfully in America!

From CBN News. The flames from the Asbury Awakening are still burning as reports of revival come from the campuses of secular universities, high schools, and churches across the country.

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What some have referred to as a potential new Great Awakening within Christian history started as a spark on the campus of Asbury University in February, where thousands of Christians gathered for two weeks of Spirit-led worship, prayer, and repentance.

Since that time, the outpouring has spread around the U.S., especially opening the hearts and minds of young people.

As CBN News reported in late February, one of those places where the Holy Spirit has been felt is Texas A&M in Corpus Christi, Texas. …

In a post dated the week prior, Kate Maddox Berrington, the administrator of the Texas A&M University Revival (Official Page) on Facebook, posted photos of students along with some older people praying and worshipping together beside Kyle Field, the university’s stadium located in College Station.

“After praying with intercessors over our area at 6:00, we headed over to campus to pray and watch to see what the Lord would do on campus tonight,” Berrington wrote in an early morning post on March 7. …

She also noted a happy mood, then the group turned more serious, praying to the Lord for the hurting and the lost. …

You can view Berrington’s photos here.

In addition, Berrington noted in a separate Facebook post that the Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship on the A&M campus in College Station is holding a “Heavenly Highway” event March 16-18.

The group is expecting between 500-600 college students across the state of Texas to attend. You can find out more about the event here.

‘SPONTANEOUS BAPTISMS’ at Highlands College, Alabama

Meanwhile, the outpouring continues 679 miles away at Highlands College in Birmingham, Alabama.

Dr. Malachi O’Brien, the pastor of The Church at Pleasant Ridge in Harrisonville, Mo., shared a video clip on Twitter Wednesday of students being baptized into Christ at Highland College. He explained the video had been sent to him by Kevin Bussey, a professor of Biblical studies at the college. …

Revival at High School in Washington

There has also been a report of revival at a high school in Washington state. A Twitter user posted photos of students praying and worshipping together. …

Revival Must Start With the Church

In a short video clip posted to Twitter on March 13, evangelist Shane Pruitt explained the United States “will never experience revival, until the churches in our nation experience revival.”

“Now how many of you agree our nation desperately needs revival?” he asked his audience, having them hold up their hands if they agreed with him.

“But please hear me,” Pruitt continued. “Our nation will never see revival until the churches in our nation see revival.” …

Is revival happening near you? If so, share your testimony below!

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: NATHAN MULLET on Unsplash)

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brother Don
March 19, 2023

NH Habitation at Crossing Life Church in Windham New Hampshire has been going around the clock now for FOUR weeks, hosting the presense of God! Glourious! I believe in answer to thy servant’s prayer that God would restore the around the clock 24/7 watch of the Lord as the Moravian brethen and count Zinzendorf experienced for 100 years unbroken that some believe ushered in the great missionary works of God and prayed that it would continue unbroken until the Lord comes, the shout of the archangel and we who remain are “caught up” to be with the Lord (1 Thes4:17).

March 19, 2023

I believe it was Charles Finney, a minister in the 1800s who went to visit his brother-in-law’s factory in New York, and as he was being shown around, many women began screaming and falling on the floor saying I need GOD! Saying I need forgiveness, etc. So the owner of the factory shut down production and they had a revival right there where almost every worker was saved! We must not put GOD in a box! Obviously revivals can begin anywhere, because the are and have throughout history! FATHER GOD please fill our hearts with YOUR Presence so strong that it passes from heart to heart and breast to breast; all though our communities; and let many repent and give their lives to YOU in the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS! Amen!


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