Fauci, NIH, Monkeypox, and Bioterror. Oh My.

Deleted. An NIH webpage on the efficacy of a smallpox vaccine on monkeypox, including comments by Dr. Fauci and mentions of bioterrorism. As we connect the dots on Covid, vaccines, bioterrorism, gain of function, we must pay attention to what is hidden as well as what we know. From National Pulse. The National Institutes of … Continued

Dr. Brown: ‘Revival or We Die’

This piece by Dr. Michael Brown echoes what we are hearing from leaders and intercessors around the world. Analysis. From Ask Dr. Brown. Every day, there are examples of Americans pushing back against the agenda of the radical left. And every day, there are more signs that there could be a major political reaction against … Continued

Answered Prayer! Violent School Invasion Thwarted in Alabama

Thank God! This is a huge answered prayer and shows there are ways to prevent school violence that don’t include abolishing the Second Amendment. From The Federalist. [A]nother school was attacked on Thursday, but it won’t make the headlines. Post a prayer for your state!   That’s because this school — Walnut Park Elementary School in … Continued

God Enjoys Answering Your Prayers

Have you been feeling on edge and fatigued after the unknowns, the confusion and turmoil of the last who-knows-how-long? Overwhelmed with what is happening, how to pray into it or even knowing where to start praying? I know I am at times and that’s when it is time to hit the pause button. How do … Continued

When God Changes a Nation

The power of prayer is undisputed. That’s why we pray.  We have seen it change things.  In our own life and the lives of those around us. Post a prayer for your state!   Thousands of intercessors and prayer warriors across our nation have passionately prayed and continue to pray for God to heal and … Continued

PolitiFact Censors Study on Masks and Death

PolitiFact, a fact-checking website known for its left-wing bias, recently censored a study linking masks and death for being “false.” We must pray that truthful information, no matter how inconvenient or unpleasant, is never hidden from us. From The National Pulse. A PolitiFact “fact checker” who has attempting to discredit National Pulse reporting on mask … Continued

Complete Betrayal at Fox News

Analysis. From the Daily Wire. Fox News highlighted the story Friday of a biological girl whose family encouraged her to identify as a boy, as part of its “America Together: LGBTQ+ Pride Month” series. The video would be absolute despicable insane lunacy if I saw it on CNN or MSNBC. To see it on Fox News … Continued

Two AZ Candidates Request No Electronic Voting

Arizona state representative Mark Finchem and a Republican hopeful for governor want a judge to stop the use of voting machines in the state. The state representative announced that attorneys representing him and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake filed a motion for a preliminary injunction in an existing federal court case to prevent the use … Continued

Report Documents Soros Link to 75 Radical Prosecutors

A new report confirms and quantifies what IFA has reported for several years. George Soros is backing and influencing left-wing prosecutors across the country. From Breitbart. A new report concludes that there are 75 radical left-wing prosecutors linked to billionaire Democrat mega-donor George Soros, who has been spending lavishly in recent years to elect proponents … Continued

Life or Death Stakes in this Demonic Battle

We are wartime Christians. If you haven’t noticed, a literal physical and spiritual battle rages around us. The intensity is increasing at a fever pitch. Right now I know of multiple people who are in physical danger because of their convictions, or evil that is raging, or their knowledge of plans of the darkness. What’s … Continued

The Last Minute Attempt to Save Roe v. Wade

Dutch Sheets offers prayerful, logical, spiritual analysis of the threat to Supreme Court justices in light of the potential end of Roe v. Wade. We encourage you to check out and subscribe to Give Him 15, a daily video prayer devotional with a written blog. It is a great encouragement and blessing. From Give Him … Continued

Elected Officials Are Impacted by Our Prayers

Have you wondered if your voice has been heard? Find out when your state prays.   Recently, I reached into the mailbox and pulled out a heavy package. To my surprise, it was from the State of Tennessee. I opened it and read the letter inside. I was shocked. My voice had been heard! The … Continued


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