Congresswoman Dies in Car Crash

Representative Jackie Walorski of Indiana was killed in a car crash on Wednesday, August 3, with two staffers. A Republican, she served since 2013 and was the ranking member of the House Ethics Committee in 2021. The crash occurred in Indiana. Please post a prayer for her family, her staff and the families of Emma … Continued

Pelosi Leaves Taiwan Amid Threats and Drills

Pelosi has toured and left Taiwan. Let us continue to intercede for peace given how much her visit has angered China. From The New York Times. After weeks of silence ahead of a high-stakes visit to Taiwan, Speaker Nancy Pelosi was anything but understated on Wednesday during a day of high-profile meetings, in which she … Continued

Interstate Travel and Abortion Propaganda

In the wake of the overturn of Roe, democrats sought to protect interstate travel, despite this right being historically protected. From WORLD. Since the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, ending a precedent that established a federal right to an abortion, pro-abortion lawmakers have introduced a flurry of legislation billed as ways to protect women, specifically … Continued

Colleges Push Diversity – Parents Respond

As colleges across the nation are pushing for “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” parents are instead calling for real diversity. From Fox News. Some universities across America are requiring compliance from faculty in the form of signed diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) statements, as conditions for tenure or promotion — arguing that DEI across college campuses is a top … Continued

Evangelicals Oppose Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Prominent conservative and evangelical figures from across the country implored Sen. McConnell to vote against the Respect for Marriage Act. From CBN News. Members representing more than 80 religious and conservative groups sent a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell last week asking him to oppose a same-sex marriage bill. Pray for your fellow … Continued

Protests Outside of SCOTUS Homes Continue

Over a month after the overturn of Roe, protests outside of Justices houses are still happening. We must pray for peace and protection. From CBN News. More than a month after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, protests continue outside the homes of the six conservative justices. Visit your state page to pray.   … Continued

America Is Awakening-A Praise Report

Encountering the power, presence, and peace of the Holy Spirit personally is transformative. But encountering the power, presence, and peace of the Holy Spirit corporately — with thousands of believers together under the stars at an all-night praise-and-worship burn — is nothing less than HEAVEN ON EARTH! That is what nearly 5,000 believers were able … Continued

A Call to Prayer for Native American Nations

On the evening of July 24, evangelist Will Graham, Dr. Billy Graham’s grandson, wrapped up his two-day Native People’s Tour on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations of South Dakota. According to an article on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s website, more than 1,000 attended the rallies and more than 170 gave their hearts to … Continued

A Reminder of Our Roots: First Landing Cross

On April 26, 1607, three small ships made their way to the Chesapeake Bay in present day Virginia, making landfall at a place they would later name Cape Henry. Having endured a long journey of over four months, these settlers were ready to step foot on dry land. They were accompanied by the Reverend Robert … Continued

Praise! 500 Win in Religious Exemption Lawsuit

After being denied religious exemptions from the covid vaccine and being fired, over 500 health care workers are being compensated. From CBN News. Health care workers who were fired for not getting a COVID shot have won a major victory. The Liberty Counsel has announced a “historic” $10.3 million settlement in the nation’s first-of-its-kind classwide lawsuit. Find … Continued

USPS Creates New Division for Ballots

In an effort to make elections more “secure,” the USPS has created a division to manage and deliver mail-in ballots. From AP News. The United States Postal Service is creating a division to handle election mail issues as part of an effort to ensure swift and secure delivery of ballots for the 2022 midterm election, … Continued

Farmers Everywhere Are Fighting for Survival

Sri Lanka’s economy collapsed and the Netherlands are filled with unrest. American farmers may be next on the climate change chopping block. From CBN News. The most efficient system in history of growing food and getting it to consumers, modern farming, is under attack, blamed for causing climate change. Have you taken your place on … Continued


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