Earth Day Exposed
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Earth Day Exposed
Roughly 1 billion people from 195 nations will celebrate Earth Day today, April 22, 2023. All over the world, school children will draw pictures expressing concerns about the condition of this planet, and they will share their ideas about how we can care for and sustain the ecosystem for the coming generations. Earth Day, birthed and incubated by the United Nations, ranks high on their list of perceived successes.
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Earth Day’s very origins reveal the goals behind its establishing. The idea began as a simple proposal by environmentalist John McConnell, now known as the Father of Earth Day, for a global holiday to celebrate the life and beauty of the earth. He put forth the proposal in October 1969, at a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) conference.
The idea gained steam as Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, a strong environmentalist who received a Congressional Medal of Honor for his environmental endeavors from President Clinton, began perceiving that the war in Vietnam was nearing an end. Nelson wanted to redirect the vitality and persistence he saw in the nation’s young people from anti-war demonstrations to environmental issues. On April 22, 1970, he put together a nationwide environmental teach-in, patterned after the Vietnam teach-ins.
The success of this event surprised even Nelson. A New York Times frontpage photo showed thousands of people crowded into Times Square, in New York City. The headline read, “Millions Join Earth Day Observance.” Over 20 million people across America gathered in parks, fields, town squares, and on the streets to observe the day.
The second Earth Day took place in 1990. The observance went global this time, with 141 countries participating, which paved the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Two significant outcomes of this summit were the creation of the Commission on Sustainable Development and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The die was cast. Earth Day became a UN-sponsored yearly event that began drifting toward an increasingly radical agenda, with climate change at its heart. The Earth Day Network website, EARTHDAY.ORG, provides a plethora of downloadable information on the background of Earth Day. The site also presents action items, from classroom resources to suggestions on ways to organize local Earth Day events.
In an earlier press release ahead of today’s Earth Day celebration, Kathleen Rogers, president of EARTHDAY.ORG, announced this year’s theme: Earth Day: Invest in Our Planet. Her statements in the release reveal Earth Day’s humanistic, political and social agenda:
In 2023 we must come together again in partnership for the planet. Businesses, governments, and civil society are equally responsible for taking action against the climate crisis and lighting the spark to accelerate change towards a green, prosperous, and equitable future. We must join together in our fight for the green revolution, and for the health of future generations. The time is now to Invest in Our Planet.
But there is good news: Earth Day gives Christians a perfect opportunity to pray and to take action that is biblical for the preservation of our planet, and for the benefit of all of us who call this planet home.
Some points to consider:
- Make this a day to acknowledge God as the blessed Creator of heaven and earth.
- Let’s acknowledge our responsibility as Christians to care for the earth, even more than anyone else. Perhaps it’s our inaction that has enabled secular humanists to usurp what should actually be our duty to tend to our God’s creation. This takeover by the unbelieving world has reduced our nation to a position of servitude to globalist powers.
- We must realize that Earth Day is a UN program meant to advance a secular and globalist agenda. There is no reference to God or to the Creator in any of the UN material. If your children are exposed to any Earth Day activities in school, make sure they know who the Creator is and that they understand how we honor Him by caring for this planet we call home.
- Among many, Earth Day is dedicated to the spirit of Gaia (Mother Earth). Thus, Earth Day is the time for us to denounce this pagan spirit. Gaia is also the spirit behind the New Age movement, so let’s include all who are deceived by such beliefs in our prayers and proclamations.
- Ask the Lord to bless you with ideas on God-honoring ways to steward His creation.
Pray that attempts by the UN or any organization to make “climate change” a pretext for controlling our lives and subjugating humanity to an oppressive world government would be exposed, frustrated, and utterly demolished.
Let’s pray together:
Father, on Earth Day we lift our eyes up to Your throne and remember heaven as well as earth. We glorify You for allowing us to live in such an intricately, wonderfully crafted place. Thank You! We reject any thought that this earth ever “evolved.” If we have ever entertained such pagan foolishness, we renounce it and repent of that sin. You created heaven and earth. We pray that even our children’s children will continue to acknowledge You as Creator. Amen.
Please share below your prayers glorifying our God as Creator of heaven and earth.
Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the cultural mountain of education. She is the author of Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform American Schools; Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School; and Decrees for Your School. She leads groups for prayer at key educational locations across the U.S. Find out more by visiting Photo Credit: Canva.
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Father God, we praise You and You alone for this beautiful creation! Help us not to give the credit, the glory, to anyone but YOU!
Great article, Nancy!
A colleague of mine produced an excellent 2-part documentary titled The Climate Hustle that “reveals the history of climate scares, examines the science on both sides, digs into the politics and media hype surrounding the issue, shows how global warming has become a new religion for alarmists and explains the impacts it will have on people in America and around the world.”
Lord, bring the Great Awakening before the globalists use invented problems to consolidate global power! In Jesus’ Name! Amen!
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. (Psalm 19:1-3)
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it; for He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.” (Psalm 24:1-2)
“God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’ ” (Genesis 1:28)
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)
I want to know and worship the Creator, not the things He created and entrusted to me to steward well. I am to take care of the garden/earth – not worship it.
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150:6)
Yes, Lord, I praise you for being an amazing Creator God who made the universe, the world and all it contains, and even the intricacies of human beings, plants and animals of all types. Oh God I rebuke the spirit of Gaia who seeks to promote mother earth and does not acknowledge You. We send her to where she belongs in hell by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ who is over this deceptive spirit. In Jesus’ mighty name we claim You as the Lord who was there at the dawn of creation. You are eternally the only true God who created and creates all things for the purpose of honoring and glorifying Your holy name. Please use me/us to gently challenge people – even family members who believe in this globalist agenda and help them to discover their Creator today. Praise be to Your name. Amen.
Earth Day was put on Vladimir Lenin’s birthday and NOT by accident. The bottom line it is communist based and none of us or our children should pay heed to it. We, as Jesus followers, need to replace it by next year with Creation Day. Jesus spoke it all into existence. If there is no God, who takes quite good care (with some of our ideas) of His earth, then humans have a lot of work to do to keep it up and running lol lol
“Nelson wanted to redirect the vitality and persistence he saw in the nation’s young people from anti-war demonstrations to environmental issues.”
That quote speaks volumes. How easily people are led without stopping to think. I pray God breaks the chains of the enemy and those working for him with the goal to control others and get them to do their bidding. And many don’t realize what’s going on. Father please wake them up. Remove the scales from their eyes. May they turn to You and see that You are to be worshipped and glorified over Your creation. We are thankful for what You’ve given us Lord and this beautiful creation to care for, but may we never lose sight that You created it. Give us the means and wisdom to know how to care for Your creation as You want us to. Thank you Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Holy Father ; Earth Day was an attempt to divert people from worship of the One true God who gave us the earth. How we repent .! All creation reveals Your majesty . You alone are Sovereign over the world .. all planets , all stars and all of us . We bask in Your Holiness . The sun and the moon are lights You gave for night and day. Praise You! Your lavish love reached to earth one day chosen by You our Father. You sent Jesus to save us from our sin … “ once and for all.” His Sacrifice upon a cross crushed the dominion of the enemy of our souls. Forever. It still does. His burial and resurrection were orchestrated by You . Therefore when we know , believe, receive and live in Jesus .. evil can be obliterated. Climate is an example of a false God. The earth is still here.but People continue to die . Help us to magnify daily who You are ., our Holy undefeated eternal Father whose love can reach to any depth or height .. We pledge to pursue You all of our days on earth and to seek Your face upon our broken land fervently . In Jesus’ Name
We also have to remember that God is going to destroy this earth and universe and will recreate them as stated in the Book of Revelation…
And until that happens, we are still to be responsible stewards of God’s creation as Adam was before the Fall…
Earth Day has been heavily influenced by paganism, which places an insensate earth, vegetation, atmosphere, universe, above God !
The only way that the earth can be saved is to acknowledge the fact that only God can save the earth and acknowledge the truth that of ourselves we know nothing. If we cannot save our souls from original sin, how can we save the earth from any type of destruction. It is in Jesus’ name that I pray and humble myself to the truth that God is the true creator of Heaven and Earth, and that he gives me the strength and wisdom to save both my soul and the earth.