False Accusation Destroys Business

From New York Post. On the night of Nov., 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected president and the country was forever changed. But for my family, it was the following night — Nov. 9, 2016 — that our world was turned upside down and has never been set right. Late that night, my husband, David, came … Continued

Victory for Religious Freedom

From World. Chelsey Nelson . . .  a Kentucky wedding photographer who says she uses images and words to celebrate the union of marriage—just not same-sex marriage. In a possible preview of a hoped-for Supreme Court ruling next year, a federal judge in Kentucky on Tuesday barred the Louisville city government from forcing Nelson to … Continued

The Naked Communist Explains It All

From American Greatness. My father was a liberal Democrat. He worshiped FDR and didn’t care much for the GOP. His parents were staunch Republicans, and the political discussions I remember from the 1950s were always entertaining—if not a bit confusing—to this eight-year-old. Importantly, while my dad was a liberal, he was a virulent anti-Communist, and … Continued

Violent Labor Day 2022

Multiple incidents of mass gun violence in several U.S. cities spiritually marred the Labor Day weekend. From The Daily Caller. At least 11 mass shootings have occurred across mostly Democrat-run cities nationwide during Labor Day weekend so far, killing at least 15 people, according to Gun Violence Archive. Join others crying out to the Lord … Continued

Border Crisis: A Mission Opportunity

We have prayed very much already about the burgeoning immigration crisis at our southern border. An entire IFA Prayer Guide is devoted to praying about the inhumane ordeals many border migrants have been enduring, and about rising concerns that our seemingly porous borders bring sharp increases in fentanyl trafficking and other crime. The fentanyl problem … Continued

Vet’s Serious Questions on Afghan Pullout

Hung Cao, a recent guest on Pray with America’s Leaders, wrote a powerful article for Fox News about Biden’s Afghanistan decision. From Fox News. Abbey Gate, the main entrance for the NATO base at Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA), was an entrance of sharp turns and checkpoints to prevent a vehicle from ramming through the checkpoint … Continued

Coach Kennedy and the Filmmakers Who Inspired Him

In Part One of my interview with the Kendrick Brothers, which you can see below, they congratulated Coach Joe Kennedy on the Supreme Court decision to allow him to pray on the 50 yard line after football games at his public school. He sent them a video response, and I recorded all three Kendrick Brothers … Continued

Examining the Fight Against ESG

Americans are pushing back on ESG while more and more companies are encouraging us to fall in line. How can our stewardship of our money honor God? From WORLD. Analysis. The impact of economic policies reaches far beyond economics. Consider this: The Wall Street Journal recently ran a story about a letter addressed to the money management giant … Continued

Governor Orders $10 Million New Abortion Clinic

Beyond this new abortion clinic, in Dona Ana County, the governor seeks to expand abortion statewide. Let’s pray. From The Daily Wire. Democratic New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed an executive order Wednesday allocating $10 million in taxpayer dollars to fund an abortion clinic. Do you want state prayer alerts?   The governor’s capital … Continued

7,000 Doctors Refute Pro-Choice Lies

After the overturn of Roe, media outlets have been flooded with lies about abortion. These doctors are taking a stand for truth. From LifeNews. Thousands of OB-GYNs across the country are urging the news media and abortion activists to “correct the record” on pro-life abortion bans for the sake of mothers and babies. Join others … Continued

The Story of a Flight Attendant Fired for Pro-Life Views

Charlene Carter was fired for sharing pro-life views on social media. As the lawsuit wraps up, let’s thank God for her victory. From The Epoch Times. Last month, days after [Charlene] Carter testified in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, a jury voted to award her more than $5 million—a unanimous verdict … Continued


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