FBI Raids Pro-Life Christian

The FBI raided the home of a pro-life Christian on account of an alleged assault claim from last year. Let’s pray for this family. From CBN News. The FBI used a major show of force to arrest pro-life Christian Mark Houck, 48, with dozens of agents reportedly descending on his home with guns drawn as … Continued

White House Warns Russia after Nuclear Threats

After Putin’s threats of nuclear action, the White House issued a chilling response. We must pray against a potential nuclear war. From The Epoch Times. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Sunday issued a warning to the Kremlin following recent statements by top Russian officials regarding the possible use of nuclear weapons. Who is praying on … Continued

One Green Group’s China Ties

The communist influences in our nation have to be uprooted. Let’s pray for transparency in government, and pray against foreign influence. From Fox News. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a major U.S. green group that has influenced Biden administration policymaking, has deep ties to the Chinese government. Connect with others in your state in prayer. … Continued

Latino Voters Shifting to the GOP

Latino voters are shifting to the right wing of politics. Why is this, and what does it mean for the future of our nation? Let’s pray. From NewsBusters. Thursday night’s edition of NBC Nightly News ran a segment on the ongoing exodus of Latino voters abandoning the Democrat Party and voting for Republicans. This trend … Continued

The Shocking Revelation About Vanderbilt

Transgender surgeries are being done on minors, and Vanderbilt isn’t even denying it. We need the Lord to step in. From The Daily Wire. Tucker Carlson used his opening monologue Wednesday night to report on Matt Walsh’s revelation about Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), and later interviewed The Daily Wire host about his findings on the hospital’s transgender “care.” … Continued

School Transitions Daughter in Secret

Perez’s story is just one of many. Our children are being deceptively “groomed” by the educators to whom we entrust them. We must stand up for these children and pray. From The Washington Stand. At the beginning of this year, Wendell Perez got a call that no father ever wants to receive — his elementary-aged … Continued

The Theological Root of Socialism

Socialism is at odds with the core belief of Christianity. We must return to a proper understanding of theology to rid ourselves of it. From The Christian Post. A few Democrats in California found themselves voting for Republicans for the first time in their lives this year as homelessness and crime soared. Violent crimes were up … Continued

Is America Actually a Christian Nation?

These days, many are arguing about America’s Christian identity. Was America Christian at its founding. Is it Christian today? From The Daily Signal. To say the founding of the United States reflects biblical Christianity is to state the obvious. Get prayer updates from IFA.   The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution incorporated many fundamental … Continued

How We Became One Nation ‘Under God’

The phrase “under God” was not originally a part of the Pledge of Allegiance. Let’s thank God for the men who installed this phrase. From The Washington Post. Standing in the Rose Garden at the beginning of May, President Trump took the lectern to commemorate the National Day of Prayer. Wearing an American flag lapel … Continued

The Future of Educational Freedom in America

Arizona has experienced remarkable successes in educational freedom. Let’s pray that other states follow its example. From The Daily Signal. It’s vitally important for America that states up their game in public education, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said during an appearance on “The Kevin Roberts Show.” Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   … Continued

Christian Influence in Society? Yes. A Theocracy? No.

Analysis. Should followers of Jesus have a positive impact on every area of society? Absolutely. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   The light of our lives and the light of our message should illuminate our surroundings. Our good deeds and our biblically based values should disseminate love and truth. At the same … Continued

How House Republicans Plan to Save the Nation

The effects of the Biden administration on America are well known. Republicans in the House have stepped up with a solution. From Breitbart. In less than two years, President Biden and Speaker Pelosi have forced an agenda that wrecked our economy, driving inflation to alarming levels. Far-left socialists have opened our southern border to illegal … Continued


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