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Father, we ask that you expose and uproot every ungodly influence in the White House trying to control our leaders. Protect us from evil influences, Lord, and replace them with godly influences.
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The communist influences in our nation have to be uprooted. Let’s pray for transparency in government, and pray against foreign influence.

From Fox News. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a major U.S. green group that has influenced Biden administration policymaking, has deep ties to the Chinese government.

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The NRDC, a non-profit organization based in New York City with total assets exceeding $450 million, has worked on climate issues extensively in China since the mid-1990s and several of its top officials have worked for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or government-sponsored institutions.

The NRDC also maintains a close working relationship with President Biden’s administration. The NRDC’s former president, Gina McCarthy, served as Biden’s climate czar up from January 2021 until earlier this month. Current president, Manish Bapna, has attended at least two White House meetings, visitor logs reviewed by Fox News Digital show.

The NRDC regularly communicates with Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry’s office on policy issues, according to internal State Department emails obtained by the watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust and shared with Fox News Digital.

On its website, the NRDC highlights its collaboration with a “wide range of Chinese and international partners” to boost green policies and “fortify” environmental regulations in the country.

The NRDC, though, rarely condemns the communist government in China despite the nation’s massive world-leading carbon footprint and its commitment to fossil fuel energy. China accounts for about 27% of total global emissions — nearly tripling the total in the U.S., the world’s second-largest emitter, according to Rhodium Group — and continues to approve and construct a large amount of coal power plants. …

While the group has a sizable international program that extends into Canada, India and Latin America, its sole office outside the U.S. is located in Beijing, China’s capital city. The NRDC’s Chinese language website states the office is registered under the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau and supervised by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China. …

In addition, numerous key members of its Beijing office have previously worked for China’s communist government or left the group for a government position. …

The NRDC also regularly has published blog posts commending China for its climate actions. …

Andrew Wetzler, NRDC’s chief program officer, wrote in 2018 that the “most exciting work in conservation” was taking place in China. …

NRDC’s press releases, statements and blog posts about Chinese climate policy often represent a stark contrast with the group’s rhetoric and actions in the U.S. where it regularly has criticized a perceived lack of government action and filed environmental lawsuits blocking fossil fuel development.

The organization, which was founded in the 1970s as “America’s first litigation-focused nonprofit dedicated to making dirty industries clean up their pollution,” has filed dozens of legal challenges pushing far-left green measures.

Through its legal efforts, the NRDC has opposed domestic oil and gas drilling programs, coal plants, the Keystone XL pipeline and critical mineral mining projects.

The group bragged in December 2019 after it had filed its 100th lawsuit against the Trump administration. …

The group has continued its anti-fossil fuel litigation efforts since President Biden took office 20 months ago and has demonstrated a large influence on the administration’s climate agenda.

“For the enviros, it’s really all about power,” H. Sterling Burnett, the director of the Heartland Institute’s Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “It’s not about greenhouse gas emissions, is it? Well, if it was, they’d be talking about China all the time, non-stop. They’re not.”

“Why is NRDC not attacking China?” he continued. “First off, they know that China can just kick them out. Secondly, it’s hard to bite the hand that feeds you. If you’re being paid not to criticize somebody, then you don’t need to criticize them.”

The NRDC’s ties to China and the organization’s apparent double standard over U.S. climate policies has also drawn the ire of Republican lawmakers.

“The ties environmental groups, like NRDC, have to China is something we are continuing to keep close tabs on,” a spokesperson for House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Bruce Westerman, R-Ark., told Fox News Digital in a statement. “We’ve done a lot of oversight this Congress and it will continue to be a top priority for Ranking Member Westerman if we take back the House.”

In 2018, Westerman and former Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, who was the chairman of the Natural Resources Committee at the time, wrote to NRDC leadership, requesting more information on its ties to China. The pair suggested the group’s apparent affiliation with China could require it to register as a foreign agent. …

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(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Alejandro Luengo on Unsplash)

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Ellen Hoffman
September 26, 2022

Precious Heavenly Father, I thank You for being in control. Nothing comes to us that You don’t have control over. Lord please open the eyes of the citizens of the United States to see the political moves under all the rhetoric. The agenda on the left is not making sense because they are not doing what is best for our country. They are following the WEF and UN 2030 agenda. Lord, many people will be severely hurt if they continue. This is no small task, it is bringing in a one world order and a communist government. There are so many things going on underneath that we cannot see. They seek to control our farmlands and food, our educational systems and schools. They want to control our transportation measures. Lord, they do not believe that we the people can make intelligent decisions when given the facts on our own. Please open our eyes to this travesty. Please Lord stop them from getting control over the whole world for their utopian society. Lord we are living in increasingly scarry times! But You are greater! I pray for my country to have eyes to see and ears to hear. Please Lord stop this agenda! Cause our leaders to learn how to be true servants to the people under their care! I ask Lord You would bring another great awakening! Your will is that none should perish! Lord nothing is impossible for You!


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