Tomczak: Time for a Transformational Turnaround

The upcoming midterm election provides us a tremendous opportunity for a truly transformational turnaround. This is a historic moment where we arise to stop being misled, manipulated, and manhandled by malevolent forces in government. Three action steps are essential for voters who align with the 2 Chronicles 7:14 promise: Committed prayer Confessed sin Civic engagement … Continued

Restraining Satan

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are citizens of His kingdom and, therefore, subject to His justice. Unfortunately, we often suffer under the imperfect justice mediated on earth ā€” much of it governed by Satan, prince of this world. When this happens, it may be because in this world, we will have trouble (John 16:33), … Continued

IFA Wins Award at Content2022 Film Festival and Media Summit

Are you frustrated by the mainstream media? Be inspired by what Christians are doing about it! Read on. Pray with Americaā€™s Leaders, hosted by Kris Kubal and Camille Solberg, won the Best Justice ā€“ Prayer Award at Content2022 Film Festival and Media Summit! The episode of Pray with Americaā€™s Leaders that won featured Sherronna Bishop … Continued

Prayer for an Election Day Miracle

Do you struggle with finding words to pray to ask God to intervene in this yearā€™s elections? If so, letā€™s pray together for an election day miracle, based on a few specific Scriptures! Have you taken your place on the wall?   Here are the Scriptures weā€™re going to present to the Lord today in … Continued

It Is Time to Shine!

Our nation is being overcome with darkness which is getting worse, it seems daily.Ā  It is time to Shine and Walk in our Authority!Ā  If we believe in Jesus and Godā€™s Word, then we have a desire to stand up for Yahweh and righteousness.Ā  It is one of the choices we make ā€“ stand up … Continued

Is Polyamory the New Norm?

Legal decisions are reinforcing not only LGBTQ relationships, but also polyamorous relationships as legal and with accompanying rights and privileges. Let’s stand for God’s truth in prayer. From CBN News. A New York judge has ruled that people in polyamorous relationships are entitled to the same legal protections as married people. Connect with others in … Continued

Teachers Union Pushing Politics

Teachers are leaving their unions over overt political pushes. As teachers unions promote the left’s agenda, we must pray. From The Epoch Times. Imagine part of your paycheck is removed each month and sent to a rich, powerful nonprofit that advances culture-changing causes in conflict with your values, such as anti-gun legislation, promoting racism, and … Continued

Hypocrisy at the DOJ

This article highlights one of the unjust inconsistencies in our criminal system. We need a restoration of rule of law in this country. From The Federalist. . . . [T]he FBI raided another pro-life activist for his involvement in a peaceful protest outside a Tennessee abortion facility. Get prayer updates from IFA. FBI agents, with … Continued

Congress Considers Bill to Rein in IRS

Whether this bill passes or not, we need some kind of effort to rein in the IRS. From The Center Square. U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall has introduced two bills to restrain the Internal Revenue Service ahead of the agency’s planned expansion. Marshall, R-Kansas, filed theĀ Preventing Frivolous Actions by IRS Agents Act, which would allow taxpayers … Continued

Lies about Critical Race Theory

We can stand in prayer against unbiblical ideas are being pushed on the next generation. From The Federalist. Prominent voices continue to frame the debate over whether critical race theory (CRT) should be taught in schools as a debate over whether we should teach accurate racial history. Post a prayer for your state!   A … Continued

Awaken the Sleeping Giant

The first Monday in October is Indigenous People’s Day, so we share with you the following excerpt from Remco Brommet’s new prayer guide, “Awaken the Sleeping Giant: Praying for Revival in Native American Nations.” You can download the full prayer guide by clicking here. Analysis. In 1975, during a conference on American Indian evangelism, Dr. … Continued


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