Praise! Digital Ministry Results in 1 Million Decisions for Christ

Praise God! What an encouraging story! Let’s pray blessings over this ministry for 2023 and beyond! From Faithwire. A digital evangelist is celebrating an incredible milestone: bringing 1 million people to Christ. Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   Sean Dunn, the founder of Groundwire, told CBNā€™s Faithwire he is incredibly … Continued

Prophetic Word on the Eve of 2023

Here in Texas we are not normally equipped for winter weather. Just before I wrote this article, we were seeing 80-degree afternoons. A few days later, however, a very cold front brought in some very frigid temperatures ā€” in the low 20s ā€” and we even had to deal with blackouts. What a difference a … Continued

Kirk Cameron: “There’s More of Us than We Thought”

An overflow crowd showed up for Kirk Cameronā€™s reading of his childrenā€™s book As You Grow at the Scarsdale (NY) public library on Friday, Dec. 30. Other public libraries had refused to allow Cameron to read his book. In Scarsdale more than 400 people were turned away, although Cameron and a team of staffers from … Continued

What Have You and God Done This Year?

We want to hear your testimonies! Where have you heard the voice of the Holy Spirit? What civic engagement have you seen or done in your community? What do you want to celebrate and praise God for this past year? Post your answers in the comments so that the IFA community can celebrate what God … Continued

IFA’s Most Popular Articles in 2022

What were the most popular IFA posts of 2022? 15. Dave Kubal: Manufacturing a Manufactured Food Crisis Today we are seeing an exponential increase in controlling, altering, and shifting our worldā€™s food supplies. We need to pray into these ā€œconnected dotsā€ as watchmen and intercessors. 14. Prayer to Dethrone the New World OrderĀ  This article … Continued

The Intercessorā€™s Pain: Misunderstanding

Have you been accused, misunderstood, or maligned falsely? Have people judged you without listening to you, made assumptions without asking questions, or misinterpreted your words or intentions? If so, this is, unfortunately, part of the intercessorā€™s pain. But you can still respond in a godly manner ā€” and your heart can heal. Get involved in … Continued

Holiday Update from Ukraine

Intercessors for Ukraine sent special messages to share with IFA intercessors this holiday season. Don’t miss the video message below: “Jesus is saving souls.” Marganets, Zaporizhzhia Region, New Generation Church We constantly help the residents of the city and nearby settlements with food, bread, canned goods, together with food packages, each person receives a New … Continued

General Motors Funds the Transgendering of Kids

General Motors is using its money to fund the satanic “transgender” indoctrination of children. We must pray hard against this. From Breitbart. General Motors (GM) donated to an LGBT organization that supplies kindergarten and elementary classrooms with pro-transgender childrenā€™s books. Visit your state page to pray.   General Motors provided a grant to the Gay … Continued

Trump’s Tax Returns Released to Public

After a lengthy legal battle, Trump’s tax returns have been released. Share your response in the comments. From The Washington Times. A House committee on Friday released six years ofĀ Donald Trumpā€™s tax returns, capping a years-long fight by the former president to keep the records from public view. Get prayer updates from IFA.   The … Continued

Border Eases Following Title 42 Extension

While it is still to early to know for sure, it seems that the extension of Title 42 has brought some peace to the border. From Daily Mail. Migrant surges at the US-Mexico border already appear to be dropping off since the extension of Title 42 on Tuesday, law enforcement officials have said. Let the … Continued

How Household AI Threatens Privacy

As AI continues to evolve, our privacy is put at risk. We have to pray that this industry be well regulated and that we be protected. This piece is from MIT and calls for consideration and prayer. From MIT Technology Review. In the fall of 2020, gig workers in Venezuela posted a series of images … Continued

Canada Euthanasia Targets Children?

Canada’s medical assistance in dying (MAID) epitomizes the “culture of death” Pope John Paul warned about in the 1980s. Let’s pray fervently for a culture of life. From American Thinker. Let this serve as a warning to the pro-abortion conservatives: compromising on innocent life opens Pandoraā€™s Box and unleashes murder. Do you want state prayer … Continued


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