Jordan Faces Uphill Battle Uncovering Govt Corruption

The committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan, will have to work fast and hard in order to make a difference. Let’s pray for its leader and its members. From The Federalist. With the establishment of a Church-style committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Congress now has … Continued

House Reps Must Show Up to Vote

The House has put an end to proxy voting.  From Breitbart. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reaffirmed his position on proxy voting Thursday morning … Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   “No more proxy voting,” the speaker said Thursday morning on Twitter. “Effective immediately, Members of Congress have to show … Continued

State Considers Radical Abortion Bill

PROA would have drastic consequences on both women and the unborn. This bill has to be stopped. From The Federalist. Minnesota Democrats are poised to ignore the at least 69 percent of Americans who say they want significant limits on abortion to pass the state’s most radical abortion bill, which would legalize taxpayer-funded on-demand abortion for all. … Continued

Faith That Overcomes

The following is an excerpt from the first day of “Faith That Overcomes,” an IFA devotional series adapted from the teachings of Derek Prince. Click here to download the devotional, or follow the ad below! You see, every child of God overcomes the world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world. … Continued

God Uses Imperfect People

It is not just outside the Church, in the secular realm, that God uses imperfect people. Even within the Church, in the spiritual realm, God uses imperfect people. Have you taken your place on the wall?   But there’s a simple reason for that. Imperfect people are the only kind of people that exist. Who else can God use? There’s … Continued

The Spiritual Importance of Grandparents

Grandparents serve an important role in the spiritual upbringing of children. For those of you with grandchildren, be encouraged by this article! From WORLD. The Misners can hear their grandkids long before they can see them. It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and they’re coming up from the garage two stairs at a time, calling … Continued

A Divine Meeting Place

Imagine a place where peace envelopes you like a warm blanket on a chilly morning; where around every corner could be your next miracle, your next healing, your next encounter with a heavenly being; a place where others much like you are similarly seeking the face of God; where there is a hungering in your … Continued

Who Controls Our Water Supply?

Our water is being controlled and potentially manipulated by foreign powers. This needs prayer. From The Epoch Times. While U.S. officials continue to express concern over the surge in foreign-owned farm acreage, an important question looms: Who owns America’s water? Find out when your state prays.   The answer is opaque, but foreign interests are … Continued

Tackling the Satanic Roots of the Border Crisis

Analysis. President Biden’s border policies have not just cleared the way for an unprecedented number of migrants to pour into the U.S. (2.3 million in 2022 alone). They have opened the door to unprecedented criminal activity as well. According to Yuma County Supervisor Jonathan Lines in an interview with Fox News, Mexican cartels are now … Continued

Globalists Want to Limit Your Carbon Footprint

Ostensibly in the name of “protecting the climate,” globalists are pushing for highly invasive monitoring and even outright redistribution of individual wealth. The Daybreak Daily. Dennis Prager: Listen to this. A German scientist said that every individual — in the Western world at least — should have a carbon dioxide limit. Post a prayer for your … Continued

Court Victory For Christian Colleges

A judge in Oregon delivered an important victory to Christian colleges last week. In a 40-page ruling, she dismissed an LGBT group’s lawsuit targeting a key religious liberty protection in federal civil-rights law. Visit your state page to pray.   The case began in March 2021 — not long after the beginning of the Biden … Continued

The Intercessor’s Joy: Ministering to the Heart of God

Did you know that your prayers are allowing our nation to survive one more day? It’s true. And while you pray, you are performing God’s heart’s desire — and ministering directly to His heart. Find out when your state prays.   One of the great joys of being an intercessor is knowing that you are … Continued


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