Reflections on the Asbury Revival

The Lord is doing great things among the young people. Let’s pray that His work continues! From Give Him 15. Many have contacted DSM asking if Iā€™ve heard about the Asbury Revival and, if so, do I think it is the beginning of what I saw in a vision the week of 9/11/01. (I shared … Continued

The Dove Has Landed at Asbury University

What is happening right now at Asbury University should not only be the headline in all our news feeds, it should be the first thing Christians greet one another with: Revival is breaking out in Kentucky! Wanna take a road trip? After eight days and nights of continuous prayer and worship on this quaint, Kentucky … Continued

As Inflation Falls, Groceries Remain High

Grocery prices are still hurting Americans, and they show no signs of stopping. Let’s pray. From CBS. Although inflationĀ has fallen for seven straight months, prices for one item that is a major part of every American’s budget continues to rise: the food we eat at home. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   … Continued

Nikki Haley Joins the Race for 2024

Haley is the second Republican to announce her campaign. As more people join the race, let’s pray that God would bless all of them and allow His choice to rise to the top. From Just the News. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Tuesday morning announced her campaign for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. … Continued

Revival Fire Spreads to Tennessee

Update: Lee University campus Pastor Rob Fultz shared this tweet this morning! Itā€™s 4:15 am entering the fourth day ā€¦ this is what I am witnessing. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." Matthew 5:6 — Rob Fultz, Ed.D (@therobfultz) February 16, 2023 Praise God! Let’s pray … Continued

Give Him 15: Support the Revival with Your Prayers

The Asbury revival is still underway, but it needs your prayers! From Give Him 15. I am receiving numerous reports and updates regarding what is occurring at Asbury University (and elsewhere). Carol Stratton shared the following report, which is especially helpful, as it gives behind-the-scenes information regarding how to pray and support what is taking … Continued

Praying Our Way to Asbury

On our way to Asbury University for Tuesday’s Headline Prayer Live, we decided to pray over each state we drove through on the 11-hour drive from New York City. We also prayed for each of the state prayer leaders. It ends with us walking into Hughes Auditorium, where the revival went for 185 hours. This … Continued

Praise: The Media Are Acknowledging God

On Jan. 2, 2023, the world was watching Monday Night Football. Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin collapsed on the field after completing a tackle. Presumably, his heart stopped. At once, every player on the field knelt to pray for him. In the sight of a tragedy something beautiful transpired: The people were united. It didnā€™t … Continued

How to Become a ‘Champion for Children’

Often when I am speaking or coaching, I will hear people say, ā€œOh I could never foster. It would be too hard so let them go.ā€ More candidly, people will sometimes confess, ā€œI thought kids in foster care did something bad to end up there.ā€ These are the two opposite ends of an argument encouraging … Continued

Fertility and Pregnancy Under Attack

When it comes to fertility and the precious lives of the unborn, it is crucial that Christians stay informed and warn others when any dangers arise. This includes being cognizant of the testimonies and medical evidence presented by doctors and nurses working in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, and fetal medicine. Behold, children are a … Continued


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