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Absences in the Senate Are Challenging Dems

Although we may not agree with them on everything, we should pray for healing for all those currently absent from the Senate. Your will be done, Father! From The Hill. Absences in the Senate are becoming an issue for Democrats, leaving them with a fragile majority. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   … Continued

Did a Senator Just Call for More Censorship?

With all that’s going on in America, the last thing we need is more censorship. From Fox News. Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., asked during a meeting about the bailout of Silicon Valley Bank whether social media could be censored to prevent misinformation going out that could lead to a bank run, according to reports. This … Continued

Comer on the Biden Investigation: ‘As Bad As We Thought’

As the Biden family investigation continues, we are discovering more and more shocking truths. Lord, let Your will be done. From BizPac Review. House Oversight Committee chair James Comer claimed Sunday on Fox News that he has evidence proving that President Joe Bidenā€™s family has profited from the Chinese Communist Party. ā€¦ Connect with others … Continued

More Banks in Trouble

It seems that the failure of Silicon Valley Bank is spreading. When will it end? Let’s pray. From Breitbart. The governmentā€™s backstop of deposits at Silicon Valley Bank has not quelled concerns about the health of U.S. banks as Monday saw a sharp sell-off in shares of many bank stocks. Pray for your fellow intercessor. … Continued

Urgent Prayer Need: Critical Hearing on Abortion Pill

Activists are saying this case is bigger than Dobbs for abortion and life. Let’s keep everyone involved in our prayers as we appeal to heaven on behalf of the unborn. From LifeNews. A federal judge in Texas has requested a hearing in a case challenging the Food and Drug Administrationā€™s (FDA) approval of the abortion … Continued

ESG, Inclusion, and the Failure of a Progressive Bank

Many failures and mistakes contributed to the collapse of SVB, including ESG-based policies and decisions. How much harm did woke politics actually do to this bank? From Breitbart. Oh so woke, oh so green, oh soĀ diverseĀ Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) justĀ went bust. … Get prayer updates from IFA. What role did wokeness play in SVBā€™s failure?Ā  … Continued

Why These Big Banks Failed

Confused by the bank collapses and the word salad used to describe what’s happened? This excerpt explains the collapses and the federal actions in response. From The Wall Street Journal. Two large banksĀ failed within days. The governmentā€™sĀ top financial regulators stepped inĀ on Sunday. Is this the end of the story? Who is praying on the wall? … Continued

Obama’s Promise to End Bank Bailouts

Years ago, Obama and Biden promised to put an end to bailouts. Now, in 2023, the government is once again using our money, even if indirectly, to assist failing banks. From The Wall Street Journal. Many readers may think that the greatest whopper President Barack Obama ever told was thatĀ if you liked your health plan … Continued

The Call of God Upon the IFA Call Team, Part 1

We have updated this article to include the names and faces of the people behind the call team. Intercessors for America has a Call Team that reaches out to our intercessors to thank them for their support and to pray by phone with them and for them, and for their families. Shortly after Dave Kubal … Continued

Journalist Calls Out the Lies About Jan. 6

This piece by Naomi Wolf isĀ balanced, thorough, and compelling. From Human Events. There is no way to avoid this moment. The formal letter of apology. From me. To Conservatives and to those who ā€œput America firstā€ everywhere. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   Itā€™s tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own … Continued

Prayer for the U.S. Banking System

Last week saw the high-profile collapse of two major banks: California-based Silicon Valley Bank and New Yorkā€“based Signature Bank. With two major banks failing in the past few days, people may be tempted to panic. This time may be especially rough for those who were devastated by the mortgage-banking crisis of 2007ā€“2008 ā€” and even … Continued


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