I Prayed have prayed
Lord, America's campuses remain under siege. God of law and order, restore law and honor on every campus and in every city!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In recent weeks, college campuses across the country, notably Columbia University and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), have become hotbeds of anti-Israel protests. These protests have not only disrupted the academic environment, but they’ve also raised concerns that warrant a closer look.

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The Humanitarian Facade

One of the more striking aspects of these protests is the demand for “basic humanitarian aid.” Protesters occupying buildings at Columbia and UCLA are asking for food and supplies to be donated and brought in. On the surface, this might seem a reasonable request. But it’s important to remember that these students have willingly chosen to occupy those buildings as part of their “protest.” These requests for supplies from the very institutions they’re protesting against shows how entitled they are.

It’s also worth noting that at least on Columbia’s campus, the dining hall has remained open. The university is not starving the protesters, as the student in the video above falsely claims. The students are free to leave the building they are occupying at any time to go get food and water.

The Role of Outside Agitators

Another alarming revelation is that nearly half of the protesters arrested during these demonstrations at Columbia were not even students. IFA has reported on the fact that a number of protesters are paid “fellows” of Education for Just Peace in the Middle East, which is funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. (Read  more here. The fact that half of the arrests involve nonstudents reveals the influence of outside groups and suggests that universities should change the way they are responding.

“There were individuals on the campus who should not have been there,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams told the press. “They were people who are professionals and we saw evidence of training. … This is a global problem that young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalizing our children and I’m not going to allow that to happen as the mayor of the city of New York.”

Iran’s Opportunistic Offer

In a concerning development, Shiraz University, in Iran, has offered free tuition to U.S. students expelled for participating in these protests. This offer, made on state-run TV, can be seen as an attempt to exploit the situation and further an anti-Israel agenda. It’s a stark reminder of the geopolitical implications of these protests and the potential for foreign actors to manipulate them for their own nefarious ends.

Share this article to rally others to pray about these protests. God must handle this.

(Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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Darlene Estlow
May 4, 2024

Father, turn the hearts of the protestors. May the protests be removed from the campus. Protect the Jewish students. May the administration of the each campus discipline the students who are disobeying the rules so they may learn the folly of their violence and disobedience. Turn their hearts to Jesus. May the teachers who are standing to protect the protests come to their senses and see the protests are to get rid of Israel. Thank you Jesus.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
May 3, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, in the midst of chaos and turmoil upon the campuses of our colleges and universities, I pray for a sense of calm to envelop America’s Peace Officers. May Your peace reign in their hearts, allowing them to navigate tense situations with composure and serenity. Let them be beacons of tranquility in the face of unrest and imminent danger, reflecting Your peace to all those they encounter. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

Susan CC
May 3, 2024

hotbed- a bed of soil enclosed in glass, heated especially by fermenting manure, and used for forcing or for raising seedlings

He who plants and he who waters are one in purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.
1 Corinthians 8:8-9

But Jesus replied, “Every plant that My heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by its roots. Matthew 15:13

And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise. Galatians 3:29

Dear Heavenly Father, I believe You are in control of all things. The plans and strategies for chaos, which we see growing on campus’s does not take You by surprise. You know intimately each individual who is planting and watering these seedlings of destruction, I believe You are exposing them all. I pray You are reading to uproot Lord. You need no direction but they do. I do ask that You will direct the thinking of each bad seed for Your Glory and their good. I fully submit these protesters and their funders to You remembering EVERY TIME I have done so in personal needs, You have exceeded my expectations. I pray You are ready to do the same now. I ask this and so much more because I belong to Jesus Christ, we are Abrahams seed. Amen


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