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Lord, we know from Your Word that You hate hypocrisy. We ask for true justice and ethical standards to be adhered to at all levels of our government.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Top Biden officials have been excused from the ethics rules President Biden boasts about…

Driving the news: At least 16 Senate-confirmed officials have received waivers to ethics laws and regulations…

  • Three were excused from portions of a[n]…ethics pledge imposed by executive order…
  • Thirteen got waivers to a federal regulation restricting work that could be…a conflict of interest…

The details: NASA Administrator Bill Nelson was excused from rules that…barred him from working with Lockheed Martin, [where]…he was a paid advisory board member…

…Janet Yellen’s waiver doesn’t concern work with any specific company but permits her to oversee policy affecting…financial institutions…which paid her hefty speaking fees…

The big picture: The waivers show how some officials are balancing previous professional work with…current policy portfolios. Many cover past public sector gigs, as well.

  • Six of the waivers permit officials…to work with the state governments where they previously held senior posts.
  • Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack still draws payments directly from the agency he leads via a program that compensates landowners…
  • CIA Director William Burns is free to interact with the United Nations, where his wife works. Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk is allowed to work with the International Energy Agency, his former employer.
  • Four senior Biden officials got waivers allowing them to communicate with media outlets that paid or employed them or their spouses…

Be smart: Most of the Biden administration ethics waivers are qualitatively distinct from those granted to top Trump officials, many of whom were permitted to work with companies and industries for which they’d just been lobbying…

What they’re saying: “President Biden put in place the most stringent ethical standards of any administration in history,” White House spokesperson Michael Gwin told Axios in an emailed statement…

Does this seem like a conflict of interest to you, that officials would be excused from ethics rules? Share your thoughts in the comments below, along with a prayer for the Biden administration. 

(Excerpt from Axios. Article by Lachlan Markay. Photo Credit: Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images).

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September 12, 2021

Yes & again Yes. There’s an old saying that says What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. You can’t hold one group to one standard while allowing others to go around it. All who do evil without regard to God their creator places themselves in a position of seeing the hand of God come & remove them from their place of power. Father we ask that every policy that is being written & allows a double standard that would effect the way that our government rules on issues be rendered null & void & powerless to continue to move forth. Tear down every demonic force that is operating & sever every soul tie that would seek to hold on to darkness. May it fall to the ground & bare no fruit but be barren & inoperative. Root up & pluck out all works of darkness & let the eyes of your people see past the natural into the supernatural realm of God in Jesus Name Amen.


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