I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, may Your will be done and Your Kingdom come in Israel.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

This article was written by President Biden, calling for a two-state solution in Israel with Gaza run by the Palestinian Authority. Read and post your thoughts in the comments.

From The Washington Post. Today, the world faces an inflection point, where the choices we make ā€” including in the crises in Europe andĀ the Middle East ā€” will determine the direction of our future for generations to come.

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What will our world look like on the other side of these conflicts?

Will we denyĀ HamasĀ the ability to carry out pure, unadulterated evil? Will Israelis and Palestinians one day live side by side in peace, with two states for two peoples?

Will we hold Vladimir Putin accountable for his aggression, soĀ the people of UkraineĀ can live free and Europe remains an anchor for global peace and security?

And the overarching question: Will we relentlessly pursue our positive vision for the future, or will we allow those who do not share our values to drag the world to a more dangerous and divided place? …

The United States is the essential nation. We rally allies and partners to stand up to aggressors and make progress toward a brighter, more peaceful future. The world looks to us to solve the problems of our time. That is the duty of leadership, and America will lead. For if we walk away from the challenges of today, the risk of conflict could spread, and the costs to address them will only rise. We will not let that happen.

That conviction is at the root of my approach to supporting the people of Ukraine as they continue to defend their freedom against Putinā€™s brutal war.

We know from two world wars in the past century that when aggression in Europe goes unanswered, the crisis does not burn itself out. It draws America in directly. Thatā€™s why our commitment to Ukraine today is an investment in our own security. It prevents a broader conflict tomorrow. …

We have also seen throughout history how conflicts in the Middle East can unleash consequences around the globe.

We stand firmly with the Israeli people as they defend themselves against the murderous nihilism of Hamas. …

The Palestinian people deserve a state of their own and a future free from Hamas. I, too, am heartbroken by the images out of Gaza and the deaths of many thousands of civilians, including children. …

Our goal should not be simply to stop the war for today ā€” it should be to end the war forever, break theĀ cycle of unceasing violence, and build something stronger in Gaza and across the Middle East so that history does not keep repeating itself. …

This much is clear: A two-state solution is the only way to ensure the long-term security of both the Israeli and Palestinian people. Though right now it may seem like that future has never been further away, this crisis has made it more imperative than ever.

A two-state solution ā€” two peoples living side by side with equal measures of freedom, opportunity and dignity ā€” is where the road to peace must lead. Reaching it will take commitments from Israelis and Palestinians, as well as from the United States and our allies and partners. That work must start now.

To that end, the United States has proposed basic principles for how to move forward from this crisis, to give the world a foundation on which to build.

To start, Gaza must never again be used as aĀ platform for terrorism. There must be no forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, no reoccupation, no siege or blockade, and no reduction in territory. And after this war is over, the voices of Palestinian people and their aspirations must be at the center of post-crisis governance in Gaza.

As we strive for peace, Gaza and the West Bank should be reunited under a single governance structure, ultimately under a revitalized Palestinian Authority, as we all work toward a two-state solution. I have been emphatic with Israelā€™s leaders that extremist violence against Palestinians in the West Bank must stop and that those committing the violence must be held accountable. The United States is prepared to take our own steps, including issuing visa bans against extremists attacking civilians in the West Bank.

The international community must commit resources to support the people of Gaza in the immediate aftermath of this crisis, including interim security measures, and establish a reconstruction mechanism to sustainably meet Gazaā€™s long-term needs. And it is imperative that no terrorist threats ever again emanate from Gaza or the West Bank.

If we can agree on these first steps, and take them together, we can begin to imagine a different future. In the months ahead, the United States will redouble our efforts to establish a more peaceful, integrated and prosperous Middle East ā€” a region where a day like Oct. 7 is unthinkable.

In the meantime, we will continue working to prevent this conflict from spreading and escalating further. …

From the very beginning, my administration has called for respecting international humanitarian law, minimizing the loss of innocent lives and prioritizing the protection of civilians. …

This stands in stark opposition to Hamasā€™s terrorist strategy: hide among Palestinian civilians. Use children and innocents as human shields. PositionĀ terrorist tunnels beneath hospitals, schools, mosques and residential buildings. …

As long as Hamas clings to its ideology of destruction, a cease-fire is not peace. To Hamasā€™s members, every cease-fire is time they exploit to rebuild their stockpile of rockets, reposition fighters and restart the killing by attacking innocents again. An outcome that leaves Hamas in control of Gaza would once more perpetuate its hate and deny Palestinian civilians the chance to build something better for themselves. …

In a moment of so much violence and suffering ā€” in Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and so many other places ā€” it can be difficult to imagine that something different is possible. But we must never forget the lesson learned time and again throughout our history: Out of great tragedy and upheaval, enormous progress can come. More hope. More freedom. Less rage. Less grievance. Less war. We must not lose our resolve to pursue those goals, because now is when clear vision, big ideas and political courage are needed most. That is the strategy that my administration will continue to lead …

What do you think of this op-ed? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Washington Post. Photo Credit:Ā Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

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George Leaf
November 26, 2023

Father God in Jesus holy name we pray that the lies and political deceptions be revealed in your divine light of truth. That Gaza and its people no longer be treated as a sacrificial pawn in the political posturing of man. Place rightful shame upon those so careless of the lives of the men, come, wives, and children of Gaza. Amen

Jo nuzzi
November 22, 2023

NOOOOOO! Gods word says Israel shall never been to divided states or divided again. Biden has evil behind his words. He says heā€™s for Israel but he is not. Please natanYahoo donā€™t listen

Grant Windholz
November 22, 2023

Lord God, you know the heart of Biden. No matter how dark it is, I pray that their is a glimpse of faith in you and your country of Israel.

Adele Nelson
November 22, 2023

This option is impossible for so many reasons

Kathy Jordan
November 22, 2023

Heavenly Father forgive President Biden.

Debbie L
November 22, 2023

It is blazingly evident, once again, by the statement released by Resident Biden that his loyalties do not align with Israel. Neither do they contain an ounce of understanding of the scripturual truths that warn him of the foolishness of his intended actions as stated above. I believe he as well as his “advisers” are demonically led, and that this proposed action would not serve Israel, or this nation well. It’s a plan straight from hell. I am praying for Gods mercy over America and Israel, and for His intervention in this war. I’m praying the timely removal of this man, and for righteous and godly men and women to rise up and lead this nation going forward. Amen

Debbie L
November 22, 2023

It is blazingly evident, once again, by the statement released by Resident Biden that his loyalties do not align with Israel. Neither do they contain an ounce of understanding of the scripturual truths that warn him of the foolishness of his intended actions as stated above. I believe he as well as his “advisers” are demonically led, and that this proposed action would not serve Israel, or this nation well. It’s ai a plan straight from hell. I am praying for Gods mercy over America and Israel, and for His intervention in this war. I’m praying the timely removal of this man, and for righteous and godly men and women to rise up and lead this nation going forward. Amen

November 21, 2023

President Biden needs to learn how to pray and have God answer !! Isaiah 55:8,9For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. Letā€™s all keep praying for God to reign and rule and totally control our nation and our world as He knows best. šŸ™ Thank you dear Father God. We totally trust You in Jesusā€™s Name.

November 21, 2023

This article was not up to IFA standards, and is not Biblical.

    November 22, 2023

    It was Bidenā€™s speech. Not an IFA article.

      Jan Nickerson
      November 26, 2023

      Yes, IFA is trying to let people know what is going on and what are administrators and president have to say about it. This is so we can pray with knowledge on the subject.

    November 25, 2023

    Aye, well said BUT Poppa G-D uses all our foolishness and even rebellion for His good plan, so at least in this instance those of us who did not hear President Bidenā€™s misguided speech got to hear it and can pray more specifically and hopefully ā€˜ in one accordā€™. Gracious Lord Jesus, forgive Mr Biden and his advisors for listening to lies, thank you for giving us Your Word,for such a time as this, continue to open eyes and hearts of those captive, we ask You pour out Your Spirit of Truth, so the lost can hear and believe You are God, our Savior, be gloried Lord in Your Land and every place in the world,bring souls to believe in You and repent from our own evil ways to do Your good will.

    Corinne Vance
    November 26, 2023

    This is what was posted at the very beginning of the article:

    ā€œThis article was written by President Biden, calling for a two-state solution in Israel with Gaza run by the Palestinian Authorityā€¦ā€

Priscilla Depp
November 21, 2023

Itā€™s Israelā€™s land. No need for a two-state solution. That has never been the plan of Palestinians. Their children are born for the purpose of killing Jews. They can move to one of the many Arab lands rather than steal the small land of Israel that was shown to Abraham and later given to Moses 4000 years ago.

November 21, 2023

A two state ā€˜solutionā€™ is far from a solution but an annihilation of the Jews and Israel! This administration soon forgets the history of the Palestinian people. They were expelled from Kuwait, Jordan and Lebanon because they caused civil unrest, violence and even an assassination attempt of a leader in one of those countries. They had to be removed and that is why none of the Arab nations wants to take them in now. They do not want peace and history proves that. They simply want Israel and the Jews gone. How do you have peace with someone like that? Please tell me!
We pray for the peace of Jerusalem! Godā€™s land and people FOREVER!

Cathy Sue Bernsen
November 21, 2023

i see this idea as a band aide on an infected body part. I do not think there is any scripture to indicate this plan would bring lasting peace.

Ann Hills
November 21, 2023

His proposal ā€œsoundsā€ good/diplomatic ā€” BUT doesnā€™t work outside of a miracle. The Palestinian HAMAS is a demonic strategy of Lucifer in annihilating the Covenant Jewish people.

November 21, 2023

Israel is justified to fight for the land GOD GAVE TO THEM! GOD did not give that land to Hamas/ Palestinians/ Philippians/ Canaanites! In fact GOD said they were to “drive the inhabitants out of the land!” FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all of Israel! Give them YOUR Wisdom and Knowledge to bring this conflict to an end as they move the encroachers off of their land in JESUS NAME! I read that Ukraine was encroaching land land from Russia, attempting to surround them, and that is why V. Putin attacked Ukraine! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all of the people of Ukraine and Russia and bring the war between them to a quick end in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

November 21, 2023

The land belongs to Israel. They have a covenant with almighty God Abraham Isaac and Jacob! Genesis 12:3 Psalm 122. Psalm 91 over Israel and the Covenant blood of Jesus. Thank you for a continuous prayer over the precious IDF

Theresa Grut
November 21, 2023

With all due respect Mr. President, a two state solution is not a solution at all. Israel is God’s inheritance on this earth, not yours. Woe to any person who orders the divison of this land in any way, shape or form. They will answer to Yaweh.

Charlene Dorame
November 21, 2023

I’m asking the Lord for guidance in prayer because this is very critical for Israel & Palestine & the outcome could effect the United States greatly! God’s Prophet’s have been given visions of the destruction here in the U.S. for “betrayal”! We must pray God’s will be done! Amen!

November 21, 2023

The continual support for a 2 state solution is insanity.

However whatā€™s logical/ appropriate from a depraved and reprobate mind that denies the authority of the Bible? Weā€™re on the cusp of Ezekiel 38 and the prophecy of Jerusalem being a burdensome stone will be fulfilled.

November 21, 2023

I missed quoted where I said Daniel chapter 7ā€¦I meant chapter 9, verse 27. Sorry about that.

November 21, 2023

I am so thankful that our Lord has given His people the Bible for guidance and direction in our lives. I am also so grateful that He has given us prophecy that reveals His plans of what will happen in the end times, and with Israel. He has not left us in the dark. In the book of Daniel chapter 7, verse 27, God shows us that there will be a peace treaty signed with Israel by the lawless one, who in fact is the antichrist, but 3 1/2 years into this peace treaty he will enter Israel and put a stop to it, and he will proclaim himself to be God. At this point the Lord will open the eyes of the Israelis and they will recognize Jesus as their true Messiah. Understanding the end time events is so crucial for His people, especially now, as we see these things unfolding, for the time is near. It can be a very hard book to understand, but God promises to teach us if we ask Him for His wisdom as we seek Him. God says in the book of Revelation, ā€œBlessed is the man that reads this book and understands itā€(Revelation 1:3) Godā€™s word is true, and nothing will stop what He has planned. And this is His plan. Itā€™s hard for us to wrap our head around this event ever happening, but if you believe the Bible, then you must stand on what He says. He gave us the book of Revelation to prepare His people not to scare His people. This generation is living in some interesting times as we watch everything unfold. The book of revelation was written specifically for this generation. Buckle up my brothers and sisters as we begin to watch all these events take place that God has already shown us. Knowing and understanding this book takes the guessing and anxiety away from us. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!!!!

Katherine Anderson
November 21, 2023

I do not support the Biden approach. Gaza must continue to be held by Israel. A two state proposal is not a peaceful solution to this historical issue. The Palestinian people support Hamas. The Palestinian Authority also hates Israel.

Darlene Estlow
November 21, 2023

Some of what President Biden says is good: we want Hamas’ evil reign to end. But a two state solution, dividing Israel, no doubt, would never end the violence for good!

    November 24, 2023

    Just give them–the Palestinian more rooms to do violence to Israel.

Mike Kustic
November 21, 2023

I think we all know that President Biden has always wanted a two state solution. The problem is it’s not a solution it simply brings weapons that much closer to Israel. But the Bible makes it clear they will be saying Peace Peace when it begins to really fall apart.

    Darlene Estlow
    November 21, 2023

    Would they take the land from Israel,. this tiny country? Unless the Palestinians agree as a group that Israel should exist, it would be destruction for Israel!

Scott Sherman
November 21, 2023

Respectfully, Mr. Biden, please read your Bible. The land of Israel belongs to God, and that is where heā€™s going to put his people. The Palestinian people deserve to be treated in a humane and fair manner. They have been pawns in the hands of the PLO for decades.

November 21, 2023

If Israel leaves Gaza to govern it self, they will be shooting sending rockets into Israel in a short time! Israel needs to govern it at least 5 years to get all millants and weapons out!

Wayne Wakefield
November 21, 2023

It all sounds good. Except for the two state solution. The Palestinian Authority has not proven able to build peaceful and prosperous coexistence with Israel. As far as I know, they have not denounced terrorism and tyranny, nor have I heard of any effort on part of the Palestinian government to improve the lot of their people. They keep them as ā€œpermanent refugees.ā€ Israel has prospered as a democracy, while the Palestinians have withered as a tyranny. Israel is a good model for the Palestinians to emulate.

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you would bring more and more Israelis and Palestinians into your kingdom so they would come together in the Peace of Jesus Christ. In his name, Amen

November 21, 2023

I donā€™t think that a two state solution is even possible.
Every time Israel has gone to the table looking for peace, they give up land and never get peace.
The Palestinian people grow up hating and blaming Israel for their
problems. They want to kill Israelis and wipe them off the map.

Russell Liljedahl
November 21, 2023

Won’t work. They don’t want the Jews there and have proved it over and over. That land was given to Abraham and his descendants (the Jews) by God forever. They were largely absent from it for a long time because they rejected the Messiah. The fact that it is now the Jewish nation proves that it is their land given to them by God Who does not break His promises to His people. It is, I believe a continuation of the war that Satan is waging against God and His purposes and people.

    November 25, 2023

    Our Goverment gave billions dollars to Iran thinking they can buy peace, Did the peace come? Now they want to give land to Palestinian for peace, Would peace come?

Mary E Skelton
November 21, 2023

O Great and Awesome Father God, You are the only one who can solve this unsolvable problem. Lord Jesus, You died to remove sinful motives and ambitions from human hearts. Holy Spirit, You can draw the hardest of hearts to holy fear of God and tender love for other people. LORD GOD, You created the universe out of chaos and darkness. For the sake of Your great name, Lord Jesus, come and rescue us from ourselves and establish Your kingdom on earth and in every human being. People and all creation will then glorify You forever LORD. AMEN

Marsha Bashor
November 21, 2023

Dear Lord does Biden not understand that the Arab leaders no matter who they are, do not want a two state solution, but they do want Israel wiped off the map??? This idea of a solution is not possible if the two parties involved do not want it!!!
I pray to you Lord to work in the mind and heart of Joe Biden to realize the error of his thinking and his believing , please open the door of his heart and take the veil from his eyes to see you! šŸ™

Paul J Fishman
November 21, 2023

Only the West Bank and Israel could be the two state solution. Gaza cannot be so because of overcrowding and border restrictions. Move ALL those in Gaza without a Hamas Government to Box Elder County in Utah to be a New Palestinian homeland that is much bigger and safer there. Israel then should reclaim all of Gaza.

Keith Roberson
November 21, 2023

The Arab world does not want a two-state solution. They want to destroy Israel, period! They have been given many opportunities to solve this in many different ways, but they want an excuse to destroy Israel. They have always said this and have never backed down from this stance.

November 21, 2023

Iā€™m in agreement with you

November 21, 2023

That would mean that every drop of Jewish shed blood was for nothing. TRUST GOD and in the mean time pray and repent.

    Missy Dice
    November 21, 2023

    By mistake I hit the Report sign. Total accident . I have nothing to report about this comment.

Lillian Oliveira
November 21, 2023

We have given the Palestinians several opportunities for a 2-state solution and they have REFUSED. We gave them Gaza and see what they have done!!! They want to destroy the Jews and take all the land back. This war is directily the work of Satan. The only solution is for the Lord God Almighty to intervene and save His land, promised forever to Abraham and his descendants. And He is beginning to do it! We praise Him and pray for more!
Lillian Oliveira

    Darlene Estlow
    November 21, 2023

    This is true, even before Hamas was voted in! They want Israel gone, not a two-state solution.

November 21, 2023

Father, Your word says, according to Psalm 122, to be prying for the SHALOM (Your perfect peace, wholeness, completeness, NOTHING MISSING,, NOTHING BROKEN) for JERUSALEM- to be ONE, not divided! There can be no earthly peace without the Shalom peace of God in Jerusalem (Israel) NOT being divided

Mary Beth
November 21, 2023

The two-state solution, as it is called, has not, and will never work. And it is folly to replace one evil terrorist regime – Hamas – with another terrorist regime – the Palestinian Authority. That land belongs to YHVH, and He has given it the Hebrew people as a permanent land lease, by covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – Gen. 17. Any attempt to interfere with His divine purpose and plan for His land will put those who are guilty in His crosshairs. Those who curse Israel will be cursed, those who bless her will be blessed. He has brought them back to the land from every corner of the world, and promised that they would never be uprooted again. Israel has attempted to live at peace with those within their borders who are not Jewish, and many have found their lives to be far more prosperous and blessed than those living in the surrounding nations.
LORD, may Your divine purposes and plans be accomplished, and may we align with them so as not to find ourselves in opposition to the God we claim to serve.

November 21, 2023

Ziden is demon possessed and needs a complete change of heart and revival of conscience.

November 21, 2023

President Biden does not understand that a two-state solution is unacceptable to Hamas, Hezbollah, PA, and Fatah. They have one goalā€”the elimination of the Jews from the earth.
See Hebron Breaks the Silence by Tzipi Schlissel

November 21, 2023

Biden is having Ukraine and the middle east look to America for help. We cannot help the. We can’t even help ourselves right now.
Only Jesus can help them if they will look to him!

Ronald Sells
November 21, 2023

The fault of these ideas is that God has been left out of Joe Biden plan. Pray for Spirit lead decision, Holy Spirit filled people, will seek Gods will in the name of Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of the living God.
Hallelujah and Amen.

November 21, 2023

Rememberā€¦. Evil Exploits anything, anyone, and everything it can to advance itā€™s own agenda. Since this EVIL has hidden under Schools, Hospitals, and used the Innocent to gain and advance itā€™s objectiveā€™s, it will never be happy or satisfied with any ā€œPeaceā€. Peace is never a part of a plan for complete destruction.

November 21, 2023

All sin is ultimately against God. As long as one group of people believes that some of God’simage bearers are infidels, there will not be peace, but tyranny. Israel is rooting out the cancer near its walls.

Jeremy Hines
November 21, 2023

Hamas says from the river to the sea. If you carve out part of Israel for them they are going to want more, and this will happen again. Giving in to a bully almost never works. I pray for more wisdom for you.

    November 21, 2023

    Hamas (and Iran) does not want peace. They do not want to live “peacefully side by side”. They want to eradicate the jews. There will never be a 2 state solution. How can world leaders continue to be so blind and ignorant?

    November 25, 2023

    What’s the result we gave billions dollars to Iran?

November 21, 2023

All for the ultimate good, as God will have it be,

She hill
November 21, 2023

Iā€™m quite sure Biden did not write this article..

Chuck Cohen
November 21, 2023

How much further will America be driven into God’s Valley of judgment if this is the type of anti-biblical leadership it has? (Joel 3:1-2).
Every president since George Bush Sr. including Trump, wanted to divide God’s land. Is it any wonder that America is so divided today?
Thank you IFA for standing with Israel at this crucial time.
Blessings from Jerusalem

    Greg Carter
    November 21, 2023

    Amen Chuck Cohen, thank you Abba for IFI, Intercessors For Israel!
    Lord May You provide US leadership revelation and understanding of Your covenant land and people! Shalom!

    November 21, 2023

    Chuck-Thank you, dear brother, for all your weekly prayer points for Israel. May Yeshua continue to strengthen you! “Those who know their God” (Daniel 11:32) also know, “the land must NOT be sold permanently, because the land is MINE and you reside in MY LAND as foreigners and strangers.”(Lev 25:23) So the Ekklesia in America answers, “NO” to this wicked scheme to divide the land-for Israel WILL WIN this Psalm 83 War, and by the Mighty Right Hand of God “the bow of Elam (Iran) will be broken”(Jer. 49: 35-39) for shock and awe so that the WORLD will KNOW there is a LIVING GOD in Israel-The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! LET the supernatural strategic plans be given from Heaven for a “Ziglag 2.0”–to perform Isaiah 61-“setting the captives FREE” for the GLORY of YHWH! We STAND with Yeshua-Jesus and HIS INHERITANCE and the GROWING Messianic & Arabic Christian Remnant in the land. We stand with them as “ONE NEW MAN” (Romans 9-11, Eph 2, Rev 7 and Rev 19) in “yachad-unity” wherein the blessing is COMMANDED! (Psalm 133). We STAND against death, doom and destruction for Israel. YHWH ALWAYS works with a REMNANT (ALWAYS!) that none may touch His Glory! He HAS a REMNANT in America, praying for Israel, in alignment with the Throne of Justice and Righteousness (Isaiah 28) and Psalm 99–“worship at His FOOTSTOOL(Jerusalem) which was dropped over America on 11/15/2022 to wake America up to REPENT.

    We are in the last months of a 7 year Window to REPENT from 8/21/2017 to 4/3/2024–Jesus has made His HEBREW “ALEPH-TAV” mark across America and its middle point is “Little Egypt” in the Carbondale, IL area. GOD ALONE CONTROLS the HEAVENS–this is a MAJOR SIGN to REPENT. GO READ the EXODUS STORY to UNDERSTAND…you cannot straddle the fence! We MUST ARISE and SHINE and PRAY and REPENT! Our window to repent and STAND upon the Pilgrim Promises made in 1607, 1620 and 1630–closes at that time. Nineveh was only given 40 days. America has been given 7 years! America must DECIDE WHO WILL BE OUR GOD–for 4/8/2024 ENDS right before PASSOVER 2024. REPENT! CRY OUT and PREPARE your Goshens! We KNOW what YHWH does to those “who think they are God” but are not! LET YHWH judge the fruit of the present O’Biden regime. LET the “judge of all the earth do right”(Genesis 18:25) and hear the cries of those who STAND AS ONE NEW MAN with ISRAEL! YHWH, “LET YOUR WILL BE DONE on earth, as it IS in HEAVEN” and bright VICTORY to ISRAEL and freedom from Pharaohs in America!

    Father, we lift up Your WORD which is YOUR WILL back UP to You, Who are GOD MOST HIGH. “Can a corrupt throne be allied with You-a throne that brings on misery by its decrees?”(Psalm 94:20) A “throne” which persistently pursues the seven things You hate? (Proverbs 6:16-19) YOU are YHWH ELAH AVAHATI, The Awesome God of Our Fathers. You Alone change the times and the seasons. You Alone remove Shebna rulers and raise up Eliakims. You know what is hidden and LIGHT DWELLS with YOU!”(Daniel 2, Isaiah 22:22) LET the LIGHT of VICTORY SHINE FORTH OUT OF ISRAEL! LET a MACCABEE ANOINTING be poured out fresh upon the IDF! LET the Jewish Harvest come forth at this time! LET them SEEK YOUR FACE and find YESHUA, THE LIGHT of the WORLD! LET LIGHT shine, ABBA, when You move and perform Isaiah 28 and release Your Cleansing of those who openly oppose YOU and Jesus! LET every American who bears the Name of Christ Jesus cry out, “As for me and my house–we will serve the LORD”(Joshua 24:15) and “take every though captive to HIS WORD” and not embrace that which GRIEVES the Gracious Heart of GOD ALIMIGHTY, Whose “Shin” Letter is ENGRAVED upon the LAND on Mt Zion–because He will come back for it!
    YHWH defeated Pharaoh, The Egyptian Army, The Amorites, The Perizzites, Canaanites, Hitties, Girgashites, Hivites, Jebusites and the Midianites (Saudi Arabic). Through David, He defeated the arrogant Philistine (Palestinian) Goliath with ONE STONE. YHWH defeated Haman and his 10 sons via the righteous decree of Queen Esther to preserve the Jewish People. Through the Maccabees, a righteous and zealous remnant, He defeated Antiochus Epiphanes IV and the Greco-Syrian Army–and cleansed the Temple so that LIGHT COULD SHINE AGAIN! He defeated Hitler and Mussolini. He brought World War I and II to an end within 4 years–a SIGN of His DOMINION because 4 is the BIBLICAL NUMBER for DOMINION! “YHWH never changes” (Malachi 3:6) “Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday, today and forever”(Hebrews 13:8)

    As Elijah cried out, so now does the American Ekklesia, “Answer us, YHWH, answer us so that these people…those who hate Israel by the fruit of their words and their actions… will KNOW that YOU, YHWH are GOD, and that YOU are turning their hearts back again…in Israel and in America!”(1 Kings 18:16-45) We choose LIFE for ISRAEL. We choose JESUS and LIFE for AMERICA!
    Am Y’Israel CHAI!

    November 21, 2023

    Good morning Chuck!
    Praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
    Sharing with others God’s Holy Word regarding His everlasting covenant with the Jewish people as well as the land He has given them from the Euphrates River to Egypt. Also, our part as Christians in providing for the needs, praying for our Jewish friends and helping the dispersed to return.
    These evil attacks on innocent civilians have brought many tears to my eyes seeing what has happened. I put my trust in God, His Son and His promises.
    Praying for much wisdom, strength, divine protection, physical and emotional healing, peace and discernment for Israel’s leaders, the IDF and her people.
    Praying for the salvation of the lost souls. Rejoicing over all those who have seen the light and been delivered from the darkness. Praying for more workers in the field.
    Praying for our leadership here in the USA as well. Many by name. Praying for their eyes and ears to be opened, their hearts softened to the will of God and that they honor Him, giving Him the glory He deserves.
    Praying for godly leaders, honesty and integrity in the elections.
    Praying for all of our precious friends and their families in Israel. Praying for the means as well as the safe return of those making Aliyah.
    Praying for all Intercessors for Israel and it’s continued leadership.
    Come Lord Jesus come.


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