I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect the freedom we still experience in our nation today. Please heal our land and give us wisdom of how to move forward.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As Joe Biden rolls out nominees and appointees for his administration, the naming of Susan Rice to head his White House Domestic Policy Council is drawing mixed reactions, given the former ambassador to the U.N.ā€™s deeply controversial role in the September 2012 Benghazi affair.

Biden on Thursday named Rice as part as what he called ā€œa crisis-tested team of respected public servants who will lead with compassion, integrity, and character to make our government work for all Americans.ā€ He plans to introduce her and his nominees for U.S. trade representative and secretaries of agriculture, housing and development, and veterans affairs in Wilmington, Delaware on Friday afternoon. . . .

The White House Domestic Policy Council oversees a presidentā€™s domestic policy agenda ā€“ including issues like immigration and health care, but excluding economic policy. Its director does not require Senate confirmation.

Rice served as ambassador to the U.N. during President Obamaā€™s first term, and as national security adviser during the second. Her appointment won praise from former officials in that administration. . . .

Samantha Power, who succeeded Rice as ambassador to the U.N., called it ā€œan inspired choice,ā€ while John Kerry, former secretary of state and incoming climate change czar said she was ā€œone of the most brilliant, tenacious, and determined colleagues Iā€™ve ever known.ā€

ā€œSusan knows how to make govt work and is always the best prepared person in the room,ā€ said Ben Rhodes, Obamaā€™s deputy national security adviser for strategic communications. . . .

The naming of Rice as Domestic Policy Council director also prompted strongly negative reactions on social media and elsewhere.

ā€œIt makes me sick to think a person of such low character could sit in the same office I sat in when I was advising one of our greatest presidents,ā€ commented Gary Bauer, who was domestic policy adviser to President Reagan in 1987-1988. He called Rice ā€œthe chief liar in the Benghazi massacre.ā€

Bauer was referring to Riceā€™s role in the Obama administrationā€™s handling of the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which cost the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, and foreign service officer Sean Smith.

Five days after the attack, the White House deployed Rice toĀ deliver to five Sunday television talk shows the message that the attack was a ā€œspontaneous reactionā€ to an online video mocking Islamā€™s prophet. . . .

Among many puzzling questions at the time wasĀ why Rice went onto the shows on September 16 to talk about the incident in the first place, since just two days earlier the State Department ā€“ her department ā€“ told reporters it would answer no more questions on the attack ā€œuntil the Justice Department is ready to talk about the investigation.ā€. . .

ā€˜Fodder for my critics to pick atā€™

Clinton was secretary of state during the episode, and the furor dogged her subsequent campaign for the White House. It also appeared to have cost Rice the chance of succeeding Clinton as secretary of state, as Rice wrote in her 2019 memoir, Tough Love.

That December, sheĀ asked Obama to withdraw her name from consideration, and the post went to Kerry. Six months later Obama tapped Rice as National Security Adviser, a post which unlike that of secretary of state does not require Senate confirmation. . . .

It was later revealed that the White House had advised her to focus on the video during the interviews.

In an email released in 2014Ā in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, sent two days before Riceā€™s television appearances ā€“ subject line: ā€œPREP CALL with Susanā€ ā€“ the NSCā€™s Rhodes recommended that she ā€œunderscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.ā€

In her memoir, RiceĀ wrote, ā€œI also acknowledge that there were some words and phrases I uttered on Sunday, September 16, that I wish I could restate with more precision, less certitude, or not have said at all. None of them materially changed the substance of what I said, but they offered fodder for my critics to pick at.ā€

Describing herself as ā€œa team player,ā€ she wrote that she had put the team first, and in the process did herself ā€œa disservice.ā€

(Excerpt from CNS News. Article by Patrick Goodenough. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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December 14, 2020

Almighty God,
Your Word says in Romans 13:1 AMPC, Let every person be loyally subject to the governing (civil) authorities. For there is no authority except from God [by His permission, His sanction], and those that exist do so by Godā€™s appointment.
We know that You have not appointed Biden to lead this nation. Susan Rice has been found to be a false witness who utters deceit. She is unrighteousness and not found to be in right standing with a You. Proverbs 12:17

We are standing strong in our faith for Your choice to dwell in government positions, Almighty God. Your Word declares that ā€œblessed is the nation whose God is the Lordā€ (Psalm 33:12). President Trump confesses You as his God and Jesus as Lord. We thank You for Godly leaders and we give thanks for Your plan for our nation. Forgive us for growing restless and trying to rush You,Lord. We know that Your timing is perfect and You are exposing the deep, dark corruption in our government. We know that You are not late, God!

We proclaim that Your purposes for America will come to pass and we close the door to the enemy. We declare that President Trump will fulfill the destiny You have for him in this nation. We declare that justice will run down like waters and righteousness as a mighty and ever-flowing stream over this election process, litigation, evidence, and the politicians. Amos 5:24 AMPC

When the doors of justice seemed to close on a fair election process, may all know and declare that only God could do the impossible; ONLY GOD! To God be the honor, glory, and praise. Thank You, Jesus, that You continuously move to make intercession for us at the Fatherā€™s right hand. We praise You and give You glory Jesus. In Your name we pray, Amen.

Faithe Giaquinto
December 14, 2020

I pray that none of the people that so-called President-elect Biden has picked will actually serve, including him and Harris. How interesting that Rice’s possible position would not require Senate confirmation. It is truly a sad travesty of justice that anyone who was party to her boldface lies about Benghazi would think she is worthy of any position of authority whatsoever.
Let us continue to pray for truth to reign in our country!! May God have mercy on us.


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